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Nkw York papen ohroniole the deathof John ■ O'Mahoney, the weU-dnown Venían leader. A riKE at Scranton. Vt., last week, destioycd ; 10ü,000 worth of bnainesa proporty....It is reportad trom Phlladelphia that a movement is on foot looking to the formation of a gigantio coal eombination by owners of mines and heavy stock-holders in what are known as the nuil uads. it is said the operators in the Lebigh región have airead; signed an agreement liniitiug the production oí their minos. John e. Traot, President, and J. L. Chapman, eashier of the Farmers' and Mechanics National Bank of Hartford, Ct., have been arrested - the farmer for misdemeanor in falsifying accounts, and the latter for the embozzlement of ?75.i)uo. 'Ilicv gave bonda to appear before the United States Court. The total loss by the bank from overdrafts and loms on poor eenrity is thonght to be abont C60,000. THE AVKST. Bevobb the Burlington (Iowa) Board of Trade, the pther day, a bottlc was exhibited oontaining twenty-live or thirtv young graBShoppers. Thev were hatched in one nest in the neighborhood of Prescott, Adama conntv, ia the western part of the State, and the gentleman who sent them in writes that in cvery square foot of ground there are between 100 and 200 nests. The r - cent warm weather bas hatched them out by the millinn. lmt the oold weather, it is thought, will kill them between tliis and spring. (Jen. has fonvarded to military headquartors at Chicago a report of bis engagement with the hostil tribes of Sioux and ('hevenne Indians under Crazy Horse, f ought on the 8fh of Jannary. The ti'ght lasted live hoUTB. The India n onmp of 600 lodges ! tended three miles along the valley of the Tongue river below Hanging Womans' creek. They were driven throiigh the canons of Wolf or Panthcr moimtains in the direefion of the Big Horn moimtains. The Indian loss is known to be severe. Gen. Miles lost fonr Killed and eight wonnded. The I tiles were weH armed, bnt otherwise appeared t be in a destitnte oondition. A innnber of prisoners were eaptnred with brozen linibs, and were living on horse meat dvices from Arizona state the Apache Indiana are killing and plundering the settlers in the sontheasrern part of the Territorv. The Governor has sent a message tothe Territorial ' islature asking for an appropri&tiorj "f money to raise and eqnip a foree uf whites and friendly Indians to carry on a rigoroua oampaign against the hostiles. He expresses the fear that under the present condition of alTairs. Houtheastern Arizona must be abandoned by white settlers. At Toledo, Ohio, the other day. a lad named Charles Kruck, 16 years of age, was sent by lus mothor to a grocery store to make ome purchases for her. The store liad a gin-mill attachment, in whieh three brutea were carousing. They made the lad drunk, and then indueed hini to wander off with them. In their walks they eamc to a high bridge over a ereek. ïho boy looked down on the ice below, said. "I guessllltake a dive," and. imitating sueh au aetion. sprang over the railing and strook opon hi head Upbn the ice below. crushing his skull and killing himself instantly. Tue exception taken to the rulings and entonce of John D. Lee, the Moiuitain Meadow mnrderer, liave been overruled by the Supreme Court of Utah Tcrritory. and the District 'ourt has been ordered to fix another day for the execution. Lee's only hope now lies in an appeal to the United States Supreme Court. Bpotted Tail. chief of the Sioux Indians, acooinpanied by 200 warriors, has left Spotted Tail agenov for Tongne river. (or the parpóse uf counseling Crazy Horse and his band of D.OBtiles to accept the terins otïered by the Government, viz., to siu-render their arras and pouies. THE SOUTH. A drawing niuetoen feet of water bas passed through Capt. Eads' jetty ehanncl at the mouth of the Mississippi river. There is now a good straight channel through the shoal at the bead of South Pass. with a minimum depth of twenty-two feet. The following dispatch bas been received at the Internal