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The Pioneers

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A regular meeting of the Washtenaw County Pioneer Society was held in the Congregational Church at Chelsea, March 7, J. Q. A. Sessions preaidiug ami J. D. Williams officiating aa Secretary. After prayer by Rev. Mr. Holmes and a song of welcome and greetiug by the Congregatioual choir, the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. There being no unfiuished businesa, or committee repoits, Mr. Holmos, on invitatiou, read an original paper on the early history of Aun Albor, and more especially respectiug the famüy of A. L. Sinith. The following prearnble and resolution were offered by Mr. M. H. G-oodrich, discussed, and actiou deferred uutil the afteruoon session : Whkbkas, The State Pioneer Society is now engaged iu publishing the history of the early settlements of Michigan, aud requeBts the different county pioneer societies of the State to furniah a history of the first settlememts of the towns and cities of their respective counties, therefore, Resolved, That a coinmittee of three be elected at this meeting to prepara such history of this couuty and report by the tirst of August next to the Seoretary of the State Pioneer Society at Lansing, and ulso to report progresa at the next regular meeting of this society. AFTEENOON SESSION. After recess of an hour tor diuner business was resumed at 1 o'clock p. M. The resolutiou of Mr. Goodrich was adoptad, and Messrs. M. H. Goodrich, J. Q. A. Sessious, and J. D. Williams appoiuted the cominittee provided tor. Auother piece of music was given by the choir, after which the lolluwiug resolutioti. offered by Mr. Holmes, was adopted : Resolved, That the coramittee on history have power to till any vacancy that may occur in it by reBignation or otherwise. Mr. M. H. Goodrich offered the following, which was adopted : Resolved, That the thiuiks oí this society are hereby tendered to the Congregatioual Society for the use oí their church eüifice ; to the citizeus of Chelsea for the elegant and sumptuous repast furnished the society upon the occasiou oi its regular quarteriy ; and to the choir of the Oongreijational Utiurch for the soul-stirrmg and excelleut music furuished. May the busy, prosperous, and cozy vilhige of Chelsea never be peopled with a less gencrous, hospitable, aud noble people tlmu now make their abode in lts pleusaut pmciucts. On motion of Morell Goodrich it was ordered that the next regular meeting of the society be held in the village of Manchester ou the first Wedüesday in J mie. Mr. Win. E. Depew then read an interesting paper on the early settlement and history of the township of Sylvan, for which the thanku of the society was extended, and the paper ordered placed on file iu the office of the Secretary. Ou ïnotion of Mr. Waterman a collection was taken iu aid of the society treasury, $8.39 being contributed. Agam the choir gave a quartet, aupplemeuted by "Auld Lung Syue," sung with good effect aud wonderful enthusiasm ; after which, at the suggestion of Mr. S. G. Ives, the words Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise hiin all creatures here below, Praise him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Fatker, Sou, aud Holy Ghost, were sung to the tune of "Old Handred " with deep aud profound revereuce. The socie tv then adjourned sine die.


Old News
Michigan Argus