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Douolas Walkbk, of New York city, has been sentonccd to sixty days in the penitent iary for cowhiding ThoniaH T. Clark. WE WEST. Ir s rer orted that silTcr has been discovered w miles HOiith of Hiishford, Mimi. Every ik' i tlint neighlmrhood is in a bjgbly-excitod Ktto. Specimens have been sent to Phitodrlphia for atway D. Kxeigh 4 Co., f Chicago. heavy dealen in grain and proviriotiB, have failetí. Their liabjtttiea will reaeh sevonj linndrod tbousand dollars, The Ohio State Grange has just held its :muual session t Cincinnnti. Two lnuulrod deleiatcs wwre present, representtng everv connty in Mra State. The report of the State Business Agent nbora an aggregate business of over 3,n(XI,000, making a anowing of 9800,000 t Patrons. The galei "f hogj durtog the paet Beason amountcd to (1,000.000, navhig oommiBuioii to owners and giving tluin the advantage ■ ut a good market. Tuk boiler of tlie Clifton Nail-Keg Pactory, ;it Middleport, Ohio, exploded with a terrible effect a few days ago. The lnrge building was completely wrecked, and four of the wórkmen killed and nbout a dozen woundcd. . . .The wwl-growcrs of Ohio, Indiana. Kentucky. West Virginia, and Fennsylvania held a meeting at ( 'incinnati last week, and derided to erect a capación storchouso at SteubenviHe, O., for ' Uio purpose of storing their pniduot and ' ortiïig ït before placmg it upon the inarket. Thry will dispose of their stock direetlv to ninnvifacturers. The miners in the liliick Ilills are beCdning alnnned at the threatening attitude of the hostilc IndiaiiK. A band of navngcs reeently made a niglit attack on Spcarfish City, a email niining j town near Deadwood. About a lmndred shots werr exchanged, but no miners vete injured, owing to tlie darkness. Farties of Indians had l Iwcii seen in other scdions oí the Tlills. Chicago's last Bensaüon is the drfnleation of Oen. McArthur. for geren] years Postnmster at that city. His 'irregnlarities" amonnt to about Y50,000. McArtlmr lias gone into bankniptcy, and made the Governmont a preferred oreditor, which will probably secure it against loss. Fox's American Theater, in I'hiladelphia, ha been destroyed by fire. It had a seating eapacity oí 3.000. THK SOUTH. President Grant haTing probibited a militan- parade in Columbin, S. C, on Washington' hirthd&y anniversary, the day in that city exhibitcd all the qnietness of the Sabbath. Business was wholly suspended, and the flngs on the public buildings weie placedat half-mast. In the Nicholls Legilatire, at New Orleans, a resolution bas been adopted declaring that undemo cii'cumtitances will the people of Loui.-inna pay tribute to any other than the Nicholls Goverument, and that '( any attempt to gather taxes by other authority will not only prove abortivê. but lead to lamentable civil rtlife." Gov. Nicholls bas appointed tax collectors in uearly aU tho jiarishcs of the State. POLITICAL. William S. Stokely, Kepublicau, ha been re-electtd 3Iayor of Philadelpbia by 3,000 mjority. In Pittsburgh and I,ancaster the Dcmocnt ck'ct the Mayor and other municipal ofticers. The following letter from Gov. Tilden explains itself : ÍÍEW Yobk, Fob. 21. To Hon. Fraucis Krrnan, Waiibintou : A tolograni to tlip Aaflociated Ichr, pnhlmhfd thiB morning, KtateK that a haruioiiionB ucreouicut bas bwn brought aï)olit bAtWBUD the Srnatr coinmittoi', of whk-h you ure a niciiil)er. and the conimittee of the Hoiwr, by which it ha ln-cn deciiled not to RO into an rxaniination of niy bank account on tiie one hand, or accounts of the Clmirman of the Kepilblican couimittte on the other hand. I repudióte any BQcb ■greemeot, and disilaim any eucli immunity, protection, or benefit from it. 1 reject uttcrly the false imputation that my private lank account containt anythin wliatever that needü to )mï concealed. Under the pretenso of lookinR for a payinent in Iecenilei-. deinand vratt nutde for all paymenta after May and all deposito