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__ J,'ot very good niaple sugar weather. _- Repub.ican County Convention to-day. _- Pav for ihe Aiïquö this mouth and aave jsif a dollar. _- Pr. Foster Pratt, oí Kaiamazoo, was in the city yesterday. __Wiitch our adverhsing columns for ad veitisemeutfi of apring joods. __ The ball of Company A, on Thursday ji.]it laat, was voted a success. _ Maren carne in yestorday very much like l,mli, Wo walt the roar of the liou. __ IVof. Wm. P. Wells is to deliver the clos _ lecture of the term to the iaw class. _ïhe regular meeting of the Common Council will be lield Monday eveniug next. _It 18 aaid that Billings who ruua the oiiard House as assiguee kuowa how to keep , hotel. __ The Red Kibbon brigade of Tpsilonti had , parade on Wishington's Birthday, nearly 500 strouj;. _ James Boyd and W. Allaby will ocoupy the store on Main street soou to be vacated by (f, S. Allen. - About a dozen faithful Ropublicaus arO totered foi" the postofhee, with several warda [o hear f rom. -Mr. John Duffiy, of New York City, gave usa cal' two or three days ago, and subscribed br the Aeous. _ The luw department juniors indulged in jcisss blow out, at thn U-regory House, ou Fridyevening last. _H. W. Kogers and wife left yeaterday for i tripto Virginia and further South, aud will beatoeut somo weeks. - The University CoEnmittee finished takiug leitimony in the laboratory case ou Tuesday. The report is anxiously looked for. _C. H. Manly, Register, proposes to move rom the Fifth ward to the Fourth (on Detroit street) to be nearer his office. - Dick Johnson is to be cailed to an account to-day for a violation ot the ordinance jjgulatiu the ways of hacktnen at the depot. - If tnere is no break in conuections Eer. E. H. Chupín, of New York, will bo due betore the Studeuts' Lectura Associatioa on the eTeniog of March ó. - The funeral of Miss Caroline B. Spafford, who died on Friday last, of eouaumption, aged H years, was attended from St. Andrew's church ou Sunday atteruoon. -Senator Burleigh'a bill amending the charter oi this city, by repealing the compulsory iitoon and restaurant clause, passed the Seuate interday, by yeas, 30 : nays, 1. - At the regular meeting of the Ann Arbor Scieutific Association, to be held to-morrow inning, papers will be read by Mr. Haller on Watch Escapements, and by Prof. Qieene on tie Ashtabula Bridge. - The examinition of ex-Recorder Lorejoy charged wlth converting city funds to his own use, vras continued from Monday to April 26, to gire Mr. L. time to liquídate his indebtedness. - Mrs. Livermore had a large audience on Friday ovening last, and discuased " Women's Husbands " nominally, but it was remarked in our hearing that ' Men's Wives " came in for the larger share. - Michael Weinmaun was convicted on Monday on the charge of slaughtering within iorbiddeu liunits, and flned $40. He hag appealed to the Circuit Court, and will contest the validity of the ordinance. - Frof. D'Ooge will give a parlor reading, it the residence of Judge Cooley, on Tuesday irening next, at eight o'clock, for the benefit )f the Ladies' Library. Admission ten cents. UI are most cordially mvited to be present. - Charles Parker, who was boarding at the counry hotel, foot oE Main street, somewhat jinst his will, went out after a pail of water on Wednesday evening of last week, and hssn't yet returned. Owing to the long spell ot dry weather he is probably uuable to flnd luough water to fill the pail. - On Saturday afternoou last the japanning oveu iu the Ypsilanti whip socket factory exploded, setting fire to the building and burnin out the inside, with stock, tools, &a. Loss on building, $500; on tools, il,500; and on stock, $2,000. Insurance on stock and ïnathiuery, $2,000. - At a meeting of the Executive Comraittee )f the Washtenaw County Agricuitural and lorticultural Society, hald on Saturday last, He8srs. J. 3. Robison, Samsou Parker, J. W. ffing, aud G. W. Phelps were appointed a :ommittee to negotiate a consolidation with