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NEW ADVERTI8EMENrs sámíbgTxí. rpiIIS FAMOUS 8IEB- though still extenaively Í advertlsed by partlea hoving hts lasl yeart pigs - is owned by us, and has boen at the neag of our Bcrkïhires tlie past six inoiith. W own hls cutiré proueny sireu slnce September lust. Theequallj famoue "OHAKLES DICKEN8" and "CASADA NBOEO," lustroiw lor their niuny prizes won in England. Canada, and at the (Jenunnial, have been ;it the head, of om Ban ana Sufíolks the past six months. All who soi' our Poland Chinas gay ttauy are unoqualed. MakiiiR a spccialty oi' swine breeding, and Iiavini? large heide of ach varirty, n1 c:;m Henerally uil orders on short nottoe- ay 80 or 40 days. All ehaiges nrepald to Jackson or Dotiolt, but nothing Bhfpped C. O. I. II A l.I. BROS., 1 mile froni H. !!., March, 1877. ANK ABBOB, MlCH. THE Dl GEE&CONARDCO.'S Btrong Fot Planta, suitable for immediate flo wering, Bent safely by m;iil, postpaid. 5 pl--ndid varit-ties, your c-hoice, all labek'd, lor %t ; 12 for 2; 19 for $3; 2H for l ; 35 for 5. For in cents each, additional, one MHi;nificent Prnmium Koae to every dollar' worth oilt?red. Send for our New ;uídc to Kosc Culture, and eïioosn from over 3O0 finest sorts. We inake Roses a C-reat Spccialty, and are the lnrgeat Koaegrowers in America. Refer to 100,000 oastome in the United States and Canada. THR OINiE & CONARD CO., Kobe (iROWKRA, West Grote, Cheater Co , Pa. I656w4 ELECTÏON NOTIOE. Office of Shbriff ofWa8öbtehawCountt.1 Aun ArbOT, March 12, 1877. ƒ To the Electora of Washtenaw Courity : You are hereby notirted that at tbc election to 1 held on the first Moüday of April next, in the State of Michigan, tbe followinu offleera un-tobt elected, viz : Two Recnts of the University ;m. onc Justice of the Hupn-me Court, whoee terma o office wiU begin on the flrst day of Jannary A.D. 1878. .TOSIAH B. CA8E, Sheriff. By Michakl Flkming, Undersheriff, 1626 Rcffistration Notlce. NOTI0K is hereby jriven, tbnt tor tho purpnneof new registratïon ind rorreclion of the ruiristi try booka, the Hoarda of Registraion ói tl soverul waTds of the C'ïy of Aun Arhor, wi be in session on Wedneaday, M'ircb "Sth, i fltant, from nine o'clock a. M.toT o'clock p. BI at the following places: Firat Wiird- F. 8urgi pnint sbop. Second Ward- Tracy W. Root a office. Third Ward - SheriiTs office in Court House. Fourth Ward- M. Itoer's shop. Fifth Wurd - The Kiifrinc House. Sixth Ward - Building known as McDoimh: store. Dated, Ann rbor, March 16, 177. By order of City lïoaid of Reyiatration. NELSON J. KYiSR, Ohairman. A, M. Doty, Secretary. Kstatfj of Gertrude B. Kiadon. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehte naw, sa.' Kotice is hereby given, t.h;tt by an o der of the Probate Court for the County of Wasl tenaw, made on the thiiteenth day oí March. A I. 1S77, six months from that date wen alloww for credit ors to present their claims against th esfate of Gertrude K. Risdon.late of aid countj dcceaBfd, and that all creditors of said decene( arerequircd t o present their claims to said Pr bite Court, at the Probate oöiee, in the city o Ann Arbor, for examinution and aüowance, on o before the thirteeuth day of Septembei next, an that such claims wili be heard before said Cour on the thirteenth day of June and on the thi teenth day of September next, at ten o'clock i the forenoon of eaeh oí those days. Dated Ann Arbor, March 13, A. I. 1877 W1LLIAM I HARRIMAN, Ifi2ö Judge ol iJrobnte. Estáte of Maria E. Batcbelder. STATE OP MIOtflGAET, County or Washtc naw ss. At a gestión of the Probate Court, U the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Prohat Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, tb third diy oí March, in the year one thousant olffht bundred and eventy-aeveu. PreBent, Witliam O. Harriman, Judge of Pro bate. In the matter of the estáte of Maria E. Batcbe der, deceaaed. Ün reading and flling the petition, duly veüfted of I). 