durin nine lnonths. The bank was repeatedly menac#d with removal of it oftieors and bookB to Washington. A transcript of entries of private businews trUBte, charitiee, containiug everything but what Uie couimittee was conunif sioned to investígate, but nothing which it wan commissioned to investígate, bccauwe nothing of that fort existcd, llaK beeu takeu, with my kuowledge, to W'aphington. Of oourae, there is no item in it relating to anything in Oregon, for I ncver made, authorized, or knew of any expenditure in reiation to the election in that State, or the rcf uiting controversias or any proml&c or obligation or negotiation on the subject. Mr. Ellis, acting President of the banli, himself a Republican, some time ago told the Chairman of the committee and eeveral of its members that there ie nothing in the account capable of furthering any just object of Invectigation. I am aiso infornied that a reeolution wa paeed to eummou me as a witnesfi, but have reopived no BUbpena. I had writtcn before thiB tolegram appeareti requesting yon to cay to the committee tliat it wouid be more agreeable to mo not to vifiit Washington if the committee wouM send a HUlwoniniittee or hold a ession here, but that otherwiBC I Bhould attend under the subpena. As to this arrangement now reportel, I have nnly to say that I can accept the decorum and decency, but not a nctitioiis ecjuivalent for a mantle of secrecy to anybody eUe. . 8. J. TlLllSH. The Htate Prohibition Convention of Ohio met at Columbus, last week, and nominntcd the following ticket : For Governor, H. A. Thompmn ; Lieutenant Governor, George K. .Icnkiiih Htnte Treasurer, Arza AJderman ; Attorney General, D. W. Gage : Supremo Jndge, D. C. Montgomerv ; Clerk of the Supremo Conrt, George Dodd : Jlember of the Board of Public Works, Amos Miller. The Cabinet-makcra are busilv at wort conKtructing a council of ministers for the ineoming Iresident. The Washington correspondent of the Chicago Tribune telegrapbl as foUowa ; "Tbere is mbHtantial uniiiiiniity that the Cabint, as a New Englaud Senator says, will not be a Cabinet of scrulw and nobodieáj It is belicvid that no niemlXT of the present ('.ibinct will reniain psnuanenUy. but it is expeoted that Gov. Hayes will request them to stay until thr14th of March. One Cabinet politlón at least nill he grren to a Sotithern molernte man nf Whig antecedent who has not been identilied with the Republican party, in order to Iry the experiment of breaking op the colorline and dividing the white vote Sonth, Evarts is ccorded the State Department on all hands, notwithstanding tbc inevitable opposition of Conkling. Tlie Pos-toffice Department and Interior speculation gives to the Kouth. John Slmman. it is said, inay be made Secrotary f the Treasnrj-. The War Department, it U calcnlated, will go to a Northern man of good war record. Gen. Logan friend will Brge hini. Gen. Harrison. of Indiana, and (}en. Hawley, of Connecticnt, are mentioned to reconcile the Cameron clement to the inevitable faüure of Don Cameron U retain a position in tlie Cabinet. It is suggested that Wayne McA'righ may le, made Attorney (eueral. He is son-in-law of Senator Cameron." Frank W. Palmku, nocntly editcjr of the ttiierrOvean, has 1 aen appotnted to 8ueceel Oon. McArthur as Postmaster at Chicago. THK OBKfiON DhX'lSION. Tlie following is an abstract of the report of the majority of the Electoral Tribunal in tho rase of Oregon: "The Electoral Comniission. li.iviiig received certuin oerlificntea and papers pui-]orting to be certlfleatea of the electoral votes of the State of Oregon, and certaiu :i(H;rs acootapanying tin; aune, hi1 objectkma thereto, report tbat it has duly eonsidered the sanie, and has decided and does herebv decide that the votea of W. H. Odell. J. C. Caitwright and J. W. Wiitts, the ]erso!is named in the certifícate of the Hecretary of State of Oregon as UW persona receiving the highest number of otesfor Presidential electora, are the votes provided for by and that the ame are lawfiüly to be counted as testified to in the icrtilic.