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Democratic State Convention To-day

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- at Luwising. '1 HE Sonate proposes to adjourn sine die on Tuesday nexfc, and without admitting Kellogg. Gov. Croswei.L has appointed Hún. Yictory P. Collior Regont of the University, in place of Regnnt McGowan, resigned. GllANT did u't succeed very well in going to lowa tor a Secretary of' War. lt is to be hoped tbat Huyes has madfi a better selection. BlNOK tho Republicau party came into power in 18(i] the Secrotary of State has been continuously aNewYorker: Seward, Fish, and now Evarts. The Republicana carried New Hampibire on Tuesday. Jones, Damociat, probably re-electod in tho Firat Congrossional district. The Deuiocrats lose one ineniber. TH0MT80N, the new Secretary of tbe Navy, " was u't Mortou's man," but then " Morton is satisfied with him." The great Indiana statesman is learning to be " thankful for suiall favors." It was " Michigan, my Michigan " which nouiinated Hayos in the Cincinnati Convention, and yet "old Zack " is retirod from the Cabinet and no other Michigan man given position. Nxw that Mr. Evartg has boon made Socretary of State it is fearod that his intorminably long sentenees will twist and kink the Atlantic cable so as to obstruct cominunication " under the sea." The Detroit Tribune dou't want to seo ex Secretary Bristow don the castoff robes of Judga Davis, because it has objeetions to takiug the candidato for President in 18S0 from the bench of the Supreme Court. Jesso. Thompson, the new Secretary of the Navy, is reported as the author of a book on the Church of Rome - "The Papacy and the Civil Power '- recently published by Harper & Brothers. And that is all he lnows about naval affairs. The Now York Ëoening Post says : "Butler is said to have proffered his good will to the President. His foresight is keeuer tlmu Blaine's." But whiit will be said of the foresight of Haye9 if he shall take Butler into his confidence? TnAT divinity student who took a position as conductor on a Boston struot railroad, " in order to study human nature," ouglit to apply for a clerkship of a Louisiana Raturning Board if he would see human nature in all its cussedness - depravity we inoan. Attorxey-Gexeral Devexs is the third Cabinet officer of that grade taken froin the bench of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. President Pierce "called " Caleb Cnshing, and E. Rock - wood Hoar peddled out administrution law during a portion of President (irant's term. TitE secret of that conversation in the Columbus (Ouio) depot, between Gov. Hayes and ex-Senator Schurz, is now out, If Hayes had n't promised well Schurz would have given his support to Tilden, in accordance with the understanding of the fauious Cooper Institute meeting and address. BUNDET Republican journalists aro trying to reconcile the dissatisfied " faithful " to the appointmsnt of Key to be Postmaster-General, by assuring thom that he voted for Hayes in November, which assertion is proved u whopper by Mr. Key's own declaration in the Senate chamber that he supportcd and voted for Tilden and Hendricks. Sox-IN-law Hale did n't get a Cabinet bureau, because Hayes would n't ac codo to his terms (throw Key overboard) ; and father-in-law Zauk cau't go back to the Senate, because Hayes would n't transfer Christiancy to the bench of the Supremo Court. Aud now Z'ick wishes that he had u't held that Louisiana elephant by the tail. There are some compensations ia politics as well as in nature. Secretary Sherman is reportod as sayiug that " it will be the policy of the new administration toappoint none but native-born southorn men to federal offices in the South." Which will show the " ongratef ulness " of the "new administratiou," for without the aid of the carpet-bag crew thero would have beou no Republioan party in the South, and even a Louisiana Returning Board would have been unablo to elect Hayes and Wheeler. - The Sexate has passed a joint resolution amending the Constitution so as to give the Supreme Court the power to appoint its own clerk. The House ought to concur, as the proposition is so evidently a correct one that it should meet no opposition. We aro at a loss to see why any Senators recorded their vetes against it. At present, tho clerk of Ingham county, with his office and residence at Mason, is ex-offi ;io clerk of the Supreme Court. Sexator