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Forty-fourth Congress

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Tcesday, Fob. 27.- Senate.- The Senate, by a vote of 21) to 28, poetponed thc furtncr contúderation of tho Pacific lïailroad Fimding bilí until the next sesión of Cougrctuf. ..Mr. McDonald called np the House repolutlons in respect to thc memory of the late Speaker Korr, aiid eulogicB wore delivcred by Metsrn. McDonald, Wallaee, Wright, Bayard, Booth and Morton, after which thc rewolutioiiB wcre unaninioualy agrecd to. . . .The bilí for the relief of tíettlers on public land was I pasKCd. It authorizen honietitrad and pre-emption i scttlerw whoBc orón? were deetroyod by Krass&oppers íu 187fi to leave and be alwcnt f rom IheSr lamí uutil lgTö Houho bilí to provide íor tac ule of dotftít laudH in the Staten of California, Oregon and Nevada, and tho Territorios of Waahington, Idaho, Montana, T'lah, Wyoniing, Arizona, Jíew Mexioó and Dakota va pftOBed, Housk.- Mr. FieUl, from the Comuiittot on Privileges, roported the bilí providing that, in caee of a failure to elect a Prepidont and Vice President, thc President of the Wenatc, or, ín case of a va caney in that office, then the Speaker of the Houtse, or, in case of there being no Speaker, then the Secretary of Ktatc, Rhall ásenme the office ef President uatil tho Prcuident has been elected. The bilí was ini inedia tel y ordered to its second reading, debated ' ordered to a third reading and pastad Mr, SclüViclier moved t sunpeud the rulen, and adopt ' a rcHolution recognizing the Hampton and Nichollfl Govermnents as tholawfulGoverniDcntsnf the States of South Carolina nnd Lonlpinna. Rejected- l"ü to 93- not two-thirdn in Ule afnrniative The í der of the duy was öëvoted to the conoide rat ion of the Hundry Civil Appropriation bilí. Wednisdat, Feb. 28.- Senatk.A I municatioii wu rcad from ('liflord, co&veyLng the decisión of the Electoral (loinmiHuion in the case of Soutli OuOllll. Iiuiuedtately the House was informad that the fienate wan ready t vntinue I the count of the. electoral vote, and at 12:10 the ! Senatí marched to the Hall of the Hotte. The ' Señóte retiirned Ht 12:Sí, and Mr. Robrrtcon piiIk mitted a resolutlon that the droision of thc ' min8Íon upon Qu Stectonü vote of Houth ('arolinu stand hk thf ,liulgiuent of tbe ftenate. the object Iouh made thereto to t!ie oontrary nohvithtiintlin. I Mr. Bogy moved tli:it the toRtimony Ín the SOQth Carolina cae Ík1, read. Rejected - yeas, 21 ; : nay?, 41. The two hou re' diaondoo then eoni menced, and was partici]ated m ly Minsrs. Mc Creery, McDoiuld, ïttorton, liayard, l'atternonIjO, gan, Baatobury, Baton, Sbenxüni, wadleigh, uerril mon, B!ain'. CÁmETOtl (Wis.), ('liristinncy, ;uk] Kernan. Tho debute having closed, the reKolutiou of ' Mr. Iïobertson that the decisión of the COXQimaaJoD I Upon the electoral vote of Houth Otrolina stand ) í the judgnient of the Senate, etc,, wan greed to - you, Q9; nayí, a - a strict party vote. The Senate then met the House íor the pUrpOSti of continuing the count. Bef ore rcturníni? to iU chaaber, at 7:15, ob.icrtioiiH to tlu1 certifícate from Vcnnout were read, and a resolution wan uDRtitaiotlslï itrtnpted thftt the vote of Mr. BtfUacO s elector for vermont Imí counted with the öther electora] voto of the State, the objection tliereto to the contrary notwithstanding. Housk. - The Speaker laid lefore iho HÓUM a comiiiimirjition from Jimticc Clifford, iufornuug the ', Houwr tliat tln1 Electoral Oonunlaston haddecided tiie matter touehing the electoral vote of Soutli Carolina, and liad transmitted thedeciwion to thc rmidení of the Sennfe. Tho two faousea therenpori met in joint BAasioD After the Senáte liad I dnuvn from tho Hall of the Honw% Mr. Bpriuger made motkna to adjonrn for tíio day. Tliis was ue featttd - yeiH, í3; nyn, 170. A domAttd waq then i made for the rnadlng of the tentinuiüy taken tu the South ('titolinn oafte, a large. irínted vohnne of Kome ■ 1,:X) piagee, TIüh Wi alHo defeated - yen, 87; nay, ; ! 