-iti; of said electora, namelv tbree votes for Rntherford I!. Hayes, of Obio. for President, mul three TOtèa for William A. Wheeler for Vice Preddent thé report furthcr sets forth that the election of Watts by the other two membersof the Electoral College was in accordunce with the eonstitution and laws of Orcgon. The grounds for this decisión, so far at tnej concern the iligit'ility of Watts, are suhstantially tlmt it is oom1 'tint tu g" behind the certificate of the (iovirnor so far as (he sanie i. nut (ounded U)xn the action of ftie oanvasióng or rotnrning mthinity provided for bythe Inws of the State, wbjob autlimity in the cuse of Oregon is held to ! the Becretarr of State. report also tabea tl grovind that it i nut easendaJ to Bhow that nu elector was elisiblo on Ube7thofNorember; provided it be shown that he j cligiblc when he -ast his voto in the Electoral College, and the (act appean that the alleged ineligihle elector. Watts, was chosen to fill a vüiMiiey ciiused byhia iiwn abnence (rom the Electoral ('uilege, and that be wan bol ineligi''1'' :it tin lime bf r:i-t bis vote. The report is signed by Meará. Bradley, Edmund, Brelinghiiyscn, Garfield, Hoar.' Miller. Morton and títroug. GENERAL. A ni.iiiipti.i. story of suffering, starvation and cannihah'sm at sta is related in a letter received ut B'istuii trom ('qit. Kane, of the Bchooner V. K. MiDonald. dated on the west ooaei of Af-; rica, ('jipt. Kane relates tliat on his ontward i i'oyage from lioston he feil in d, Die irreali of Ihe Iiiilih bark Marie, haring on board two SnrviTora ui the crew of t'ourteen men, thi' otherH haying perlsbed from èzpoüure and famine. The two mcu vrefo taken on ard the BCUOODfir, luit one died within four bonis. Krom the SOÍ6 snrvivoi' It was Hscirtaincdthnt the bark #W butuid fixiiu J Bobby, Ga,, to Belfast, Ireland ; that sho t sprong aleak in a gale mul filled with water su it was impossible to wave nny pfóvisions OC fresh water, xhey soon bogan to dio of starvation, i and as soon as ons died the rest subsisted 1 upon Uio dsM bodv, and so on, nntil i onlytwo were lift. The siirvívor, James t Laughlin, belongfs to Bolfast, Ireland, and says i that only small portions of the bodies could bo Í caten. No onp was killed, bnt the moment one I died the survivors ent the throat of déoeaaéd i and drank the hlood, and then dividid the haart ! i andbrains. It was thirtvtwn dnys fïo'U tlH3 I timo of the disaster unttl the wreokwM slghted, I and during all this time the CWf had not a drop of wntrr of other fnod thnn Uio bddles oí j thetr doad shlpmatw. Thf whole Gorcrnment maeiüntny of Kova Scotia lias lwen wlpwl Ottl of existenoe bj the discoverv I'.int the great scal of the provincc in UW) was the onp rendered worthleRB by the Qneeo's oommand nlne years ago. It has heen thercfore deeided that all legislation, money grantH, marriage licenses, and in fact everything done hy Government authority, sime 1868, was nuil and void. Imperial legislation is DoeÚMiy to set the matter right. aun the fax peopie are naturully fnll of uxcltomcnt, . . . (n. Andrew Denison, Postmaxtcr at Italtimore for eight yearn, was fonnd tiend in his bedafeniorniñgHÍiioe. . .TheiiütononsGen. Cortinas has lcen oirei-ted at Matiinoras, Mexico, and placed in the prisou. It is believed that lie will be court-martialed and shot for not obeying the order of President Diaz to present hiniself at the City of Mexico to answer for his i condnet on the fronfier for the past ten months. .... The Piesidential eleetion in Moxido lias rcsnlted in the success of Diaz. WASHINGTON. Two Rkar AomiIIaLs In the United States Navy - Goldsborough and Davis died at Washington last werk. TnE of the Ttreasury has deeided that nntil C'ongress amends the Pacific liailroad laws, or enacts, fmtlier legislation, he has no ! optiou bilt to apply the wliole amount of the earnings for mail