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" l'iiiip,slional)ly thft bost siisfino Work or Ihe kind In the World." HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILL.USTRATJBD. Notütetofthê Preti. The Magañnt baa attaincd in Ha ono quarter een tury nul "mort; o' existenoe to that poini where i nuiy be Baid ol lt, in the langunge f Dr. Johnson " lt ia vtiin to Mame and uselesB to praiae." Th lustre of its long-ago-attained reputation han in i'if.vH-'l afe the yoiii'H i ave pasaed, and ita futur seeni as bright if not brighter, than at any tiia ainco the golden huu of prosperity aettled aroun ita latter and best years. lirooktyn KagU. Harprr's Mnnlhty is m;irktd by the eame charac teristics whicii gave lt ciiculation from the tn witli ht'Uur eins of readers, lt combines re ad iiiir muiter und ïllustratinii in such a intmnor as t nutke olear and vivid the fftcts presentad. Pifl tin-s merely deffLned toc-ttch the ey; of thü iguo riwit aro uever inserted- Chicago Journal. TERMS: FO&TAOK FRKETO ALI. Si MCHI IIERS IN THE UUITK bTATEB. Harpeu's Magazine, one yenr, - $4 00 400 inoludM prrpaymout of U.S. posUge b the pubhshera Subscriptione toHBPKR'a Magazine, Wf.eklt aud Bazar to one addrew one year, $10 00; or, tw of Harper's Feriodicals, to one addrosa lor on year, $7 00- poatage free. Au extra copy of either the Magazine, Wkfki.y or Bazar will bo snpplied gratia for every club o flve BubsjribtT at $4 'O each, in one rvinittance or aix copies for $2U, without extra copy- postag free. liack numbors cao be supplied nt any time. The VolumeH oí the Magazine commence wit the nunibera lor June aud December of eich yoar Subscriptions may comraence witli any number When no time is öpeeifled, it will be understoed tha the aubscriboi wishes to conimence with the ürs number of the cuirent volume, and back nurabei will be sfiiitaccordicgly. A complete set of Hakper's Magazine, now OOmpriaiQg ö'S volumea, in nunt cloth binding, wi be sent by exprew, freight at expense of purchaso for $L 25 per volume. Single volumes, üy mai postpaid, $3 00. Clolh casea, for binding, bymai pos(paidi 38 cents. A complete analytical index to the flrat fift; volumes of Haki'Er's Magazink has juut bee published, renderinfr availablo for reíerence th vast and varied woalth of information which con stil u tea thia periodical a perfect illuntratcd liierar cyclopedia, 8vo, cloth, Ü 00 ; half calf, 5 25 Sentpostage rrepaid. NewíípHperaare not to copy this ad vertisemon without the expret-a order of Habpkb & Buoth EBS, IMS A.ddre HARFER & BROTHERS, New Turk. Kstate of Samuel A. Morgan. LiTATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw vi ss. At a session oí the Probate Court for th County of Wasbtonaw, holden at the Probate Ol ftcc in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, th ninth day of February, in tbc yoar one thousaiu cight huñdred and seventy-seven. Present, William D. llarriman, Judge of Pro bate. In the matter of the catate of Samuel A Morgan deceased. William P. Fanning, administrator of íaid estáte comea Into court and representa that hu is now pre pared to reuder bis final account as enen admfnla irator. Thercupon it is ordcred, that Wednesday, th fourteentn day of March next,at ten o'clock i the forenoon, be assigiHtl for exanünlpg an allowing such account, and that the hetrsat law o said ïeceased, and all othei persons Lnterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a Beseion o said conrt, then to be holden at the Probate Offli in the City of Ann Arbor, In said county, am show cause, if any there be. why the said accoun should not oe allowed : And it is furtuer orderei that said administrator give noUceto the porsoi intetested In Baid estáte, of the peudency of saii account, and the hearing thercof, by canslng copy of this order to be puhlisheil In the Michigai Argtu, a