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D ETROIT, HILLSDALE & IND1ANA HAII.ROAD. To take effect December 31st, 1876. OOINO WK8T. OOINO KART. 8TATI0M8. Fr'gbt. Mail. i stations. Mail Fi'ght. A. M. F. M. w m YpHilanti.... 7:00 6:00 I A P' Saline 7:57 6:36 Bankers. 6:00 2:30 Bridgewatcr.. :30 6:56 Hillsdale ... 6:15 2:50 Manchester. 9:10 7:18 Manchester.. 8:08 6:16 p. m. Bridgewater 8:30 6:55 Hilladale. 12:35 9:17 Saline 8:50 7:30 Bankers. ... i2:55 9:30 Ypailanti.... 9:20 8:30 Trains run by Chicago time. To tuke eñeot , Dec. 31, 1876. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. To tUe Uorkinji Clatis.- We are now pr,epared to furnish all classes with ooustaut employnicnt at home the wbole of their time, or for their spare moments. Business Etew, Hghtand profitablc. Persous of eithcr sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to tbc business. Boys und girls earu nearly as much as uien. That áll who see this notice iuay sund their ad dren, and test the business we make this nnparallcled ofïcr : To such as are not woll satisfied vrill aeiul une dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full purticulars, samples worth several dollars to coinmeiice work on, and a copy of Home and Fl reside, one of the best illustrated publicatious, all sent free by mail. Kcader, if you want permanent, profítable work, addresa, Geo. Stinsos & Co., Portland, Me. Rn ji Sak. A HARE CHANCE! ONE IN A THOUSAND. I have recently come into posBesaion of the old homestend farm oí the lato Thomnu Wmid, admitted to be oiieof the tineut pin s oí ppc ty in Waahtenaw County, Gontainmg 304, Acres LOCATRD IN TfTK TOWNSTIIP OF PITT8FIELD, WITHIN ONK MILK oP ÖALINE VILLAÜE. I find I am unable to give it the care and attention that any property requires to muke ita prof-' ituble inveBtment, and havin acqtured it at a cost within itrt value, I have deteitnined to dispone of it as best I ount and símil uell the same at PUBLIC AUCTION WITHOLT BE8EBTE, Thnnsd'7. Fat. 1 5P "77 At one o'clock p. m., on the premises.Will f?Ive the length of time des i red and low ra te of interest. I will accept, in fuct would prefer, one-third cash and balance on long time. To thjsa acquaiated with the prtperty 1 need offer no recommendation. For the bem-ilt of those unarquainted I wuuld&ay its first recommendution ü tts TWO APPLE OltniAilDS O 25 A( Klis EAtH, One all Baldwins just in their prime, from which have been haiveated 2.0U0 barrels of apples in a single seaaon. With proper attention the orchards alone should yield ainple revenue to meet the yearly payments. The balance of the farm ia nusurpassed for stock giuwin, The buildings and otiier improvoments are arrftnged with a view to dividing the farm into two flne farms oí 152 acres each ïi' desired. For any further information desired, addresa me at 4t) Aldiuu Square, Chicago, 111. It19w3 I. HENNING. THE SUN. 1877. NEW YORK. 1877. The different editions of the í-"un during the next year will be the saine as during the ye;ir that has iuat pastied. The daüy edition will on week days oe a sheet f f our pages, and on Sundays be a sheet of eight pages, or 56 broad columns; while the weekly wliiion will be a sheet of eight pageB of the kw nt.' dimensión h and character that are airea dy familiar to our í rienda. The Sun will continue to be the strenuoun advo cate of reform and retrenchment, and of the uubstilutionof' statesmunship, wisdom, and integrity íor hollow pretenBe, imbecihty, and fraud in the ulminisiraiion of public affairs. It will contend for the government of the people by the people and íor the people, as opposed to government y fraude in the ballot-box and in the counting of votes, enforced by military violence. It will en deavor to supply lts readers- a body no t lar frnm a milliou ol souIh- with the most careiul, complete and trustworthy accounts of current'events and will employ for this pui pose a numeroua and curefully selocted atatf of reporters and correapondents. lts reports from Washington, especially, will be full, accurate, and fcarleea ; And it witl rlouhlleaa continué to deserve and eujoy the hatred of those who thrive by plundering the treasury or by uRurpipg what thu luw does not give them, while it will endeavor to ment the conddence of the public by defending the rights of the people aíTitinet the encroachments of unjustifled pow-r. The price of the daily Sun will be 55 cents a month or Stí.dO a year, post puid, or with the Kundny edition $7. 