Local Affairs
- Tlie Aritos and Harper's Magazine foi $4.80. See prospectus. - The examiinitions are over and th flrst semester (Umveraity) closes to-day. - Ann Arbor coutrilinted $127 toward the Michigan Centennial building. -- The Minuis boys furnish the musio for o. A's bali next Thursday evening. -Over at Manchester the pay of the village marshal h8 been reducid trom $2 üü to $2 00 per duy. - J. Honry Oanliner, Fünt's popular baud leader, assists at the University Oruhestra Congrí this ovening. -Martin Uruy, o{ Ypsilanti, has been drawn jaajuror tor tlie March term of the United Sotes (Jourt, Detroit. -The Tecumseh Light (Juard will visit Ypsilanti on Thursday noxt, February 22, the sruests of Company F. -Dr. Reynolds, the " red ribbon " temperaucö reformar, hiuiself a reformed druukard, opens hii batterios at Ypsilanti this evening. -The saw-inili oi Follmore and Scovil, oearthe depht at Ypsilanti, was burued on 'fuesiiay moruing. Loss total, with no insurance. -On Sunday evening the wife of Prof. OIaey slipped and feil as she was starting for gbureb, and broke her arm just abore the wrist. -The junior hop on Friday evening last „asvateda sticcess. " Jeukius " was in hiseleBeat in listing tiie bnlliant beauties from jbroad. - We invite attention to the advertisement „fP. G. McGraw, Seedsman and Florist, We eau comrnend Mr. Mcttraw from personal eiilius- " Bobert the Duvil ! " that is one of the popular pieces which will be performed at the concert of the University Orchestra and Glee Club this evening. - Vfm. Fauth bas contributod $12 50, at the request of Justice McMahon, for keepmg his uloon open on Suuday. Fine and cost are the legal words used. - Washtenaw county has more tmembers of the State Pioneer Society than auy other couutj except Kalamazoo. The latter county has 64 tuembers, the tonner 39. -Prof. D'Ooge, of the University, was one of the judges at the college oratorical tournament wliich came off at Hillsdale on Weduesaav eveniug of last week. - The Aaaus is $1 50 a year ; the American ijrkittturist, $1 60. Wo will furnish both pupers for $2 Qb, - a reduction oí 45 ceuts. Xow is the time to subscribe. -A pupil in the Manchester public school havmg died of scarlet fever report say3 that quite a pmic prevails aud that inany children iiave been taken out of school. -The Ypsilanti Commercial puts in a discifiimer agamst being classed as au opponent oí a lien court house. Well, it has a queer way of shovvinu; its l'rieudliness. -üu Wednesday evening Prof. TenBrook, libranau of the Uuiversity, gave au address m the hall oí the Kuuse, Lansing, ou "The Teaching Power of a Library." -Prof. Tyler's lectures ou American Literaturt wül be resumod next Tuesday, at 4 p. M., and wiü be continued ou each Tuesday afteruoou thereatter throuihout the sessiou. -Dr. Christian Helber, a former resident of this city, died at Saline on Wednesday of last week, aged 67 years. His remains were interred in Forest Hill Cemetery (this city) on Friday last. - City Treaaurnr Terry bas not got his time extended for collecting taxes, but has made his returns. He holds a county treasurer'a warrant for the eollection of tour unpaid personal taxes. -Wheatis now selling in this market at IUal.S0; Oata, 30 a 35 cents; Gorn, the ame figures; Potatoes, SI a 1.05 ; flrst-class tutter, 20 cents ; Eggs, 18 cents. Wholesale figures these. -Twelve members of the class of '70 met at Hangsterfer's on Saturday evening last, compared notes, and had a social time. Thirty-one members have ruarrieU and they report 34 class children. - City Treasurer Tarry returns uncollected taies aggregating $2,390.81, divided as follows : First ward, Í893.74 ; Second, Ï173.22 ; Third, f014.32; Fourth, $449.32; Fiith, ïl 18.48; Suth, Í141.90. - Michael Weinmann has got the stone and bricls together for a meut market buildiug, wliich he will procee.1 to have erected at the Comer oí Fifth aud Washington streets as soon as spring opens. -At the recent meeting of the State