Classified Ad

ÃÃ&óïcal Koiice. TaEuiJc.sig.iodÃ'.iiüff?-riu hl" rvices i Wmsim ujw.and OS Cj-ni'rs, ü Ji., â il! v üttl say, ll)?i a'n Ihv.k pra ...:-i med.ciao iM i â I' inciples a . 'ectuiol, ;.ii i truatod di â â â â l"v -i Hu r.i.r .t'.! 'â '..; ñu.MifiS :. tan i'ià iü'tiio n e v -school oÃ' inojictiie ; and huv inê c â ",' â ''llJ IU;) s-' a unhojii itiii.'Ãy bglicvütà lloincn p nliy ii)oj-. siÃ'-'. ct'.'l lin niul -i cesÃul i.iD!iu: óreme , . aro náw n in.os . prm mntly oradicÃicd by Hú A i'-r úi oà thc pino. ÃilmiI. ü eru. stüinach, iVc. &d, iÃj.v ilicir cd:.(in rethcflub K" ilopsy, â ura!;i", brom-lntia. livor n: i Ãu -.â t.c.i:Ifi fe ver. ctiolem. i illitinin .'! tino ii. erysijielpà ,)i lila .'. iiiÃlainniaÃious o tin linin, à . : . ó, â . v .-. ure on!) a few rf thtÃ".inauy illa, mu ..obc;-;; cttipi of" tlieii terfora by .'.:â â ú.v.Ay a;)tÃLU'.io:i oÃ" ioniaojiarhic lucdicuint oÃa. U'uliÃj.i. fu ', iLe iind.eslcned wouiJ Icivlmi Ãu lie .illl.ctcd lo s.iy . on trial uft.h? remedies, wlÃeilier liáaicáópaÃliy is whaiit ci.p.s to be o: QOt. lie vvo'ulÃl á'so sra:u 'hit hj lÃos jus! reÃurned Ãroju .Nf.v V,.i' ;:;.'. l'hfliu'eÃpliia, w.'li a coin;.'l(.'A"tlK.N'TS, jiuà iinp,)j;o â . wúoro he . 11 aaeul i.) ii cii-. aU Ãiiriu'sji uii'iii iw..-i rices I ró;n closi atiJ v;' ' ' !-'lv'' sM'.is.'ac .i Ãi'.iy favor láin vi:li lh:.c pit ' â ' â â â -â :-t p.Mit. from mtamaio i promjitni(.'i,-. Tii i te ice ihenisclÃcs uniler i ;i:io clise iso, pan i!)Ãi.l lo.l:;i U'S c; a i. r al ..'o !;jUöO. or in O(llC] . Tiiü.5. ULACK.VOOO. M D. HóÃlfE P tfjÃst. TpsMi.m; 20th X -v. 'ó o '.'J- ! mroiiTiiüri A-s'Ãà wÃiolesale peal- v: ÃIARPWARE AND CüTLERY. Dj Ã"ü I, I . ' â â â - â i l. "- ti â 3 uluve Fcail si. Ãew York. J. W CoUKTLAsb P. DlXON. W. .'v vivirüj n ful! and J;cnernl ns â . . i [J : insis'jri i rn i 1 Pocket Cmlcry, : ' . . . . .: I rons and Sav3, A n:n'l Scrcv.-s. A'ftii â : Uowland's Mili (.iiii XDutSiws. . .3'. DefinÃ' and Tnyor'.s "Se - :i.:i nro nÃfred mi the no3i favorable ter is Cbr o -'i en .; itioütri8'crr-(]ir. , :. Kei 2!'2- ÃipTo Wób Errro'cag. Wil he:r icavc 10 itifor.n cnr Wool Gripwi i' i :JÃ, ihat uo shall be prcpared ur i purchnse of 100,000 Ibs. of a gcod cien mertrumtabió ariiclc, as sü ;s :he scdspn fot sclliirg eunwnences, r.s we u canncfctcd wk!i EiïStcrn wou! deal :rs, wc sh: be alilc 10 i.-iy liic Incest [nion tiie Kas'.crn mn kei wil] nfibrJ. ij.uia was made Ja ccï' ' i 'â : -Mjih fácfui jr ccixiiiioii Michigan VVooj - :i:ui :â _ i !nd tirji aml a i 'in b:i::y ...,-, A .. Wc v.-ju.'.I Ii ti â u;i o ic'i;.!ct (1t the u - laken to }::â . .â il t-lic1]) weü .-. tÃMt the Tt: cui pffv au. i i futly !:â d lip ith . st IS, to 2r --: : i; v. 6e foitnd rcn'.iy to i'.i. .livmunn o Waol Grw eisto pat up thefi munner. Ln wáshed woo1 ra uot iiiètcluuitall, ; n i uiil b rojecti I jj! buyexs, ll . n. j. hol:jes & Co. V..OllV,-Ah!) A VV.SVE, Lirc. Detroit, MarchC'6, IS-iG. 217-if ñJuJúf yf&m CLOTH! CLOÃHà r I THE undersigncd woald nform ihe public J_ ihat ihcy coniiniie to nr::nif':)ctii.e PULLED CLOTH AND FLANNELS, nt ibeir pianuftctory, nvo nnd a Inff ruilen wcs of Ann Arbor, on t!ie liuron Ãlive, near Ã'ic Railruad. TH R.M 3. The pricc of inn.'iiif.iciïiriiie Wbito Flannel wil) be 20 ceU, Fulied CJjih 37è cents and Cassi mere -M ce:i:s pe y.'ird. or i;:f (lie clo:h tii Wool vvilJ niake. Wc wifl aUo excliaoge Clodi ibr VV'uol on roasonnble tcinis. Tiie c'nl jr;i will bc Ljiay, black or brown. The Wool b'jlongini; io each individuo! will bt worked by itsclt when ibere jj ontfugh of onc qualiiy to tiinke 80 yards of cloth; wlicn ihis i.' rot the caáe, s;:veral p;irjels ofibe snrnu qtinüty wil! bc worked togcilier. and the cloih divided among iho sevcr.-il ownerd. Wóijl sent by Riil road. niür!;i cl Q. W. Poster & Co.. AnnAibor. wiih diresiioiiH, will bc ai;enJ I lo in the smru mannor sa if ibe ov. i come witli it. - Thö Wou! v.ill bc ïiianul ai'i!' -J ui lurn ns i: comes in, as ne : nsister.t witii t!ic diifererit â , '. â Wool'. W liave been cn-;-'--! n thia bjisiucs3,83_vera! yoarö. nn ! I . siii.-TncLioi: we b.Te given to n ers foi ihe laÃt ' large uha?o5f p.itrön&ga wirti conff(fence rhat 'v shall meet iliej'jsi â i on.-to-.uf.-s. Lettèfs 8-ho"uÃtl Le adlrcÃsoJ 10 S. VS. Fostei &. Cj., Sc:o. S. W. FOSTER & CO. â Scio, Apri! G. ! 2G0-Iy T' à . :!' hoiiidit the eniirr iir.op â â ii óf . & II. Pnrtridire and Geo. F. Kunt in ilio "Steim !;.n:;i '.:â ." Ann Arbor. will mott ,.-;;â ) o. lei , and ui 'tiish sny kïn'd'of'C to tiie olil tÃustoÃñcrs t (Innis. Pnrtridge & Co.. IÃ. fc R. !' rtri 'â -. -V Co , cinl PártfÃjlgg, & Cu., Ãik tj ai! i mny favor then) witli a cali. II. B. riAJlIlIS, T, Vt'ÃLLl A:IS. Ann Arbor. Dcc. 2G,-iK.IGL 2Jl-tf r E : IC OJÃÃERè. rjrr â pniJ in c;:.-!i !) Cr. F. LcwX â [irjiker, opppUe tho Inurn;icj Bink, Dotrojt, ior orderq on aoy of tin couni i)f Miclr'nn; als j i'ur S'nii. s!curi;joj of all kinds und uncurrcnifaudd (Juli and se. Dcz 1, I 241-1 CLOVHR MACHINES. rpHR VS U.ING MACHINES ao'd Scpornto JL ; ' jhéir Mi chine Shop. nuar tbc Vnvrr Mfll, Lowcr 'i'own. Ann Aibor, KXAPP .t IIAViLAND, J.m. I!), I-Ui :liï tf AGK â rtTii'jt.r n (osifil and Iron Barrel RiÃ.'s, doüble and ein;;!e It.-xrro! 8hot ' . â . i ' â k, Gamo Bags, Snot l'ouchcs. f, jvd : ? by W.M. R. NOYi:s. 2-18-1 y Til, Woodward Avenue. Detroit. TEM ?Va NCE HOUSE. PI',. RrPLKY wouldsayto - and t!v f â nee, lliat he In? taken th'e T?fpernnc6 Hónse, lately kcpi hy Wm. G. Whi e iie would be pl w?it 'ip m i.'-i.i. !!