nevspaper printed und olrculatlng ín sai county, tlireu succesáive wetika previous to sai day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) WILLTAM D. HA.RUIMAN", 1622td Judge of Probate. Kstfitu of Noith 1Í. (j-atRS. STATE OF MICHlüAN, county of Waahtnaw as. At a seasion of the Probate Court for th counf y of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Otfic in the city oí Ann Arbor, on Friday, the nint day of I'ebruary, in the year one thousand eigh hundred and seventy-aeven. Present, William Ü.Harnman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the etitate of JSoah R. GatoB, deceased. Adalinc (ratea and Silas Cornisa, exeoutors of the last will and testament i' said deoeased] come into court and represent that they are now prepaml to rendcr their final account as such exectitors. Thereupon it is ordcred . that Wednesday, the foorteenth day of March uext, at tn o'clock in the forenoon, be assisned for examining and nllowinjz such account, and that the devísete, legRtees and lieirB at law of anid decensed, and all otlier peraont interested in said catate, are roQuired tt appear at a aession oíaaid Court, then tobe holden at the Probate Oflice in tho city of Aun Arbor, in naid county, and show cause, if any thert be, why the said nccouut should not be allowed: And it is furthev ordered that said execuUirs jrive notice to the persons iu teres ted in said estáte, of the pendency of aiud account, and the hearing thereof, by causingacopy of this ordor to be pnblished in the Michigan Arguxt a newspaper priuied and circuluting in iaid c)unty, three successive weeks previoua t naid day of hearing, (A true copy-i WILLIAM. D. HARIU.MA.N, 16ii2td Judpe of Prob;ite. Comuiissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtonaw, . The underaigned havinpr been appointcd by the Probüte Oourt for said cmintj 1,'ommisaioners to receeive, examine and udjust all claims and demandu oí all persona against the estate of Eugene B. Hinmun, late of eaid county, deceitsed, hereby rive notice that aix montha from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Oourt, for creditors to preeent their claims ajiainst the estáte of aaid deceased, and that they will meet at the reaidence of Mra Alta Hinratin, in the townehip ol' Ypailanti, in said county, on the óth day of M;iy, and on the Gth day of August, next, at tt-n o'clock a. m. of each of said daya, to receive, examine and ad j iist aaid claioia Üated February (i, A. D 1877. W. IliVINO YGCKLEY, CIIAKLEÖ HÜLMKS, 1G22w4 Commistïioners. Estáte of Lura L. Porter. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby givon, that by order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtc-naw, made on the 29th day of J anuaiy, A. D. 1877, six montha from that dato were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estatt; of Lura L. Porter, luie of said county, deceased, and that all credïtors f said deceased aro requlred to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in the City of Adh Arbor, for exainiimtion and allowance, on or before the80th day of July next, and that such claims will be heard hefure said Court uu Ihe 28th day of April and on the SOth day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ot" each of those days. Dated, Ann Arbor. Jannary 29, A. D. 1877. 