7O a year. The Sunday edition alone, eUht pnges, % 1 .'O a year, post puid. The Wkkkly 8un. eight pages of 56 broad colulmns, will be lurnished duhng the year U; 7 at the ra te oí $1 a yenr, post paid, The benefit of this large reduction from the previoue rate for the Wkekly can be enjoyed by individual subscribiré without the necedaity of nuikingupclube. At tt:e sumo time if any of our friends desire to aid in extendin our circulation, we shnll bii grateful to thtm, andevery auch perHon who s.'ihU us ten or more subscriben? from one place will be entitled to one copy of our paper for himself without charge. At one dollar a year, postagepnid, the expenses of paper and printing are burely prepaid ; and , cousidering the Pize of the haet and the quality of its content, we are conüdcut the people will consider the Wekki.y Sus the cheapust newpjiper published in the World, and we trust aleo one of the very beat. Address, TUE SUN, New York City, Y ij) II í jïi'iui't be made by evcry ajjent every II II llntoiitli in Ihe business we furnish, hut (II il il tl ""'Si' will'"K ( work can earn a dozen w J KJ w dollars a day in thero own localiliiïs. lliuv no room to cxptaiu iiere. Business pleasani and honorable. Woinen, and boya and iris do as wfll i s men. We will furnish you a completa ontflt free. TIn' business paya better than anything else. We will In-ar expenso of starting you. "Particulars free. Write and see. Farmer and mechantes, their sous and danghtcrs, and all claaaet in need of paying work at liomc, should write to usand toaxn all about the work at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Address, True & Co., Augusta, Maine. [Q20 Estáte of Lura L. Porter. VTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Waslitcnaw, s. Notice is h(r'by ivn. tliat (i_v ordi'r of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the 29th day of J anuaiy, A. I). 1877, six montha from tbat date were allowrd for oredlton to present their claims aainstthc estáte of Lura h. Forter, late of said couuty, deceased, and that all creditors of said decea.sed are required to present their claims to said I'robat Court, at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, for uxumination and allowance, on or before the'iOth day of July ncxt, and that sucb claims will be heard hefo're said Court on ihe 28th day of Apiil and on the 30th day of July ncxt, at ten o'cloek in the forenoou of eacíi of those days. Dated, Anu Arbor, January 29, A. D. 1877. l20 WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. Judye of Prooato. Real Kstat for Sale STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehteoaw H.s. In the m.iTter of the estáte of WillKaia H. Neeb, Mary Neeb. Kalher H N--!, and Minnie W . Nrt-b. minors : Notice ítt hort-by given, that in puLiuance of an order granted to the undercitfnod, guardiwn of entate of aid minors, by the Hun Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the twenty.iWTenth day of January, A. D. 1877, there will be oíd nt publio renda, to the htghert bidder, at the dwelling houw on the premiaea heremafter deacnbed, in the township of bexter, in the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the twentieth dy of Mnioh, A. D. 1877, at one o'clnck in the afternoon of that dny (subieot tu il! encumhrancea by mortgage or ortherwise exisiing at the time of the sale and al R subject to the right of dower of Anna Neeb, widow uf Hem y B. Neeb, deoeaaed, thereinj, the fullowiii dcscribi-d real estáte, to wit: All the right, f r Ir And interest of (taid minors to the qual undivided one-thi d of the following desnribedpiecfH or parreU of land situated in the Township of Dexter, in the County of Wanhtenaw and State of Michigan : Tho eaat half uf the northeast quarter of scctiu n iwi'inv'Mt ; the west half of tho northwest quarter of cction twenty-flre; the west half of the northeaut quarter of the northwest nuarter of section twenty-flvo ; fourteen acres on tnewent side of the ttoutheatit quarler of the northwest ■l uur ter ol section twenty-ñve ; and thirty-six and 2S-l'iO acres on the south end of the southwcwt iractioual quarter of aactlop twenty-four, oontaiuing in all two hundred and twenty-five acres and 60-100 of an iicri' ; also, a piece of land desoribcd as folIowb : Commencing at the northwest corner of the eaot half of the northeast quarter of the northwi'rtt quarter of aaid eeotion twunty-tive ; thence southerly mixty eight links; thence nortfa thirty-aeven and one-balf degres east seTenty-six links; thcTice along the seotion line to the place of beginning flfty links,- exoept ing nnd ri'MTviiiR trom tbc above described lands thirty acroa off of the west side of the eaut half of t h northeaut quartr of section twenty iix, heretofore solil to John Outokunst under contract. ALso, twenty-üvo (S0 acres ot land heretofore sold to Uenry A. Neb,and more fully decribed in a deed bearing date January lat, 1876, and recordedin the office uf the Register of Deeds for W&shtenaw County, in liber 73 of deeds, on page 616 ; exoepting also, sixteen acres of laud heretofore deeded to Charles D. Neeb, by deed, dated January Ut, 1876, and recorded in said Uegister'a Üülce. in liber 76 of deedtt on pae 622. Dated, January 27th, A. D. 1877. H20 HKNK7 HATZ, Ouardian. Estáte of Jobn Ooe. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. on Tuesday, the twenty-thlrd day of January, in the ycar one thousaud eii;ht hundred and seventy-seven. Present, William I). Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the mattter of the estáte of John Co, deceased. Or readingandfiling the petition, duly Terlfled, of Heury Coe, prayiug that Peter Cook, of Pit tfleld, inay be appoioted adminÍHiratur oí' the estáte of said dcceautd. Thereuaon it is ordered, that Monday, the twenty-sTxth day oí" Kebruary next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, be asiuned for the hearing of said petition, and that thehelr at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are rcquired to appear at a session of said court, then tobe holden at the Probate Ofllce, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, il' any there be, why the nraycr of the petitioner should not he grantca. And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons intarctfted in said estáte of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argut, a newnpaper pnnted and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, 162utd Judge of Probate. Estáte of Patrick Fay. OTATE OF MIOH1OAN, Oountyof Waahtenaw, " su. At a aesnion oí the Probate Court for the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the i'rutmte Office, in the city of Ann Arbor. on Saturday, the twenty-aeventb day of January, in the year on# thousund eight hundred and serenty-seren. Pienent, William D. Hamman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Patrick i y, decevsed Luke Coyle, administrator of aaid eitate, comes into court aud repreaenU t luit he is now preparad to render nis account of auch administrator. Thereupon it i ordered, that Friday. the twenty-third day of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenuon, be aasigned Tor exuniining and allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of luid deceased, and all other peraona interested In aaid eatate, are required to appear at a seasion of aaid oourt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city oí Ann Arbor in Haid county, tnd show cause, ii any there be, why the aaid account ahould ïiot be allowed : And it is furt lier ordered that aiiid administrator give ootioe to the persona intertui cl in aaid eatate of the pendoncy of aaid account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thla order to be publiahed in the Michigan Argut, a newspaper printed and circulating in aaid county, three succ? naive weekB previous to aaid day of hearing. (A truecopy.) WIIXIAM D. HAKRIMAN, í tí2( Judge oí Probate. Estáte of Richard Flannery. V'IATE OF MIOHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 7 ss. At a seasioD tif the Probate Court lor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, iu the city of Anu Arbor, on Monday, the tweuty-uiuth day of January, in the year oue thousand oight hundred and seventy-seven. Present, William 1). Harriraan, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Richard Flanuerf , deceased. I.uke ('oyle, administrator de bonit non of said estáte, comes loto court and representa that he is ■uw preparad to rendar hi ftnal account a such adiniuistrator. rhcrouuoii it is ordered, that Tuesday, the twenty-seventh day of Kebruary uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be a!igiied fur exaiuining and allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of said deoeased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appnar at a aession of said court then to be hulden at the Probate Office, in the cjty of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, il any therc be, why the aaid account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered that said udniinbtrator give notice to the persous interested in eaid ostatc, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing tliereof, by causing a copy of this order to bs published in the Michigan Argut, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county thrue successive weeks previous to said daï oí heariug. VA true copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. lS0 Judge of Probote. Estáte of Frederick Huson. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washteoaw, 83. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Wanhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the flrst day of February, in the ycar one thousand eight hun. dred and seventy-seven. Present, Williain D. Ilarriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Frederick Huson, deceased. On reuding and filing the petttion, duly vorified, of Fredericlc C. Huson, praying that a certain instnuneut now on file in this court, purporting to be the iast will and testament of said deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that Chauncey H. Millen and Philip Bach raay beappoiutedexecutors thereof. Tharaupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the twenty-seveuth day of February, 1877, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assignèd for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees. iegatees, and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons intere cd in said estáte, are required to appear at a aession of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbur, and show cause, if any thero be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further orilored, that said petitioner give notice to the persons intercsted in said estáte, of the pendency ol said petitlon, and the hearing thtjreof, by causing a copy of this order to be publiahed in tho Michigan Argus, a Dewspapor printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. W 11. HAM D. HARR1MAN, [A truc copy.] 1620td Judge of Probate. Chanoery Sale. IN PURSUANCK and by virtuo of a decreO of 1 theCirciutCourt for the County of Waahtenaw, -In Chancery; made and entered on the twelfth day of April, A. D. 1876, in a certain cnuse therein pending, wherein HilaaH. Douglaa ie the coinpliunant, und August Widenmann, Pauline Wulenmann, and James B.Gott are the defendanta : Notico is herehy given that I, Charles R. WhUman, one of the Circuit Court Comroiasioners for thu County of Waehtenaw, Michigan, wiïl aell at pub lic auction or venduo, to the higheat bidder, at the frontdoor (being the South door) of the Court House, Ín the city of Ann Arbor, in naid county, on the nineteenth day of Maich .A. D. 1877, at twelve o'clock noon of that day, all that certam piece or parcel of land, debigunted and deacribed a lot number ten, In block number four south of Hurun streut, and range number foui fust, in the city of Ann Arbor, in tbe County of Washtenaw. and State of Michigan. And also, another piece or purcel of land situated in said city of Ann Arbor, bounded anddescribed aa follows to wit : Bounded on the eut bj Fourth atreet, on the aouihwest by Packard atreet, and on the north by aaid lot number ten. Dated, Aun Arbor, February 1, A. D. 1877 CHA8. R. WHITMAN, Circuit Court Com., Wushtenaw Co., Mich. A. Felu h, öolicitor for (-'omplainant. 1620 Chancery Sale. IN PUR8UANCE and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for the County of Waahtenaw, -In Chancery, made and entered on the twelfth day of April, A. D 1876. Ín a certain cause theruin pending, wherein Elisha Jones is the complainant, nndMortimer Koot and Sarah J. Root are the defendnnta: Notice ia hereby given that I, Charlea R. Whitman, one of the Circuit Court Commissionera for the County of Wushtenaw, Michigan, will Bell at public auction for'vendue, to the highest bidder, at the front door (neing the öouth doorj of the Court House, iu the city oi Ann Arbor. in aitid oounty, on the nineleenth day of Marcb, A. D.18T7, ut 12 u'clui'k ninüi of t hm dtiy , all those crrt uiii pie oes 01 pnrculu of land uit' ated in the townihipof Salem, in t lic ' 'iMini.y Of Wü-htiMiiw. ftiid St.'iti of Michigun, knuwu and descnbedas follows, viz : Firnt, i li. (uut half of the northwest quarter of sectiun twenty-eight. Senond, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarler of bection twenty-nine. Third, the enut half of the northeaet quarter of section iwenty nine, all being in towusbip one south of rane auven east, containing one hundred and eigïity-one neren more or leas. lutedt Ann Arbor, February 1, A. D. 1877. CHAS. R. WHITMAN, Circuit Court 'ora., Waabtenaw, Co., Miüh. C. B. ifiiAM1. Solicitor for Complainaot. 16'0 Coramissionera' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wnshtanaw, au. The undorsigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, i '(niimissidiierri to p'imiw, exiimino and adjuut uil claims and deinundti of uil pi-rsoim against the estato of Wi liam Uurkhart, late of eaid county, deceaaed, huruby i;ive notice that six months from date are nllowed, by order of said Probat Court, for creditors to preeent their olaima nfrainat the estute of said deoeased, and that tlu y will meet at tin1 reBidence of stiid deccaaed, in the town of Lyndori, in aald oounty, on Mondaythe 16thdayof April and on the löth day of July next, at ten o'clock A. M., of each of unid (laya, to leceive, examine and ii'lj'iHt said claims Dnted January 15th, A. D 1877. HKNBY M, TWAMLEY, WALTJfiR WEBB, 1618w4 Commluionen.


Old News
Michigan Argus