0. Batchelder, praying that lie or somt1 othe suitable per-ion, may be appointed administrato of the estáte of said deceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the nint d iy of April next, at ten o'clock in the fore noon, be atuigned for the hearing of Bnld petitio1 und that the heira at law of said decaed, and ii other perwona interested in aaid estáte, are required to appear ut a sessiou of aaid Court, thon to be holden at the Probate oltice, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there by, why the praycr of the petitioner should not be iirauteI : And it ia (urther ordered that said petitioaer jjivn notice to the persons interested in aid estáte of thü pendency of aaid petition, and the hearing thereof , by causing a copy ot th is order to be publirthed in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three succensive weeks previous towniddayof hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy). Judge of Probate. Wa. Ü. DoTï, Probate Register. 1626td Estáte of Noah R. Gates. STATKOF MICHIGAN, coanty of Washtenaw, u. At a session of the Probate Courfc for the county of Wíwhtennw, holdea al the Probate üíüce lo thfl city oi Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the fomteünth diiy of March, in the year ouu thousand ftight hundred and eventy-aeven. Present, WilHamD. Harriman, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Noah R. Gatea, deceased. On redding and filinj; thepetition, duly rexified, of .Silar? Cornish, exeeutoi oï th lastwiïi and testament of said dflcoaaod. praying for the assigament of the residuo of the estáte of saiil deceased. Thertiupon ït is ordered, that Tuesduy, tho third duy of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing oí said petitiun, and that the deviscea, legatees and heirH at luw of Miud lecc-a--t'(l, and all other personi; interested in ■■'U. i eatate, are reQuired to appeur at h aession ot suid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and nhuw ?aue, if nïiy there be, why the prayer of the pctitionttr should nut be gra&ted; And it is further ordered ib&t siiid petitioner five notice to tho persons interoxted in aald estáte, of the pendency of said petitiOD, and the hearing thereot, hy oaOBÍDg ;t opy of thie Ordec to be published in the Mich ■ iffnn Argus, a newspaper prioted and circulated in siiid county, two succesaive weeks previous to oaid day oí' hearing. WILLIAM D. HAUUIMAN, (A true copy ) Judpe of l'robate. Wm, (. Uoty. Probate Roisier. I626td "1 EORGE W. CROPSEY, Late of the firmof Oi.ark Cropsky, and A. Kkaknky, late o( Tuxas, uuder the tlrm name ol KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Havo established themselves at No. 33 Soulh tVEalD S., Aun Arbor, :tud prupusu to du general Grocery Business Tlny WÍÜ also keep CBOCEEEY, GLAS8 and VOODEN WARE, ainl ;i full line uf UOMESTIC ui.l FOBEIGN FltUITS. They bave fitted and araiahfid A First-class Eating Department, Vhore Meáis can he had at all hours, or board by the week. ( isli puid ffor liiiiür, i:iíks,uikI all ' ti 11 1 r y produce. Gooaa promptlj doltvred in ii ii y pai't ui" thfl city. Remember the place. S3 SoiiMi iiaiu Ntreot. KEAKXKV &CHOPSEY Aun Arbor, April 20, 1S76. 1580 J END 25c. toG.P, EOWELL A CO., New York, 3 lor piiiuphiut -f 100 papes, containing lista of 'ij' i nüwnpuperii, uad estuantes show iuy uoal of adartlitng. Commissionora Notice. 3TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenav, J ss. The uwlerslgned b&ving boen appotnted by ,ho Probato Court for satd county, conimissioners recuive, examine mul adjust all claims mul ! nand oX aU persons agalnsi the éstate of K rederijk Husoa, late of :ül county deoeaaed, heroby ■ iw aotlce thal six montns froni ilute ut allo wed, )y order of said Probate ' kmrt, foi oredltora 10 present thetr claims aainst Mie estáte ofsaid deoeased, uu] that they will moet at the offioe of Chrtstlan Sberbach, in the city Of A.nn Arbor, iiisaid county, ou the nfth day of June and ou th' flffch day o September next, ;it ion 'clojile . m. of each of Bald lays, to rocofte, e&auiinc a ud adjust said claims. Dfltfd, Maich ■", A I. l .. IG25w4 WILLIAM BURKE, 0HRI8TIAN EBEKBACH, f 'oiiiinissiDiicrs. Gom inissioners' Notice. STATE OF MIOHIGAN, County of "Waahtenaw, - sb. The andtiTsigned hftving been appointed by the Probate Uourt for smd crunty, commissionor to ni'ivo. 1'xuminfninl adjust all claims nd demanda of all persons a;iinst thn estáte of Susjin II, Weüna, late of tli; City of ('!ui-t::o, Illinois, aóoeft'iedi hftreby gtve Dotioe that nix monthn from d&te are allowea, oy order of said Probate Court, for crt'diloi's to prenent their i'limn ttgniiiHt the estáte oí satd deooased, and ihuy will meet at the Pint National B;mk, in the City of Ann Arbor, in aid county, on the 'Sth day ot May and on the 28thdayul AugOSt, Dext, at ten o%:1ock a. m. of each of -üi'-i dnya to reoeive examine and ui juk Bald claim. Dftted, Fcbrunry 'J8, A. D. 1877. 1624 ÍOHN W. H1TNT, J, w. KNIGHT, ConuninionerSi Coimnissionere' Notioe. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WaöMonw, sa The underslgned having been appolnted by the Probate Couii fbr said connty, coiumissloneñ lo n-rcivi'. exAinine and adjust all claims and deiiiaiuls of all peTsonfl fi;tuisi the estáte of John Coe, late of said county deceased, hereby iive notloe thal m months rromdate are allowea, by order of Bald Probate Court, for croditora t presout thetr claims uainnt cHlaie of said dccraM'd, and that they will meel a1 the reaideoce ■!' Honry Coe, in the townshlp of York, In natd county, on the 2th day of May and on the 27th day Of August next, at ten oclock a. m. uf eacb of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Datrd, February 2ftth. A. I. I877. ALLEN CRITTENDICN, RANSOM ÖALSBURY, L624wl Cummissionerd. Estáte of Sholdon TomlinHon. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasbteoaw, - ss. Notfee is hereby gJren, that by order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenav, made on the lst day of Match, A. 1. 1877, slï nionths froiu that date were allowed for creditora to present their claims agalnst the estáte of Sbeldon Tonïlinson, late ƒ said oounty. deoeased, and that all credItorsof said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in the City of Am Arlinr, lor examination and alLowance, on or beforo the tirst. day of 8eptember next, and that such claims will be heard beioro aald Court nu the flrutday of June and on the ftrst day of September oexttat ten ocloct In Uta Cbrenooa of oacfa ■ t" i lióse d&ya. Da tod, Ann Arbor. Man-b I, A. I. 1877. 1624 WILLIAM D. H ARRIMAN. Judge of Probate. Coinmisftioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, O ss. Thr uMflcr.simul havtn Ikhüi appuinit-d by the Probate Courl tor said county, commlssloners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and detnands of all persons againsi the estáte oí David Heach, late 1 Baid county decessod, hereby give notice that .six months from date aro allowed, by order uf said rniliate t'mirt, toi' cn-ílifor tu prest-n their claims against the estáte of ;tii deoeased, an thal they will meet at the office of D. H. Greene, i the city of Vpsilanli, in Bftid county, mi th(.' 