Bevenoe Oftice, at Washington, from lïevenue Agent Wagner, dated Greensboro, N. C. i "Doputy Harahal Bobertson. of South Carolina, just reports two men killed and severa) wonnded by illicit distOlers raided on by him without tröops. Am hun-ying to próvido Maj. Stewart with horses. so we can stop this resistance." A BiiiLLiANT ball was given at the navy yard, Norfolk, Va., last week, in lionorof the llussian Grand Duke Alexis. M.utriN Henbï and William Henry Simpson, both colored, were hung at Port Tobacco, JId.. 011 the 9th of Febrnary, for the moeder of John W. Everett. A UI8PATCH from Cartersvillo, Ga., says that Lieut. Mclntyre, of the Mecond Infantrv, was killed in the Frog moimtains by illicit distülera in ambush, attacks upon the Government forees havingbeen made by distillers. thirty in number, under cover of night Ëz-Congressman James S. Johnson, of Owengboro, Kv„ recently committed suicide by shooting liimBelf through the heart with a rifle. POLITICA I.. Gov. Welm was again before the HoUB coiumittet, on the (ith inst., and, in ananswer to a question by David Dndley Field as to whether, in canvassing the Ijouisiana returns, he had altered any figures or destroycd anv nturns. stated that he declined to ansirer any iiucstion touching the aetion of the board unti'l tne House gave him hislibertyand relieved him ofhisdisahility. He wantod to know "whether bewas thepeerof any memherof tUëoommittee, or a mere vassal." A ímnibcrof questiona were put to the witness concerning his aetion as a member of the üeturning Board, to all of whioh he dechned to answer until relieved oí the uentence imposed by the Honse, whioh holds him in duress. Charles S. Abeli, of the Ueturning Board, was also examined. He said he dined with the board on Sunday. Deo. 3, at whieh time Littlefield toldhim he háddestroved the Vernon parish papen. No one ordered ïiim to destroy them. Witness said he certified to 178 votes for the Republicana from that parish, haring full oonfldence in the olerke ; knew nothing about the transposition of votes. Judge Davis. Chief Clerk of the board, gave testiinony similar to that of Abell, no far as it affected Litüefleld. DiracAN F. Kennkr, of New Orleans, denies that he offered J. Madison Wells 9200,000 to give the vote of Louisiana to Tilden. He says Wells asked for .$200, 000 to count the vote of the State as aetuaUy cast in the hallot-boxes, and has asked to be sumnioned to Washington. Lot'is BI Kf.nneu, .1 member, and T. W. Eaton and York A. Woodward, clerks of the Louisiana Keturning Board, testificd before the Oongreesional coimnittee on the 7th inst. Kenner said he had no knowledgeof anyalternations having been made in the Vernon parish return, or of any papers having been burned ordestroyed. nor did he know of any proposition for receivüig money for any act in connection with the electoral vote: the lieturning Board, he said, did .notfee] safe - feit intimidated - henee the aecessity for faroops to prótect them. Eaton testifled tltat he did not see Litüefleld or any one eistmake erasure in the original returns; Littleiield never asked him to assist in making any alterations. Woodward. in his testiinony. said he worked with Litüefleld 011 the returns the uight of Dec. 3, when the alteration is alleged to have been made, but did not see him making any erasures: tirst heardof theVernon parish transfer when he carne to Washington. Ex-Qov. StbABHS, of Florida, was liefore the House Privileges Committee, 011 the ttlh inst. He testified that he never received or sent any telegram saying that we (meaning the Kepublicans) must have Louisiana, Florida and South Carolina, by fair means or foul. Never received a telegram from anybody ontoide the State recjuesting him to uend conriers f or returns whieh must be made to show a maioiity for llaves, llir said the dispatch from W E Chandler, "Bismarck otight to ome hereai Miiee.'wassenttoC. D. Willard. of Washington, and had reference to raihroad matters. Notning was said alwut money in any telegram whieh passed between himself and persons in