
Ann Aiujor, May :J1, 1846. Business of most kinds is railicr dull, nnd muney scarec. A very litile Whoot arrivés, which is bought n at 6 ?L, cents. In VVool, we lear'ri that dealers are of. fering from 23 to 27 ets. On this article the Detroit Advertiser remarks : 41 It is nu v generally conceded that the prices of this staple must be much lower ihau lnst season. Recent intelligence from Easlern dealers and mnnufacturers state ihat the prospects are very discouraging, Itissupposed the inercase of the present clip soon to come off wül exceed the de. mand, consequently prices have declined ; hut even at present quotations the grower will bc wcll rewardcd, as the surplus of the new clip will be utiusunlly lare. We quote for common from 17 to 18c ; onethird to one-half, 19 to 22c ; threefourths to full blood, 23 to 26c." ik-FFAr.o, May 16, 1846, Flour snems to be out of favor here - we can hear of no sales - $4 is the price at which it is held , of wheut soveral lots have changed hands - moslly Chicago. - The price for that ai ticle hus boen from 82 to 85 cis - a lot selling out of store at the lutler price, the scllers pnyins s'.orage. 2000 bushels of nts sold at 20 cents. Corn continúes to move off at 42 cents and highwincs at 19 cents. There is no demand for provisions except for the retail Irade. - [Courier. New Yobk, May 15, 1846. Fioüi - sales of 2500 bbls. Genesee and M.chignn for export ot $4,685 ; pol aahes 83,75 ; pork, mess $11. Bt-tK.ii.o, May 19. Market Juli, and will continue so un;il a foregn arrival. 1,000 barrels of Michigan Flour sold for 3,94. 3,000 buthils of Wheat suid for 78 cents. niwjniwii ii â â â jiiatB- - q- :i