1'M day of May and on the 'l'M day of August next, a ion o'olocK a. m. of each of said days, to reoeive examino and adjusi said claims. Dated, February 28, A. I. 1877. OKRIN B. BINMAN, GEORGE I). WIARD, l(V4 (Vminiissioncrs. Murtage 8ale. l7"HKRKA8, JmnesHhaw and Sarah l?haw,o the City ot Au Arhor, County of Wnshte naw and íStale of .Michigan, on the lourtecnth da; of Jauuary, A. D. oue tbouaand eight hundrec andseventy three, ext-íuited a mortgnge to Andrew J.Sbively, of the of Brooklyn, County o EUng&and S late of New York, vo secure the pay :n-ii! of. certain principal and interest mom;; therein mentioned, which;aLf? was recordé in tlieofliceof the Regiutur of peeda of Wauhte naw County and State oí Michigan, on the 14t day of January, A. I). eightcen hundrud and sev enty-three, at fouro'clock live minutes p, m, of sai( day, iu liber 41 of mortagts, on paye three hundred and lorty (340) aud ; whercas, defuult hus been made for more than thirty (30) days in the pttymentof aiiinstiilliiieut of .ul interest monty, which became duo on the tinst tlBtj day oí January, A. D. eighleen liundred and eevonty-seven fl877j, by ri'itsttn whereof aul puruuant to the ieims of s.titl morsugc, taid mortguee electa that so much of said principal as rcmüins unpuid, with all ar rearages uf iitereit thereon. hall become due and payuble immudiately ; an i, wlu.-ri.-as, there is claimed to be due and unpaid at the date ot thls notice, the .sum of flve hundred and tiity-ninedol lars aud sixtecn cuiHm ($550. 16j, for principal and interest, also iifty dollars ($0 as a retuonnble tolicitor or attorney's tee, in addition to all other leKidOMtïnsoAe&afl any prooeedinga are taken tj loreclose said mOEtffaef and nu suit or pmceedings haring been instituted, either in law or equity, to recover the unme or any ptirt thereol : Notice is hereby given, that ou cjaturdny, the twuuty -sixth day Oz May next at two o'clock in the afternoou of said day, at the sóuth door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor (that being the building iu which the CirOUil ( 'oint. of said county is held), and by virtue oí thepowor of sale oontainedin said mortgaíie, I sh.ii! nell at public Tendue, to the highest bidder, the premisos doucribed in aid Mortgage, to suti&fy the amouut of principal and iuteret claimed o bê due, with the aitorney's iee of ttfty dollars and OUagea of salo, to wit : Being lols numbers eleven (11) tnd twelve (12) in block number four(4) in Ormsby & l'agt's addition to tho City of Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, being the sum lot sold und conveyed by Luke Coyle to the pur ty of tho ftrst part. Alarct lst, lf77. 1624 ANDREW J. SH1VBLY, Mortgagee. John N. üott, Attoiney for Mortgngee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haviBg been mudo Id tl' eonditio of acertáis uiortgage, made and oxeuuted b Perkins and Bannah o. Gilmer, husband mul wife ofMecosta Coonty, State of ftflchfgan, to Loreuz D Male, of theCllyof Ann Arbor, dated the 23 day of July, A. D. 1872, and rocorded July 27, A D. 1872,1d the office of the Kegistcr of Deeds i VFashtenaw Couoty, Michigan, in liber is of Mort gages, on page 301, by whicb raid de&ult the powe of sale contalaed in said tnortgagebecame operativa and the siuu oí tour hundred and forty-soven 1É 100 dollars ($447.15) being claimed to be due on saü mortgage al the dato of this notlce, besuics the sui of forty dolíais provided to be paid in said mortgag aa au attorney fee on taking proceedinga tbr th foreclosure thereof, and no p roeeed i ngs havin boen bad or Institatedi elther at law or in equlty, t recover the surn seoured by suid mortgage or an; part thereof: Noties is therefore heroby giren, tha the said mortgage will be forecloeed ly sale of th mortgaged premtses therein deacribed orsoihe par thereof, viz: That plece or puree) of land sitoate (ylng and being tn tne City of Aan Arbor, State o Michigan, bounded as follows, to wit: Beginnini at ;i pnint nint; chaina and BOTODtoen links east o the