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Pith And Point

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The great senses-taker - Kum. Strong Imtter - A billy goat. Why is the sun like a good loaf ? Because it is ligbt when it rises. Why is a erow a brave bird ? Because it never shows the white feather. Why are umbrellas like pancnkes? : cause they are seldom seen alter leut. Why is sympathy like bnfff It is a fellow feeling lor a fellow creatnre. Way is n sawyer like a lawyer ? Because whiohever way he goes, down comes the diist. A pabbot is said to live to be 200 ! years oíd. A barber does not live so long, but he talks more. Why is a man who doesn't lose his tempe? lik(! a schoohnaster ? Becaxise he keepr cool (keeps school). W SS are washerwomen silly people 'i Bef ause they put out tlieir tubs to eateh ! soft water when it rains hard. Why Cflnnot two slender persons ever j become great friends ? Because they will always be slight acquaintonces. Chicaoo responded to Milwaukee's ! telephonics, and the aroma of oloves porvaded the receiving room for several hours. Why is a drunkavd besitatisg to sign tñe pledge like a skeptical Hindoo ? ]?(- cause he doubts whether to give up the worship of Jug-or-not. They teil the story iu New York ; ; ' ' that a man dressed in f emale clotlies liad liis sex discovered because he thanked a gentleman who oft'ered him a i ; seat. " This is tke season of the year when a j man steps on a loóse brick in a spongy sidewalk and has a quart of mud squirted up the side of his bost pantalooiiR as a gentle rcminder of the tact that gentle spring is fast chucking winter out of it ; lap. Tn-o sa7it,e pliilosophers took shelter ' under the same tree during a heavv shower. Aftir tune time one of them complained that he feit the rain. " Nebermind," replied theother, " dere'a plenty of trees. When dis un is wet through we'll go to de oder." A XEA.OHER, wishing to explain to a lit1 tle girl the mnnner in which a lobster oseta ite shell when it lias outgrown it, Bflid, " What do you do when you have i outgrown your clothes ? You throw i them aside, don't you?" "Oh, nol" replied the little one ; "we let out the ■ tucks." An organ wns some time ago introduced in a pnrish ehiuvh in tlie North of Scotlnnd, and some of the members took offencc and left. One of these Boon ofter niet another member and inquired "hoo the organ was gettin' on ?" "O, fine," was the answer ; " jistblawin' awa the chaff an' keepin' the eorn." Thk Pittsbnrgh Post says the roaring sound of a large well reeently struek in ' the oil región can be henrd a distance of nine miles. This may be a lie, bilt wp ; once knew a man struck in lus luinbar región with his prospectiye father-in,law's boot, and the roaring sonnd of him was heard over in the next townships. - Burlington Jlawk-Kye. The following was recenüy matten and sent by a distingnished clergyninn to his mother. It was sent on n postal earl : Deab Motbsb : Froin swoot Ituiali' pucreil song, ebapdr 9 and rene o, Firnt thirteen words ph-ane take, and then the foV ; lowiiiK aflix : Froni Gcnf'HiH thp :wth, verso lTth no more ; Then add verse 26 of Kingtt, book 2d, chapter 4; The lant two verse, cbapter 1, lwt book of Saruuol, And yon - leam what on thiB day yonr loving pon ' ucfeU.


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