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ïo-morrow : St. Patrick's day. - Tally oiie week of good sleighing tor March. - Next Friday evenitig: junior exhibitiou at the High School. -The Umversity Glea Club propose to give a concert m Detroit duriug the coming vacaHon. - Sam. llevenaugh photographed the University Orchestra on Monday,- instrumeuts and all. - James Moon luis been sent to the Reform School at Lansing,- for vagrancy and general bad couduct. - The Tpsilaati R,ít"orm Club uumbers 850 meinbers, and the Sentinel says it looks duit around the saloons. - The suit agaiust Luther James for taxes fM coutmued to l'uesday March 20_ He proposew to coutest the matter vigorouslv. - The Kegents of the Uuiversity are to meet in regular session on the 2"th inst., the day bei'ore the Medical and Law Commencelileuts. - Wm. P. Uroves, of Korthfiald, wouldn't sell his apules at the market prices last fall, and now ne hus ',M0 unsliels of frozen apples on his hands. - Grov. CroswalJ Ims signod the bill amendng the saloon license ciause of our city charter, and uow the Couneil will get its fill of wrestüng with the problem. -President Fairchild, of Oberlin College, has eugaged to doliver the aunual address beiore the tícudeuts' Christian Association on Suuday af ternoou, March 26. - Wednesday, March 28: forenoon- Medical Comniencement ; afternoon Law Comnieuoemeut ; eveumg- fírst animal Commencementof the Homeopathie Medical College. - It is announced that Hon. D. Darwin Hughes will be unable to address the graduatmg class at the coining Law Oominenceinent, auil that Judge Oooley will till the breaoh. - The libal auit oí Dr. S. H. Douglas against K. A. Beal, of the Courier, was set down for trial at Marshall on Weduesday ti last week, but was continued uutil the uext term ou application of Mr. Beul. - The regular teiin of the Circuit Court will opeu on ïuesday uext with a small calendiir, asfollows: criminal, ü; issues of faot, 31 ; imjjarlance, i ; chanceiy - lst olass, 7 ; 2d class 1 ; ourth class, 6. Total, 5ó. - At the recent charter election at Dexter 'l'll vutes were polied. John Cotello, Deniocrit, was elected President by 9 majority over Harris Bail, and it was "just about nip and tuck " betweeu the candidates for the other offices. - (jrain and produce buyers are paying : for purk, ít'ti 5U a 700 ; for wheut, il 40 a J óü ; for corn, 30 a 3öc ; for oats, 3c ; for potatoes, $1 00 ; for choice green apples, 30c ; for butter, 22c ; for eggs, 13c; for chickeus, 10c; aud tor maple sugar, 14c. - Ex-Uov. Bross, of Chicago, is to appear before the Students' Lecture Association on Monday eveniug next. Subject: " Our West' eru Empire." The " Deacon " has considerable reputatiou as a newspaper man, speaker, aud politiciau. - l'rof. Tyler will give readings trom Tennyson's new drama of " Harold," at his residence, ou Tuesday eveuing next, at 8 o'clock, ïor the benelit oí the Ladies' Library. AdBiission ten cents. It ia lioped there will bo a large nuniber present. - Jiat. Sohuiid, village treasurer of Mancliester, set up shop a year agp with a balance iiOia fornier year oi Í608.59, and olosed his account for the fiscal year od the 6th-inst. with a balance of ?6.05. ïhe village expenses for the year were, $1,800.29. -Don J. Mozart, the inventor of the Mozart Watch, aud of other watch movements, a tiue mechauic, who has been for a long time m the insane department of the poorhouse, died yesterpay morniug, aged 58 years and j months. His funeral wil) take place ou Suuday afternoon at 3 o'clock. - A mistake occurred in makin? up the report of the treasurer of the Ladies' Charitable Uuion (published in ftst week's Aeous). The treasurer failed to charge herself with balance iuiiaud at beginning of the year, $41.29;- but as the balance ïu hand was correctly stated, $34.64, it is scarcely jiecessary to republish the account. - Manchester ha3 a Ladies' Temperauoe , l'uion, with the follovving ofticers: President, Mrs. M. M. Lyou ; Vice-President, Mra. J. W. Cow&u ; Secretary, Mrs. O. E. Palmer ; Correspouding Secretary, Mra. E. Chubbuok ïieasurer, Mrs. B. F. Koot. Meetings are held every Friday afternoon at Good Templars' Hall. So says the Enterprise. - The Alpha Sigma Society of the High School will give a Public iu the School Hall on Weduesday evening, March 21st. The exsrcisea will cousist of an oratiou, a recitutiou, a declaraation, an easay, music, and the discussiou of the question : Resolved, That the cruMiles had a beneficia! mfluènce upon Europe. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Peter H. Abel, of the ürm of Baoh & Abel, wliose severe illness we noticed ia our last israe, died ou Friday morning at an early hour. Brief funeral services were held at Cook's Hotel, where he boarded and died, at 3 1-2 Jt., being conduotod by Eev. 8. Haskel when the roniains were taken to the home of üs parents, near Fultonville, N. Y., for interment, Mr. James Donovau accompauying nis bereaved and mourniug brother and sisterAll the places of business were closed during "ie funeral services and a large party o tasiuess men ascorted tue mourning friends to the depot. lu the evening, a meeting of citizeus and business men was held at Firemen's Hall, Mayor Kinne presiding and A. VV. Hamilton Wing as Secretiiry. A coinmittee was appoiuted eonsisting oí Mattá, C. H. Milieu, W. V. Wiues, and Mgwick Doan, who reported the following 'esolutions which were uuauimously adopted : Wherkas, üur rnuch estepmed fellow citi6U, Feter íi. Abel, has been removed írom "inong us by deatli ; tberefoi-u Resolved, Th-it in the ileath of Mr. Abel we have lüat irom among ua one of our most valled citizens; that ilunng his residence of twelve yeai-8 iu city he has alwaya borne ") chiuacter and staudiug of a high-minded ííflütleman and business man. Resolved, That we extend to Mr. V. Baoh, 'oruier partner oí the deoeased, our sincere '}'"]uthy, and that we tender to the relatives Mr. Abel w irmest ayuipathy m their Wvere bereuvanient. Resolved, That the city papers be requested wpublishthe proceediugs of this meetiug, "(1 that copies of these resol utious be seut to tlie pareutB ot the deceased. Air. Abel was one of our most enterprising business men, young, active, f uil of hope and Push, courteous, gentlemanly, and thoroughly Zonest, aud lus suildon aud uutimely death is a 8"sve loss not only to his late partner, but toourwhole business commumty. At the recent charter election of Manchester We following ofh'cers were elected : ■President- M. D. Case. Irusteea- M. üaodyear, C. Lehu, and J. D. Corey. lieuorder- C. W. Case. Treasurer- N. Schmid. Mamhftl- S. H. McCord. Assessors- E. U. Carr and Warren Kimble. A'l candidatea on the Democratie ticket expt McCord, who ran alone on au indepenaBut ticket.


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