quarter stake betwoen BOGtioUB twenty-one ;im twenty-elght (28) in township two south of rang six east ; thence eastalöng tne line three (8) chaiu and forty-two links ; thence south at right anglfl fotir chains and titïy links to the north boundso the Michigan Central EtaUVoad ; thence ireaterii along the north line of said Rauroad three chaln aod aixty-four links; thence north three chain and tenty-elgh1 links to the place of begiunins contal olog one and one-half acre of land, at. pub lic auction or vendue, at the south door ol tht Court Stouse, ffhere the Circuit Court for the Coun ty of Washtenaw is held, in the City of Ann Arbor on the l wenty-sixth day of Mav, 1877. Datad, Maren 2. 1877. 1624 L. I. HAIJE, Mortgaffee. A. Fklch, Attorney for Moytgagee. Chancery bale. IN PUBSU ANCE ttiid by virtueof adeoreeof tht Circuit Court ior theCountyof Wasfatêoaw, li chancery, inade and enterad on the tventyeixth day of July, A. 1. is7ti, in a cêrtain cause thereü pending vhereln John .M. Groas is the complalnant and Jacob Stang, A.dam Stang, Anna Stang, Valentino Undenachmidt, Andrew Lindenechmldt, and Philip Bettger are the Uie underBlgoed, one of the Circuit Court Commissioners for tlic County of Washtenav, (n the State of Michigan, will sell at public rendue to the hlghosf bidder, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in ftaid COUUty, on Mie 1 ith day of April, a. J. 1877, at ten o'ciock in the forenoon "i Ihataay, thefoUowingdescribed landa and promises, oamely: All thosecertaln pleces or pareéis ol land sitúate in the Tovn ot Saline, in theuoanty f VVashteuaw, and Stateof .Michigan, deeeribed a's follows, to wit: Commoneing at Uie center of the lorth line of lot nuiuber two (2) in Haywood'a adliiiaii to the Villaje of 8aliue, on sectlOD one, in own four south of range tive east, running theneo lortherly at right anglea to said Hoe two chaina to istakc; thence weslerly parallel to said line one haf naad litty links; thence soatherly at right iDglea to said line one chaln to a stake ; thence casterly parallel tu said lint; tïft-y links to a stake; henee Boutherlyat right uñóles to said lioeone bain to a stake at the center oJ it three (S) ; t henee asterl y along the north Line of said tot oue chala o the place of beginning, Dateo, Mareta 2, A. l. IS77. I624 CHAS. K. U'lll r.MAN, ü reu II Couri CoromlsMoner, fVashtunaw Co., Mich, A. J. Sawvkh, Sollcitor for Complalnant. Chancery Order. L)TATE OF MICHIGAN, In the Circuit Court for i he County of Washtenaw- In Ohancery : Sllaa I. Donólas, iiLtiuplainant, vs. James MeMaliun, l('auiy UcMahon, lYUllam ( '. tiughea, llarriette v. (iray, John T. Bradlee, and Qeorge O. Sears, and iso Elluabeth Eatchinsoó, Mwin Packard, and baríes Louis Fincke, executora of Samuel ihitchnson, deceasodj defendants. Upon duu proof bv thdavit that Wllliam C. Hnghes, Harriette W. ray, Johu T. liradlee, Oeorge O. Sears, Elilzbeth [utcnlnaon, Bdwio Packard, and Charles Louis Ineke, defendants in the above eotitled caase end ing in this court, reside out of the safd State t MJchixttD. and that said defeininnt Dugbes reIdea in the state itf [ndlana; and the deiendanta ray, Biadlee, and Sears reelde in the State of [assachnaettá ; and the deiendants Htitchinson, 'ackard, and rinoke reside in the State of New 'ork ; and on inotiun of Alpheus Pelch, .solí ei tor .!