
-We are requesled toi ion tliat a coloree! man, namod James Robinson, nnd his wife, caine into Livonia lasi Junuary, and pretendingto have escaped froni Slavery, libaral donations were made for thelr assistance, and they were placed in a comfortablesituation lo live. The man has proved every way unworthy of the aidgiven Ijim, squandering his menns for, and his neighbors thtuk he is an imposlor. He lÃas since left for parÃs unknown. He is nbout five feet seven inches high, stout built and active, and gentlemanly in his appearance, and will doubtlessattempt to make oontributions in other places, as he has recominendaüons from antislavery men. The friends should be extremely careful about giving certificaten of character to thoso vvhom they do not know, becauso every time the public find that hey have been imposed upon, they are ess inclined to give even to the deserving and worlhy. On Alonday, a bil! was passed, appropriating -$100,000 and authorizing the governor to cali out a volunteer force jiot exceoding 20,000, f n liis opinión, it shall become neceseary, to dcfend the state and iroJéct tho property of its citizens. The bijl passed tho Senatc, yeas 12, nnys 3, (Allen, Dentón nnd Smith) ; in tho House voas44; nays2, (Chubb and Parsons.)