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Froin the nuiiual report of the Commissioner of Patente for the yenr ending Ye: 31 , 1876, we learn that tlie number of npplicntions íor patenta during the year wiih 21,425, munbere of caveats flled, 2,697 ; patents issued, 17,026 ; caeh received, 757,987.05 ; ensh expended, $662,542.60: surplus, $105,445.05. A statement of the balance in the treasury on account of the patent fund shows : Amount to the credit of the patent fund Jan. 1, 1876 f 880,909.62 Amount of reeeipte ilurlng the year 1876, 757,987.65 Totol $1,644,897.27 From whieh deduct expenditureti for tho year 1876 682,542.60 Balance .Tan. 1, 1877 $ Ü92,354.67 Following is a statement of the business of the office for the year 1876 : Numbor of applications íor patfc-nta during the year 1B7C. 21,425 Nunib'rof pateutH issued, incltlding reiseues aud designs 15,595 Nuiiihcr of applicatlönfe for extensión of patent 2 Nuiuber oí patenta extended 3 N'umber of caveats filed dnrinfr the year 2,697 Nmnber of patent expireddurinfi tbe year.. . 814 ïiumber of patent allowd bui not ifjsued for want of final fee 3,353 Nunilier of applicutiong fur regihtering of trade-inarks 1,081 Xuniber of trade-marhn registered 959 Nuinlxr of applicatiouH for registering of labels 50 Number of lfeh regMcréd 402 Of the patents granted there were to - Citizen of the United Staten l(i,2:W Subject of Oreat Brltaln .'11 Subjectn of Pninoe 104 Subjects of other foreign Governmente 172 Total 17.026 The following table shows the number of patents issued dy the United Statf-s Patent Office to residents of the different States and Territories, from Jan. 1, 1876, to Dec. 81, 1871. The proportion of patents to population is shown in the last column : .Vo. of One. to State, etc. l'atefttx. Even Alabama 4fi 21,673 Arizooa Territory 2 20,8.r! Arkansas IS 21,0fi4 ('ilifornia 42:f 1,370 Colorado ; 21 2,24fi Oonnecticnt V 7:l Dakota Territory 10 4,.V) Deiaware : 3,572 Didtrict of C'olumbia W" W Florida 22 8,B56 ! Georgia 63 18,795 Idaho Territory 5 4,116! Illinoia 1,298 1.9S7 Indiana 425 3,954 j Iowi 425 2,810 Kauna 83 4,498 Kcntucky 163 8,104 Louiniana 107 8,793 Mainc 178 8639 Maryland 273 2,860 .MaBBacliuett8 1,587 918 Michigan 426 2,787 Minnesota 164 2,720 MiiwiBBippi 42 19,712 MÏBDOUrl 423 4,069 ! Montana Territory 3 13,298 ! Nebranka '. 40 3,233 Nevada 21 2,796 New Hampshire 106 3,003 New Jersey 6SÜ 1,323 New Mexico Territory 1 111,303 New York 3,914 1,121 North Carolina SI 21,007 Ohio 1,198 2,230 Orcgon 24 4,245 PennKjivania 1,895 1,859 Rhode' Mand 231 941 South Carolina 31 22,671 Tenuespee 107 11,702 Texas 108 7,.rti2 ! Utah Territory 14 7,113' ■"'ermont 111 2,978 ' Virginia 145 8,4-19 Washington Territory 5 7,486 WestVirginia 54 8,185 Wisconsin 303 3,615 Wyoming Territory 10 1,151 ÏTnited States army 7 United States navy 1 United States in general 16,239 2,398


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