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Terrible Double Murder

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A fearful crime was receiitly eüaeted on i farm belonging to Mrs. Turner, in Crawford county, Pfl. A farmer by the name of Miltoii Anderson lived on the place as tenant. His daughter Maria, aged '16, became, recently, a subject of no little, attention it tlie hands of Harrison Turner, a weak-minded son oí' Mrs. i Turner. He expvesed a determinatiou to make the girl bis wiíe, in spite of her ojjenly-cxpressed dislike oí his attentious and tlie reíusal of her fatlier to permit him to intrude bis presence at the house. It bocanie ilecessar.y Withiii the past few weeks several times to eject the young man by force from the premises. Mr. Anderson and a liired man were walking acrosB a field on the farm toard a pieee ui' woods, when they were met by Ilairison Turner, who was armed witli au army musket. "When the men were within a few paces of him he aimed toward them with his gun, and ordered Üiem to halt. Anderson and his companion stopped, but had no ideo, that TtUfiiei iöiended them any liami. When they halted Turner said: "Milt, you are cut out for a , and I'm going to send you to where you belong. " With these he fired at Anderson, sending a whole charge of bxickshot through him, killing him instantly. The hired man ran away in alarm, fearful that Turner would fcill him. He earried the news of the murder to the farm-house, and all of AadersoU's family hurvied to the scène. Tl) e farmer lay on the ground where he had fallen. Nenr by lay the dead body of the muvderer. He had reloaded the musket, placed the muzzle luider his chin and fired, blowing his head and face entirely iway.


Old News
Michigan Argus