ike Eastern Michigan Agricuitural Society. A aove in the right dtrectiou. - Last spring Supervisor Krapf thought he lad caught Luther James living withiu his urisdiction aud assesssd him for personal property in quite a large sum. But Mr James áaims to reside in Lima ïustead of the First ard and refused to pay his taxes. Not finding any visible property to levy upon, City rreasurer Terry has brought suit for the taxes : fore Justice McMahon. - The industiious but destructive borer is aischiovoualy at work in the maple trees rtich are such au ornamiut tü ourtity. Pools 1 )i ap may be seen ou the walks beneath the ' rftes where the borer is plying his vocation ai there is a continual drip, drip, drip of the ' lis-blood from uumerous liuibs. Heroio ' Jutatiora last fall seems to have checked the ' 'ïstructive work in some quarters. - Miss Bessie Eaglesfleld, a gradúate of the ' taiversity last year and favorably known in S city, now Terre Haute's lady attorney, has 'íceutly ttied and won a case in wuich the Stletoa "hoss" was involved. The Gazette I that city says : "She is soon to try an 'tachment case, and it is shrewdly intimated lat Bessie prefers " attachmeut " cases and ill make a specialty of theui." Hcn. J. J. Kobison was in town a few 'ays ago, and reportad the couutry vote ra vory "ucn excited over the attempt of Ann Arbor . tofet three more Supervisors, and intimated 'hat if the project waspressed it would nisure ;h defeat of the Court House loan. We 'Sire John that not to excoed half a dozen 'tizeus favor the iucrease, - about the same "imber as want so inauy cotnmissions, etc. Mr. S. McCaughy, of Iluntiiigton, Ind., "tnetly a resident of this city, ctropped in to e6 us a day or two ago, pa for the Aeous, "i compare notes. II.: was not exactly satis111 with the politie il aituatiou, but thought it 'ould have to be accepted. He said the plow 10 been running in his vicimty for three feek8. He also made some very complimen"J remarks about the Court House, and conif8ed to uot knowing its equ&l. "" On Friday morning last, as J. Austin tt, of the Sixth ward, took his seat in his ltrage, and before his wife had time to get 'i "ie horse made a sinlden start, beoame un'ntrollable, and ran away, tipping over the mage and dragging Mr. Scott some little 'tance in the top. It then broke loose from e carnage, ran a few rods, and stopped. Mr. ctt was stuuued by the fall, but was not ■wrwise injuied. It was a narrow escape. Í- James Taylor, colored, attempted to en"■the house of Nelson R. Hill, on Elizabeth :reet iu the Fourth ward, on Saturday night lst at the uuaeemly hour of 12 o'clock and awiudow instead of the door. Mr. Hill earing the uoiae, dreased himself and started ' pursuit, coming up with his man on Detroit ret, when a acuffle took place, iu which the ilored man proved too much for Hill. So 'H returned for a gun, and with the aid of fficer Maroney, who had been notitied that iething was up, aucceeded in capturiug hia im9 J 'odgiug him in jail. Examiuation i-day. - A Mr. Mary E. Watson, living on East University aveuue, discovered on Friday that siuce the previous moroing her itroug bol - a pasteboard box kept undor the mnttrasi of her bed- had beeu brokn opeu and robbed of a gold watch and chain worth f 1(K); an Aun Arbor Savings Bank ceititicate of deposit for 1130 ; a note, and 39 cash. Other boxes had lieeu opeued and searched before the right one was found. Mrs. Wataon, Buspoctin gome of her atudent rooniers, had their rooms and truuks searched, but without making auy disdovery. l'ayment of th certiücate of dspoait and note has beeu stopped. Prof. A. J. Peruiii, of Detroit, a graduóte nf the University ot Francs, has placed a oopy ot hig " Phouoraphic Instructor " on our table. It is a new and simple systom, and readily bcquired in a few lessous, -that ia il the certiflcatea of Prof. Pernin'i pupils are reliable The professor is uow giving instruutions to a olas of University .student.


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