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Wii.uam Oseen was hanged at Pittxburgh last week tor the morder of his half-brother. ('haki.ks Oschwali was hanged at Newark, ; N. J., last weck, for the murder of Policeman j Stanloy Broek. Thomas Uvan, an aooomplioe i:i Hip murder, and who was to have heen hanged at tbc samo time as Oftchwald, oonunittod nicidc, iiy taUng i"iis. ti. on the morning oí the, day set lor his eiecution. WnjjAja Stbsbh & Co., taée importers, of ' New Tork, have beeu vicümlzed by robbers to the tuur of $40,000. Thoir store was entered at night, aml fine Pronoh laces to that valne uartcd away. It is (,r Qie heaviest bnr;:laries ever perpotrated in that city. . . . Another cargo of war material for Turkey lias just been shipped from New Haven, Conn. It oonsisted of iO.O(K).()(io Snider cartridges, 120,000 Winchester oartridgea, 5,000,800 Martini ghellg, 5,000,000 i búllete, 33,600 Martini guns, and 33,600 Martini scabbaÉds, all oontalned in 18,317 cuses, the total valuo being .1.0-M.MW.. ..Tho banking hotlBe of ffing .; Sun, in William ■lint. New Vork, was tobbed, ft few days ago, of $160,000 worth of United Ntatos 'bonds, raortgages, seouritics, etc Tho. Brooklyu Irguê and Vniwi have been eonsolidated, unii r the name of the i'iii}i-Ar{[HS. . . .Sag llarbor, Long Island, bas been v'isitod by a dcBtrncttve contlagralion, involving tbc loss of $130,000 worth of property. TUK WEST. Two Siorx Indians. Oharging Horsc and i Makcs-Them-Stand-Up, latcly arrived at ' tel 'l'ail Agoney. direct fnnn the hostilc camp. 'riuv report that Crazj [forse, with all the hostiles exeept the l'ncapapas, woro encainpod on Tongne rivcr. oear tho mout!) of Prairie Dog creek ; that Sitting Buil. with his eoutlrigent, is on this sido of the Yellowstone, marching to join theni : that all desire to make peaoe on the best tonus obtainable ; and that thoy themBolves art; onicial GOUriexs to notify Oen. ('rook that such are the fact ...'. The principal business portion of the town of Urbana, Ohio, lias been destroved by lire. Loss. $75,000 Mirs. M. Schnrz, the mother of Hou. Cari Si-huí., died at the lattor's resideiice, in St. Louis, a few days ago. The good city of Minneapolis, Minn., has been the scène of a tragedy combining all the i essintials of a Srst-OlaH sensation. Wm. H. : Sidle. assistant cashier of a bank of which liis father is President, and a young man ocoupying a prominent poeition in business and social ciieles. was quietty ■ ing along the street. wlien he was shot down by a mullan named Noonan. It ippoars that Sidle had been criininallv intímate with the ! wonian. and bad diflC&cdeü and ret'uscd to recognizeher. This soangered her that she sought revenge in the inanncr nientione(i. AbOüt 1,000 feet of the eastern approach of the St. Louis railroad bridge luis been destroved by lire, causing a teinpoinry suspension of travel over the structure. The loss is cstiniatcd at about ■'?150,000 ('ol. Fied Mevcr. Internal Bevenue Supervisor, and Nathaniel 0. Diydcn, a prominent Missouri lawver. recently engagcd in a little piütol-practice at Warrenton. Mo.. Meyer being shot in tbc nionth and dangexouidv wounded. The alteroatiorj was the outgrowth of a lawsuit about Bome orooked stills seized by Meyer. At last accounts Col. Mever was lying at the point of deatb. THE SOUTH. A Fnuj at Dardanelle, Ark., last week, dettroycd 75,000 worth of property The Mardi Gras festivities this year in New Orleans, Memphis. Galveston, and otlur cities, were unusually brilliant. Nkw Orljsans was thrown into a state of the wildest excitement, the othei day, by an attempted assassination of Gov. l'ackard. A young man, representing himself to be an attaché of tho PbiladelphM Press and a farmer arniy oflicer, ealled on Packard and was admittod to his private oflic(!, wliere Heveral gentlemen werc scated. He sat down for a lew