-Æ Uars nnd St.ibbling to Diiroi't, .' Ã5 f Chattel tfortgages, Ji'T pnn'.e I anti fjr snlü ai this office 'man; quohtity, M'.riii.'i. 15 16.â r:" '" ". â ' â ' i SHSüi BjhSH W&ïïà ' :' 'â '-â ' â ;.'-" ' "" TANNERY:. LEATOSÃlà LEATHER! LEATHElÃ! ELDRED & CO., No. V2'.)t Sitifctson Avenue, IKiro.i's Hlock." ]l,?!roi(. mko tliis opuiluüiiy !u uioptil their cnsioine, end the pubüc gcuerallv, tliatlhcv stil! Ctiniiiiue !o ktjéj) on liaud a Ãuil ássortmcui of iañÃe:llilK-cJ ; AL.,. Ls .-,â.] IVr?s, Ciiriicrs' ToüI?, A:c. "U.7l!!eitlJ I 1 !:-...,;â U o. l.:r Li-!i.itT. yf'Ã'tVfK : 'â Lcaiher, Corrfevá'Ãi ,:â 0:k '" "â " i Nyruccü Sl.itis,r n ncli Innncd . â gi ,),, aiid I!, mi..,-!; 1, t!n ; ; , ,. ;li: Hcriikck láfinedlà iñicssumt Bridlc Lcather, U .. mb da (l;iX . " " " ' WJilti and poloicd Linings, Bpgand Top L Priiued - Jo Skirlinsr. Pliihr.K-Ij.iiii nn! 0lu Shoe I R.. o :iúü''. nnJ Kit ol n' ni.i'.s. As the Subscribers are how mnnufacfüfiig their own Ãcalncr, thcv are prepared to sel! as ñsca'Ti ;e iHirci:;sed in tlii.s market. Merclianis aiid aronüÃoctbrers will fuñà it to their advaMage to cali and examino on e stock Befbro ptircliasing êlsewbere". 05Ccfi7i"hpd Lcaiher (c'cliangeá Ãor Hides and Shi:i. ELDÃ1E!) &; CO. Di.-irolt, J-np a;. â _iv.m hirty ThoÃissad Persons v 'N -â e - Ãf r xX .!.-.-. â is ynci.iüy du i !:--â . ti. -'â - : rrégjeottc i coli . i drsrÃWd unimp irtunl. 1 ticctic ifTar, cr.d nilit sv,:e.i .- . . . ikuih .:. .. ihe cene. VV â 1:1 s H . i v;t ? llereitis. 'i.-. h prÃvate pmeticu !.â ;- ..-â â vÃ-.! :-j étfieaoy, sÃ ils introci . . : â - :iÃ-lic nórioe. nll i : his niv.v boc Ã'luil a r â â Ins been úaprecedctotÃ-iul üs-suoct yoiÃd -quesiion. gtsaps' 'k;:t '; ' cjared 10 lie ih . . ü -'- vvorUlASTLÃM',J too. ttat fearfi.l rtil dïötresèirt'g malhdy. which rondéis üÃe Ãnir!hcr.=oiT'.ü i!urn 'ns con;iiiu;iare. ssubdued wr.liuut difñcnity Iy üiÃslt.k icnu-ily, and ihe suliuier is cn;rl.led Ãiy Ãs ase lo übtaia quict icosa; ihe slióxtne3s oÃ" btemh isoverCome', ilie coach is aünycd. nd hcnkh nnd vÃgf take tlie !aee oà dcsiiór.deiicy ar.d SuflbritÃg. Dr. Folirer's OJ,O3AO-IAN, or. IIkÃi.i.'-g Bai-saji', i lie retnedy whjc'li das been so eftiifentl soccPÃsfiil iu ""â 'â and curiiiK thcabovecmnpJ.iiiTis ; -rtiiÃT ii lina bëejj useü.by il:e first pbyici;Ãns in the city. uho licclare it t be unrivaUeil, innsniuch ;'s 't doi lüsuub t!io lujivfli :i tlie feasi b'y proJücing coai;v'nct=!. whüc ;ill oiher rcffteSÃsfecoftitrténdfe'd for ihe lÃove i:(-" Id.vl-!s, ihua rondiMÃnij i: necessary lu itsoii to urgative medieii e. lle.i'! ihe followirtsr'cbees, whic!; hnveueenrc(Ãeved ftfid ciited w'uiiin a fc%v wééfcs : DAVID UKXDKRSON. RO Laiyht street. took a severo co!d in tile 4 1 ány, ul July. ;imJ wns h;oüg!it very low by a distrc'ssing cou!i; which rosnhed' iñ frfquent attaelta -f bJcédiñg froni thc Iuii2s. Aliliough bo irifid every ihing Ãú i!ic shipc oi' remedies wliicli c -nld I .- fonuJ, et lie w not benefiited. and y ihe u.onii oj Ociobjr.wap ,sovuiucl] reduced -y i,iht si ihat he cféÃp-lireil of l:rf. One I Ol(.. â :..:n: . â â â ' i''GKOJLGKV,'. ÃJL'M:;.T'r. of Nefl J . ;:is suÃlcie-J under the ecijkóDiaifcvereild tbr : iore rbnn a yc---r. He w brinTt of'the grne -alirrosl. ' hisffouahaTid i â ;. Fie cortimenccd rnÃsiitg bloofl i i thi ,!i of Ce'...! . ' :- He â â â i red 'i che OlysfilniÃiÃi. :.mi by ú o núúáU I fsvci he v storctl tljal lie lefi f ir Vi u mh witli tve â "' récoveriiifj liÃs l.'.ahli. lira. BpLL, thc vife oà R "uil. oà;:n-. n. .. j,s '3s dreaUfully tfiüctqd -jlh Asthriiü i Vu 'â ' ' â y-'-::!liS I:"' óf rétÃevipg licr.. One bllle'pf tne oninn su rèjorcü fier s!à iogcijóut oà li'er [i'd ayd fTrf-gá hereel, wjycli bad not.dónn 1 vio re i,n nioa:h, a:-d shu ilow iu n (nlr vvay lo l'p rclu-cd. :.:,-. 1'. LAIJAN. 5 2 Pk"c sircer, rr,s so bad -.vitli asthmá Ãfeat -he Jad.n6t slcp.'iii I er. uceUs. vhe:i lie conjiñé'óced Ãlie use u '.!s grent rcrñcdy, n :id ie Iüus no.tliQtl n return oÃ'lÃia ca.i)!ant nojy i :!. p Ã.vu ::i ritl).s. Mis. Mc'G VNN, 2(1 Valkcr eTcef. toi! c,,rt.,] óf s : p !.y dÃe OlosnoiiÃni). n;d a:op i!::t slie péver km w niecixc'pe give euclj : !l GÃOKGF:W. I i V3fS, ófjhis i;iry, whsg iip'bj wno eiÃúpui'io the 0;..,;r)air:i!. v. ::- l I li'.M .%â .!'; wui'iout bcÃng :t'Ã..''. d ly a frTexdf By Ãiricl d:k niÃsJjà ' ' fcw w. e rs -fs t-i !e lÃble lo JAMES A. CÃÃOMüJi:, !-() KÃiaénii street ; J. .1. Paredls, II Teari Btr'cei ; C. S. Benson, 2i:J ü'ecdter sÃreet ; JamcÃ: Davte. ' â (liveim Sttcct : and .Mrs. iM.ulen, 9 Morton strrét-j hn'vc h) èxperienoed '.he goodell'ecisof ihe Olosoonian Ãn (Jougha of ÃoüÃ( standinir and nÃFdetiorts uÃlhe lungs,"ind prunóunce it, wi'h ooe aceurd. tobe rreaiesi remedy. and iJie ninst speeÃfy and :!;â cnal, iliat tliey bav.eevor knöWn. K-jodcr. are yon eufféring frbin thc ahovo disnfeè Try (IB remedy. Yon will not. perÃnps. rerct it. It may nrre.ñt ail [lioéfrdÃBagrceible symptoma wbÃcii wrÃko sich terror to tlie uind. and rojdng your tlys Frs'ti(;rit I()f .' ..â ' Ãn .M. ehc dov nb vo Aun. imi at Mrs fliys. I ::) Faltjóñ Broökjyn, A:;eoi8 for Aun AfbpBj Wi &i & J. W. May-: . ". S:ünr-5on. ypsi'anii: i). (' WHitWÃod, r; Pickford St Cr;;iLr. S.dÃnc: SrraÃh it â ;!. Clintoo; il. Bower. MncbestéH i'. FsrlÃck.-j SCo%, Plymoulii; D. Gregory rfnd A. Otnnr. Ãortlivüle. 244-Ãmo FEÃTIÃÃR3 ana I'APKlt IIA.NCLXOÃ? moy he lonndal all timea at tlie MvXHA'rrü ároKK. Deir-Ii. W. A. RAYMO.M). i Doc. 25. ! I. 211- Oiii DISSKCTEI) MAPS- An imfrucüto ond j nmúsing nnic!e for 1 lie yonnor. for sa'r ni I'EIIUY'S BOOKSTOJtÃ:. Doc '.:. 24btI J.-ilOLMKS ,'.