BLAINE is logically correct in inaintaining that if Hayes was entitled to tho oloctoral vote of Louisiana l'ackard was elected Governor of the State, and that Kellogg was duly elected Senator. But tlien Blaino knows that the Commission never decided that Hayes carried Louisiana and was entitled to its electoral vote, only they (the high joints) could n't go back of the determination of that wonderful Returning Board. Tho action of the Returning Board in no wise binds the Senate which can go buhind tho Governor's certitioate, behind the determination of the Returning Board even, and decide whether the certifícate it gave tho members of tho Legislature was valid. The Sonate cannot shut its eyes to fraud and vülainy on the plea of want of jurisdiction. Tue report of Mossrs. Taylor and ïïinchman, majority of the Sonate University Committee, made on Monday ast, is a full and fair, yet concise, statement of tho work, cost, and needsof tlio [Jniversity, - a inoro favorable report ;han we had boon led to look for in view of the preneut complications. It is understood that Senator Newcomb witheid hiB indorsement of the report only aecause ho dissented from tho view taken of the medical and homeopathie irabioglio. Chairman Taylor is entitled to great credit for the time and labor he bas giveu to the subjoet. The appropriations recommeudcd are aR follows: School of mines, for the year 1S77, $10,500 School of tmnes, for tho yoar 1S78, 10,600 Pay of professor of gooioy, iur lsTT, 2.SO0 Pay of professor of gcnlogy, for 1878, 2,500 Physioal laboratory, 1877, 2,600 l'hyaical laboratory, 1878, 600 Pay of professor of physics, 1877, 2,6U0 Pay of professor of physics, 1878, ü,öOO Hospital, 1877-78, lor mu yeai, 1,000 l'liysioloicul laboratory, fur 1377, 1,000 General library, 1877-78, each year, 2,000 Pay of proiessors in dental school, 1877, 4,500 Pay of professors in dental school, 1878, 4,500 Apparatus in dental school, L877i 1,000 Apparutus iu dental school, 1878, 500 Addition to building Oí dental school, '77, 4,000 Astronomioal department, 1577, 1,500 Totala-ior 1877, 32,500 ; tor 1878, 25,000. The necessity for a new library building is discussod, and the Bishop proposition commended. The salaries of professors are coinpared with those paid at Brown, Yale, Harvard, Coluoibia, and Princeton, and pronounced none too high. Mits. Hayes has selected the " Fouudry Methodist Church," au unpratentious littlo aifiir near tho White House, as her place of wornhip, and " the childrun's" uameshave been enrolled on the books of tho Fouudry Sabbath School. And 80 Parson Newman, oí the " Motropolitau Church," and for eight years a sort of court chaplaiu and Presilential C!)nscience-keeper, is throwu out upou the oold charities o) the world. SlMON Camkrox, Snnator Irom Ponnsylvania, and oue of the owneis of thai State, has resigned ; but as it is given out that his son Don, late Secretary o War, is to be elected as his successor there will be no chango in tho Seuate roll cali. Simón would n't have resigned except to promote tho fauiily interests. Hö is 78, with a breach of promise suit on his hands, and Don is in the vigor of manhood and without any en tangliug alliances to block his way. Ex-Secketauy Morrill could n' consent to let go of the public tea which he has sucked so long, and so President ILiyes has consideratelj' given him the office of Collector of Custom tor tho district of Portland and Fal mouth, retiring a faithful and compe tent officer (in the interest of civil ser vice reform). It makes uo difference to Jlr. Morrill what gradu of office he holds - only so it pays. The Republicaus in the Senate hav taken Senator Dtvvis, of Illinois, into f uil coiniuunion by providing hiiu wit! comraittee positions as a Repnblican Which is oonfirmatory of the ínter Oceans grovvl about Senator Logan be ing sacrifieed to insure the uloctiou o Hayes. Frye, of Maiue, iiad two reasons fo not acuepting a seat in the Cabinet the iirst because the President had as signed a Southern Democrat to a po9Í tion, and Fi-yo could n't assooittte with " sich " ; and the second - the true reason - becauso the President dij n't offer liini a seat. Tjiat was an aifecting scène which took place in the Interior dopartmunt the other day, between ex-Secretary Cliandler nnd Secretary Schurz. ïhe mutual complluieuts exchangad must have made the bystandors sinile.


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