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Convention Of Superintendents Of Poor

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The iourth aunual conventiou of tho County Superintendents of the .Foor of this State is to bo held at Fünt on the 20th, 2Ut, and 22(1 insts. The tollowing is the program me: TUtíáDAY EVÜNING -7 P. M. Iutroductory cxercisos and rcading of tlie nanics of delegates in attendauce, ïoilovvod by the reauing ui letters addresseJ to the convention. A p:iper by Stephen Bmith, M. D., of the Sanitary Cominissiou ot the State of New York. A dit-cussioti upou the general subject of pauperism, and the .bost methuds of aJfording relitii, Tuis debate is lutonUod to be open tor all. It is intended, under t:iis head, to open the entire n'eld of paaperiam, ita fíreat varíe ty of caustis, lts efïect upou the public ; together with such sugestions as may bo prosented, in a thorough exitmination ot' a system that wiü ulïorJ public beuutaction to tin: actual ucedy, and prevent traud üud iuiposition. WEJDXJSSDAY, MAECK 21. Th"e roll of counties will be called, and a representativo troin each will briellj' report the geber&l mauugüinent ot' tho poor in iiis respective couuty ; wliether in the poorhouse or by temporary relief, with such ïnlormation as he may deern of interest to the conveution. D ;bate on tho fullowing topics, in the order stalüil : 11 What legislation, if auy, ia necessary for the improvement of our laws, in regard to the poorr1'1 Thos. F. Moore, ot Leuawtje ; A. O. Hyde, of Calhoun. ' Wiíl any chango in our eystem diminish the evils of paupensm and Leasen the weight of taxation ïtupused lor thia puipuau r" Wm. Charaberlain, of Berrien ; J. T. Cobb, of KalJllll.iZDO. " TrampB : Ou the feasibility of baring au especial iaw auihorizmg superin tendente ol the poor to torce them to work, or commit theiu to prisoii." J. I. Mead, ol iugham ; ï. 0. Browuell, of Kalamazoo. AFTKKXOON SESSION. Au addres3 by L. F. Aldeu, Superintendent of the State Public School, on " The Wisdom of Establishiug Preventiva InstitutioQB." l'he oonveutiou, ia a body, will visit ilie Daal and Dumb Insticutioii at 3 P. ai EVBXINO SESSIOy. An adiiresa by ex-Gov. John J. B&gley, on " Our Poor Neighbor." Au address by the Hou. Henry W. Lord, of IVnliac, on M lusanity." TUUBSDiY, HA.BCH 22. Coutiuuatiou ot subjects under discudsiou at proviottü ïnuetmy. " Temporaiy Helief : as generally practiced u thii State. Ia it a w:se adminwtratiou of public charity ? üoes it not destroy St'lt-respect, and in tlie end havu ;l tcndency to paúteme its recipieuts." T. W. Hall; A. W. lluvey. " District workhouses to take the place of county poorliouses, so íar as relatos to paupon abltj tö perfonü mauual 1 ib n May uot such mstitutioiiH have a teiiuency to contribute more largely towurd sustaiuins tbemselrsa thau the systom adopted at present 't" T. 1). Hall ; S. A. Patrick. AFTEBXOOX SB88IÜ.V. A paper by Hon. O. D. Kandall, of Coldwater, on ' A method oi uerleotiug onr State Puiial liefoiinatory and Charitable SJyatem." BVJtmHQ SKSS10JÍ. Report of the Comnuttee on Mombership, etc., recoiniueudiug ñames oí oHioers t'or 1S77. [Llection anü ïnstaUation of officero. Au address by the Kev. treorge ü. Uilletpie, áishop ot Western Michigan, ou ' The Chari.ies ou the (Joutinent." The following prominent speakers and phianthropists lutve been mvited, and are expocted to participad in the proceedius oi the coiivention: Dr. Elisha Èarns, New Vurk city ; F. B. Sai4)oru, Boston ; Dr. Stephen Sinith, New York city ; Dr. Charles ÍS. Hoyt, AlbanyjHou. W. iJ. Lotchwoith, Buffalo ; tev. F. H. Wines, Spriugöeld, 111.; 14e v. J. W. 3rown, Clevoland ; ex-Otov. 11. 1'. BaldwiD, Detroit; Judf;e U. I. Walker, Detroit; Hou. Wm. L. Webber, Saftinaw. At Jackson, ou Saturdav eveiiing last, is Deputy Sheriff Moe entered the iockroüiu to lock the prisoners in their cells, oue prisouur, named Partridge firod u uvolver at ex-Sheriff Brown, who was olosing thu door, grazing Li abdomen. li' .iIbo tired at Moe, striking him iu tho shoulder. lie then. rau througli the door, and was grappled by Browu, but shot him again, this time in thu back. Cwu other prisoners, Clark and Marvin, ot out. Moe tired and wounded Olark n the arm. Paitridge was at length iverpowered and looked in his cell. -Hark was chased by tí. L. Land, of Chicago, and brought back, A party of otriceis pursued Marvin, and recapturd him. None of the wounda are serioiis. The pistol used by the piisonor was pasned in at a window, and the plan vas tor a large par y to escape, but Moe's neive defeated them. (faja The foundry and uiacliiiui shop of )avid Crippi'ii, in Alpena, was destroyd by fire Thursday night, March 8. josa, $5,000 ; iusurtd for 2,000.


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