transportation of the Reveral i Pacific rnilroadH and their branches to the Uquii dation of the interest account of these roads, i notwithstiuiding the Kupreme Court bas deeided that these roads are entitled to one-half of such earnings In obedienee to a cali from the Election C.'omniittee of the Senate, the Secretary of the State of Lonisiana has delivered to that eommittee the returns from the twenty-two ohallenged parisheR of Louisiana. Tuk President bas nominated James A. Williamson, of Iowa, ('ommissioner of the District of Oolmnhia in place of James H. Ketehum, resigned. A Washinoíon dispatch ivk: "Tlic Postmaster (ieiu-ral bas reeeived during the past week a number nf newspaper protests ngainst the eonstrnction of the Postal law of 1874,80 far j as it relates to the postaee on back nomberg of nêwspapers and periooicals mailed to subfcribers. The department lias ruled that ] seriberfl can receive all the back numbers of the ! volume fov which thev subseribed at the subseription rntes of postage, bilt thnt numbers back of that volume must pay book rates. FOKEIGN. A 8t. Petkksbiko dispatch says : üussia has , 600,000 men, or two-fifth of the army, ; niztd. About half are on the frontiers, ready j to begin operations A Constantii nople dispatch Bay twenty more Bul. gariauB, cliarged with complicity ' the .May iiiKUrrection, have been sentenced eacb ; to twenty years' penal servitude. The same 1 dispatch aliso announces that Chevkel Panha . : the author of the Bnlgarian atrocities, bas been ■ appointed to the command of a corps in the Turkish army The peace negotiations between Turkey, Servia, and Montenegro are pro■ greBsiiig favorably. A Vif.x- dispateh says the Hussians are actively working in Persia to induce the Shah to t join them in the cvent of a war. The j ment offered i.s the possession of disputed i tier territory. The Khali does not appear I gether averse to the plan A cable dispatch : states that thirty veswels, many of them with their entire crews, were lost in the gale on the English coast during the night of Feb. 19, Kmperor Wiluají, in opening the Germán ■ Parliament, the other day, expressed the opinj ion that the peace of Euroje will not be broken in consequenee of the Easteni complications, basing that opinión lipón the belief that the ; united demands of the powers upon Turkey for gnarantees of reform will be complied with by tbc Porte, and war thus averted. His Majesty. howerer, took occasion to add i the significant remark that his Governnient will continue to exercisc its iniluence in behalf of the Christians in Turkey, and of the preservation of the peace of Europê, -I hut, "aborc all things, strengthening its own j good relations with the Governnients allied or othenvise friendly to it.". .. .Turkey hns ordered a large number of revolvers from the United States. Election disturbances havo broken out in I varieos district in Servia, owing, it is said, to intrigues against Princc Milan. Ti'oops have lieen sent to the Bcencsof trouble Roimiania WÍH disband her reserves nt once, as no danger : is apprehended from lïnssia, that power, even in the event of war, desirinc only the privilege i of passing its forces tlirougu the fonner state. Thkef. ships, with all hands, are reported lost at Sultana, Spain. . . .The Persi&n Minister lias communicated to the Sultan a dispatch from the Sbah explaining tliat tlie assemblages of troops on the Turkish frontiers are solely ini'iint to prevent the depredationsof a nomadi'c i tribe. These assemblages have been ordered ■ to cease. . . .It is stated in well-informed circles i that the Czar will certainly await the powers' ! reply to Princc Gortschakoff's circular bef ore atfacking Turkey. News comes from India that rain has fallen in all the famine-stricken district of Mculras, and the number of people omployed on the relief works has lai'gely decreased. lij ISombay the situation sliows no change.


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