177. After tiotiM further attr-mptH nt delaf, Mr. i rane offered a renolution that thf decisión of thc Electoral ComminHion OH the votes of South ('aruüna be not HiiBtained by the House, and that the vote be ! not counted. A léng and tícand debate foliowed, at the conoliiFJon af whieh the reHolntinu was Bdwted( and the two houRfR mOt in joint convention. Joint Oojívkntion.- At 12:10 p. ni. tho two ; hoiiKOB met in joint GOHTdntlOSj and the decisión of ! j the Electoral Coinmisnion in the pase ot South ; i lina was read. Tw&BAtabf objectionH to thc cuii-if1 ing of the vote were presented - one by Mr. Phillipn, of BCwonri, and the otber by Mr. Soutliard, of . '■ Ohio. The obJectionH were based npoii the Mine '■■ groiindn taken by tlie objeción before tlu. ícnianJK1 Hion. After tln had DWn read the Séoate ; drew, tliat the tv honufl miaht act nepnratflly, and deelde upon them The two hoYurai came together agatn, fit &n) j). mn and, the aot&on óf eaofa body '■ on the South Carolina deotaioii having boen road, i the preti'liuR oincer aitnounced that, tlio two honwes not t.oncurriiif; otliei vJBO, the elector! votes of South CnroliuH would ! councdt and they wore Í thercupon declared aw 7 for Hayes and WheeJer. The ' Votafl of TexmeeSM (12) and Texn Í8) were then anuounced and Oöttnted for Tilden and Hrndrickn without objcctiim. TIh-u cume Vf-minnt, with four rotea ioi HayeR aud Whecler. Mr. Popjdeton : aeked the protddJng ofltoox i tincatc f rom W rumn! had been received by hini. aud hn replied in the negativo. Mr. Iltwiit ütated that lic held ín Ijíh haud a iackage pur: porttng to oontaln Uu rtectoreJ votes of vermond which packfige had been deüvered to ïiiin by expxeas abont the mlddlc of December, and that wilh t oame a letter stating that a similjir pnekage I had been forwanied to Uio President of the Sonate by mail. (u learning to-day that no porreeponcUng package had been received by (bc presiding ofneer, ; be had tènderod tó hlm ttiis pne.kge (holding it up), i the nealH of whieh were stül nnbroken, and Hie presidlng ofñccr deolined to Bcoeivo it. ]- now in 1 deren the paoksse to 1 1 ■ prealdliig oiïker a purport ing to contiun tho electoral votes of Vermont. ThePresiding Offloer- "The Chalrhae stutedlbal he bafl received btrt one oertlflcftte from Vermont, Tho i'hairalKo ptalefl th;it the l:iw iroliibjta lmti from receiving ;m eertiflcaH after thfc. liri 'i hni-s.iiiy in Kebruary, liin flutj i to reoelve, open, and have read Jiii that hav been recelTed on tbal day." The breelding officer thea ikcd il there were any objei aoni to ihe vote --i Vennontf whereoptm tbë fofiowingj rigued bj Senator Sferrhnon and iteprenentative ' Sprlngei and Hamilton, of Indiana, waa presented: "The iinderHigned SemttorK and memberw object to the oonatina of votea of the state of Vermont for the reaeon that two retorna or papers purportíng (o be the retama of the electoral vote of raid State ' were forwarded to the President of the Séllate, 'and ih;tt i-uly one of-flBld returns has been laifl before thi two botiaea, The Presideni pi Uie & nate baving Btated tbat lint one retnrn bas bnen recelved by hint from Bald State, a duplícate copy of one t tbo s:tnl 1 1 1 : i ni? i harewitb BUbniltted for aonfdderflaiioD i. Uw Sf imt Hoiue of {tepreeentattvog-." Mr. l'oj.jji.icti th.-ii preeentèd two sets of oboaons' t' ;]i Votool Hiiny N . Sollnce, ouc oí' the 0l6Cwrs. sTOund that bfi waa Fontinaeter wheii oleotod, 9MÚ tiuït the litw Of Vermont did not authorizr un [■■liintiiicut by tïio Colleffo of elector to"HU öic ! rote. DOt t-1 fuunt tlin vota of Downs Mr. MüIh theu withdrew his renolutiou to go iuto an irloction for Proisideut. The joint ncseion was then iwumed. .Ioint Comvkntiok.