the N'orth. and he also said lic had no knowledge of any money having been received from the North either before or af ter the eleotion.... A. H. f.evisee, one of the Hayes eleotors in Louisiana, was examined by díe Senate ■■,„„ mittee. He testified that on the tth of Deoember last, in New Orlcans, one S. M. Asher. claiming to act as the agent of Demoerats. apÍiroaohed him with an offer of 9S0,0db to cast lis vote in the Electoral College for Tilden. Levisee rejected tho offer, when. as he claims, tho bribe was raised to (100,000. Levisee held out lor $200 - 000, and the negotiation feil through. LoviKce's is that he set tbc figure higher than he thought could he paid, and claims thathie purpose in the aff air was only to see howfar the Demoerats would go C. Irving Ditty, of Maryland, one of the "visiting statesmen at New ürleans during the count, was called before tho House comimttee. and testilied to the bad reputa1011 of tMaddox as to triith and veracity, and said he wottld not beheve hun on oath. Witness admitted 111 answer to a qnestion, that he was af Uttlefield's quadroon ball in New Orleans. A - ber of otlier gentlemen of both viáting com mittees were there, incrading Lyman Trumbull. An excited war of words occurred at this jpoint betwten members of tho committee ana witness, Mr. Kparks having said he believed Judge Trumbull would desígnate witness' story as stuff. Capt. Ditty replied angrily that u the Obairmau meanf to inuinaatc thal liis (witnoes') statement was ontoiie, he (the chairman) ■ sumed Bomothing which he had no right to íisMimr. Witncss oontintied - AH partios went í the i;ill ;i a mattot "f ouriosity. ()nc erf the features of the buil was a wouian with pink eycR. Jokn F. Mulhkbix. one of the clerka of the Louisi&na Beturning Board, was before the House prerogative committee on the lOtli. He testifled that Bome affidftvtta weromade byclerksoi the board totheoompiüng-room. Don't know whether tin y were nsed. Most uiv name was sincd to ailidavits. Dee. 2 witness saw with Láttlofleld and Maj. Eaton a slip ut paper oont&inina the total of the electoral vote. Tlir majoneyof these of the Demócrata was nbont 4,000. Saw afterward that a chansra had been made in the ftRures. Heard QovTwellsül oonvr-rsation with J.iUlrficld in AbeU'8 office, Doe. 2. Could not hear wiiat they Baid, J)t'C. li siiiv t ] n-iii again in oonverBation in :i vcry low tono in :i olcrk'ri room. Baw Littli-ücld take from a desk a paper and make some erasnres abont a qoarter of au hom: after bonTörsing with (ïov. Wells, The oommittoe examined Postmaster General Tynor relative t" the reaignation of Watts, the alleged ineUgible Oregon elector, and elicited tact that the latter reaigned his postmasterBhip, by telegraph, on Niv. 13, 1876. The written resignatfon was not feeciveil at tlie dwpartnient nntil Der. 1). Watts' sucoessor as Postmaster was appointed Not. 23. CENKRAL. IJkcent deatlis ; At Ban Francisco. Bear A"imiral James Aldon, of the United States naw ; at Jlilwimkee, D. H. Bichante, the pioneer editor and printer of Wisconsin ; it ineiniKiti. Mts. Susan Bowler, a sister of Hou. Qeorge H. Pendleton, and Mis. Sarah Peter, the ïnotlit'i' of Hou. liuftiH King : at Washington, lioar Admiral Wilkes, of the United States navy. Ex-1'iiEsiDKNT Lsbdo, Gen. Escobado, and severa] other distingnished exiles, anfved at New York last week, by steamer trom Aapinwall The foundations of the rncompleted Washington monument, bA the national capital, are pronofmeed bisecare by engincers, and its deniolitioii and reeonstrnotión recommended. ■WASHINGTON. Tuk case of ex-8ecretaiy Belknap was finally : disposed of. in the Criminal Court of the j trict of Coltlmbl, last week, The District ' torne; entored a collo proseqni, saying that lic didso by direotion of the Attorney General. The Attorney Goneral's report, trhich was flled in the case, contained an indorseiDeni by the President approving this corneo, giving as n-asons the improbabilityof a convicbon, "tholong suiTciiiig of the ex-Secretory, and the great expense to whieh he has