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RAILROADS. MICHWAN CENTRAL RAI,KoAI); NOV. !0, 18Í6. OOIMQ WXBT. ====== BTATI..K8. S ■gf l&'li ;_LL:. _fl a.m, a.m v.m rz - ■ Detroit, le ve, í 001 9 10 420 Sif G.T.Junction, ! I ISj 9 !5 4 34 i S " t Wayns JunctioQ' 7 48! 9 50 5 18 b-10! tfpailanti, 8 15 i 10 17 5 10 ; oi !' AnnArbor, 8 36,10 Sí 6 12 8 un ïl K Delhi. I 8 60 6 5Ï.1Ï?11 Dexter, 9 00 1 6 38 1' Chelea, 9 18, 6is 8j; Graas Lake, 9 47 7 28 " - - r. m , - Jackaon, Lt., 110 20 12 00 8 00 9 wi Albion, 1104 12 461 ,,, f? '01 Marshall, UM 1 8o,- __.{ }J BattleCreek, 12 20 1 57 L „ Uale.burg, 12 S5 j Jjj S Kalamazoo, 1 15' 2 38 4 x i.i1?; Lawton, 1 66, 4 41 Decutur, 2 15; 6 no ÏÏ- - Dowagiac, S41: 5 26 S ín Nile, 8 11 4 07 8 10 2 T" Huchanan, S 251 6 25 ï H ThreeOaka 3 66 : 4 43 7 04 ; "1 "TNew Buffalo, 4 13 J4 66 7 21 i 7. M Michiguu City, 1 4 40 S 20 7 60 4 i 7 Lako, ! 5 23 5 69 S 3.V ! ! Kensington, 6 20 6 4') 9 40 Chicago, arrire, I 7 06. 7 251 10 25' ! 6 5j ' QOIKQ EABT. "ál !3 % ' 5 H " ? ? . _ ___ I - .. H A.K. Á. M. p. M. í I"" Chicago, leave, 5 00 8 :!0 3 ro Kensington, 6 45 9 12 4 35 Lake, 6 40, 9 54 5 J3 5 Jí ' Michigan City, 7 32 10 40' 6 26 New Buffalo, 7 55 1100 t :,l -__ u Three Oak, 8 09 1113 )N lililí, Buchanan, 8 41 1 7 SO Ált NUe, 9 01' 11 55 8 20 6 45 Dowagiac, 9 27' 8 48 ,■ DocHtur, I 9 52' 9 15 f Lawton, f 10 10 p. sí. 9 S5 Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 1E 10 10 111 -jt . ,. (ialosburg, 11 12 BattleCreek, 11 47' 1 67 ? y. 11 6 Ï' Mamhall, 12 45.2 40 P 11 40 T Albion, 1 lu 3 02 jj A.M. i.u Jackson, Lt., 2 15 S 45 ; 25 1 05 1 Urnss Lakt), ! 2 45! j 7 53 12 SO 5 S Chelsea, 3 10 8 20 u Dexter, .3 25 837' . ? Delhi, ; S 37 8 50 Ann Arbor, 8 52 4 55 9 04, 2 10 (., Ypsilanti. 4 15 5 1" 9 27 2 27 ( WayneJunc, 4 43 5 29 1 00 2 48 ;' U. T. June, I 5 30 6 00 10 45 3-S Detroit, Ar., 5 4S fi 15 1100 3S5t tíundays excepted. ISaturUav and bund&Tn oopted. tDaiiy. ' ' H.B. LBÜYAED, Oen'l Supt., Detroit. H. C. Wextworth, Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. Comer Main aud Hurón Sima DETROIT, HILLSDALE & IKD. ANA HAILROAD. To tnke effect December 31st, 1876. OOINO WKBT. O1S0 Bm, STATIOM. Fr'ght. Mai.. stations. Mail Fi'rtA. M. l M. YpsUanü.... 7:00 6:00 " '. Saline 7:57 0:35 Bankera 6:M M Bridgewator.. í:3u B:66 HillsJule ... 6:15 u Manchester. 9:10 7:18 Manchester.. 8:í til X". M. i Bridgewater 8:30 M Hilladale 12.35 9:17 Saline 8:50 ; Bankera 12:55 9:30 Ypaihinti Trains run by Chicago time. To take efiect , Dea SI. 1876. W. F. PAKKER. Sup't, YpailMti GREAT WESTERN RAIL WAY. THE SHORT LINT BETWEEN DETROIT, BUFFALO, NEW YORK, MIAGARA FALLS, BOSTON PMlafleluliia, AND ALL EASTIiRN CITIlii. 3-i Q .mi.i:silieSbortest I.inrfro A if Dntroit to Buffalo an.l I'oiiits Lasl. ! Miles the ehortcst line from Detroit to S-4t O Niágara Falla and points East. Mure Conncctionit nt Suspension Bridge and Iluf fnlo viiih (lie ■ Vork Ceumtl aud L'ric Kailiv)-. The Track and EquipmenU of thc GREAT WE8TEBN' aro pertecl, nnd lt ismanaged ïitki a Tiew to tua SAKKTY auú COMFOKT of a Patrons. TOURI8TS AND PLEASUHE SEEKER8 Should bear in mind that the GREAT WESTEB5 i Railway is the Shortest and most Comforts Route between Detroit, Suspension Bridge fí Bulfalo, ai.d is the only line which croased ( üion BridKe in lull view of the falla. For information and tickets vía thia papular ■ route apply to G. W. 8HARPLESS. Agent M. C. K. R., Aun ArJiorMich. TRÜSÍ TREES !!. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL. R. G. SMITH, at his Nurseiy, W, street, is ready to take and till orders lor fruit anü ornamcütal trees, including .Vpples, Pears, Peaches, riuins, ('hcrrii's, Quinces, Evergreens Horso t'hestniili Kiimaruock Wlllows, (irnpes, SiiuUl Friiits, KiM-s, üruamentai Slirubs. ariiuy of residont denlt-r, and don't becbeui( 1 by unknown traveling ageuU.'%9 Prives to Suit tbe '1 i uu-s. 11. G. SMITH. Ann Arbor, Deo. 20, 1876. 16Hil_ iETN A Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, incluJin? Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Re -Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, At'ent, AnnArbW lEOIlGE W. CROPSEY, Lato of tho flrni of Clark A Ckopsky, ami ; Kkarnky, lato of Texas, under thc lirm uaro" KfiAKNEY & CROPSEÍ Have establishcd thcmsrlves at No. 33 Soul6 Main St., Aun Arbor, and propose to ou general Crocery Business They wlll alao keep CUOCKERY, 8U WOÜDEN WAUIC. and a full line of POMI''d and FOBBIQÑ FRÜIT8. They 1'zve ntted " furnished A First-class Eating Department, Whcre Meáis can be liad at all hours, or Ík . the week. Cash paid for Huiler, a"'1."' Country produce. Good lr""l'"' ', „e. ered In any part of tbe city. Keiuember tnt 1" 33 Soiitli Main xtrect. KEARXKÏ & CBOPSBfAnn Arbor, Apri! 26, 1876. lM . City Soavenger. THE UDdersiifned offer hls errleeí 7fDSd Vaults, cesspools, etc., clennol ' """'t i. it reasonuble pnces. Orders may be lett ' ' ,b ííiekel's meat market, State street, or tnadr ' . - :tae Postoffioe. VV.Al.llwAno Arbor, Kor. i, 1876. L 1O A dar at home. Agent .""m Í1 and tirmí lroe. TBUË & UÜ., August,


Old News
Michigan Argus