■ ooniplainant, it is ordered Ihat the said deindanta Sughes, Gray, Bradlee, Bean. Hutchln m, Packard, and Pinoke de appear and answer the ill of complaint, flled In the sald oause, vrithln tree monuu from tiie date of this order, elae the lid bill of complaint shall be taken as ronfessedby lid defendants Hughes, Gray, Bradlee, Sears, utchinson, Packurd, and Fincke : And further, at this order bc puolished within twenty days om tliisdatein tne Mithigan Aryus, a newspapeí irintetl in thesald CtitiNiv of Waslitt'naw( ami he tubllshed thereín onoe ín eaoh weck for six weeks n succession ", such publicatlon, however, sh all not ra Decessary In case a copy of tliis order he sen ed u the said defendauts Hughes, (iray, Itraülee, tars, Hutchinson, I'ackard, aiid Fincke, neraonly, at teaaf twenty days berarpthe timepréscribed ór thelf appearance, Dntifd this 15th day of February, A, I. 1877 r. R.' WHITMAN, Cltcuit Court Conimissioner in and for Wusliteuaw County, ( Michigan. A true copy- Attest- PkterTüitk Register. A. FblCH, Solicltor for ('omplaiaunt. Ki22w6 Election RTotice. THE COURT HOUSE J.0AN. To the Eléctors oí' the Coinity of Wasliteuaw: Notice is hereby given that at the umuul electioD to be held un Monday, April 2, a proponed loan of 140.000 for the building of a new Cour! House, will be aubmitted for your conaideration and decisión, purauant to the terma of the following resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervisors of ft;ud county, at a aeesion held on the twentieth day of December, 1876: Whkreas, The present Court House ot Washienaw County, baviug becorae by age and use dilapidated, iuconvcnient, uncomfortable, unhealthy, and unsafe for use ; Whereas, The records and documenta of the aeveral county offices, cspecially those of the office of the Kegiater of Deeda, ara now exposed and liuble at any time to be removed by theft or deHtroyed by tire, coiuplicating the title of the real estáte of the county, to replace which in full would be utterly imposible, and to replace in part by abstracts would probubly coat the county more thnn the expense of building a new Court House, wit h otfict'n and iire-proof vaulta attached ; Wherear, The compiied lawa fpaare 225, section 446) explicitly declare that each organizcd county nlifiil, at iia own proper expense, provide a suitable Court House, and a imitable and suüicient jail, and tire proof offices, and all other necessury public buildings, and keep the same in good repair ; Wherkas, The City of Ann Arbor ha generoualy voled to dónate $20 Of 0, In addition to ita proIii i umutc tux to the county, for the purpose of building a new Court Houae, upon the condition that the county f urnieh $10,000 for the aame purpoee ; Wherkas, The levying of theaaid $40,000, pyable in tlv annual ïn.s tal 1 ment with interest, would not exceed the tritling aum of eight cents annually on each one hundred dollars of tbc ]ivunt asneseod valuation of the taxablc property of miiil county; t hun f ore Jiesolred, By the Board of Supervisors of Washtcnuw County, that the public in teren t and afety, and permanent prettervatiou of the important record a and documenta of the tteveral county oSicea, dcmaudu the early ercctiun ot a new Court House, with tire-proof vaults attachod to the offices of County Clerk, llei;ister of Dt:edn, Jndgeof Probate, and County Treaaurer. Mttotved, That for the erection of said new Court Houbt' and otlices, the sum of fort y thouaand dollar ia hereby appi-opriated, subject to the pproval of the eleelors of the County of Wushtenaw, huí that the nnd $40,000 shall be raiaed by a loan on the bonduof the County of Washtenaw, payable withiu ílve years froni the flrst day of February, 1877 payable in Üvt aunuul installtnents of eight thousaud dollarB, at a rute ot interest not to execod rjiiht per cent. per annum, payable anuually on tbe flrst day of February. Resolved, That if a majority of the electora of Raid county votin on said loan shall authorize the same, ït ahii.ll he tho uut y of the Board of Supervisors of said county to make the loan ib above provided. and to order trom year to year tht' lcvying and collecting a tax sum'cient to pay the tsoveral thureuf as they may become due, with interest. Jfrsolr'ti, That