- U'., ; wno'.r.s.u.!-: and kkt.wi, i;eai.i-:s r stapi-k ..m j-.a y DRY 60 O DS, asta pupet' IftfugiitgR, . 03 Wotniward Avenue, LarnciVi Bloc!;, Detroit. J ti .1. ir. ;.ir York, i s .-.i O â ,,,'. "Wyl7"E iflte tiÃsincdiod i . j V t :n.! (tston ci - fli'ri St.ïte, Ã] . i we.nrc 'fi;Ã! 1 w.-.ys. c:k.c r. e; ,i â â 10 ';' OÃ? ' I! J ' ï i'j'cil I. ir Vf vrouÃtJ ..,-(! à â ::- rwied"nierÃ!s for tiip . ,m .i â i, i â â 1 i rj : â i] â ;:!o - 1 â â ' i in ili'. . rr f i Ãs 'I i) i: 'g t'.ilj i;i : nr'hfS '.];!! -.i'..-. ! tp ;:.;! LjniS( !l i. . .. i ..i: â â Ãiciil !;o - ." . â nis, .':!:! f: i ns N. Y. !.i:s ;::vin5r rlieÃr li ihcse Ãncrific8-We can i,;U-!y pay.tlQ.i i-i; G;i3 r:!c ?ou! cuk.i? fot i.-.' cviu'encé of which .' ;;iviic iiie altóÃftión ópfhö j;ulÃlic t-ooui stock. Wc [}pld ( iÃjl; ÃTicrtt cprdinr.i riinrij'c oà ilthc j,Ciitf g'aotl i-i tlieÃrh I nuyiter' so if'ypv iviiñtto bity Goocls cb.ntp. KÃi) n tirge (ucnâ fi'j fot a VttL iuuiini givo us n triöl; (Ji:r stoelt fis as cxipisiye as my in ilic ciiy. .?ncl v.e rre tciÃiiirniÃlly ricciving r.ew antTfrcÃh Gcctis Irum New Yoi 1'.. 5Ã,0O0 ïfers. TTEbl. W.-inÃt'(}, ilieulwvr; qifnÃÃiiiyióffbótJ inorrhnnr' nol lor whidi tlie liighcsc nicrrkpà prict .â . .1 be p;tid. j; rroisjfcs & co. Manilas I asa OÃoamc'. Gorncr of Jtjj'oiiHiiL Axcyut muà l-u.'i-.s strec'.. JÃl BV, surtà :md viÃit lite Mnhlnfñfn Sioro v. hm ;uc niiikinÃr ','â 'â â ;-- 'i vi'iiicli yüü wül (nul iherc aro oxcdlria in qu.-:li;y ;n:d rénsonalilc in price. We liavé â Qoqd Hcavy licoiingo, Al.ip-icns, Dliüil'r?, Me: 'lÃos, rPickitgSj Musü I)'!aines, Ã.iii.Ãtijs. C'i.iiiücics, Red pnd vaitc Flar.ntls, ('.i1 ; SÃninci?, Lnce Vcikj Fuil Ci'iilio, Grcén ]J,irrcgc, Glovesj 1 JS à i â j -i Icloirbs, G â â _'' . Ãn :. Sl,:w!. Ribbons, Lincn CÃtisbriü Ild!;fe: Lgccs, &C. â v 'iaiuiig. C'nüun WicUinrr. WÃiÃÃà Csrpet V.'.rv. ( 'el'.. Sirnw 'i'ic!'n-:. . Fine i!i,bcachr ,à tÃMi ir? : . siins. . .-U.r .-j-;a l'HMKS itd PAPnÃl UASGITÃG3, DonJt liiiL'. 'Win-lijw peper, Fue board paper, Tiavc!in; Bn.--' r.-ueTKA m.mà CöFFEE, t.-c. te. And o:her di;! el o io.i fitfmi rous to Ãm-ntion. Fjinncrs cniüMt inil of fnidiii; i!e Mflobñttnn Bi ble piuca Icrrdb llieir ii'dinc. No pihis w be fpaicd ia -wtiting on cuMohicis anri ;i[ nre itÃviied lo criii ,-ip.d éÃfiinÃne our gobds bcforc mnfc4Ãig ti 'ir )ircl.:is s. "Wliile we nrc coniidunà ihat ;ill wbp exnñiinc our stock wül l)iij', yet v.(! w il! i.ikc no ciC'ence, f a'lcr sliowr.g aur goud?, pcople cliorsr to n r.óc. o!spvlcre. . W. A. UAYMO.M). Detroit, Doc. 2", 1 y tJ4 - ÃJm - ____ W II O L E S A L E & R ETAI L. y!. ATiüifiBM BOQKSELtER AfÃD 8TATI0NEB. iSMART'S J5IOCK, 1 .07 j r. r P f. r s o n a v e nuk, d r. t n o i t. ; WjtrfcYS con?:.-)ntly Cor s;,lta Ãh i pÃele npsorti. ii ent of Miscejjrinepua, Stbtoi nnd Clnssical Houks, Letttr hkJ Cbp I n uii'J rul cd, Qnille, Ink. Sealing Wn., CütÃéry, Wrapii ig l'.-ipor. Pr.niiuu' Popar, oà all sizes; nnd . .cvsand ('aiiiii-tt-i lnk. of varions kinda. 13LANK BÃOKS; l'uÃl and hall bo;ind, of overy variety of RuÃfhs;', SÃérrro'fah('ui)i Hooks, &c. Tu JÃcrclianis, Tcichcrp. and ciiiers, buying in (i'janiitics. alure drsconni tunde. Subbath Scliuol and lib!c Spciety Depositen 2 17-tf WUOr'-VKit wishts t.i boy ijieir gooda to :' ádvaritfljge. mus not ihinlt of mnktig their puÃchsee (11 thry linvo !oird over the ' coods and priecs at thc MakhatTA 5tohk, ' W. A. 11 VMO.D. ' Pac. 25. 211- Ãitn ' DEALER ÃN F0REI6N ANO DOMESTIC Hsrdwrare and Cutlery, iVnü.a. Glnsé, Crirpehlefé, CoojfJer'ÃB and r imiih's Tuo!. Aln. Miimifuoinror ofCoppcr. Tin Wurc. No. ?!, Vüdward Avcnt'e, LVroi t. 26-'ty Ã'AA Kgs ff Eis'oni Nail?, ji:st received fJXjU a;u fnr sa]p ,y SVÃLL1AM R. NOYRP, Ir J 70, Woodward Avenue, il Dec. li, iciÃ. L42OW MAIVJ M&&pïl $fgL rniJà Sul.Fciil.orhnsjtisi ""Sw" â - :c:oi ved, (mul is confà miiysst:)ni'y 'i'fi'iving) frum ïpV. hIpÃÃL ew or'inn elegant nr d vC l ,UJf;èÃ5 Wt" Sc'cctc usfurtinent ] Jcwclry, Clocks, Watclics, j -V:o. fcc. wlncli lio interïds lu sell He w ;is m anv j oiher ostabüslnneni tlua side ol Búllalo (pi1 ready ;"; umong wliicli ni'ny bc luund ihclollow . inv: n erood ns8Q.rtinent n_f Gold'Fifigör llms. öottlfirèoeïpiris. Gu.-ird Cli:uns ml Keys. iilver Sbopna, Gèrinnn Silvur 'J'ia nn.d Talilc Spóoiia (firM MUiiliiy.) S livor and GiTinan do Suuir Tongs, Sil ver S.iit.Muamrd and preojii lsj)0Ql6j J tn trer Knivts, STlv'er l'cncil Case Silver and Common Tliiinblcs. Sil ver Spectacles, Gei man .ind Steel do. GogoQf, (,'lntlios. H.:ir rnid Tooili l'nislies. Lruher lii uslics. Knzurs and Pufckci Kn v y, Fine Slienrs ;md Seiasors. Kiuvrsnnd Korks, Britt'annin Tea Pol.- and Casiorsi Fine 1 ued do Hritintiia nndBra.'S CniKilesiieks, Shavinc lm.'s ;uui .So.ijis, Ch -p ñtiii's liisi I,i7.or Strc, Cnlfand Moroeco VV ;i 1 1 c t p . Silk ;nnl Collón purses. Violins nnil I H-nvs,. Violin nnd linss Viol StÃin'jÃ, F!uUt, i, ClarfonoÃ?; Aotor'dÃoná Wot'lö Sétil?. v; 1 1 Pons ::nd 'i' et v. it. Pep coses Snull'anÃi I iljncco liux-. [viiiy liressin; Cottib. Sid.e nul lïick.T.i I Pif!-.ct Coiiili-;. NViiill'c'cnsèV, Riclbtfocf, Wiitcr Piiinii, 'J't.iy Wüiciies, a gicnt variety oi ' â ''-.. in i - ! n i ] t ;hc grpntcsi vnrieiy of láys cvpi ih' i nmki-i. Fü woik berxe's, chüdii'ü's ir.n settH. jjojosne Haii Oils. Ã.iüeJKue S;:!;. C.uirt l'I.i.'i r. Ti i Bells. Thermtfmereis. GemÃan Pipes, Childro.n'a VVok BaakoisJ S!:it and Pn.cil?. Wood Pencüs. IHIASS AND WOOÃ) CI.