- The two houacs met in joint WBBion at 11 p. Di The action of each house on the objections haviug been read, the presiding ofucer iiimouncrd that (tho. two housen iiot coneurring othcrwiac) the electoral votes oL Verimmt would be couuted, nnd they werp therefore declared a for ITayoB and Whoeler. Then tho certifica te of Virginia vueancy caused by the abnence of ;m elector. Mr. Springer rtemauded the rotding of tho duplícate return pent up with Iiíb objection, bui the pre&idlng omco.r parusted in hifl retuwil to have it read The two houses then adjourncd. ThüBSDAT, Miuch 1. - Senate. - Nothing was done in the Senate boyoud voting to eount the electoral votes of Wtficonsiu for Haven. Houstt. - The day 's pvoceedingR in the House, Wero of au exci'ing, and at times diBorderly, character. Thöse in favor of prévoiiting a conclusión of the electoral count, led by Mr. Springer and Mr. Walliug, renorted to all sorts of filibunteriug táctica, aud the moruing hour panaed beforo anythiug was done. Mr. Popplrton aucQOadod in getting a ivhoIutlon rcad roeiting, in the form of a prenmble, thut a Boalftd piicknge. van addrewecl to the President of tho Senate by Mr. Hewitt ; that it appeata by a telegram f rom the Olerk of the United StatoH District Conrl of Vermont that a dupHrate of flnch return waa doposited in that office on the mth of December, 1H70; that tmch package liad been made part OÍ the object ion to the eertiiicate of Vermont, and still remained unopened, and that the object ion cauuot be considerad until nueh packagfí ím opened according to law; thai t:uch package in retained by the President or Sccretary of the Senate, and thereforo roriolving that the refusal of the President of the Sennte to open mieh packiige in preeefloe of the two houfipB wan a violatíon of law and of the privileges of the House, and, until Buch package hall be opened, the counting of tho vote eannot procecd f urthcr, according to the coutitntioii and law, and that thrr Senate be requeeted to meet tho. House in joint BCHflion no that suoh package may be oponed and proceedinc had theroon nccording to law. Speaker RandiiU rulod the renolution out of order. A ecene of rxcitcin'ut and confusión then ensued, nearly Half tne ïiiciniurs Iteing on their fet at once. A good deal of collnquy enued a Ui what had bocome f the paper, and, whlle the dlscusBion waa in roKB, niOHHengcr from the Benate enterad the hall and tendcred the packagfi to Mr. Hewitt.whorefuiwd to recoive it. Mr. Garüeld read a letter from the Secretar? of tho Benate, saytaig that he had pu tbc packnge purporting to be the aecond ; cate in Iiíb pocket, a the package looked liko a private communist ton, luit, bning admoffltlahed that lü roeoiition of it might be coustrued w a rewption of it by President Ferry, he tok it from ula pocket and placed it on lüs desk, aini Bincc tljat time he had not een the package. j Mr. Stone, who waa on of the tellers, tttated that he naw the Socretary of the Senate throw the package undor tho denk and anioug the rubbisíi ; that he (Htone) imniediat'ily wroto a note to Mr. Howitt, and that Mr. Hewitt and DA had n ! converaation, during whieh he naw the Seo rotary take the pnekage from ttnder the dek and put it in liin pocket. Mr. Finid offercd au anieudment to Mr. Caulfleld'a rewolution, to the offec) t!i;;t the Beoond ocrtlfloate from Vermont be opened in prewence of the two housea of ('i mgresa aud w-nt to the ffleotonl (-oinluliwlon. A vote v.'br then taken atuid tle moni intense excite ment, and it was defented - yeas, Jlt ; nays, 143. A nuuiljer of dijatorj" tnotious were mad, anl it wan not until Ö:1W) i. m. that a vote wañ taken on the rceohïuon that the vote of Elector Hollace bc not I counted. It wa carried- yens, 203 ; nay, Üfl- nutst uf i the Republicuua voting with the majority,for the pnr pose of Hooncr briugingthoquoHtion t(aclowi. The two hoUBa thcn osöciubk-d in joint eession. As Boon au the Sonate had withdrawn, Mr. M üls. of I Texün, offercd