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Chicago elovators contain 3,511,911 bnehele of whoat; 1,686,838 busuels of corn ; 641,080 bnshels of oate ; 21G661 buahe!n of rye, and 1,103,608 buBhels oí barley, making a grand total of 7,1GO,O98 biishel, against 4,217,322 bushels at Una poriod lat year Five Sionx ehiofs, bcaring a flag cf truca, were rccently ponnced npoi by Crow BConts and murdored, witlnn a few lmndret) yards of Tongne rivor cantonment. Oen. Miloa was imlignant beyond meaeiiro at tho bloody tragcdy. .. .The Michigan Legislatura has re-ekcted Mr. Ferry to tbo United States Senate. United States Distbict Attohnet Bliss has commencod suit in the District Court of New Yotk for 150,000 against f x-Oov. Tildón, for allogcd uon-payment of incomo tax. THK WKST. A bold attempt was made at Chicago, the ether (Hy, to rob the expreua car ou tho Cliicago and Alton railroad. Tiiroe tbioves boarded the car ae the train was pulling out of tbo depot and compolied the meseengor to give up the key of the safe. The robbera, as the result ehore, were not experti?, for in a very bungling manner they proceeded to unlock the afe. Having accimpliuhtd thi, Ihoy made a hurried searoh through its contente. The treasuro account was light, not exceediDR f25,0C0, of which $19,000 was for tho I'aymaster of the Alton road at Bloomington. ín the rapil scramble for wealth, the thieveH euatched what was most prominent in sight, and in trying to fill thpir arms, dropced sevoral packago.3. Among them was one containiug $19,000 wbich was fouud on the platform. Another of Ï3 000 was pioked up on the floor, after tho robbers took thcir dcparturo. All they eucceerted in getting away withwaathe Bpringfield bug, whioh coutained valuables to the extent of $137 and a lot of draíta íor oollection. The robbers eecaped.... ThreeexcoodiDgly well executed $1,000 oouuterfeit notea hae been diBcovored iu ciroultioa in 8t. Louis Frsnklin Jloore, one of the oldcst and moat prominent merohants of Detroit, ia dead. The funeral services of the uuidentiüed viotims of tho Ashtabula dieaator oeourred in that place laat week. Ninetcon bodies woro buried in one grave The clerg y of Aahtabul, assistod by two Episcopal ministers from Cleveland, held joint services with tho Masonic order at tho gravo. Three bodiea atill reniain in the vault in tho hope that the r f rienda niay be able to idcntify them by piceos rf ciiuging chaijgiug to thom. The long drought in California hae boen tuooeeJod by copious rainp, and thero are cheerftil reporta of tho erop prospecta from all parta of tbo State .... Chicago papera announce the f ailure of W. B. Keen, Cooke fc Co., one of the oldeet book firma in the city Char.ea Collioe, Ccief Enginoer of the Lako Shoreand Michigan Southern railroad, comniitted suicide at Cleveland, & few daya ago. More or leas blarne for the Aehtal ula diaaeter bad boen placed at bis hand, and it is anppoaed that the weight of censure winch he feit sure ttie pablic laid upon bim led him to comniit the tragic deed. A report reachea Sioux City that a train coming oüt of the Blaok Hilla was recently oa,ptured by Crazy Horae'u baud of Indiana, and that twenty mon who wero with the train wero maaeacred. THE SOUTH. Mbs. Min.nii: Blazen, of Dayton, Ky., aroae from her bed tho other uijjbr, and, without aroasiüg hor husband, dreaaed heraelf, took her ten-day old infant, and, procoeding to Uie river, threw heraelf and habe iuto tho atream and waa riwned. Temporary inaanity. Hon. Geoikie Wkllk, for tho paut fiity yeara Tresident of the Farmera' and TlanU-ra' Bank of AnnapoliB, Md., ia a defaultor in the aum of $65 000. The lower houao of the Florida Legialature haa passod an act to declare and petabJiah the appointment by tho State of Florida of eloctors for rreeideiit and Vice Preaidont Throo men wero killed and aovcral dangorously woundtd, ncar Little llock, Ark., a fow day ago, by the exploaion of a boiler iu a ahingle factory. l'ÜHTIUAL. 1ÍESBB8. BtADTE, of Maine, Forry, of Michigan, and Windom, of Minneaotu, have been re-elected to the United Statea Sonate by tho LegUslaturea of their reapective States. In Arkanaas, ex-Gov. Aiiguatua H. Qarland haa been ohosen to aucceed Mr. Clayton in the Senate. The Demócrata of New Hampehiro have nomiuatoíl Daniel Maicy fox Ouvülliur. . . .TUo Republicana of the Firat and Seoond New Hampahiro Diatricts have nominatcd Gilman Maratón end Jamen Brigga for Congrega. Alvin iSandkuk haa been eleoted by the Nebraaka Legialature to aucceed Mr. Hitchcock in the United Stateb Senate. The Tennessee Legislature, on the 73d ballot, elected Jamea G. Bailey to the vaoancy in the United States Benftte caused by the death of Andrew Johnson Tho Legislature of Masas chusetta has chosen Oeorge F. Hoar as the successor of Mr. Iioutwell in the öonate from that State. It ia aaid that the method of selecting the Supreme Court wing of tho I'residontial tribunal appeare to have been one