Ã.h:KS. A.C. in Riet plroos! èVry ihiu ilia-foncy. Lndies nnd Genilentén'; chil and f.vnniinr; lor vouifrlvc?. QifJiai Waic'ifs nn.i .K:vilry rtpnirrd and u-niraiüi! on short rjoiice. Shop at his old stnud. opper'sife H. rekcr' hrirk Siofo! CAI.VÃX IÃLÃSS. N. H - Cnsdi p.iid Tor old Gold &. Silvrr. A'in Aiho.-. ..v. G.h. K-lf). 237-ly Select School. â jjTSS J. B. .sÃi.sud by MÃsp S 51. Fii.i.i', nnnounj'ös ro tli'e pulilic i hm sho is !H0viicd lu Kceive yoit'ng Iniéa inio In r bChoi)! in il.elins.-,-. ;:! ron n of the lv,iis ;npnl ('hnroli. ifrtorof )2 ye,eRs. Töf' Gngtisli lïraneliós'frnm ïyi.'n 'â : Ffénèii nnd Lktiti e::ii Vi:n il ii sue'l tocilur wiili EngUfli stu'lie?, or sIpniQtllv, .-_â ;" biich. 'l"ho scÃqo] vvi'l be luiiiishod wiih n PhilöVftpiucJii .i(;.-n u!i.-;: dnil occTsional lec'.urte givcn on ú, ?VaiU:! SCJOI C s. Mrs. iluclis v.ül ive iiiitrnciiiin ïo all who â Icpirc m, m Music, DravfÃg PaÃhtirÃgartd iee(lOWDlk. Miss Smiili refers to lite rólÃúiviiiggcnlfornon: Prüffss.jrs Willinms. Teïi i'rool;, and W'hrri'on oj the L'niversiiy; Pev. W. S, CurtÃ?. Fluv. lir. Snnonfi. Rr-v. C. C. 'l'aylor. ïiffir. Ei iIun(ly, VV' ui. S. M.ivnarii Kifj, Ano Arboi-. Ãpyl t'). l-'G. 2B2-tfCA NT BE BEAT ! Til E suhscribcrs wuttld in.'orni tiic PuMie tlii liir-y comiiuic to supnly ib e State uà JMiclii L, B, WALKER'S PATENT jpx ir t m t'S csÃm j&m 'à 'l'i! l.ii:;u miinncrs'ot lÃicsi Wfcchiiiep tonv pn t Id, â .â ,.! hesteadily ÃucreaÃingdcniattd i'o :!u'iü. iirrhe-bèsl â â â â o] Ihcii real vh;e ;iü-i â ' . wiú tJwsfi who liave Lo â : W ii : r . Swuï M irhir:i; superior ti n lili . .'. r"ng! a ni fÃtnu Priic; Us. it clcitrrs ilic pnïtt g alj ibe Irte . añil oMscÃiariritig iÃe smut au pust oj foái as fop-trüicti it'om l!io v boj t. 3. It Ãs siwptc in c-jnr!r'.:rÃ!:u. nnd e t!irros rinulo to liiwuic tciai.gid, uit! . fbr ri psirs. 3. i i n.r.avcry ligkt. and s pcrfocily securt 4. It L-;:;; (.' ', .-ralle as any oüier Machine ir uso. T. Ir casis consiÃ!crab!y i.kss thtn o:lier kiads. Ti;ese ifnjtoitani mints o' (lÃi'ernce Irivc piv en lilis Mnehine the wiili thuse whr liavc Ãüiily ined it. Anión n laro number o I Gentlemen in the Milliñg Business tt'ÃJo tu i u Ij i 1)0 tiriincch the foliou-ing lmve used the Machines, arrlcertÃlÃed to iheir exceüency nnd soperiórÃiy: 11. N. ÃÃOiVAnu. rcniinc. Alicii. J]. F. Cook. Kocliester, (Jo K. I'. DxnkoktÃÃ. M.-isoti; do M. F. Fhink, iJrancÃi, do II. [i. C'u.MSTDCK. Cl)lllÃ-U;C-!c. di) ltcfi-ii-iü rs may olso be hjÃl to .'on ].con, Aulnirn, Mith. W. RvoÃr, do (jo I). 3 Vi:n. vd. Rock, do John Pinrs, Monroe, do II. I)iu-miv, do do A . }?i;' n. Wnto. loo., do Gm. Kktciiüm,, c!o N. IIi:mknvvv. Onklnnd, do All orders for Machines will be nromptly aitended to. Addreps E. O. & A. CRITTEXTON. Aun Albor. (I,over Town) Wash. Co. Micli. Anc 9J. 1845-. 220-1 y "Crockcry at 'Wholesale." FÃtKDKJÃlCK WETMOHK. hns coiiPtnntiy o;i bfiij . i!ip laraésr stock n ihe West oi Cróckcry, duna, Glasswarc, Louieiag' 6 'lasses and Piales, Britannia fÃ'nre Tra;;s, litimps and JFiccwg-, PÃa led Ware, China Toys, $c. $r. JÃis ?:och inciu.k's ;il! ilie ViincMrH oà Crock-ry nd China, from lie flnost China Dimiei nnd ''ea Setts lo liie niosi ommon and luw pricéd wurc - fio'n liie ridicst cut glass to liie : luÃs v;iie. Britannia Castor of e vn; krtd Bnnnnia Tea fer-ns. Coffee Pot.s, 'J'e;: Pois. Laii'ps. Cnniürsticks, &c. SdÃ.vh Laih i. wi s ofcvery doscription from the mosi c osily cÃa Pudor Lamp to t!ie clxeapesà Store lamp. Aü tiir .-:!Ãovc anieles are imported ly himÃoh Irom thc bianÃfftfe'(ú'crs and will hn so!d nt Vho!csale, ae lo.w as nt any Wliolceale IÃouse. expenses fróin scAboVd added only. A liberal discount oiven for casi). RJen linnts nnd oihcrs are invued to cali nnd camine tb'abova anieles ni ibe oÃd stnpd, No. 2ñ, Jeflerson Avenue (Eldied's Blork.) Uotroii. 24S-Iy ïii Chancery- FirÃsà Circuit Bctween Daniel Onklry Coinploinnr.t. and Edward Fverest, Mnsy Everest, Maria Everest. !'â ' n Everest, Edwnrd It. Everest. Jacob Kcmp Mary Ann Everest and Munnis Kenny Adininisirnior. and Elizaljetli Everest Adminstrntix of' Edwnrd Eveiost ifeccased; IN and by virtnc oÃa dccrcc of this Cuurt made in thi canse 1 sljall scil a; public fÃúctÃon at (he Court Ilouse, in thc viünge of Aun Arbor in the cotinty of Wn&litfnaw. on ihe sixtecnth doy of June next at onc o'cloclt in the nfternoon ofsaid day the foÃlowirig descrÃbed preniiÃea. all ifaal corla jn picce or paicel of Innil situntein ibe Villace ot Ann Arbor in the County pf Wnshlennw and Srñic of Michigan, boundcd and descriltedas (ollows. to wit: being part of lol number threc in Block number onc souih of Hurón street. in raiigö number four; boginnine at a poin' on Hurón Btrcet seventy-nine feet Ãivtnn;l n hnlf indios from t lic corner of Main siret-t .TinJ Hurón street. irn'd toiinhig therice sotVtherly parallel witij IWfiin =freet erglrl rodfl thenceensti-rlv paraHel wtth Hurón street fifty-two feot sÃx inri a lnlf inciie?, thence riótlhcrljr parallel with Main street eielit roda lo Hurón Btrcrt nnd thence réaferly on Hurón street f:fty-two feot six anrl a valf inebes to the oà bfégÃnnfng - nlso lof? ';'â on a:id fi:een in blocU number four soulh f FfiÃr'o'n street in rongà four accordÃng to thc ecorded plat oà ihc sald Village: GEO. DANFORTH, Moster ia Cbahcery. JovS.' PoRTK.n. forcoinpl't. Ann Afbor? Aprú 37, Ir 10. 2fi-2-7w ' BROAD CLO'l'ÃS, Cnt-simeree, Vesting. r Satsnetts. Gente. Cravats. &c. &c. cheup ' t tbe Manhattan Stouk. Detroit. r W. A. RAYATOiVD. Dec. V5, 1845. 