the question of authorizing said loan oí $4U,(HO tor the erection of a new Court House be submitted to the electora of the County of Washtenaw at the spring electiou, held on the ÜrwL Monday of April, 1877. and ihut the County clerk of snifi county be and is hereby authorizcd to furoish the inaptctora of eleotiou of tho büvcthI townatup.s and warda of tmid county with proptr j büllotH, hik] siiid inBpecUrs shall provide ballot : boxea or the receptiou of ballots for or airaiost ! smd loan ; an3 thoEte olectoitt voting ïr anid lorn : shall have pnnted or written on their ballots the words " For the loau,' and those eh-ctors voting tigainst smd loan símil have printed or written on their ballots the wordt ' Agftinwt the loan,' and that duncanvuas und return bhnll be made ot' Buch I vote, as retjuiretl by section 4S5, compiied laws of Rtëatoed, Thut a building committoe, consisting of tive membeiö, be electod by this board, who hall proceed immediately, in case the electora of Vashtenaw County hall vote for snid loan oí $40,KK), to udopt uuh pltins and specillcations for a new Court ilouae tut they may deern, provided he coat of miid new Court Houae Khall not exceed he urn of $40,000 to the County of Waahtennw, xclusive of the $JO,üOO donated by the City of nn Arbor; and m comiaittee shall, befure they rommence tho eiection of ts&ïd house, socure to the county the $20,000 donated by the City of Aun Artor; and aaid committee shall have power, and are eieby authorizud, to advertise for, recoive. and ccept propoaala for building .said Court House, I na in all thinga pertaining thereto act for and in ehitlf of the Board of Supervisor. Hesvived. That the County Clerk and chairman f the Board of Öuperviaora, are hereby instructed. n ctiae the electora of the county shall vote for said ou n of $40,p)0, to issue the bonds of the county rom time to time Ier auch amounts ha the building I committee shall deern necestmry and proper for the ; onstruction of baid Conrt House, provided tliut ii in no circuniHtuncou ahall the bonds it-sued xceed the sum of $4,000, nor in any way conttict ith thendition expressed in the aecon'd resul uon above. Resolved, That the Sheriff of Wiuhtenaw County I ïall t'ive notice to the electora of the county of the submisaion of the question of authoriziug siiid ' loan, as required by aectiona 481 and -4Sf of the compiied laws of 187], and said notice shivll inelude the precedlng reaolutious. Datod, Ann Arbor, February '24, 1877. JOS1AH tí. CAtíK, Sheriff. M. Fleming, Underaheritf. 1Ü25 I ISN M I II 71. ITIIL,NEItt Toaeher ot' the Piano. Instruetlon given at tho rosidence of the pupil if desired. For terms inquire at rosldence, No.48 South State ■treet. I6ï4m8 Sewing Machines THE SZNGER, ÏTE W DOMESTZC, And tlia HOWE, And several gool Second-Hand Machines at the SEWINQ MACHINE OFFICE, Ann Arbor. Also Needies for all Machines The very best that are made, and attachments and parts for nearly all machines. S1HGER MACHINES Rspalred better therc than anjrwhere else In América, ïf your machine don't work well, trade it for une thal does, or have it repaired. All machines sold on easy paymenta at the office. Second door eust of Post Of fice, Ann Arbor, DKIch. (1556) I. ■. I.'ICI i:i I , Agent. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW G00DS1 And prices LOW EK THAN KVEK. I have purchnsed in New York, for cash, and I ara dow daily receivini; ono of the lnrgent and most select stocks of Grocerie in WnBhlenaw County, contisting of a íull and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - including Kutipowders, luipcriuU, Younr Hy. s.mis. il) sous, Japani, Oolongi, Forniosus, (oiiïoiis, Sou lionas, und Twaukaya, Toxether with a fiill line of OOFFEES, consintïnL' of the following brunds: MOCHA, OLD OOV'T JAVA, MAKACA1BO, LAGUAYKE,RANTOrf and K1O, both rojiated and round ; a full and well selected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line cf Pure Spicc8,C'anned fruits. and Vegetable. We have a fnll ;unl complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, GLOVES And ilowiery. Aleo, a choice aaaortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen'a Underwettr Cali and examine Goods and l'ricea and we will iusureautisfaction. EDWARD DUFFY. " Muynard'e block, cor.llain and Ann streeta Ann Arbor, Mich. ByHiirheat caeh pricj paid lor all farm produce, ta Ij} f f('an't bc nuule by every agent every IJUU"lüIlth in llu bu8lne we lurnish, but. Ijl r] Tl Tthosc Tvilüng to work can earn a dozen W J J J dollars n day iu there own LoCftllÜM. Havo no room to fxplain hore. Business picasant and honorable. Wouien, and boys and girls do as well t s men. We will funtfsh you a complete outfit free The business pays bettOT tliau anything else. We will bear exponse of tart Ing you. Particulars fretí. Write and see. Farmers and mechanies, their sous and daughters, and all classes in uesd of payiag work at home, should write to usandïearn all about the work at once. Now is the time Don't delay. Atldress, Tri:e 4 Co., Augusta, Maiue. 1620 THE OLD RKLIABLK Fire Insurance 1 op C. H. ÏYIILLEM HOME OF NEW ïom Capital aixl Surplus, $6,000,(U CONTINENTAL OF K.ï Capital and Surplus, 18,0001 NIACAEA OP N. V Casli Assets, $1,.'00,000. GIRARD OF Phil adelphia., Cash Assets, $1, 000,000. OHIEÏTTofHartfori Cash Assets, !SOO,000. Policies issued at as low rate)WJ any responsible Company, C. H. MILIZI No. 4 Sonth Mam Street, AuuArhr, IF ÏOUWAKTA GOOD OVERCQAT AND WANT TO BUY IT CHEAf GO TO WM. WAGBÍB For He is Selling Overcoas at Cos IF YOUR BOY WANTS A BOX OF COLLAIS SENt) III1I TO WM. WAGNffi FORTHERE HE CAN GET THEBKtPM THIi LEAST MONEÏ. IF YOU WANT AGOODSÜIT MADE TO ORDER, go to WM. WAGNER'5 21 South Main Sr. Ank Abbob. THE ENEMY OF DtSÍAÍE! THE FOE OF PAIS TO MAN AND BEAST. y 1 thetiraud oíd MUSTANG LINIMENT; Which has atood the test of forty ye There is no Sorc it wül not heal, no I will not cure, no Ache, no Ptiin tlim Humno Body, or the Boly ol it Horse ( ( men tic animal, that does not yidd to iu ?; touch. A bottle 25c, Süu, orl.W. W i#n saved the life of u human being, V to life and usefulnesi mam a valunble brsí. ETN A [ INSURANCE MUÍ Capital, - - ijtë.OüCOi1. Asset8 Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71Surplus over all Liabilities, incluW Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86Net Surplus over Liabilities, incloW Re-Insurance and Capital Stock' $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Atfeut, Anii Ail'r' GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. THE SHORT HST BETWEEN I)I;T BUFFALO, NEW YORK. NIÁGARA FALLS, BOSTi PMlaflelpliia, AND ALL -1 O inil-EStheSborlctIi;":r." &- l tf Dntroit to Butfalu nu I Po 3A ÍÍ Miles the shortoat line from D;lr' 4 D Niagura Falla and points Sure Coniiections at ". ihr Bridge and lluifalo w"1.1. ( . New York C'eiilrul 8dr" The Track and Equipments of tle '.'.. , WEHTERV are pcrlcct, and it imi'Jff „) i a view to the SAFETY and COMlU' Patrón. TOÜRI8TS AND PLEiSi;KB9Ei: Bhould bear n mind that the GBEAT 1,, Railway i the Öhorteat nnd most ife i Route between Detroit, Suspension " 0!pi,i. Buffalo, ai,d is the only line whicli OO" ion Bridiro in lull k of the fail. h:spOpl'1 For infornintiou and ticket ra IDlsl route appWto G. W. BHARPI- Agent M.C..K..AnuArW' Brícl Store, for Sale {OFFER FOR SALE my Brlck Btort, Huron il Fourth Btreota, opp' . otel. Thls ia ooe ol Mie "'oat de"y,, ntj?'" octiona in the city, and will be 'J ' UALl1598 L_!_--- - ü F"INÍ? JOB piUXTÍPíG J"üe " P AllGUS OFFICE.


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Michigan Argus