minutes, and tlien asked the Governor how long it would be before he could speai with hini. The latter looked up and replied, "In a moment." The assassin, who. in the DManüme had a:isen trom his Beat and approached Packard, drew a pistol and presentid itat his intended vicüm'ahead. Quick as a llash the latter bronght his hand down just as the weapon was discharged, and the ball, instead of entering the head, stnick the (overnor's knee-pan, intlicting a painfol but not dangerous wound. (!ov. Packard theu oaught tbc fellow by the tbroat and tlirew him violently against the w:ill before he had au opportnuity to lire again, and stnick him. Dur!ng the eicitement that followed tlie assassin was shot in the arm, and would have .been killed had not the Governor interfered. Tuk Galveston, Harrisbnrg and San Antonio railroad is now oompletod. Tho completion of this road apena up a large portion of the finest territory in Western Texas, which has heretofore been without railroad communication. POLITIC.VI.. Duhcan F. Kexneb, of New Orlean, the plan whom J. Madison Wells, of the Louisiana Iietnrning Board, tostifled offered him (TVelIs) $200,0OQ to declare the result of the election in that State föï 'radon, was before the Houso prerogative committee last week. His tostimony was to the effect that Wells and he had several secret interviews, at which the sale of the vote of ï,oui.-iana was the subject of delibcration: that Wells svns anxious to enter into ncgotiations, but wauted & "big pile" for the job, intiniating that about a niillion dollars would be the proper figure, as uderson himself wanted half a iníllion. 'I ',„■ witness aaid thia was perfectly ridiculous. and, if the demand wasinsisted apon, they might as well drop mattere. After thé promnlgaüon of the vote they met, and witness expfessed his astonishinent and regret at Wells' eourse. Wells naid, ' What could I do V Yt)U had no moiu'y." Wituess said he hoped Wt-lls liad made himself safe, and Wells replied. ■■ Voii bet." or worde to that effect. The money. the witness said, was to be raised by subscrip'tion. he biniself próposing to give Í5,000. OENKBAZ. The nmount of grain in sight in the United states and dañadas Is given as followa : Wheat, 11,892,076 bushels; corn, 12,818,303 bushels ; oa( . 3,222,241 bujBhele ; rye. 1,045,468 bushels; barley, 4,229.010 bushels, niaking a total of 33,207,149 trashels, against 27.7WJ.913 bushels at this time last year. The bilí autliorizing Baltímore lo ostablish a cable line betwecn the United States and Europc has pnssed both houses of Gongreas. It requires that one cable shall be in opcrating eondition withiu three years ; that the ra te of one shilling. British currency, per word, and that there shall be no amalganiation with or sale of the line to any other cable company. The yioliticians who have been progpecting ft bonanzas n tho shape of Federal offices in the Black Itills are doomed to disappointment lor tho ].resent. The Sonate ('omniittce on Territorios has resolved not to report the bil] organizing a Territorial govonmient for the Ilills. and that región will probably have to take its laws ready niado from the Territorieii within whose boundaries it lies. As interesting test bas Just been made on the stage of McYickcr's Theater, Chicago, oí a newly-tavented flre-proof preparation for stage acenerj and properties. The test, which was made in the presence of a anmber of city officials, was overy way satisfnetory. The canvas, as it (ame from' the store, blazcd in-tantly hen ignitcd and burued freely : but, after being ooated with the preparation, ' aw canvas would only ohar onder a threequarter inch blow-pipe of gas, would not even ignite at the ordinary application of lire. and would not blazo onder any cireumstances. Pieces of wpod of the thickne'ss of the (ramework used for scones and sceno-shifting, which had also