Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogue

lETDit. Osoood's Ikiia Cu,oLAOoaux whicii ias gaineJ sucli notoricy in ilie cure of Kever ind AfMie, anti other bilioui nifections, niay Ikound nt Maynurd's Drug Siorc. Tliis modi cine was prepnred by a regular pliysicinn, nnd s the result of nu exu-nsive practico of fevotal ears i a bilious climnic. Those wlio hnve usii il iliotnsclvea, or sec ts salut.iry eOecis upon xhers. neoJ no farthcr evifJonce of iis grewi wal uc. A smnll treitisc on (lic "cjuses,. ir-entincnt nd cure of fever and aue other discasee of ïilious climates," nay bc had' gratis of ilie abovc Sonts.
Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogue
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