a roBolution to the effect that, a thr-tc bad boon ïi failure to eleot a President of the United Staten, "ÜÏe House wil] procecd immcdiately in olej dience to the conetitutiun to choose a Prenídont from I the pcruous hitving tho hiiihost numbrr of voteK, iiot exceeding threc, on the list of tbose voted for as l'ret-ident." Mr. Wood, of New York, moved an adjournment, but thore were objections, and a ticenc of uproar and coufuniou ensned, lating for K-voral ïninutt'.s. in tho courHe óf which Hlackburn exclaimed that Friday, hangnian'H day, had been ushered in- a fit day to witnenn the conimimation of I the. villainy anl scandal ot this procoeding. At 3:40 a. in. tho debate cloned, and the House decided, by a waa read] and the voto of that State was announoed aa 11 for Tilden and llcndncke. The vote of Weet Virginia yfafi 'next announced tH ü for Tilden and . Hendrictre. Then carne tlie lat Stute, the State of WisoQnaul, with 10 votes for Mayes and Wheeler. The oortificat of Vitconfin ha ving been read, Mr, Lynde prosoated oblecüons to the oountlug of the vote of Klector DoWuh, on the ( grouud tlïat he held the office of Kxan.ining Surgeou of the PenHion Oflïce at the tune he acted t i l'.'ctnr, and was thorofore not qualiftod. Tho two housea then separated to consider and determine the objection. At 4:04 a. ni. the joint convention wat roftiuned. Tbc deoinions f the Hi-nate and House in the cac óf WÍKcouÍn Were read, and Mr. Ferry directcd the tellers to count Wisoonsiu. He then announced that the couutingof the electoral votes of the thirty-cight Staten of the Union was completcd, and directed the teller, to asC6ftaln the result. Mr. Alliiíou.oneof thetHert. announeed: 'H. B. Have, 18. ; Samuel J. Tilden, 184." Mr. Ferry thiMi announced that Rntherfortt B. Hayee and Williftm A. YHteelr-r had beeu declared elected President and Vico l'rf-sident of the United Staten, and the joint convention disolved. Petday, March 2. - Sexate.-"-A resohition was adopted axïthorizing theappointmeut of a conmiittee lo makc thfi noccpwiry arrangements for the inauguï'ation of the blooming President, and Mcssw. Morril., Hiiwe and McOreery were appointed 011 the committee A petitiou was received from Gen. Abc Buford, the well-known Kentucky turfuiau, for the removal of hls politicfll ilisabilltirs. . The creden tialsof T. F. Grover, Senator-eleet frohi Oregon,were pfesented and referred. ■ Mr. Howe. f rom the sub-Conunittee on Privileges and EBecttons, whirh madi' au investigation in regard to the Louisiana elo.ction, submitted a portion of the report of the committee, now fminhed, aji'd moved that it l' printed. So ordcroil. Mt. Baulabury was grantod penolwlop to file and have printed the views of the niinority of the conmiittee Mr. Jonen, of NéVadüL from the special committoe appointed in August laet to inquire into the ehange wliich has taken place in the relativo valuó of gold and silver, the causes thereof, etc., contmonly known as tito Silver OommlnlOD, imbmittcd the report of thé comminion. Mr. lïoutwe!l,a mrinber of the commisHion, subniittod a mmority report signed by bimself , and also one signed by Prof. Francia of the expertfl appointed by the conmiinion. Both reports were ordcred priuted House hi 11 grantlag to the State of Missouri uil the lands tln-idn aelected as swamp and overflowed lands was pasned Th : concurrent resolutinn of the House to print 300,000 copies of the Agrieultural Report for 1870 was agreed to The Sundry Civil Approprtation bil! wub paased. House. - Mr. Hurd offered a preamble and rosolut tion, ïvcitiiig Unit it hud been decitlcd that a Preaii dent of the United States uiay be inaugurated on the l'raudulent action of the LouíhUuu IWtuming Board, and that the inon who have bo pontributed to tlie , electiou of the ('hief Maltrate of the Unios ought DO ltnger to ije in ronflnrtnent, and direct! ng that , tlie meuiliers of the Loulslaoa 