been subjected. Snit has been 'commenced in one of the Washington oourts againsl Senator Simón Camarón by a témale department clerk, for breach of ! promiae. The lady - a Pennsvhania widow, fair and foity claims $50,000 damages. Senator Oameron saya that thesuit ia stimulatedby blackmailera, who will lx; exposed. The Senator, Home time ago, proenred a situation for the plaintiff in the i'reasury department, bnt she was dismissed, and he declined to have lier restared. The Treauury Department prohibits the importation of meat, eattle, and hidea of meat eattle from Germany until further orders, consequent upon the rinderpest there, FOKKIGN. A Cojïstantinopk dispatch says the dismissal of Midhai Paaha is attrïtmted to bis sehemes of constitutional reform, wbioh are legarded by i the Sultan as encroaching on lñs imperial pre, rogative : also to tlie discovery of a ctmspiracy to dethrone tlie Sultan and replaee him hy Sultan Mm-ad The ravages of small-pox are again increasing in London There is mnch suffering among tlie silk workers of Lyons, Frailee, 50, (KK) operatives having been thrown out of emplnviia ut by the stoppage of the factories. The peaoe propositlon gnbmitted by the Porte to Servia embodies liberal eonditinns whieh the latter Qovemment eau easily ! eept, and the successful conclusión of the ! negotiatiuns is regaided as extremely probable. Waiving ifs former claim for snbatan; tial guaiantees. the Porte requires of Servia ' the ïi.u'l't "f diplomatic representation at lielgrade; the protection of Jewa and Christians eqnally with native Servians; the prohibition of armed organizationa and of secret societies; Turkish tenitory to be guarded from Servían violation; torta on the Bervian frontier to bc j kept in good repair, and the Turkish flag to ' rtoat above them along with the Servia n emI blem. The British Parliament met on the 8th inst, the (,)uei 11, for the first time in many years, ! opening the seuion in person. In her speech ahe severely denonnced the Turks for their bloody crimes in Bulgaria . . . .It is now delinitcly announced that the veteran Bosman diplomat, i Prince Gortschakoff, has retáred from the Imperial Cabinet at St. Petersburg, and j succeeded by Count Adlcrlwrg. III liealth and long service are the reasons given by Oortscliakoff for resigning liis portfolio Dispatehes from Constantinople say that the Sultan favors the emplovment of foreigners, and especially Englishmen, in the administration of the reform ordained in the new constitution, and that the removal of the late Prime Minister will secure the fulñllment of these ! signs, and a vigoroun policy and rapid progresa in the libcralization of the institntions of the empire. .. .Austria in concentrating a large force on the Bosnian frontier, and theoccupation of Northern Turkey is bclieved to be intended. 1!oi:mania has disbanded her reserves and ■ut them home, boing apparently convincid I that the danger of war is ovc-r. F.ahi. l.'ussn.i. bas given notice totheEnglish Souae cf Lords that he will move that England shall cease all diplomatic interconrsi! with Turkey, on the ground that that natiou is still barbaroun and nnworthyof rank among theenlightenedpeopleof Enrope. . . .ïtisreportedthat the English mine-owners have resolved to import cheap labor from China Adispatch trom Calcutta reporta that a gunpowder explosión occurred at Adhemabad, by which 60 persons were killed and 100 wonnded At a grand rarliamentary dinner in Berlín, the other djiy, IJismarck expressed himself freelv opon the subject of the Eastern coniplieatioti. His opinión is that. war is strongly probable, and that it will be begun in the fo'nn of a direct attack by liussia apon Turkey. lx Japan, great public interest has been cxcited, bnt no dangeroua feeling, by the extraordinary mcasures of reduction of taxation. The amount of relief to land owners h $16,000,000 per year. To meet this reduction expenditures are out down in every department, and a great number of minor officials dismissed.


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