2 tl- Cm' f. Ir IV$ "P rcc?di ng l'uro Ãs givcn to represen i X the Insensible Pèrspirntion. lt is ilie evacuotion fot the iiripuritièg of the body. It wil ( be noticed ihflt n thtclt cluudy mist issues trom I ;:ll poinis o I' tlio Hin.iii1. wliicli j â Jn-ntcs tli-u iliis perspirniiori flowe uninierruptcdiy when wc y re in hcnhli. but-'ceiscs when wc are sick. Li'e eannot he snstainod wiihout i. ii is throwri oli I trom the blood and othtr juicos of the body, .'imi disposes y iliis monis, oà nrarly ;ill thc imj punricsr within ns. 'J he 1)]mk!, j.y thie menns only. woi ks ii.-cll pure. Thc ftuiguagè ol Scripturéis,, "in Ii'jc Jilood is :he Lito." lt' it o ver becoñies impuro, t rnoy be traced (!irce;ly lo tlfe stojfpiÃge o the FñsftÃsiHo PerpiiiÃuort: t'. ivvci . requiÃes auy internnl ipedÃcincsp elennee ii, ns , it nhvays pnrÃÃifs i:.-PÃf b}' its own lirnt inrl.ic1 on. r.tid tlir.iws qtl ;i'l ilie QÃTfndiUjg timnors. ÃÃfrótinH ilie InsciisÃÃ'le PerspirAtin. Tlnis ve sce all tlmt is npcel ory wjÃc n ilio lilood is 8tnÃ!. 01 i::.'' cted, is tu upen ijic pares, nncjjx icitèèH fróhi i:!l Ãrrrptirily insfniitïy. lts own lient ond viiÃilnv are sulliciein, wiihout ore partido ol' i:H(!iiinr. ewepi tu open dio pora npun thoptufVice. Tlws we sÃc ilie follv ftffnUingPO inncli ÃÃiic-iÃi.tI rcuirdu-.s. Ail (ir.ic ftiori'ersj how(.ver, direct bar cÃFns 10 rcstdjre tlte [nsfÃisiblt; i:'!!-pirntioi!, Im. t ii lo be not nlwnyg thc proper une. 'J'ho Thompsaninn. i'or inÃtüiifo. siean-s. lh Ij'dropnthisl slijpiÃds iis in wot bjank; ei?, tbc I ï ' Mjt -} â : t à s; oi;t nfÃiÃtfS3ÃhiÃift,:ihe AlloÃWJliist !lteJa ólid áojSfS ua with mo;ciiry,nnd ihc bi'ustering Qunuk gorges na with jüils, pills. pus. To li'wc sotue dea of he.-.n-inunt oà thc Ti9cn sihlc l'( r.'p!Ki'i,ii',. .-sii; sciietiKii t';u !c 11 nei'i Ir. l.twi iiliock. nñd tiio ntc'nt Biicrlinreyc'.'cérhm (ivo ciiilÃii.sol " nii wc r"ciie uto ihe stóniñcl). rmsted ufÃ"o ibis menns. In othei vvoi ,U. 1!' v. o 'Mi ; Ãul ('â Ã:i!; ci-iit prttfnfls por dhy. wc cv! cunte (ve ú!" it by ilic Inscnsibïc Persiinifi,on, Tbis Ls noné otiicr liüÃn ihc sed np pnrticlcs of ilu: liluoil. ofÃá Oth#r--jtiiCfeS Ãrivintr p!;if;c to thc ucw ar.'l '.;. â . ! T clieck thisy t!;ereÃ'or,e, ia to retotn in ilie svsfein lly -'-iiju!-,.. i ,-.11 the virulfiit liuiticr ihat n-inuo den ;)â . ehoiÃidféove ilic tiodv. Andcvfii ivlicn this is rhc e.-isc, thc bljod is of so active a principie, thnt it Jeréiv mines t' osé partiejes to tho ski i. iyher3 thcy form stNilij.. p:in;!cs. nlccis. and uiÃ s;Ãm;s. B a friifidcri tMimiion Ãroni licpt io cold. tlie ph'res'arc Ptpppti?. ÃtÃe p'tTsVÃrdn'bn coases, and .-,â iÃi i!ci'l. '_!'( i;-r!t. lenco'. - flnw ol'the jhicès, origifiatos so m;t; y â â :: ::. â 11 1 -- . Ir ii !â PÃQ] I ing iljp rnn-i, :?nt ovcrwlulms ina:ikind iv::!i cnuiip. ( : . i.;:i:ipiions. mi.:; of thc w'orà I djjeed ly a BLQijffege oJ l!iu inïcrifüic i'. it is cn??fr '8icii tftérefór'Oj Ii'qW nècessirj? ? â Ã' rhis en!i;!r humor lo f â 10 sü . prcsprvi henlilu Ãf "en ri not fj siopno.l; u'crnmv'I Le 1 â t. v.ülnüÃt indi; i â ! 1 tjidi 1 min 1. -.â ;-,.-ii tho-poVcs, nïn-r à -y are d". : là ','i.:1 Ã'oa Ã;Ãvc pbysio louastop fte porfesj Or wtitjld i !;. t.-:'.-i::.: â â â â â â ing :..iMi 'lly 1 - !!'" tl'l;:1'" l"ini.;n.': .'.,;,! y,;t J kll'UV ol 110 r%hygican wlfo n! tcn-:! ri'p'pRcaYiaii lo eUoil t. Theieiiboij I oesÃii is. thnt iioiiinliciño m iviun ;'n ir ki, iw I â -'â b. s oialile of dóing it. I.'i.ti'-r KI.--' ciicu iis - â . 1 p:_s Ãu to physicÃnns. riïd tö'nll otliprs, a prepnrdtion ihnt iins tbis power h ità fttilesl o.vtcnt. It is Mr ! L 1$TLR'S all Ãn:. 1. i. xa owwjÃnt. orthe WORLD' S SAL&FJ Ii iins power to icsiore peispirnfi'on nn t lie Ãcet, on the bead, a round oÃd sores, ti pon Ãho ctfesf. in shprt. tipó'n any panol lbo body. wlittiiur diseased c-Iightly or severely. Ii Iins power tÃ.cnuse alj pJttnr.ial.syrcg, scrotultüis luiniorR. skin dÃscn?M. poÃénntHis woundá. trtafschnrge tliuir putr.3 (Wattfefj atd ihen hca'.iliem. lt i;; a reiiic!y tbal svkccd? ofi the whyle catalogue oà cÃjtúticous dÃsór.ders. nnil restores thc i n. rqciÃticlc Id iÃ. !if:,i!;by lunerions. It s a rcimily tjjnt fphi.ds the necesity oà so many and ueleterious drugs taken uto lÃie slomach.Ie is n refnedv ihat neithfer stckeñs, gives inconven.'ence. or is lia'ngerÃJtVs io Ãia tfités'iriés. 1 1 preserves and delcnds tlic .nrÃñ:e froin all derangemetit ol its t'iirictions, wiiile it kpeps oicn tlio clinnmls for ilie Nood to voÃd ni! its rhpuiitios and dispose of uil ts úseles? partióles The snrfacc is the outlet of fivc-eifcjitha of rhe bile and used up mniler within. It is niereed vi;h milliona ol openings (o relieve die intcstjnës. Stop up' tiiesu pores, nr.d deaïb knocks Ql }'onr door. It is rfjfhljy termed Allllenlin:.'. lor there s srircely a disrnse. e.vicnial o; niernal, iliai it wili not liciif ir. I ffoye used il for ihe last f.itirlecn 5'finrs, for nil (!ise;isf.s öf ih ch?s, constuuptjori. 1; ver, invohint; ilic ntinosi clnngernnd rcjion'-ibility. im.l I declaro befare lÃenveii and m;ni. lint tÃoiih arfé singló i t. fatled to ln'ixfr. wlicn tlie patieiH vvns wi;liin the rond) pf rnörtJ menns. I hnw had j-iiv-.-uinns. l:.-:iriu:d in ihe profession; 1 linve IndYtiiÃHStcrs oà ilic Gospel, Jurfgee on tlio Bèncb5. AltTeriion n'niJ livfyérè. fen tleitiCi o!' the highfii erddiiion and iiitt]i:(iid!s ol the poor. ;rc. ii in 'every váriety 'of wat'', and ilier} iris lici-ii hut one voice. ono unitod, universnl vojee, saying, i:McAlistcr, your Ointment is good!" COnÃüMÃTIQfii It enn hnrdly be credited ihal a salve enn have nny eirect upon the lnng.s. feaicd os thcy are wiiliin i lic sybieni, IJ-u wesny once Cor ÃilÃ. 