'llotnrnlng Board bfi discharged from oUfitodT. The renolution was rei jectd- yoaK, Hi; nays, t)7 Mr. Field, from the , síiect cottttnittéc olí privUeoes. MportAd a bilí to prorlde au flV.ctual reinedy lor wrongful intrusión into the office of President and Vieie Preai dent. It próvidos that when any perwon intrndes iuto, or without duo elcfetlón holds or exere.iseH the office of PreHident or Vioö President of the United States, lus tlüe to the office, and the title of any olainwnt thereto, muy be tried by an action in the nature ot' qno warranto, The court shall inquire whether the electoral votes were cast by the persons duly appointod in ■ the mannefr diroctod iy tllfi LegislatareB, nul nliall loooAto riljicf tendiiii; to show forgety, f iImIuxkI, or t)io invnlidity of any certifieatcf of any Governor, caiivasaer, or other offloer. The court ík to re,1v,t the yotes of all perwons inelibgile ;i1 the Umfi of their aUegtvl appointment, OI iin ;l]H;ltjited al the tbnC of casting their VOtefl. and hI court nuiht inveptigatft any othcr faot tteoèAary to a ! Jttdgmonl of the nghta of the parÜeBj the judgméxil i to bc remïerpd witliin ten days af trr the verdict of the jury. If (ha defendftiit be luljudged not entitled to the Offioe, he shall be exolnded from it, and if the daiuiunt be adjudged ontiUed to it he shall immediatcly enter on the .dution of the offlot . Appeal nmy be taken Ut the Supreme I Oomi of the i'nited Htates. Aftel dolíate Mr. Field called for the previous ijnontion on ihe passage of the. biïl, anti it wan deieated - yeas, (6; ■ ii;iy,4, w ir. Qo% hoved to Biupend tlie ralee and pa . tim bill removing all poUtioa] disabUltiefl imposed 'iiid remaiuing on any porton irader the Pour■ teenth amendment to the oo&stitutfon, Agreed to - ; TS to 'M . . . .Tlie Anny Ajipivtjiriation biü was pMsed. Sati;iuav, Jlarch fï. - Work on ihe appropriation bilis wiwt pushed along with great rapidlfy in both housen, and all the büls were coniplett'd aud passed before midinght. The Sonate refneed to conom in thelíí.uw amendmeut to the Leglalative Approprl&tion bill outttns down the Presldent'H Kalary to $'25,rtK) a year, and the ill au pased Qzeafhe Balary at $60,000. 'Hut' waa such u scrions hit di on the. Arm y and líiver ainl líarbor b: lis that neither of them m throUfih. confereneort were had on the Anny bill duriug the day'is aesaion, The House inaistod that the army shóiüd be reduced to 20,000, and tliüt th' B&ctiOD of th" bil) prohibiting the use , of troopfl in MiHtainiüff State C4overnments should n ■iijiiin. Xhe S-iiatf' M strenuounly oppoeed the two itfiim. Iïinh were nnyiéldingj anl thus the meMUie failed. The appropriaüoo of last year leaveK (jullloient to mipport th1 n:niy until tlie end ot öte ])n Ki-m fiscaJ year, so that no extra sesBion is Ükfüy to lw inimediately called. ' The Ui ver and Harbor bill whh reporte-d from the Cotuinittoo of Commerce, but was not connidered. Tnere la, however, ■ largo surplus of mouey from i i i j i -i i-V ;i,piropriation, aud therefore no ment ctually aeeded will snft'er by the non-patíHge of the bill. The oustanwy reeofntiona of tii;mKs to the pri-HJding ofneers were paKsed iü thf: Benajte and Boilse, Uie nntunary renponses made, and at U ooloch m. of Smidny, March 4, loth houses of the Korty-fourth Oonenes adjourm 1 Bine ale. The procecdiugs in the two houses, excluciivo of the work on thf AppropriaÜon billn, is sumnmriziit below : Sknatk. - thp notable feature of the Srnate proceedings was the defeat of the Bqnallzation lïonnty bil!. Mr. Logan earnuutiy advooated it, ciilÜiiK upm (he Benate to ba fnst to the soldiers, and said the coat of the bil! wonld not exoeed t8,000K. Mr. ] Sargent, in ■■■■ !ainn'd Umi it WUUld requjro $100,00! i,i HH). bill was indeftnitely ' poned bj ,i iroteofS] to 33... bill reéenuy ported by the Finalice oiumlUea, in accordsnee with the r ■cnmiin-ii'liitions oí Presideni Örant, t sid in th i-i ■ iimptlon of Bpeoie paymente, was postooned until the lirst WMnesdiiy in December next. 