Pioneer Society, at Lansing, E D. Lay, of thia tounty, was eleoted as one of the Vice-Presideiits, anñ M. H. Gtoodrich, of this city, was coutinued as one of the historians. -The creditors of J. H. Maynard, banktupt, have been served with notice that a petition for tíual discharge has been flled, and will Ie heard bef ore Kegieter Clarfce, in Detroit) on the 6th day of March, at 9 o'clock A. M. -The New York World, of the 7th inst., Save a half column report or abstract of Prof. Tyler's address before the New York Historial Society, on the evening of the 6th, on " The Homorous Element in the American ftevolutiou." - A New York Florist comes askiug a $'2 notice for a pansy chromo which he offers for 25 cents including a book for the florist or garieuer. Let him "hoop us up " a dozen or 'wo pansy plants and we'U consider his proponüon. -The City Marshal disbursed Ï258.66 dur'g January, in relieving the poor of this city, iistributeii amaiig the several wards as fol's: First 146 76; Second, Í8 11; Tbird, ióOM; Fourth, Ï73 87; JFifth, $51; Sixth, fcS 26. Prof. Tyler will givo readings from nnyson's new drama of Harold, at his "sidence on Tueaday evening next, at 8 'lock p. m., for the benefit of the Ladies' tary Association. AU are cordially mvited. Admissiou ten cents. -The Umversity has a Chess Club, with B. Colby, President ; William H. Butts, Vicefteaident; E. J. Suover, Secretar? ; and U. C. Wiitacre, Treasurer. It aiready has two ""h postal card games on hand: oue with 'feCornell club, and one with the club of "isconsm Univemiy. - This is the compliment the Dexter Leader PJys the writing member ot the "starcombiWiou troupe " of thia city : " We'cannot re'■"infroia saying thiit the anonymous writer " 'ocal and editorial trash in said Reqister sutes what ia n't true,- and has do fouuda'■'■ for the statement." - The University ürchestra and Glee Club 'e both boen vcry geueroufi in furuishing ""sic at social aud other entertuinments, and are entitled to patronage in return. Besides, ey have spent considerable of both time and """ley in preparing theinselves for tlus eve"'"g's concert, and wül be out of pocket nnd 'otlined to the blues if due appreciatiou of hir efforts is not shown. The programme wl l'e a good one. -Charlea Wen-, of Manchester, committed '"''de on the night of the 7th inst., by cut'"g hls throat with a razor,- the deed being 016 iu the door yard, uear the wood pile. r' eir had been seriously ill for several eeks and had ofteu threatened to take his His business for years had beeu selliug apers aui uiuwurs ; hia age age was 43 years ; j6 llaíi bee a member of the Baptist Uhurch J'Üo years; and he leaves a widow, a growu j P 80U) aild a J'oung daughter, with whom a gecircla of relatives and frienda eympa'2e in their doubly sad bereavemaut. - U. B. Wilson, formerly of this city, arrive here on Wednesday afternoon, bringing wit him the remiuns of his son, Willie, who die in Denver, on Friday last, of consumption aged 23 years. As a boy, Willie was belove by a large circle of {rienda. - Two potitious have boen quito general) circuluted in this city, both beiug numerousl sigued : oue praymg the Legislatura to re peal the clause of seotiou 2, title five of th charter, requiring the Council to próvido bj ordinance for " a hcense tax of not less tliai tlOO, nor more thau $200, anuually, payabl quarteiiy, upou each and every person witliii the limita of said city who is or shalí be ongog ed in keepmg a victualing hou.se, saloon, o other place forturnishmg meals, food, or drink and the other asking au amendineut so as to except restaurants, eatiug house, grocers and bakers selliug uieals, etc, rom the provisión of the section. If the State law cuuld be properly revised and ameuded, and the liquor trarKo, indirectly aimed at by the charter provisions, brought uuder the provisión of a single, uniform act, much local bickering and strife would be provented.
Old News
Michigan Argus
Christian Helber
Uriah Brady Wilson