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Agricultural And Horticultural Interests

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The Wiseonsin Agricultura] and Hortie ultural Society reeently held 111 intorestiug session at Madison, the attendanee beüjg large. Among Üie Bubjeote np for discussion was tliat of managing hoen. Mr. E. W. Sanfonl, a practical bee-rniser, said tlifM'O was inore proüt in the bee fchan in the oow; must use. movible j frames; stock of boos must not swarin; lioney taken out when made; whes flowers are plenty good swarms will produce twenty ponnds a week; white elover is better than btfck%hëat for feed; good swarm of bePS is worth $10, and wonld bring more Alear profit than a good cow; lic extraete the boney by an ingenieras extricator preserving the comb entire. Mr. H. Smith real a paper on " The Gondition of the Dairy Interest in Wisconsiu," stating that the yearly product j of the dairies in Wiseonsin is $4,000,000 in value - iii-gued thnt the dniry interctB ' of the State deserved more logislative eni'onragement tlmntlioseof fish cultvire; the foroign demand for American cheese is constanÜy increasing. Slr. B. F. Adnms, of Mndison, read a pnper toeating upon strawberries. The : i best varieties are the Wilson, Downer's Prolilic, for later berries the Jocunda, and for the latvst Beed's Late Pino. Mr. Olnrk stated tliat orates could be made , out of lath for 4 cente each. Mr. Stone and other growers of the Wilson had had j trouble from an insect called the " I roller," resembling the curraut worni. Prof. W. W. Uaniels delivcrcd an ! divss upon stock feeding, inwliich i mw theory was advanced tliat the quality of j : the feed did not affect the qimlity of the milk of cows. Tliis view was portod by Mr. Wood, írom actual ' ; menta, who said that eolor only of the milk wa aftected by the feed, and that the quality followed only the charaeter Í of the breed. Mr. Clark, in a paper on raising apples, staíed that fie luul Complete suecess on snndy iln, discriminating in locatious. Díhcubsíous were Jiad on horticultural subjects, in whieh it was held tliat whaleoil Boap in better than arsenic or parisgreen for deetroying cankir-worms, by applying it with;a garden syriuge ou the flrat appearmice of the insect The compound is made with forty gnllüns of water, six pounds of whale il and one pint of kerosene oil. This solution has nlso l)een foniul usoful in promoting the health and vigor of tho plant. 0nn gallon of cominon soap enn be usod in place of one-half the qnantity of whalc-oil soap named above.


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Michigan Argus