Methodists And Slaveery

TheBaltiniore Conference hasndoptod the fo! lowing resolution. An exchange paper suggest ihat it miglit have been oppropriately drawn u by Hope H. Slaitcr, ihc celebrated negro-trading Methodist of that cily. Rcsolecd, That thie con'orence t-crt-'m? katmg uny Jelloicsliip w lh aboli'tuitisiii. On the contrary, whilo it is Jeioriiiined lo nininiain ;s we 11 known and long (sahlished posición, by keepint; the iraveiling prendiera coinposin? iis own b idy from slavcry, il ia nlso determinen1 nut to huid connectwn icitk amj ccclcsitisLtcal body 'It l shull mifir slheèh fitting a eondilicn of ïiicinljir-iliij) in Clmrt:li ; bul to stand jy. aiv-l niaititain. the Discipline as it is."
African Slavery
Methodist Religion
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Hope H. Slatter