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IF YOU WANT A GOOD OVERCOAT AND WANT TO BÜY IT CHEAP, UO TO WM. WAGNEft'S For He i Selling OvercoatS at Cosí. IF YOUR BOY WANT8 A BOX OF COLLARS KKNH HIM 10 YM. VAGNER'S FORTHERK HE CAN üET THEBESJ' FOK THE LKA8T MONEY. IF YOU WANT ACxOODSUTT MADE TO ORDER, go to WM. WAGNER'S 21 South Main 8r. Ann Abbob. A DOLLAR SAVED 1 IS A DOLLAR KARNED ! NEW GOODS 1 And prices LOWER THAN KVEK. I have purchased in New York. for ciish, 8nd I am now duily receivine one of the Isrgeat and most select stocks of Grocerics in Wushlenaw County, consisting of a full and well selected LINE OF TEAS, AU of the new erop- including i.iiiiliuuilirs. I ui per ia 1, Younff II) - mouh, II; suns, Japan, Oolonra, for. inosas, 1 uii-t.iis. üouchouft, and l' nuku) s, Touether with a full line of COFFEES, consistïng of the tollowinir branda: MOCHA, OLD GOV'TJAVA.MAKACAIHO, LAGUA YKÈ.SANTOS nd HIO, both roaated and ground ; a full nd well selected stock of SUGARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everyfhinff in the line cf Pure Spices, Canned fruits. and Vegetables. We have a full and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Alio, n choice aasortment of Ludiea' and (Jentlenien't Underwenr Cali n&d examine Üoods aud i'rkuit and we will imuresatiafaction. EDWARD DUFFÏ. " Haynard's Block, cor. Main and Ann etreeti Ann Arbor, Mich. fcyniu'het cub pri paid for 11 farm producá, "gt i LTHE ENEMY OF DISEASeT THE FOE OF PAIR TO MAN AND BEAST. In IbeGrnnd Old MUSTANG LINIMENT Whioh has stoort the lest of fort y jtut, Thie i noSore lt will not heal, no Lsmenam will not cure, no Ache, no Puin that attücJ iiï Human HiKly, or the Body ol n Hors or oiherï! meatie animal, that does not yield to ita nt touch. A bottle coftting 25c., 50c, or 1.0(j hu ra tn aved the life of a human heing, mïntU. to Ufeand unef ulneu man; s valuaule horw, THE OLD RELIABLE Fire Insurance C. H. MILLEIM, HOME OF NEW YORK, Capital and Surplus, $6,000,00(1, CONTINENTAL OF N. ï., Capital and Surplus, $3,000,000, ITZAGARA O7 1T? Cash A8sels, $1,500,000. GIRARDOFPhil adclphia., Cash Assets, $1,000,000. ORZXXTT of Hartford Cii1i AsspIs, $800,000. Policies iosuud at as low ratea u i: nny respousible Company. C. H. MILLEN. No. 4 Sonth Mam Street, Arm Arhor. DINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERÏ -AKDKLOUK &, FK.BM) TO8B, We keep comstantly on nnnd, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE kd RBTAILTRADL We flhall alno keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT CJO'8 BE8T WHITE WHBil FLOUR, RYK KLOUK, BUCKUWUliAT FLOUK. CUKN MKAL, FEED, Ac. &O. At Wholesale and retail, A general stock ol GHOCKKIKS A.M) PROVISIÓN constantly on haud. whioh will be sold on as sonable terme au at anj other houee in thiicily. Cah paid for Butter, Egga, and Country Vroiarf ifutuniiljy. mir Qoods delivered to any pnrt of ttitciVjuiÜ out extra charge. KI.VSKY & SEABOLT, Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1S76. 15S4 TREES! TTRÜS!! FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL R. G. SMITH, at hls Nursery, West Libutj street, ia ready to takc and fill orders lor fruit ui ornameutal trees, includtng Apples, Pears, Peaches, PlumS) ( lier ri i's, Quinces, Evergrems, Horso Uliestnits, KUiuarnock llows, Grapea, Srrial 1 Frults, Boses, te Oruamental Shrnbs. KSBuy of resident dealers, and don't becbett ed bjr unknown travelinfr agente."S) Pricca to Suit the Time. R. (i. SMITH, Ann Arbor, Deo. 20, 1876. H!' INSÜItANCK 0OMP1M Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assuts Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in ■'■' Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includin? Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Nut Surplus over Liabilitios, including Kü-Insuranco and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agent, AnirArbflr pEORGE W. CEOPSEY, Late of the firm of Clark 4 Cropskt, 1 ■}; Keabsky, late of Texaa, under the firin " KEARNEY & CROPSEÏ Have eatablfshed theraselves at No. 33 S0.1' Mul ii St., Aun Arbor, and propose lo " general Crocery Business Thejr wlll also keep CROCKERY, LA;ïLSc WOUDEN WARE, and a full line of MlMÍ' „j and FOKEIGN FB0IT8. They have filtw furuinhed A First-class Eating Dep1"1' ment, Where Meáis can be hud at all boiirs, or b ■ the weck. Catb p.-iiii for Hutier, Eug,11'.. Country produce. Ciood proraptlf Ju I ered In oy part of tho city. Rnneinber 11' V1 33 South Main Merecí. ' KKARSKV & CKOPSSVAnn Arbor, April 26, 1876. jSWj BïcFsiriïSak Í OFFER FOR SALE ray Brick Store, Corn,, Huron Bil Kourth streets, oppns" zLm otcl. Thls Is one of the most desirable "J5 locatlons in the city, and wlll be sold ?ïi j, 1598 JOHN li. üAW City ScavengerTHE underdgned offers his serviees M f 'ejr.ï Vaults, ccsapoolg, etc, cleaned .".Ylt reasouable prlcc9. Orders niy be l ,hrún(i!i Siekel's mcat market, State streel, or 'n'i[Os. Lhe PoatotUae. W. AC1 Ann Arbor, Not. 3, 1876. L1 ) Alny t hom. Aeenti jii 5 1 ft and tirmt ir. TBUfi 00.. Au"


Old News
Michigan Argus