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False Imprenlon. It is generally supposed by a certaio elass of eitizens, who are not practical or experienccd, that Dyspepsia caaaot inrariably be cured, but we arO pleased to say that Grees's August Flowkr has never, to our kuowledge, fatled to cure Dyspepsia and Liver Couiplaint in all its forms, such as Sour Stomach, Costiveness, Sick Headache, palpitation of the Heart, low spirits, Ac, Ac. Out of 30,000 dozen bottles sold last year, not a single failure was reported, but thousauds of compliineutary letters received from Druggists of wonderful cures. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. Sample Bottles 10 cents. Regular Si.e 7.5 cents. For sale by EbebbacH A Co. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Special Sale of Cotton Gooda for Casb at Afctoniskiug ruw l'ri. ... We offer fifteen cases and baleB of bleached and brown cottons, new Spring style prints, and housekeeping goods. All bought before acy adrance, and on which we are havlng a Rushino Sale at Old Prices. Hamburg Edgings and Insertiugs- 10,000 yards now open. Don't buy a cent's worth elsewhere until you see thein. Black cashmeres, black alpacas, and 25 pleces of the celebrated Jamestown mohalrs- in grays and browns - just received. We are ready for business this Spring wlth new goods, new styles, and bottom prices. KtBpectiully, C. H. M1LLEN A SON. .■a W. II. E1.Y, Organist at the Presbylerian Cliurch, will give instruction upon the Piano or Organ, or in vocal culture and harmony. Lessons giveu at pupils' residence. Terins, $15.00 per course of 20 lessons. Pianos tuned and repaired. Cali or address, 13 Bowery street. ltöOyl


Old News
Michigan Argus