A Problem For The American Churches

labor, furfy thousiind pagans havo been gallicred uto ihe fold of Christianity under the preaching of American missionaries. The average increnseot slaves in this country is about seventy thousand a y car ; whom to teach to read the Biblo is a penal ofience. Now, if ohe thousand pagans aro annually evangelized abroad, and sevenfy thousand Nutivi Amcricans heathenized at some ; reqired the time when "the knowledge ofGod shall cover the earth as the waters the sea. " - Chrislian Citizen. ttLn.st week the types made m to say ihat Gen. Taylor's Ãbice was about 8,500. This should have been 3,500. - Tlie change of a single figure will sometimes easily make a diflerenco of thou sands or millions. ITTho meetings of Mr. Bibb nnd Mr. Trondwell hnve bpen fully tiendod in this county, nnd the lecturesfnvorably reccived. It will he ocen by their noticos tbnt they hnvo determinod to altend ihc Chicago Convention, and h.ivo inndo a series of appointments on tho route to that plnca and on thdr retnrn Thcy w II then rosuaio their visit to tho northern coi.n'ieB. ttTWe have received the fifth number of the Michigan Washingtonian. lt contains Cheever'8 famous dream obout Den. Giles Distiller}'. The Washingtonian is the best Temperance paper that has been publishcd in the State, and well deservea support. ÃTThe New York Legislature adjourned, May 14, after a session of 128 days. (t5 C. H. Stewart Esq lectures in Kent County during the week commen cing, Monday, June 1.