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jyjiss bia?í tik m. miuíEB, Teacher of the Piano. Instruction giren at the residence of the pupil if desired. For terms inquire at residence, No. 48 South State street. 1614in3 Sewing Machines THE SINGEE, ÏTEW DOMESTXC, And th.e HOWE, And several good Second-Hand Machines at the SEWINti MACHINE OFFICE, Ann Arbor. Also Needles for all Machines The Tery best that are made, and attachmeuts and parts for nearly all machines. S1NGER MACHINES Rspaired better therc than anywhere else in America. If your machine don't work well, trade it for one that does, or have it repaired. All machines sold on easy payments at the office. Second door east of Post Office, Ann Arbor, micb. (1556) I. L. GRINNELL, Agent. FOR SALE ! Sloue Lime, Water Urne, Cleveland Piaster, A Plastering Hair, eith. er at mj Lime Kiln or at my shop. J. VOLLASl. FARMERS. WOOD W.AJSTTED In exehange for Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Treveline BhKb, Horse Blanket, Whips, Gloves wid Mittena, etc, at my harnesa Bhop. J. VOLLAND. Utfimt GEND S5c. tpG.P, EOWKLL A CO.. New York, O for pamphlet of 100 paes, containiug lit of 3(K)0 newspaperi, and eatimates hoing ooit oladertisiny. rpo RENT. The Brick Store on the Northeast corner of Main and Liberty streets, belonging to the estáte of John m?abfer' Loa"on good, and terms reas. . . T C. MACK, Adininistrator. Ann Arbor, Jan. 25, 1877. 1619tf AND SKK THE JACKSON TRÜSS BOD WAGOJÍ Also, the New Ríeht-Hand Burra 11 Irou Corn Shelter, at M. ROKERS'. pASHIONABLE DRESS JIAONG. Mrs Wood invites the ladiea of Ann Arbor and Jicimty to cali at her Dress-Makinfr Room, over the store of Rinsey Sc Seabolt, Washington street. A full hne of new and latest styles of patterns constant ly on hand. Quality of work warranted, and pnces made to suit the times. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. BSTRACTS OF TITLEs! The undersignefl, Eegisler of Deeds, will promptly and carefully make Abstracts of titles, From the Original Eecords, For Attorneys, Agrents, Owners, or Purchasers. io pains will be spared to frive a complete chainof title, and show all encumbrances. Charges reasonable. , . CHAS. H. MANLY. Ann Arbor, January 10, 1877. 1617. THE HILL FARM FOR SALE. Adjoining the West line of the City of Ann Arbor, in townahip two south of range six east, comprising the east half of the northeast quarter of section nineteen ; and that part of the west half of töe west half of the northwest quarter of section twenty, lying north of the turuiiike: in all 100 42-100 acres, witb House, Barn, an iïnfailing Spring of Water, And about Hfty acre well improved ; flrst clas land and situation beautiful. Two-thirds of the purchase money may remain on the land thiee to flve years. For terms apply to GEO. E. HAND Ot H. J. BEAKES, Detroit Anu Arbor. I574tf $900m"i?,hí h t mmths '" B?d ' On indutTOD yonne man hu iinljï f.;uïï,ln S4 montliK-fl-om August tujanu.rjoanvaksinB for the Ulustratert " Ilf-DOOR iKD OüT," prlce ti 1.50 por pnnum includlnR nyon oí tlw ün olí chromOB, "On tha Junlata," ''American Harveat," or "TlrRln Vesta," each22xJ0 trcai1?o?,lflAc{!íaTíoannteAllrnMr.?oT?,OUnglotQÍ-'a' Prlntlng Co.. 74 A 76 Randolph StM Cnloago, i circular free. Sample paper fi cta. I'" to ük'ft Perday at home. Samples worth #t lo O-wUii íree. Stikso & Co., Portland, Me. 1673 .


Old News
Michigan Argus