of the most diflicult probk ma to solve satiafactorüy with which the joint comruittoea found themselrc9 conf ronted. It was kuovvn or suppoaed, u& b a Washington correspondent, that Juatioes Ciifford and Field had tupported TiHen and HendrickB at the laat election. It was also kuown ani believed that the other Juatices, with the exoeption oí Davis, had suppoited Hayes and Wheeler. Tüe poaition of Justice Davis, ao far aa political biaa was conoerned, was the subject of much discussion and doubt. The Ilepub ioans gei.erally regiaedhimasaD&mocrat, and the Demócrata considered him au independent Eepublioan with Democratio proclivitiea. If the Uve aeuiir Ju atices were laken the commisaiou would ronsint of Cliflord, Swayue, Miller, Davie and Field. It was da rned that, while thiashouldbert gardedas eminently fair, it did not snit tho Kepubhcaas, who bolievú that what chances of biaa there werc were spainst them. Finally the geograpliical idea was euggefcted; and further, that it would hiirdly bo fair to take Justicea iu the Statts in which the candidatos reeided. The Chief Juatice and Juaiice Swayne reaide in Ohio, and Juatice Hunt in New York. It was then proposed that Juatices Cliffurtl aud bwayno bo taken, aud that theso ahould choose twoolhers, aud that the four tlms chosen should select tl e fif th. Tüíh did not auit all round, and tho proposition ensuod that Juatioo Ciifford, who is tho senior Juijtico, and who rtsidotj in Maiue, should be taken aa one, Juatico ötrong, who residea in Philadtlphia, and Justioe Milier, who lives in Iowa and Juntice Field, of California, as tho three othere, and these fonr should name tho fifth member of tho tribunal. Xhis proposition was at last accepted, aud it is regarded probable that the üfth membor to be choaen will be Justice Swayno or Davia. WASHINGTON. Mr. ï'ebby authorizes a conlradiction of the rumor that he. contémplate reeigning the Presidency of the Sonate. The tribunal for tho decisión of controverted queiitions growing out of the connting of the electoral votes, as proposed by tho joint committees of the two honues of Congroes, stripped of all ambiyuity and stated in unadorned Saxon, is aa follows : By agreemont the meeting to couut the voto will take place as usual in" the bali of the House. Tellers will bo appointed aa in the last count. The Vice Presient will onen tho returns, and thoae not objote3 to will be countod. In case of objoctñn pon any poiut, the queation of law and fact is to be roferrej to a oommission coiipoaed of flve membera of tho Supremo Court (Miller, StroDg, Field and Cliflord are named as four of the Justicee, and they are to select the flfth). Eih housti ia to appoint 8vo mombora in Hiich a way as to give flvo linpublican and fivo Democratie Congresimon on tho joint commisaion. Of these the Senato appoints three Republicans and two Demócrata, and the House three Demócrata and two Republicana. Tho Foar.t of Arbitration thus conatituted is to coasider all i)isputed polhts, lid ite decisión is to tand unkrs both houses cjncur in rejecting it ... All the mocoy appropriated to defray tb e expense of the Senate iuveatigatiug coomuiitoo in Louiaidna has been expended, in cjubcqueccaof whieh the committee is compolled to siwpond operitions. Ge.v. Andeuson and ex-Gov. Wells, of the Louisiana lieturmng Board, arrived in Washington tlie other day, and were immediately arroeted by the Sergeannt-Arma of the House of li&presentativo?. An officer of the House wft the eamo daj for Now Orleans to bring Kenner and Caasauavc, tho rfimaining membera of tho board, to the bar of the Houso. Odablbs Fishcb, who was recently convictcd of purloining papera from the office of the District AWorney, in the District of ColumWa, andeubBtqucntly pardoned and conveyed by bia fnends to the lunatic am-lum, has made hia escape from that iustitution. Tjie hreaking up of the ice in fio Pote mac, last week, did considerable damagp. Htveral achooners and tugs were sunk and the wharves ut Washington suatained serïons injury. A Washinoton diapatch says the Preoident hae expreseed hia intention of eigning the bill providing for counting the doctoral voto, iu case it pasees both houaea of Congreea. The WaahiDgton Chronide haa auppsndod publication The State Department has reooived notice that the Gorman Government hae determiued to abolish what aro cailed e honorary ContulatOH in the United Staten, and to oRtablitih and tnaintain nocoi:Httlat?n lionooforth except thoee to wliioh a lised ealary is attached Boverly Nash (colored)' a llajes elic'or iu South Caroliu at tho lecent el'.ction, teatiSed befcire the Senato South Csrolillft InvesiigatiDg Conamittee, tho olber day, tlint ho was ofTered $40,000 by one Child, a bankcr of Columbia, to caat hia vete for Tildón in tho electoral college. Childs deniea the story, and saya Naoh nianufaclurtd it out of whole olotb. GKNKKAL. The revival labora of Mesera. Micdy and Sankoy hayo boen brougbt