Classified Ad

JReady Made Clothing ! ! hallock & raymond, WOULD reapeccfully cali thc ni ten: ion o their friends and ihe citizens of the State gei erally to their fresh & extensive assortmento Ready jtfade Clothing, just manufnetured in the latest stylcs, and bes possiblo tnnnner, consisting in part of superfitte cloth Dress ond Frock. Coatu, Fine Tweed. Cnshmareite.. Crotón Cassimere Slimmer Cloth nnd Merino, Bombazitie, Chally, Woorstcd and Marseilles Vests. Blue, Black and Fancy Cassi mere. Tweed, Drapde ta, Merino, Woorsted and Drilling Panialoons, togeiher with a very large sto k of Linen, Drilling, Cotton Sack and 'I weed Coats, Summer Pantnloons and VestÃ. Sliins, Sockf, Handkerchiete. Stocks, &c. &c. Also a very larsc supply of fresh Brondciothi", Cassimeres and Veslinps. which by thc aid ol experienced cutters and first rato workmen thev are prepnred to manufacture in the latest 6ty!e and best possible mnnner. They are preparod to o:II eiiher at Wholesale or Retail at prires which cannot fail to givo sntisfaction, and would re;pecifully soücit a cali from those vifiting the city in wnntof Ready MndcClothingor genteel garments made to order, at their "Fashimablt Clotli'ng Emporium." corner of Jeffcrson and Wondwaid Avenues, Dctruit. May !0, 1816. 266-3m For Sale at Low Priccs and Easy Terms. ljfey npilE subscriber offers for sale b W&f X F;trm, in ihc town of ], ÃSSSkSl of J(ïli aeren, about 80 acres ini"yr proved. Also a Farm at the mouth , A ('f lloney Crek in Scio, 3 miles "- "_ Im from this village, of l4G acres, 90 acres mproved. Also a Farm one mile from this vUiage pL 1Gà acres, 100 acres improvod. Kach of tlu'se Furtns are desirably locatfd for residt-ncp; have good buildinrs and are well watered. Also two dweiling IJouses mul lots ia this villape. ï2O vilhipe lot.s ; 24 out lots of about one acre each, in the imincdiute vicinity of tbis village. Ã0 aert-s tinibered land, and 30 acres improvcd J ⦠a uiile from this village. slips in the Presbyterian meeting house. Any of the above mentiond property will besold at Ikir jinccs nnd on a credit foxj of the purchase m on ey - Titlc lerfcct. Wanled-a span of good Horses in paytnenl. WILLIAM S. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, May l, 1846. 3irn E. ?. BURGER, Denlist , FhRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W". ROOT'8 STORE, CnANE & JEWKTT's BI.OCK, 26Mf ANN ARBOR.Nolice. GD. HILL would rcspcctfully ïhform the ciuuiia of A ni) Arbur oud vicinity (bat the tirm of G D. IJilI & Co., h.iving diasolved,. he wiU continue the business nt the old stund in Hatvkina' Block, on ihe old niid cstablished principlea of (he house "siMAt.r. fKoiiTS anu rmottT pav." he wil! be able to offer to lus cusiumcrs otl r abont the 2()th dny of May, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF SPR1NQ 60 00S nt the loweot poseible rate for Cah, Wheut, Wonl. and all oihor kinds o( produce. All persona wanting to buy goods wil] find t. to iheir advantagc lo hold on thcir Old Clotlics, mul the nbuve nntned assortment is received, 00 they will be old ot very low ratea. The Subscriber will also pny the hitrhest mafket pricc for 100,000 POUNDS OF WOOL. G. D. HILL. Ann Arbor. May 11,1840. 2(4-tf N O TI CE. Wherens Milo VVnit, an indcnti-d npprentice -boni ! jcars lid. has lcft my service and emiloy, all persons are notifiod not to iruet or harbor liitn on my account, ns I shall pay no charges or debtg contraccd by biro, 11ORACE BOOTH. Lodi May 15, 184G. 264'ów. EXCHANGE HOTEL TEMPERANCE HOUSE. (Directly opposite the Cataracl Hotel.) BY CYRUSF. SM1TH, NIÃGARA KALL8, N. Y. Tliiillouse r not of tho largest clase, but ia well kept, upon the same plan that it has been for several years past, and nffords imple jind verv comfortable accommtdations for those stoppinir ot the Falla. vv c TuÃSJÃ?tel '8 8itinlcd 'n the plea'antest pan of the Villaee. on Mnin Street, nnd but a IV w minutes walk from iho Cataract, Goat Island or the Ferry. Niágara Fallsj 1846. 262-6w 1846. Watkins & Bisscll, i846 FORVVARDING AND COMMISSION BIERCHANTS, DETROIT. Agent for the Troy and Erie Line. For Freight and Passage, apply to Asa C. Tepft, . N. Chamberlix, Agent8' 29CoentiesSlip, N. Y. Ioe, Coit & Co., Troy. KlMBKRLY, PeA3E & CO., } D â , S. Drullard, Buffalo. Moik Packagcs "Troy and Erie Line." Ship or yK, i5unday exceptod.) trom Coenties' ölip, A. Y., by Troy and Erie Iron Tow 6m Willsion Coria Mili {Mc'Knighl's Palent.) The subscriber would herehy say 10 the pul llC '.hat he is now prepared to furnish on short notice, those who whé, a portable niill, cnpable of grinding '0 btisheU of ears of corn pt-r hour or gruid other coorsc gi-ain ior feed.