1620 WILLIAM D. HAltHIMAN, Judte of Probate. Hortgagü Hale. DEFAULT haring been made in the eonditions of a certain raortgage, betirinf? date the eighth dayol August, one thouaand eight hundred and sixty-eight, nmde and executed by John Wylde and Mary S. Wylde, his wife, both of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, to llobert J. l'rice, of the same place, and recordtd in liber thirty-eight of mort# iiea . on page five hundred and two, on the 14th day of September, A. D. 18G8, at eight p. m. of sid dny, in the office of tho Register of Deed for Washtenaw County, Michigan, aud there being claimed to be due and owing on said mortage and the note accompanyinff the aame, tlie sum of six hundred and twenty-flve and 55-lOOths dollara at the date of thia notice, also nn attornoy's fee of twenty dollars as provided for in said rnortiraL'e, nnd no procfedinyft at law or in equity having been inwtituted to recover the sorae or any part liieröof : Notice is thercfore hereby given, that by virtue ef the power ol sale in said mortffage oontained, aiid the statute in such cafes made and provided, I wi 1 sell at public auction or venduetothehighest bidder, on Snturday,theTWELFïJi day of Mat, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of Baid day, at the south door of the Court Houae, in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the placo for holding the Wanhtenaw Circuit Coort), the pre tni&et m Baid mortgage deecribed aa folluws: ' All that certain picce or part-el of land Pituate in the city of Aun Arbor, Waaht-tnaw County, Michitm, bounded and described a follows : Boin lot number two (2) in block two (2j aouth of Hurou street. range eleven east," to satiwfy the amount due on aaid mort gage and note, with the interest accruinc thereon, and tito costa and expenaes altoved by law, toether with said attorney'a fee. February 12, 1877. KOBERT J. PUTCK, D. Cramer, Mortgiigee. Attorney for Mortgngec. Mortgage Salo. DEFAULT havfng been made in the conditlons of ii ciTtain mortgage, hearing dftte the sixth day of April, in the year one thousand eight bundivd and aixty-elifhtj made and exenuttid by Joho Wylde and Maryo. wylde, bi tin; city of Ann Aroor, Waahtenaw County, Michigan, to Robert J. f'rici, of the sanie place, umi reoordód ín the Office of the Klister of bceds of said Washtenaw kq d tv, in llber tbirty-t'iglii of mortgage, on page three huadred and twenty-alx, on ninfch daj of April, A, D. 18tW, at ono p. M. of said day, and thert. lit'in clalmed i" be duc and owlng on said innrtyaii'. ;ilil' ''"' noto nccoinpanyine the Barae, the suin of eleven liundred and eighty-three ($ltt88) dollars 'at the date of this aottce, alsOan attorney'a fee of tliirty dollars, as ptOTlded fv in said mortgage, and qo proceedinga at luw or In oqolty having beeo Insututod to recover the samo or any part thereof: KToÜce i therefore boreby given that by virtue of a power of sale in suid mortgage ooniaioed, and tho statute tnauch c:lsl' made and proTÍded, i win BéU at pabilo auetion or vendue to the bighest bidder, on Batunlay the twelfih day of May, A. D. 1877, at eieren o'clock in the 'orenoon of said day, at the Bouth door of the Couri House, in the city of Aun Arbor (that boing he place for holding the Circuit Court for the Coanty f Washtfiuiw), t.he prtMnisfS in ;iid tuurtcago 'ir'M-ribt'd, wbicli premisos are :is foQows: All bat curtain piece or parcol of land sttuate in the it.y of Ann Arbor, Washteiiaw Coanty and State i oflohigan, known and described as fllows; BO nglol Dumbertwoin block two sonthof Huroa trodt, range eleven '-ast, to aatJtfy the amount due n Bald mortgage and nota, with the Int6res1 aojutng thereon and thL costa and '■?; penses allowcd iy law. togethor wlth said attorney's fee. "Datt-d, Irbrnary :i, 1877. KOJïEUT J. PRICE, D. Ckamrr, Uortgagee. Attorney Ur Mortgaec. 1621 Teacher of the Piano. Enstruction given at the residence of the pupil ff For lunus inquira at resideuce, No. 48 South State ïvct. 1614m8 Sewing Machines THE SHTCEB., NEW DOMESTIC, And th.e HOWE And st'voiiil kkh1 Sooond-Hand Machinos at th 8EWINQ MACHINE OFFICE, Auu Arbor. Al Needies for all Machines The very best that ar? made, and attachments an parts fOZ iif;u ly all m:n h In-s. S1NGER MACHINES Rspairod bet tor therc tban anywhere élite. I America. If your machiuedou't work well, trad it for ono that dO6B, or have it repairtd. All ma chines aold on easy paymenU at the office. Second door eait off Post Off fice, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1536) 1. 