to a cloae in Chicago, and the tvangeÜBta gotbence to Bobton, where a tabernacle ban boen provided for thtru. Beoorde of the work porformed iu Chicago show that 1 338 converta profoased religión directly uudur the miniai rationa of the ev&Dgeliats, whilo tho total accesaions to tbe varioiia churchea in tho city since tbO revival began namber no lose tban 2,885, Tuk United States navy nionrim tho loss of ita oldest oöicer, Roar Admiral Joseph Sinitlt, who died a few daya ago at Washington. Admiral Smitii entered the navy sixty-seven yeara ago, and made his lnst oruise at soa io 1845. The President haa given hia rcascns for not upholding the Packard Governmont aud I persing the Nicholla Governmont in Louisiana. He referred to his experience in the prompt recognition of the Kellogg Govornment three years ago, and to the fact that he was not auatained by the Ropublican Senato or the Republican party at large, and aaid that this experience had suggeeted to him the proprioty of proooediug with greater deliberation and caution in the present ínstanos. Eecent commercial failures : Michigan Balt and Lumber Compauy, Saginaw, Micb. ; Keystone Burial Caao Comtany, Sterling, 111., liabilities, f300.000 ; L. J. Biggor, paoker, Kansas City, Mo., 1500,000 ; J. B. Caya & Co., Montreal, boots and sl:oes, t80,000 ; Warren Manufa ctnring Company, Warren, SIo., woolens, $150,000... .A. strius war haa troken ont in Peunsylvania betweon tho Atlantic and Pacifio aud WeBtun Union Telegraph Com])anies, aiul t he omployca of the lattt r Corporation have been ainuaing Ihcmeelves by cutting down the palea and destroying the ñires of the Atlantic aud Ptoific. FOKEIGN. A DISPATCH from Constantinople of the 15th inat. saya : "At yeste-day'a sitting oí the conference the Marquia of Salisbury, in the name of bis European colleaguea, oommunicated to the representativos of tüo Porte the last propoaala of the Powers, whoeo demanda were reduoed aud Boftened. After mt.kiTig h8 commuuication, Lord Salisbury annouuced that if the Porte (lid not agree to the propoaala now made, ho had inatrucüons to qvut Conatantinople." Late advices from Mexico are to the effoct that the army of Iglesias haa been dtfoated and captured by Díaz' forcea. Iglosiaa hae askod to be allowed to retiro to private life. Such relica of the American Polaria expedition aa the late Engliah Arctic ezpedition, under Capt. Nares, waa ablo to fmd and trausport, were collocted together and taken to England. These curiouties havo now been forwarded by the Biitiah Government to tbe Government of the Unitcd States Howos, the defaniting City 'ïreaaurer of Óovington, Ky., has been arrented in London, Canadn. . . . A Berlín di-pateh eays negotiationB havo been reopened with Franco and there ia a probability tbat Germany will particípate in the Paris Exhi bition in 1878 A telegram from Calcutta, India, aaj s tbe cost of the relief woi ks and other meaeiirea for mitignting the famine in Madras and Bombay is L6,500,000. At a meeting of the Grand Council of tbe Ottoman Empire, Kt Conatantinople, on the 18lh of January, the propoaala of the conference wero nnanimouely rtjected arird shouts of "Death before dishonor!" There ia no opening for counter propoeala, or for a renewal of the negotiatioua in any form ; the confereuce haa annonnced its ultimatum, and the Porto will have none of it. Turkey Uaa decidod to defy all Europo, and it remaina to be aeon what all Europe, more particularly Kasaia, proposea to do about it. The feeliag in London aeems to be that Turkey must paddie hor own canoe hencefortb, without rclying upou England. The Times thinks the peace may b3 maintainod, notwitUatauding the failure of the conference Cuban advices state that two important engagotuoi.Uj Lavö rccontly bcüu fuuglll uil the island, the patriota coming off viotoriona in both affaire The rinderpcBt haa again broken out in Europe. A Beblin difspatch saya ltasia is boginning to represent to the powors that, the demanda of the conference having been rejected, it devolvea upon Europe to take more forcible proceeainge. Sbould Enrope. aa ia certain, fiud it ïmpossible to agroo on joint aotion, Busia will be able to declare that the failure of the conference ia the defeat of Europe, not of Kuaaia Aftek the formal dissolution of tho conference at Conatantinople, the Ruesiau represeutative, Gen. Ignatieff, publicly doclared that if Turkey ahoiild disregard the armiatice or tako any action hostile to Montenegro ard Servia, or if the Christian inhabitante of Turkey ahould be aubjected to any hardships, Europe woald trtat sucli proceedinga aa provooationa, and would conaider what courae ought to be adopted. . . .Travel on the railway between Shanghai and Wooiiung, China, is stoppod by nativo moto, the rails obatructed and the workmen assanlted. Tho Chinese dmlike to all material improvementa ia the cause of the diaturbance.


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