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Bold Chicago Burglars

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One of the boldest hniglaries of the season was thnt committed yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mr. Amos B. Seeley, at the corner of West Madison street and Hoyne avenue. Afoout.3 o'clock a gang of live men, having the appearance of well-to-do niechanics, one of whom oarried a oarpét-bag fiom which protruded the liandle of a hammer, kntK-ked at the front door of the house. The only members of the family at home I were Mrs. Seeley, her little boy and the servant girl. Mr. Seeley, who is senior member of the firm of Seeley, Pollard & ■ Co., was down town at his office. The girl responded to the knock, and on openi ing the door wan informed by the spokesman that they came to inspoot the gasmeter. The girl, snpposing the statement i to be tnie, told them to come in, and I called to Mrs. Seeley, who, in response to the query, " Where do you keep the nieter?" eonduoted two of 'them to the room where that truth-telling machine was stored. One of the remaining trio asked the girl if the water-pipes were i right, and, on being told that they vero requested her to show him where the hydrant was. She took him into the kitchen when he immediately caught hold of hei and, druwing a pistol, held itto her heat The girl began to screani, and the littl boynishedin to ascertain the cause of tb trouble. Tlie burglar then drew a knil :iiul told the little fellow he would reliëf him of his head if he did not keep quie Iu the meantiiue one of the two who hai aocompanied Mrs. Seeley insearch of th gas-meter had thrown her on the fl(xi and, brandishing a murderous-lookhif knife, cautioned lier with a round volle; of oaths to keep lier moutli shut. Th three uuoccupied ruffians then began svstcmatic seareh through the house Every room was visited ; bed-clothes auc mattresses, closets and cupboards wei : thoroughly examined. In the dining room they found a small parlor safe. This they carried out to the middle of the floor, and with the aid of cold-chisel and liaimnw soon succeeded in opening it. The booty oonsisted of a lot of deeds and i other vnluable private papers, gold watch and chain, a pair of gold bracelets, iind a snm of money. Having bagged the jilunder, the burglars tnmed tlieir attntion to the two women, whom they placed in a small closet, and, after closing the door, piled up against it a heavy bedstead. One of the gang then stopped the clock - it denoted exactly i. - and the quiutette departed. Tlie women were locked up in the closetjuntiltlie arrival of Mr. Seeley, a little after 6 o'clock.


Old News
Michigan Argus