1,. ORIBfNEÜULi Affeut. FOR 8ALE ! iimir l.iiiii-. Water Lime, 'lovo land Piaster, Sc Plasterinff Ilitir, eitb er at my Lime K ihi or at my shop. 3. VOLLAXD. FARMERS. WOOD WAINTTED In exchnnge for Saddles, Harneas, Trunk, TraT L'lhii: liüifri, liurse Ulflnkets, Whips, ülovei ant M itti-ns, etc., ut my harne) shop. J. VO 1,1, A.M. lSoOmG THE ENEMY OF DISEASÍ! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. Is IhcUraud Old MU8TANG LINIMENT Which has stood the lest of forty yenra. There íh noSorc It will not heal, no Lumeneís Achc, no Pain tliat alliicte th Human Body, or the Body ol a Horse or uther do iiifstic aniiuul, that dotB not yield to its mug: touch. A bottle costing 25c, 50c, or $1.00, has o ten saved the life of a human being, and restore to life and usefulnesë man; a valuuble horae. 'THE OLD EELIABLE Fire Insurance 1 JSTO-5T Or C. H. MILLEN. HOI E OF NEW YORK Capital and Surplus, $0,000,000. CONTINENTAL OF N. Y., Capital and Surplus, $3,000,000. 2TIAG-A.KA OF IT. T., Cash Assets, $1,500,000. GIRARD OF Philadelphla,, Cash Assets, $1,000,000. ORIËNT of Hartford Cash Assets, $$00,000. Policios issued at as low rutes as in any re8pon8ible Company. C. II . Ö1ILLEN, So. 4 Soutii Main Street, Ann Arbor. DINSEY & SKABOLT'S BAKERY, GR0CERY - AND - FL.OUK & FKKD STORK. M'e keep constuntly on nnnd, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and RETAIl. TKADE. We ahüll hIso keep a oupply o{ DELHI FL.OUR,, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAf FLOUR, RYE FLOUH, BUCKW'WHEAT FLOUK, CO RN MKAL, FEED, &c, &o. At wholesule and retfiil. A general stock of GROCERIES AND FROVÏSIONS constnntly od hnndT whiirh will be sold on s reasonnble tonus ns at .my other house in thiecity. Ctish paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Vroïnce ffenerully. S3T Qoodö delivered 10 any part of the city with out extra charge. HIAsi: y Sc SEABOLT. Ann Arbor. Jan. 1. 187(3. 1564 AUCTIQÑ SALR I will sell at Public Auction, in the Yillage of Pinckney, Livingston County, State uf Michigan, on Snnmlay, March lOth, 1877, ïetween thc bours of twelve noon, and four fn the aíteriiuun of laid day, to the highest bidder, the öïlowing describid premisos, tugcther with abont wonty-tive acres of growiug wheat upon the ground, ri : The BOUtneast juartcraud the northast quarter of the southwest quarter, and the OUtbwest quarter of thc southwest quarter of sectlon thirty-oue ; and the soutn huif f Lbo Bouthwost quarter of seotion tliiry-two in township one north of raiiKt' fur east, 11 Towd of Putoam, County of Livingston, aud tí tato nf Michigan; and tlic north half of the oatheasi quarter, and the southeast quarter of the outheast qoarter, and the Boatheasl quarter of the orthwost quartor, and thf northeast quarter of hr Southwest quarter of socttion six, in tnwnship oe BOUtb of range four east, in the Township of toxter, County of Wasbtenaw, In said State - sub■!), Imwcvcr, 10 a certain mortgage of one thousnd dollars, now due with interest from the first f November, 1876, at thc ratc of ten per cent. per nnuni. Tkkms ftv Salk. - Three thousand dollars tobe )aid down ; thc balance in threo years ín equal early payrnents, with interest at sevon percent. )cr aonum, paymenta seoared by murtguge on iaid remisos. Possessioii of the farm land given on the last day f March, A. D. L877, and of the dwelling house ïereon during the .month of May next following. Pinckney, Mieh., January 27, 1&77. L620W4 G. W. COOKE. Brick Stora ÜFS OFKKR FOR SALE my Brick Store, Corner o Huron and Kourth streets, opposite Cook'l otel. This is oce of the most desirable busines: ucations in the city, uud will be sold at a burguina 1598 JOHN Q. GALL.


Old News
Michigan Argus