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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Ladies Total Abts...

Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Ladies Total Abts... image
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Letter to the Editor
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M ii. IIditok : - Incomplmnce vfitli tnc in6truciion of tlie ' 'Lidies Tof il Abs'.inence Benevolent Afisocintion,' I olTcr ynu the following for puhlication. Accordin'g to previous notice. tlic lndies of Ann Arhor,conver.ed'at the Presbyterinri Church, oa Tuesday 8th irist. at 2 o'clock, P. M. for the purpose of organizïng1 n Ladies Total Abstinence Bclievolent Association. The meeting was oranized by nppninlin? Mrs. G. Bcckley Chairman, and Mrs. íloyce Sccret.iry. Prnyer. by Mrs. Wm. S. Ciiriiw. The connnittee to whotn was referrrd :he subject of prepiring a Preamble ar.d Con3litution for the Society, rcporicd ilie lollowinij Prertmbln and Consiitution. which wü3 acceptcd and ünan imously adttp'tcd. Fícíiiiifolc. The 'ïse of intoxicating drinks ins beer, and slill is, the prolific source of numberless iils and misfortunes knewn in thf life. Ite effect have benn feil throngh all grndations of society- from the King and Quecn upon the throne, down to the lowést brggnr that walko our strecta. The blighting scource of intempornnco has ruincd i!8 thousands. Jt has even dared 10 onter the domestic circle, nnd í i ff : n rr Ui Pacrüenioéii arm, rlegraded thé htísband to a ievel wi'h the brute, brggaród tfie wife - dighonored thecliild - nnd converted in'to an earthy liell tli'e once Jovely home wth all ltsendearments. This Toul monster - this enemy of virtue and Bobricty is still stalTcing abroad - lurkins in oür' midst, and thróatens with interminable ruin, many of or kindred and friends. Whit is to bè' done 1 United nnd systemalic cfTort is neccssnry to s'ay the tide, and dry up thia bitter founéiin; Andas to woman is jjiven the dregái oí tfira loatíis'ome cúp- ghe snoxíd" fecf hcrself cnlled upon to go Ibrth in the of kindnesa, to rficlaim the inebríate, to clothe, educate, ind comfort nll who by fault or otherwise are fcóltng in their own pereon the witherin? curse of dissipntion. ana do all in her power to restore the unfjrtunatp, to all the comforts and joy, thé ÉRcnity whicH thcir natnre askd, and fhxs word of God promisei. ín order t'ie bctter to accorhpli?h theSe onjectSj W8 hnve uniicd in one co'mmoh sisteriiood', and agree to be govónied by the following C'ONSTITUTION. Articje 1. This Association shnll bo callod the L td'ies Total Abstinence Bsnetolcnt Sodetyf of Ann ArboV. Art. ir. The o!ject of thi Society haíl bo' to prevent the manufacturo, ssle, and use, of intoxicating Jrinks" as a béverage, by noithcr using them oifrselves. nor furnishing them for others, nnd in every honorable wny tö disconiiftenence lliefr us"e throtfgliout fhe cbmmuniiy, ana to eeck and relieve the destittite and distressed. in comniunuy, espccial'y upon their promisè óf reformation. AnT. ut. Tho officers of tliis Society ehail consist of a President, two Vire Prusidents, Secretary, Treasnrer, and twelve manngors, wHó shalf constituè an Kxectfive Commrtteo to Be chosrn annualfy. Art. iv. Tho President, and in her absence one of tóe Vice Présidehts ehall presido at all meetings of the Society. Akt. v. The Secrelary símil keep minutes ol the proceedings ot t'iie Soürety, subject at all times to'tíio inspVcñon' óf menibets. Aitir. vi The fui:ds of the eociety in thö hands ot the Trensurer sholj be subject to ihedirrctióri of the Ex. Committco, whoso duty tahalí be to the furtlicrancé' of the object ofth9 Associaiion, Dv srrch mennsns Irom time lo time, may be decmed expedient Aht. vu. Any lady may become a member of this Association, by signing this Constittition. Aht. vin. B)-laws may bo ailoptod for díé regulation of the society at any of its regular meetings. Art. i. The annual meeting of the Society shali lic held off the Ist Wednesday oí June in cae íi yenr. Art. .t. Th Constiiution mny be amen(!ed at any of rs regular meetings, by the vote of a mnjority of the me'nib rs present. A coinmittée of five werè appointed to nomiiiiic n list of oiHcerd for the Society. TÏicy reportedthö iolinwing. which were ajoptcd. RIi3. G. President. Mr?. Wm. I,. Cïtrtie, 7 T7. . , Mr„.C. N. J Vtce Pres.dentP. Miss 1,. M. Waltcr, Sccfctary. Mrs. Bardwell. Tre.isurer. a; saceiis. Miss E. Vaü. Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. V. S. Mnynnrd, Cl.ifk, MrS. S. Manh', Mrs. Slialtuck, Mrs. McCniry, Misö fthodes, Mrs. Nuble, Mrs. Waterman, Mrs. Goodriih, M.s. íí.iidin. A Visiiing Committceof iliirty six wore thos;n ly lité society, and are aclively engnged in tl; disc' argc of the.r duty. TJiO Society mnv nambers rrtore than Fur Hunlrcd and pronitèes to ba c vnlüuble auxiliar in tiic oí Tcmperancíí.