'hal this Ointment wili rcacli the lunijs ijuicker ilion Gny mcdicine-that enn he gÃven nternnlly. Tlms. (' placed upon the cliest. it pencirates direclty to tli-3 liing?, sepnratftà the poisonous particle3 thcl are cpneaming them, and e.)e!a ihein from the system. I need not pay ihat it iscljriñgpcrsojisof Consumption coii'inually. oltholiigh we ;n; (o!d it is foolishncss. I caró not jvjiat is pnid, so long as I can cure sevcrnl thoiisand persons ytarly. iiKn achÃ:. Tilia Salve has cured persons of the IÃ' n 1 Aobe ot 12 ycars standing, and uiio bad it regtÃlárly evnry weeic, fo ihnt voijïiling of'en took place. Deafness and Ear Achg are helpcd witli the lilie succees. a i :1 o A ,uc in the Face. roi,r fi.kt, Consumption. Liver c;nrip!nint, pnins in tho ehest or sicÃe. fTÃün:; of the hair. nnc'ortho othcr nlwiiys acconifüinirs cold ('eet. ]t is asure sign of diseaso in the syslem to havo cold feef. Tle Salve wili restore the Insensible Pcrspirai'oii and ilui.s etirc cvery enfo. In Scrofula. Eryéièlas and Snit Rheum, nnd other diseases of this naiure, no iniernal remrdy hasyetbetn discovcicd that is so gpqd. The name tnay hc said of Jïroiiohitis-. Quincy, Sore Throat, Piles, Spinal Disensos, Broken or Sore Brenst. &c. And as forthf Chrst Disenscs, kik-Ii ns Asthma, Pnin. Ojiprossion nnd the like, it isthc most wonderÃul antidote in the Woild For LivtrCcMipIfiint it is cqually rilicncioiis: Hr Btirn's it hns not hns iis rqua! in the World; H.-.. I:cre6cncesofevery kind. suchas' Warts, Tuinon. Pimples. &c., it rnakes clcnn work of thom al!. sokk T:vr,8. The inflammalion and disense ftiwjiye iicshnck jf the b.'ill of" ihc eve in iKc BocÃiet. FÃen ce the i'irtuo of any medicine must reach tlio scat ol he inila-nntion or it vil! do linie pood. Tlic vilve. if rÃfbbed on iho irmples. wili penétrate lircclly into tho socket. The pores wili bo open :d, a proper pr.rspiration wili becroaled and the IÃ8ense wili soon pnea cfftothe siirincc. 'IMrr.KS ON TUK PACB, VnT.CKt.zifTAK; MASCUr.i.M; skin, r;nos si;rkac:k. lis first action loexoel all humor. It wülnot ceasc drawir. lili i lio Jnce 's frcc frora fin' inatier iliat may lic lodgèd imder ihc skÃri ani Ãrequenily bicnkiny uut (u ilic t-uiaec. hthei hen'ls. Wh'en thero nothÃng but grqssncsso du'.l repulsivo siirfuce, t b'eins to sollen am soÃton uiilil thcskiii becomes as smoili and i'cli cale as a childV. It ilirnws a fieslmess nnc hltisliing color upon '.lio now white, trnñspáfcn skm. that is peà tn:tly cnchanting. Soine time Ãn case oÃ" FrWVlca i( wiil fiÃst start out thosc that huvo lain hiddenanu 6ccn but.srldom. Pursim the Salvo and nll will soon disappcar. UOl'MS. If parents ktiow1 hnw fatal most medicines were to chÃidren mken inwardly, ihry vyoulü Le blow lo resort to ihem. Ãspecinlly "mercurio! lozenjÃ- e." critléd '-'medicated lozenges," pills, &c. The tnali is. no otie on tell, mvarjiibly, when wormsare present. Now let me suy topáronla; ihal litis Salve willalwiys te!l i I' a rluld hae worms. It w i!I diive cveiy vestiye of theni awny. Tliis is a pimple and safó cure. Tin Te is próbátriy no medicino on tlie face oi tlie eartli at once so cure and so ente in thc ex pulsión of wonn8. it It wonld lÃe cruel, nay wieked. to 2Ãve interit nal. doubtful medicines, so lorigas a harmless, II exiernal one cnuld Ijc brul. II TOII.KT. t Alihonh à havo snid little nliout it as n linir e rsstoralive, yet I will stake it agninst ihc Woildl 6 'J'liey inay brini tiieir Oils (ar nnd near. and fi mine will restore the hair t'wo cnses to their onc ' OLD SORES, M0RTIFICAT1ONS, Ut.CKHS, J:TC. That sóme Sores are an oiHjet to (lié impuris tic? of tlie systcm-, is bkenñáe they cárt'tiot pas n!f tliratiüli ilu: palu ;:1 eJinonolá ol Enáffnstr ble PercpirRMoii. I súcii 6.oreÃ! me hen led np. " the imnr;tirs unÃs! iiivc eonie tlier ouilct. ai it 1 will endang-'r lie. This is the nwnn v!,y ii Ãs 5 iin])oltic to se the comnmn Salve oà the dny in such enses. For tlir-y have no portvor lo open avÃtÃiÃés, to lel orT ihi ni'ü'rb'ia matti-r. and ' the C(nscqiionci are alwavs f;:ta!. Ths Salve will r.lways providö for sueh emergen cÃes. , UisKA-r.s ur (Hii.iiRr.N. flow mnny ihousands re swppi oÃl" by eivin:; ! tticdicincs, v.hon iluir youny bodieÃ' , ntÃij tndef fmines are unable to bear up agninsà tliem? Wholo avmies an: thus eeiit tb' jliéÃi , grayea mcrely ir"in ponritir uto iheir wcil. stomachs powvrfnl drcgfa oiifl ; 1 1 - i.---: ! It is to such that the All-Iiealiiir Oii:m ent u miéis sr safe, plcasant, nd hantiliÃ-s a curo Siuh ca, srs as Cruup. Gholir, CÃuilrn [iÃ.-nnini. I Worins, and all SiniHUer "on-plainif. by whicli so many L-liilJrcn Jie. the Ointmeiu v.-ill icmove -â ! :[:â ( 'iily and ;-,:ii ]v. iha: a plysician will never be u'pédcd. JVIñfÃ! liiiouhoii; h t ! i i -s 1 :nd. ve tiow polónuify a'nd -:: ;- r: t i : declare to yon tlrat lite A'l-lÃo.-iliiur Oiii'in n ÃviÃ-l savo yo;;r ehildiC!) Ã'ioüi an cutiv ii .ve il yini jf. We-nro rjot nnw acmaifc! l ihr le"?' desirc tn gatn bnt knowing 'is "e do n :fi'. bodics ut' intan's ñriÃ) cWldrc'h tlÃÃj carly; whicii is siipposrd !o be Ãm â I ii; p ble to preeiit. wo ho!d np nir wainini' vuiie, , and declare in the f,cc ol [' â â ! Wa Id, cjul!;rÃ;. nfxd Not pie ;,ioÃii: T!l..' OTHK.RS!! r "Pnt it 8 frpirà tlift tohtÃt el p'roper'ñfÃurnsbni'cn'i ind ilu' constant tfrufglng lluy undMu'o which nyyyta cm ityvyn a. ü:: ran I: yrass laiis beture ihi' acyt-Jie; Moihcrs! we !cat ajfain. nnd il' i.hey wer5 1 the last wnda xvo Ãverc cv'rX - uHe'K nrfd öj pap! the tur.r], ul fl n;e:rni. !"oitld say, 'Ãusetlio All-liealing Ointniuil loi c-iclwje.