beun coated with tire-paint. Hfere bui slightly charred nnder a blaze of gas ror aS nmell as live minutes. This valuablo preparation -. destined to bo utülzed nol alone by theater peoplé, but will bc fonnd of incalculable beueíil in the public ai large, and farmers in particular. By applying it to barns and other outbuildings, these siructures can be cendered ahnost absolntely fire-proof, and a I guard will tliiis be afförded against the oconrrencc of accidental and incendiary fires, to which onr agricultural friends ' aro so eonstantly subject. The proparation consists ': I combination of silicati'. tungstate of soda and whiting. Pnll pnrticulars as to how to make and applv this cheap, invaluAble ]recaution against lire will bo furnislicd ehoorfully, I and freo of charge, on applii-ation to Mr. L. L. Sbai]e. the biiMiiess manager of McVicker's Theater, Chicago. l,i. -i;nt deatliH : Judge H. W. Williams, of the l'enn-ylvania Su])rerne Court : Judge l!obert Flint, the oldest member of the Fond du Lao (Wis.) bar. WASHINGTON. The of the Treasory ha isslied the tliiity-i.iiitli oall for redemption of 5-20 bpudsof 1866, May and November. The oall Is for $10,000,000, ic wfaich $7,000,000 are coupon and #8,000,000 regtetered bondn. Principal :iik1 interest n io id at the treagury on and aftor the 12th of May nest, interest to cease onthatday. The following aro the descriptiona of the Bonds: Coupon bonds- $600. Nos. 3L901 to 85,800, btith iiit-ln.JM' ; $1,000, '- 70,661 to 7!),(KI0, both inclusive. Regifrteréd )xndR - %50, Nob. i )1 to 450. both inclusive ; $100, NoB, S,801 to 5,950; 4500, Nos. 8,801 to 8,800 ; $1,000, Nob. 13,351 to 1$,800; 95,000, Non. 5,101, to 5,350; $10,000, Rog. 9,801 to 9.760. ïuji Aotiuji gecretary of the ïreasury has issued instrootions ander whieb any deppsitory bank locatcd in any city in which there is nu independent treaaury offloe, by transmitting to the Tivasurer of the United States a eertifieate stating that the sum of $1,000 hns been placed i (o liis credit in the genera] account, will receive direot fivmi gome muit of the United States, freo Í of expense, a likc amount óf subsidiar; silvor coin. . . . Winslow, indictcd for thclarceny Of the f12,000 paekagofrointheTreasury Department, hftH been aentenoed to eighteen months' imiirisonment; in the Albany Pcnitontiarv.. .. t is nnderstood that the Army Board, of which Gen. BohofleU) is President, lias reportetd new regnlatlons tor the army. the resalí af whioh ís to makt' tbc hoads of bureaus of the War Drpartnunt in Washington staffoffioers to the Genera) of the Army. ...The President last week approved tl act of ' ■;rcss providing for a dencioncy in the apnropridtion for public nrintbur and binding, The liill ■ ontains a prensión that compositora in tlie Governmcnt Printing Office shaJD hereafter j oeiye onlyM cents per 1,000 eme for setting type. Tliis provisión has oansed considerable excltement among those emplosed in GovrniiHcnt Printing Office, and severa] delegations waitcd npon the President urglng him to veto the bill. A Washington dispatdh to tho Chicago ÏVi'junesays; "President Grant, in speaking of I the political status of South Carolina and Louisiana, said that the casen svero extremelv disshnilar, and oonld hardly be treated nnder one general Une of aotioD. ín Bonth Carolina the contest had assnmed such a phase tliat the rhole srmy of the Unitod States would boinadeqnate to enforce Lhe authority i Gov. Chamberlain : that the people of the' state had resolved to reaort to vio&noe, tmt adopteda mode of rexistance mneh more cffective than armcd demonstration. Thev had refusedtopay their State taxes, and it would be nseless to BeD their property, as no one would bny it. Uiüese ChamberJainoouldoompel the óollection of tases, it would be utteilv useless for hun to oxpeol to maintnin bi authority for any length of time. This stat1 