Temperance In Ann Arbor

Mr. Ilyde has spent about a week with us: and truly it was surprising to sec what rh intérjB3t va; still felt arnong our citizens on the subject oÃ' Tcmpcrace. - Mr. Hyde isa W'ashfÃitbÃiiaü - a rcclaimed drinker, but unlike somc farmer Washingtonians, he goes for the enfbrecmcnt of the laws against selling intoxicating poisons, We are happy to say that in this sentiment almost the wholc community coincide. The Cuurt House was fillcd to ovcrflowing ahuost evcry night. Mr. Hyde on Sunday gave lecturcs on the Bible doctrine of Tempcrance. We never tliought before that the Bible was so strong Ibr Tetotalism. Mr. Hyde also organizeda LadJcs Tempcrance Society. It now cornprises 280 members. In the public meetings, a unanimous expression of the wish of the citizens for the discontinuance of the sales of liquor was obtained, and a cornmittee visited every place in town where it was sold, for the purpose of remonstrating with the venders, and inducing them to abandon the illegal trafiic. The reception of the committce in different places was various. - Somc dealers would give up the business if others would: sonic werc willing to , ave up the sale of all but beer and eider: somc would not converse on the subject at all: somc plantod themselveson theirconstitutional rights to sell liquor: and one dealer seized an axehelve and drove the Commiltee out of bis shop. Mr. Cook of the lia Faycltc House bas banisbed the poison from bis premises, and will hercaftcr keep a Temperance House. The sum of 1,000 dollars was raised by subscription among the citizens to be expended, if necessary, in enforcing the law against venders undcr the direction o! a committee of Ten. I There is a unanimity on this subjec arnong our citizens beyond what we hac 1 anticipated, and it augurs favorably for ef ficient action. The people of AnnArbor at the ballot box, have repeatedly forbid den the trafiic: in large public meetings they have expressed lheir disapproval o it: and thcy have sent a Committee to remonstrate with cach dealer in the town Can any thing more be done by mora suasion? Have not all its powers been exhausted? The question now is, shal the laws be enforeed, or shall a few rum selléis be permitted for the sake of a littlc gain to them, to overridc all law, toseta dofiance the oft repeated wishes of theii fellow citizens, multiply paupers anc crimináis, and continue to pour forth through all this community the balcfu! curses aitendant on their illegal trafile? This is a simple question plainly stated. The citizens of Ann Arbor must answer it.O The LadÃcs of Buflulo are w Jo awake on Temporalice. A Inte nuinbcr of the J'ilot con taina ihe nnme ofl,G00 Lidies of tliat city, annexed to qii nppeal to thc voters, on ihc Liccnse quc8tion, which wns decided nn thc lüili inst. - Mr. Millard Ftllnioreappears as one of the prom'neiit leaders of ihc enterprise. Succces to thc ladies, wo 8ay. We nre glad to see theni 01 work for the subsiantial benefit of fitciety. - Lei no aristocratie oÃd bachelor sneer al tlicm m being out of their place. Their place is, or siiotilJ bc, to do good wlierover thoy can. The proprietors of thc sicamor Brunswick have been fined $100 in tlie U. States Court, at St. Louis, for conveying ctlors, conirary to a provisión of the aw regulating mails.