-s ! j ainotig ciiiiJicn." nnv.u.ii.u páf. ft rerr.oveà al:Kos; mnjediqtely lfi Hiflnffth 'ion nnd s-.vul.'ir;, vheu he p,n oà course ccabesi rv rfw. Ãn caÃeé of feve;-. ttÃià JÃf:rn!iy lies in I be pon? liein-à l.:ekcd úp. bo t!ia; the heat and p'T:-p:rn:!.i: canuoi pass olK. ! t!)é leasj rpoi&tjiro imii'i! be sr;ir:ed. tin; crisis i: pi'nVsed i. i I tÃie -r crvtt. Thc Aü-ÃÃcr.'l.riÃr Ouini'eui wiil ] in aü visi-sof fevers alrutwi n.-iantly unlock the kúi â ' â â . puTi'iion. ' â : i â â .â , Ãiiflaj in'io:i oà ilic kjdiÃeyS. oà ti, - â â ÃrÃflliiÃé USwn, v . â ; :!.:â ( .... ;.n, i TCÃMI !;:! iiy ,' II iÃ!:ort. -jÃl litase di.fijeitltieà wÃrii1}) ;:;â ftequeni . mi rendy n')id ).r;.i;i!K m nlii-1'. IV havf hnJ agétl Ãadiea te'! ita they coi Id mt ,'ivc six üMimiiH vvithiuu it. Un lo fi :â 'â - nbam â io liecómo u:i:i:r rs. ii iiseti forsoftie tVêclcë antecedtiit to ibci." cmIÃ':ici:;( i:f. very fcw ol pÃljns and r.)-ivr:l--itiiP v. i;i h atK )d f cirt at dial period will be fclt. TliisTact oufffet u be knoun the woild over. S M.T) l'V ID, W'c hnvc qurod ca'sos ncTn'ftlt'y di fiViÃcVé". ryihinfà welj as ih; ahili'ty St fifieen or iv.-cmy d 'o.s. O, ir. D,nn told qs ha had spent iJ5()0 on hirt ch'iMrén vviiTioin nny I éñb.fii. when a few bu.xes oi' h; Oiiiiineot CU red them. COHNS. Pèoptc nrc.,1 never be tro ibled wiih ihe.n if llit v will use t. As a F.V.NHLY MVA r( -SE. no man can ir.rasure ts valYÃUi Sil Iddst ns the sfáÃs lid! alony ovtr tho Ãlc.-.vens - w !nn ns man neadf I ihe eanh. Ãti'ijrct lo all the inlii iniiics o'f thc l!e.h - sokmg a? disens-e and sickness is known ! - jiist so lonià wiil tbis Ointivent tic nped and esiietPjCd. VVTien inon censes frp'm oÃl' the eartli. then tiiedeinand wilfccáiej and not ull then. To aliay all fpprt lipiifions on account of ii ' inaiedlenÃs. in pólseinSKch powerful ' tieÃ. we wills;ate that it is co-nrioséd of sonie ul ( the tnost eomnion and hannless heihsin ! ence There is no merenry ini. nscJih };e cen ! froni the fact that it does not injure the skin onc ' partiële, wjiile ii will paes ihronh and physii; ' ihe bowels. JAMES McAÃ.ISTKR & CO. 168 Soutli street. N, York. 1 Sote proprictor o'f tlie above Medicine, to t whotn all coinmunicaiions musà be addiessed I (post paid}. Prrce "5 cents and .r0 cents. ' [D'CAUTION..ri! As the All Ilealiiitf Ointincnt Ins bcen crcat ly conntcrleitcd. vo have gïvéh ibis camión to tl'.e piiblic. that ';no OÃnhnent will be &erintie unless ihe ñames of James IVÃcAlister. or Jamtfe " McAliaieriV Co.. are wiiten wiih a pen npon ' eye'ry laibfl." Thé label is a steel ongraving-. F wi:!i tïie iiiite of "l-nacnstJe Pcrspirojipn" dn ihe face. A Now we hereby ofrr a rew.udof ."PO. ;.i 1. .. paid on conviction. iri any of the constiuned courts ol the United States, of any individual coiintcrfeninu ovr name anrl Ointtncni. MAYNAUD'S. Ariii Albor, WholepnÃe' A] sents; .Smiih A, Tyreil, Clmion: Ki'tclniin S . Smith, Tccntbseh: 1). C. Whituood, DéjQftt: ' H. liowcr. Manchesier: John O wen iK:, Co.. '. Detroit; JÃarman &, Cook. Uioolvivn. Dec. 18, ,1845. ' 214 - 1 y NEW COOKINtf STÃVE, And Stoves of all kinds. The subseriber would cali ihc utteniion ol'tlic public 10 Woolson's Hot Air Cooking Whicii lic eiiri couÃidcntly rccommrnd ns licing dcidedly superior io any Copkjng Sicvc tn iifio! Por Fiinnücity in opero'iion - èconomy in uol. m.l for unc(unllc(l Uaking aiid RoAÃTiÃq qualily. it is unrivalied, Tlie ncw and iuiporinnt improvcmcni introacreed in iis construction be!iig fiucli ns to insure great ndvimtngcs over all othcr kinds ol Cooktng Stoves. tWILLIAM R. NOYRS, Jr. 70 Woodwaril A venu u, De roit. 12, 1845. ).2 SADiJATH SÃiiOOt, linuks fot sal'o'oi I'KllllY'S JJOÃKS'fOHE. Doe. 23. 21 Ã- tfï BOOKS! 'BÃOKsTt â ; At Ferry's Booli !lorc.' d JYcxt door East of the .V. Yorlc CJieap Store } mHKsubscrü.rrhnsjimt oponed and ia now â X ready to sell ihe most cxfenaive nsson.ncm o ? BOOKS, "LAS BOOKS and STATION. â everoffured in Ann Arbor. Hisitn-t SCHOOL BOOKs of iiearly every yarieiy in Ufe in tlii, S,.,â cellnncous. Rcl.gious, ond ClossJcaj Bookï BJÃÃLES and TESTAMENTS ev.ry vnrie.y oi sizc, Myle and binding.' Some i silemlidly finished. oino fAYER IÃOOKS. TOEMS & AKKUAI S !cn..(!Ãu!]y bound for Ijolvday eif,8 nââS proscn.s ni small cos,, vrtlj d we)l t0 cïll Pcrrya and rnake their BéJetftipñs roma ful suc'i. Don't dolny. IUIt P;!PÃ' on hÃ"d !Ilc lilrLt a.f?orfDÃnt of PA PER ever oflbred west of Dcroit; s-jcà â8 cnâ Hat Cap, Letter, French Letter, J!(,nker8 S' knus o! âo.o p,per. wiB â ful! SBortmen, of Steel rens. Qu.lls, Wnferï: IMnek, Bi,,?, Red and flofry ing Ink; Sirrrd, Inkst.auls. F, .jS ii" Jl'' d(V R''. ?.Ino SeaJs, Gold ! o ,d Sllver rafors, ïndid Ruhher. IVncils and Pâin , cloa.r.c, m .âh rconon,y. jIo h;iB 0â , ," ,00,! Béleciiön oà I ruk, M,I;,ble for Fbnuly! Sdipol Disirici nnd ToUnelüp yi Hyitl noï beptsibl to name ui. the articlea m KftH.Dc! Söfficeiico sr,y: thaÃl.isñssoriment is genera! and rhoaper than was ever before ofCeied in ibis villnge. ÃJe I:à njftrfo n rringcnunis in JJew York wliieh wil] énahic him a al] times to obtnin anv tlnns; in lnslme direct fioin New Yoik nt shon wlice. lïy ExpWPs; h w,!l L,e seèn thnt ,ts fA cilities for arf;ori;.1di!tiii;; l,is ous:omers wit, nr,jw des nai on bnijd is heyjand preccdeiy. nnd Ãie tà TÃSdy jind ivillineiu .