of affahs nmst inevital)lv result in the aliamlonment of all efforts by Chamborlftin to maintain hiniself in the exercise of thegnberliatorial functions of S'iitli Carolina. ' In regard to Lnnisiana the President wilt not undertake to decide a between Messrs. Packard and NichoilB." The Washington Capital o! Sunday. Feb. 18, contained a üary artiole apon (he decisión of the Electoral Tribunal, in which the foUowing pnssage (wcun-ed : "If a man thus retnrned to power can nde in safety trom the Execnüve Mansion to the Oapitol to be inangorated, ire are ntted for the slaverv that ill follow the iniugnratiou. We do not beliève the people of the United States are of this servfle aort. We do not believo that they are propared, without a blow, to part with their hard-earned, blood-stained possessiong, Notice is now served on the etnsens of I.n]iiana and South Carolina that thev must. care for tlieniselves. lfow soon lamp-pósts wil] bear fruit is for them to say. To the people of the Nurth and West ïmtieè is giveu that bondholders and monopolies mav fatten si-cuielv. Thai a hrinkage of values i's now in order, "if there is law for fraud, there is reason for vióleme. and to that we niake onr last appeal." The appearance of (bis article was the subject of a Cabinet meeting the following day. at whieh it as deterniinea to pronecute Don Piatt, the editor of the Cnjiilal, for sédition, and libel uim the President. FOREKiX. Cattaix-Gknkual OiitPOB, of Cuba, has informed the Madrid Government that the Cuban insiurection wil] be suppresKed by May. Kudoi.f Heter, of BerUn, editor of the Socialist newspaper, lias been sentenoed to nine months' imprisoninent for publishing a libel on Prinoo Bismarck, chárging him with stook; lobbing The Turkish army is reported to be in a dreadfn] state 071 account of the insulüciency of hospita] accommodations, the lack of medical snpplies, etc. Dysentery and typhoid fever are apreading rapidly.... Dom Pedro, Emperor of Brazil, bas just' paid a visit to the Pope Statistical returns of the product of the vinos in France for the year I 1876 show that the vintage has fallen off' ex' actly one-half from that of 1875. Thereduetion 1 was caused hy the ravages of the phylloxera. A terrible explosión latelv occurrod in tlie coal mine at Graiscessac, France, killing firtylive minerfi. Gsh. Chaxüaiinieh, who at one time dnring the Franco-PrusKian war eomnianded the maiu French army, is dead. . . .Germanyhas irrevocably deterinined to take no part in the aris Exhibition. . . .The news from Europe grows more and more warlike. the Iiussians having concentrated abont 200,000. men and 428 guns at Kiflheneff, a short distance from Odessa, and only a few miles from the historie Prnth, which separates them from the Iïoumanians. wltb whom a tri atv luis recently been mad'o that will allow the linssian passage across Moldavia ; and Wallachia to the Danube. Austria will ofI fer no olijcetion to her crossing the Danube m j the Servían frontier, which eau bc easily done, and will so place her that shè can turn the Balkans and invade Tmkey without boing compelled to overeóme the tremendous natural obstacles of the Danube and the Balkan passes. A Losdon dispatch of Feb. 19, says : "The man-of -war Valoróos returned tn Xarmonth Sunday, after a week'n search for the missing Haherineii. which was unsuccessful. Twentv-five resselaand lñfi hands were givenup as'lost." . . . .The announreinent (.unies from Home that it lias been resolved that any Cardinal mv be electod Pope on the cliath of Pius IX.. irrespeoUveof nationality. This leaves the door open 1 to the American Cardinal MoOlosky A cable dispatch reporta that Capt. WhitehUl, an engineer in the Khedive's service, and fifty soldiers, who were on an exploring expedioon in Abysainia, have been massacred ny the nativos.


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