'n .i rote of -7 i. -j'j. . . .Tlu' bil) maUng approprlatlonB ( i.-r ].;i ment of clatlüfl ftllowwT by Éne Southern GLafmB OoitímlBaiot vaa paseed; Housk. - in the House the Caiuoiui Ghoi taw Bcheme wae killed, the bil! anthorlzlng the nation to i u;t iu the Court of Claims i nihil!; to get the QeceflSffry twdthtrds ..Xhe iin to extend the Southern I Olaiini OOxnmisrion for two ycars paased the Huum aqd thus in carne a law reaoluiion wan adoptea ordering the diecharge from custodj "t thememoera of the Utuiüiaha Retnrning Board. ..Areuolutionwas reporterl from the Bülcct oomnflttee on prlvüegea, deolaxiog that Samuel .1. Tilden and Thomas A. I tléndricke received 196 rííteeof the electora Legally and conetltutionally appoiñted, and were thereby duly olected Presideni and Vioe Preeideni of the [Tmted states. Mr. White, of Kentueky, aenöunoed tbe reeolntton au ■■ revolntionary, treaeonable and damnable." Uwas paesed bystrict party vot 187 to kh Mr. Pield, from the select comniitti ■ on ÍvivUegeA, reportad n reso'ation deelaring (aftev a nng preumblt') thtit in connting fhp electoMivote of any BUteftls the, rfght and duty ot Conffrew rtiirt of the Douae to mqulrc whetiier uty voten purporttno to gnj fropj R Btt h1" 'n t by persona duly appoiuted by thiit Stato, and for that purpoec to roceive evidcnce of forgery, falfiehond, or invalidity of any eertiricatr of any üovornor or eauvaPHcr. Adoptrd without the yean and nayn Mr. Sayler'H amendment to the rules giviug the (Merk of the House (pending tlio electlon of BpeákOT) anthority to rcqufre the Kcrgnant-at-ArniH to aiil in enfurcing ordor wa discunHed and psMSd. The measure was regtrted by the Republicana. IMr;i Keaglon of the Sonate Monday, March 5. - The Sonate wan called to order 1y Seerotnry Oorhaiu, and Dr. Knndprlaiid then oflerod prayer. . ..AiVr prayer, tho proclftmation of the President Hing the. Kenate into eïecn1 1 % f babHImi was rnad . . . . Mr. Hamliii offered a regolution wtalob he naid was cufttomarily oflfcred on sucli an occaj-ioni The roKolution provided that Senator Howe phould tdminlstCT the O;itb of office to Mr. Ferry, who íb ]i ni y electod Prenidont pro tem of tlie Scnate. Adoptad unatiintouly. The ootla wan then ftdmtniBtercd to Mr. Ferry by Benator fíowe. Mf. Kerry then took tli1 chair and retUrned hi niucore thanks to the Senat1 for the honor confrred upon hlm, and directed the Secretary to cali the roll of newly-clccted HenatorH, who, as soon aR their nanie werc called, took the oath. Four werc sivorn at & timo, the frflt four heing Jfenfrt. Anthony, lJlitiuc, Beek aud Hoar. The setrotld for called w6re fe8B. Kirkwoort, Grover of Dieghii, Davis of West Virginia, and Davi.s of Illinois. All responded Imt Grover, and UoFhenon, New Jerney, wafl called in hit placo. The tbird list otAed n.braced MeeBTB. Plunib of Kansas, ItollfnK of Nf;Hunpebiro, Saulbiiry, Saunders of Knbrawk&j Teller of Colorado, and Wiudöin. The fourth lint enioraccd MepBrfl. Coke, Garland, Hill of GoorRia, Johnsoü and Ransom. All thete took the niodifled oath. Senator Kellogg wob then called and WU abotit to t;ike thr oath when Mr Bogy objeoted V renolutlon a adopted tliat all OOlkteflted credential be teniporarily laid upon the talilc Mr. JVrry anuminced tVo fet of credenUalH fróm South Caroliim Mr. Hpenorr objected to thï credentials oí the Senatore-elect 'fnui MiHsissippi and Alabama, and they Wèfl laid on the tablc Tlic oath of office was admluistered to Vioe Prcmdent Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler made a brief addreHt in which h snil ho was about to enter upon the dutieti of his office, and that u Preflideni of tlie Kenate he woqIq endoavor to lift bfmíielf abovo partisannhip and to bo preside as to facilítate aud öxpedite the delibrationu of the Senato.


Old News
Michigan Argus