âevery ihinriB0M61ó to mjflcölrie PswWsnracrii èii_(ij nrr.bne ns nn Vfih'Ãiu.iicitÃiiii rüïcernincr commtmity rcqmro nn] lic Ifopes ïo ïufiii n f.!.;Uo r.fpnt i onno. Peisc ns wishgr onj nrÃcle in hig line wil] do wcll to cali lÃcÃbià pttïclinsirrc ehêyrtibïè'. ïï you fotioe [.,';:,.â . ,,,!â,,,. âi Prrn's JSoolslOir. Aun Ai hor. Upper Villngc- 2(i door Kast of Main streel, on Hurón BtÃfccK ' , , VM. H. I'KRRY. Deoembcr, 1!.?. i din. DICEN. i ÃNÃ) tho'aufferin whicli il:c-} underco. fróm v.oi.Ãis" often !d,d tó ;, fáuil KiiHinrÃii..!., whilr u s:, ia.jic.vyr si:sj;( ct. d. OfienÃijá !'â ..!!]. pi.ku. y ai i ht. ,)(!,f.. gnndijig tljo iéeiÃj Ihxrpiig&écp; sfariÃng tnsJcÃp 'iih frÃchl ánd nn.iiiJg. troBblcsÃwnÃ.coygl,. ;im à v.;ii.-hntis Foiitébl ihc Vroini'ncvt S:.-mj t .tns of !no iirH'iiee ol u-onns. A tthiVfy liV.e .t Stü-Ã.MA.WS VrüiLM j.OZENGES Will ininipdjatoly reninvu ü i),, tc tinplt'n:int sy'iñptomS. nnd rtiión to perfect Ãieiihli. Sia.tor Ispouui StÃpbrrorÃi à iffc Gnilölfó l!a!f Oiplu-n Asyluni ha a hdded io;in(.j,v in ilieir Invor :) .lie iIimi.-i ] ';- wliii-h :;,,. . , â , ! ( ,, T, . j.,,y , Pi.-iirs ilint ilicie :iMt ovrr I ÃO cJiüdn- n ff0 A nnij ihft ,â !,.â bayo lutn in :lic li;,l,n âf n . â I . ., nsiv.And t)ie dus ahvnrs [ HrÃil H:i m I.) I - a'lirrln! uiih i.,r üinsl Ivv.Ã'ti. ' ! l! (i:' ; 'f '' ' I" 'â 'â beer. prorct] io bfl mlulüble in óvÃÃr :!:.Ã;;i() r,-.M ... â izn. CÃ.uglis, Colclác Vl,o;,;,,f, Con.!, ligbiñpfa ..i rfiti l.uüsor C!eit i,.;iy,,. Clll(l.. i.-v. J.'nni's Artrlvöny v'n very Ir-x rqni ConVmpuoft. ÃonciÃia-n .'..w.-wc!.' rho .c!.,;iud ri!ce .â c;i:i(.r, wj.s)cd:ic'd k iha voii-eoà ' 'â â ' rñig blóod. (;.v. Rjr; J)ln,!,ni. .v Ydilt, ihe Urv Mr. h Eóictt'. KvaiÃg! lis'. Ãn il.e Wcsffch)" piïrtVF à lifs Rrv e -'. n fÃostofi-; ihe vv. â ,,â-):, Hin O)Lni!ü. I.?;, in .:0-i rr. in. jini.riieds ol otlu â â -. i. .--.i . 1,,-en !iÃf,. and curtd b a niorc V;: :: ' ' vl ''"â " iJÃore cHfeiuaün â I Ãfoce drsotc, rr x ln'ch rail lu rc-or,..,'i â :-'( (! v. ith tn.qrp coi i lenco, 'j hry (,i !"â sill iFchinjZ or i; i:;:!tn. Kndci ifcougli cncv, pron oc'e . .pr.oioi; ii. n. rpnrq.vÃà cañeoj and Rfóduce ihe mosl br.vvy aadlastÃng ffecte. ' u:.davui:. Pi1pitali6n of ihe tÃ'em, LowneJa of Prirn S.fa.sick.ocss, Dp.-i.ondcnc-., JrnnIñM Cholic Crampj of t!,e Siomncb. ÃJunnuor or BiiweFt bmpraintá, n3o all .he rfÃtKe&fó Aiiin. lome _niiriMR iron, living, or u âjcrt of di, suation me quickly and entirtly rp'ipvcd by using ' s::.k.mavs campÃior loyrycrp Ti-ry :; s;., ,v,ly nnd relieve in 0 ,êrv short BpMf-lini.'j;viiÃrtn'ancl viÃr io thesvsH.m.;Hidcnri,!!MH-,son usl!g ilfc.,â (ü ünderaó great nienial ot hutÃily fa;ige ÃU I Eà fc TÃS ÃVI, V.-;ik Il:,ek. pnin and wenknws in tho Brcasf.' Knck. , Limbs and other pansofibe hody ;,r.' ppcedily and elecinailv relitwd bv SIIFR .MA.N-roOR MAN'S PfiASt, Kf?on[jr 1--'J ci-nts. and Ls xvnhin ,,e rcach ..f 'il!. feo jÃroat Ias brcoiró ilie ie( ni.nion of il,.9 nrticlc ihat one müüonwill noi brffin to f nppÃy He pniiuuj demnnd. It is neknovvlcdced lobo iho beslsirenrhennu; Plasier in tlieor!d. ÃEWAIIE OF IMI'OSITION Dr. Sl.ennai.'s Poor Man's Pl.,stcr hrt8 J1I8 nnmo wilh directKing prfnied on ihe back of fhe Plnsler. ;mdf, iLrJUc.fiini'eLn ot tde Docicr's writien nnrnc unüer n'ie directiona. iVoncoihers nre léniiine, ór tn ,c relied on. â Shfrman's Unrcmuisp is o. l(i( Nrssañst. York W S. & J. W. MAYNAhD, Agents Vor â nn A;!;or. o(;- Cheap Hardware Store. nnHF. Sïibircriber takos thia moiliod Ão mform -L lus old customcrs ntid ihe pubhc gtnemllv (nat he siili con i i mies 10 keep a largo and general assonmoit of J-.r .-â ;ââ böxfóaué HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. ALs.i . Spvko. WihmuIh. Cui and Home Shoa â V-nis. GJffes. Sheet Irön) Hoop Iron, Sheet ani Ãpud, Zynv, Bngftt uu;! Anèaufó Uire. Molnea Cairs and ij'osaettè, Mili Saygs; QrSrt Ciit baws. Hand nnd Wöód Rawe, JBnck nnd Kcy liolv ñ-ius, Anvile. Vico?. Bellowe.At.'z-'s.Cooper a Tool., lirawjng Knivrs. Spoko Shaves, rap Bhferr, Cast Steel Aiigbra; Common AuRuta, Aiiyiir Bitts, Hollow Augute, Sieol nnd Iron Squares, Ground Piasier, Water Lime, triindSiones, Potnsh.Caldronond SugnrKeiiles, Cable, Log. Trncc and Halter Chnins, Broad, Hand ortd Anirow Axcs, Spirit and Plumb LevL'. logethef wuli n geiteral nssortment of Hol- ew vare. which will bQ ?1,ld low for Cash or ipprovcd credit at Jii'3, Jtflerson Avenue. EllicdsBloek. R. MARVIN. Detroit. Jan. lGili. 184G. 248-1 y JBOOTS AIVDSÃioES, AT WHOLESALE. a. c. mgrTw & co., WHOLi;?ALK AM) KKTAIL Pi'.AI.EKS ÃN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Com.r of Jfjfcraon and Woodtcaid Jlvcnues, Detroit. A C. M'GRAW & ('O. wbuld rospect;ully Is. iiifonii tin: iWeirhnnts of Michigan, tlint luy linvc opencd n WfJQLESALE BOOT AND SÃSOE STORE, in ihe rooms over iheir letail Store. Smar't's Corner. Thcir lonpr ncunir.tnnre vvnh tlie Slioc business, and the kinds feliotsthat nre ncedcd in llii Sinle, will cnale tiiem to furiiish meichnnts wilh sncli slioes s lliejf neod, qh betlejr tcitrs ihan ihcy con buy i ilie New Yo'.k mark' et, ns all tlicir goods nro ought from first han'!?, nnd particular attention s pnid to the prlcciion of sizes. Doiroir. isjfi. 24fi.1v SÃi.SSOÃHÃiOÃl. THE Partnership iindti the naipe and fimi of G 1. Ilill ('o. hoving dissolved liy limation. II persons indehted to the concern by Ote or account, nre norificd that inlees ilmy cali nd p.iy or Pcrtic hn f.iihb wj(j G. D. Uil! preioue to the 5'tfl dfiy of.Ttino next. ih'éy will find ie snio notes and neconnts in the honds ofa nsticcoftlie Pcace for collcrtion. G. D. 1JILL & Co. Ann Arbor, Moy II 1 S IC. i.Gl-ff
Old News
Signal of Liberty