-ir shelled corn (with a rush.) rub out dover seed, &c. &c' called J. L. McKnights patent corn crushcr and clover rubber, &,c. The subscriber is also prepared to sell town and county righis to soid patent on liberal terms. The machine works like a charni, applicablc to horse, water, or steam power: one horse. is sulhcienito perform the neecssary grinding' for any farm ot oiher csiablishnient lor home consumption. but more power is ncceegary to do custom work to a profit. The subscriber has now in operation in his shop at his Temperance House, in Jackson, a two hone power, by which. with ihc force of oneJiorse (only at nesem) he drives said machine. The advantages of feeding corn nnd coLb in this vay is now ton well understond to netd rehearsing. Sufficeit to say, ihat to the south. where thcyiaise corn easy. and worth perhaps 10 cents per bushei, they ihink it an object to economise by ihus fcedinsr cnrn and cobb menl and that too where they give from i to A (v'r for grinding eithcr for feed or distillation. One. two or three competent salesmen want. ed to sell nghts to said machine in this State and Ohio, and tosellrights to Thomkin's morucing machine in this State: the beet now in use. T , M , T. WILLSON. Jackson, March 2, J?lfi. 2G0-6m TO THE PUBJLIC. THE subscriber wishes to inlbrm the public, that he completed his new ürick Building in theVillageof Howell, and hns fiueW it up together with B.irns and other out Buildings fora permanent Tavern stand. He has now opened the same for the accommodation of tho public, and will endeavor to his house a qiiiot resimg place iho trnveller. The House will be kept upon strictly Tom:crance principies, at ciiarees which will compare wiih tho most reasanaLle, '-thoiigh it should demand eome pocuniary s.icrifice to su&min it." Totheiriendsofliberty and oqual right. the 'fBtüiiET House isnow ofTered you wiih tha motto: ''Liberti 4' 'i'emperancc." .. .-:â _-. E. F. GAY. Howell, Lir. Co. April 29, 1846. LGMf FRANKLIN CO LD WATER HOUSEt Batks Stbeet, one door Norlh of Jkrritfao Avesvk, DETKOIT. 2G.U!y s. FIXNEY. 1VAITED. f I 'WO young men about 18 or 19 years of ago JL as apprentices to the Snsh and Blind making business. Also, one JOÃRNEYMAN. at the above business. H. GREGORY Ann Arbor. Lower-Town. Dec. 4, 1845. 241Valuablc Water Poner fór Sale. TFIE enhscriber will 6ell or rent his interejt in the Water Power in tho villugc f Delhi, o miles west of Ann Arbor. on the Huron Kirer, onsisting of a shop suitnblc for blncksmiihing, urnace or ecythe factory, with two forges and hreo trip hammers. The Water Power is 150 nches under nearly nine eet beah. Al:o, a er Power in said villaje snfficient to prope! four un of stone. A awclüng house will nlto be tnld with the nbove. if desired. For further poricnlarsenquirc on the premisas of JACOB DOREMITS. May 18. IMP. 2G4-tf HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. HOUSE and three lots united, tunted 30 rods S. E. of the Academy. Sold for hnlf ly dwn, or exchanged for a farm with good Utïdins, aboit i mile from a vilJage. betweeu . 40 nnd 4'A dog. in New Fmrlimd, New York, r Mcliignr. wlicre a High School n.y be obtntd 3 or 6 monthp, yenily. Enquire of the wier II. H. Griffin. Craltsbtirv. Vt., or Loim Mills, and R. Moorc. Ann Arb r. 263-3m Strayed, FROM the Subscribersun Thtirsday, the 2d of Apnl. 131. two Oiree yeara oJd Colt. 12: une ronn liorse Coli.nud one light grey mre. wiih a piece o rope lied nround her nrek. Vheii sheleft had a t-caron the richt iore ehould' r. Wlioever will ive Information where they lay be found linll bc reasonoblv rrwnrdtÃrt. F. O. Sà A. CRITTENTOiV. Ann Arbor. April 20. I84C. iMW-ii" JIHAWIiS. lir;ss= Hitts o all kindLnrif. 3 Veils. Ciavals. Ribbon' &: &c. At the IanHiTta.n Si. kis, D"iioit. W. A. RAYMONO. Dec. 25.. 1?4.-, 2-6Ãh
Hallock & Raymond
Farm Sale
G. D. Hill & Co
Temperance House
Watkins & Bissell
Freight & Shipping Services
Ide Coit & Co
Kimberly Pease & Co
Wilson's Corn Mill
Public Notices
Water Power
Stray Horse
F. O. & A. Crittenton
Old News
Signal of Liberty
William S. Maynard
E. G. Burger
G. D. Hill
Milo Wait
Horace Booth
Cyrus F. Smith
Asa C. Tefft
N. Chamberlin
S. Drullard
J. L. McKnight
J. T. Wilson
E. F. Gay
S. Finney
H. Gregory
Jacob Doremus
H. H. Griffin
W. A. Raymond