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Agricultural And Domestic

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To DestroyLice. - There arevarious speciücs ; among the simplest and most (ffective are these : Put two ounces of powdered Jobelia seed into a quart of boiling water ; let the deooction stand a few hours, and, wïth a sponge, wash the skin night and morning. Here is another : Take lingeed oil, one ounoe ; Pyroligynous acid, four ounces ; spirits of turpentine, one ounce. Apply two or three times a day. Wlien the vezmin have disappeared, the skin should be washed thoroughly with soap ani water. The animáis should be Hberallj fed -mtb nutritious food. Dividends. - Many farmers look upon other men who get immensely rich out of business as ín very mueh mote fortúnate circumstances than themselvep, and stáll there are very few kinds of business that pay regularly better dividend oa inyestments in improvements thiwa in rarming. Take, for instaace, tite drainng. It ig the universal tesrtimony of :hose who have made investmefits in it ;hat the money is ref anded in three or f erar yeais. A. railroad investment thafc wouid pay 20 or 30 per cent. on the investment would be a remarkable corporation. Still this is what money pat into tiledrainage returns. Tö Present Mice ntoüf Gïrdwn( Fntirf-TftfcE.- A. correspondent of the Western Rural, giving hia experienee with this pest of the orchard, tells how he cleared nis orchard, a follows : " Find where the mice burrow aïound in the orchard and dig a hole theie twenty inches deep you woiale for 9 feööe-post ; mke the eides smooth ; throw iü aii apple. Tha miee will go in and they cannot get out. I eateh f rom one to five per day ia eseh hole tuatiS they are all gone. I have had abnndant experienee in this tnethod; aad know ifc to be successful. Soon as the cat find it out, you need liave no further troobfe abont teking them out. She will attend to that matter." Lazy FAKMBKa.- Laziness prevents a man from getting off his borse to put oq the first rail that gets kDocked ofF the fence, and through this lazy negleet a whole field of corn isseriously damaged. Laziness keeps a man from driving one nail whefi one would do, and finally cost a Catpeöfer's bilí for extensivo repairs. Lazineös rHws gate to be off the hinges, to lie iíi the mud, oi stand propped by rails - or a stabie or a baris to leak and damage hundreds of dollar' worth of provender. Laziness, in short, is the right and proper name for ninefóirëh of the excuses given for bad farming. Brtt fr the most proliflc of the many wastes that are dne to laziness i the waste of ignorando. Waterproof Blacking.- 11 ever one needs fi good, water -proof blaeking for boots and shoes, it is at this time of sleet and snow. The following recipe for making a water-proof biacking comea to us highly recommendod ; Dissolve aï. ownce of borax in watei and ín this ilissolve gwni shellac until it is the consistency of thin paste; add lampblackto color. This makes a cheap and excellent biacking for boots, giving them the polish of new leather. The shellac makes the boots or shoes almost entirely water-prooi. Camphor di; solved in aisohol, added to the biacking, makes the Leathef more pliable and keeps it from racking, This is sold at 50 cents for a 3mall botüe. By making it yourself, Jl will buy jaaterials for 8 gallon, Seasonable Hints. - Be sure to have the groiuid where you put onions nexfe 3pring rich, and, to make it so, cover ifc 3ver with manure now, run it over in the spring, and rake off all the coarse parts. Throw your coal ashes around youi rruit trees and under the currants and ;ooseberries. Don't throw away or sell wood ashes, but use them around ?our peah. and othtr fruit trees. a escaping, and kiTI the grubsT [f not done before, trim currants, jrapes and gooseberries ; cut up the juttings six to ten inches long, and bury Oelow frost for spring setting. Ihere is nothing better for hot-beds ;han leave mixed with barn-yard marnre, as they produce heat for so kmg a me. We advise hauling now from die woods and throwing them under ;he horses and cattle. To grow jood roots from cuttings of quinces, jurrants, gooseberries, flowering skrubs, stc., it is well to take off the suttings flrst open, spell and bury in Barth, so they will callous over before planting out in the spring. Cut scions af apples, peais and cherries now, and bury m sand for graf ting. Abont the House. A certai way to keep ants from of the string with the kerosene oú every few days. BAKfcD TAPI00A.-Soak eight tablespoonfulsof tapioca in a quart oí wm water or mük, till sof t; then ad dh table-spoonfuls of melted butter, fave eggs w'ellbeaten, spice, wï to taste. Bake in buttered dish, and without lining. To Whiten the Complexiok.- Squeeze a little lemon juice on a .soft, wet rag, and pas the rag over the faco a number of times before retmng at nigbt. Kepeat the operatiou a i olteii during the following day as yon find it convenient, allowing the jmoe of the lemon to dry on the face. In a week or so you will experienee great benent. Flahnkt. Cakes.-Míx three tablespoonfuls of flour with one pint of cream;add two eggs, aad beat the whole well till quite smooth ; then add slowly half a pint of new milk mto which has been put teaspoonful of baking powder. Beat all wel together, and f ry with lard, a little of wtach shou d bemade hot for each cake Bat with powdered sugar, mixed w!th cmnamon or grated nutmeg. Bbown Soup fob Invalids.- Take one table-spoonful of flour and. brown it put it in a bowl and mix with it one ounoe of butter, stir them together to a smoolh paste; then add halt apuito boiling water, with a slice of toasted bread cut in small pieces and juat enough salt to taste ; if approved, a little black pepper may bo added. When animal food is forbidden, tkis may be uaed as a substitute for a rieber soup. Tre Mumps.- In mild cases very little treatment is required. Keeping the face and neck warm, avoiding exposure to cold and damp, drinking warm ïafusions of balm, spearmint or sage, and taking occasionally, if there be some severity of symptoms, four to six grams of Dover's powder, or the compound powder of jalap, if there be costivenesa, ia about all that is required. The diet should be very light and simple. Indiak Meai Dotiqhnuxs.- A teacupf t,l and a half of boiling mük poured over two teacupMs Indian meal; when it cools add two cupfuls wheatflour one of butter, ono and a halí of sugar, three effga and a tablespoonf ui nntmeg or rannamon; if not stiff enongh, add equal portions of wheat and meal; let it rise till very light; roll it about half au inch thiok; cut it into small diamond-shaped cakes, and boil them in hot lwt Homeopathy appears to be makmg headway in Franco. From statistics just publishodby the Academy of Science wo learn that there are seventy homeopathie doctors in regular practice m Pto ■" over 300 in the provmees. SuicelSüJ ♦Uree homeopathie hospitals have been J junded- two in Paris and one in Ljons,


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