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Puekiiknt Hayes bas made the following l'edoral appoiutmeiit : H' mi. OAOtge S. BostweUj to bo a Cominisaioner to preparo a íiew edition of the Revised Kt ahites. John H. McFarlnnd, Kcceivor of Public Moneys at Detroit. Midi. .Ii ■' H. Mooie, Pension Agent at SprinftBcM, 111. John G. Leo, Uuited States Attornoy for tbc Nnrthorn District of Ohio. John S. Owens, Register of the Land Oflico ■tt Taylor's Falls, Mimi. Charles B. Tyler, Register of Land at New I 'lm. Mimi. J'hilip H. Emersou, Associatc Justieo of the Snprenie (Dooit of Utah. ïlcnry Fisk, United Ktat.s Marshal for the Eastern District of Michigan. Tlioma L. James. PoBtmaster at New York. Jame M. Wilkuuob, lïeceiver of Public Moiio.YH at Hacquette, Midi. léaa Hildrnp, Unitod States Marshal for the Northern District of Illiniii. Orlando H. Morwin, Postmaater at Evanston, 111. ' Thomas Jernegan, Surveyor of Customs at Michigan City, Ind. M. J. Waldron, Marshal for the Western District of TenneBsee. George F. Dick, Postinastor at Bloomington, 8. H. Evaus, Marshal for the Eastern District of TenneKsee. Michael Piggott, Postmaster at Quincy, 111. Edward Hussel!, Postmastcr at DaTenport, Iowa. THE KAST. The ooutest over the vrill of the late Commodore Vanderbilt ha been ended by all the contoBtantw withdrawing their objections to the probate of tbc will. The tiial was to have commenced last wek, but the wliole inattcr waa arranged betwecu William H. YanderbUt and the contostants. Among the counsel were Becretarv of State EvartR, Judge Matthews, Jeremiah 8: Black and David Diidley Field - all of couniiel in the late Presidc-ntmlVontcst. ... The Germán Banking Company of 1'ott.sviUo, Pa., bus colhvptted. A. bill before the New York Legislatnre provides that fares on palaco and sleepiiig-car nhall not be over 35 cents for 100 ïnilc. The Medical College of Pemisylvam'a bas just conferrcd the degree of Doctor of Medicine on fif toen womeu The store of Fieldcr Megruder, at Benning's Station near Washington city, was burned the other day, and Ebenezcr Largo and bis son John, wbo slept iu the building, were buiued. There is bnt littli doubt tliat. both of the men wei'e mui'dert:tl. the store robbed, and then set on lire. Petek B. Sweeney, whose name was associated with Boss Tweed in the great ring swindles, and who bas been au exilo for the {test five yearn, bas returned to New York city. He has not been taken into custody, because il was ananged with the Attorney General thal if he would return and bc present at the trial liim, all proceedings, civil ano' criminal, so far as arresting him, should be stiRptnded dming the trial and for thirty days afkrward Thomas W. Thompson, of Westfleld. N. Y., bas Imcii arrested and held for trial on a chaige of nsing tlio mails to fraudulently obtain money from rolatives of deoèased jiarties of the lat'e Ashtabula disaster, his modus operandi being to write ti iclatives of deceased friends stating he had in his possesKion certain artioles belonging to deceased, and upon receipt of stipulated sunm would forward tlieartielcs named, aigning hb) name " Yictor Bennett." The priaoueroP fered uo defeuse, pleading guilty to the charge. Ex-Gov. Emory Wasiidühn, of Massachusette, in ilead The lied Star Line steamer Iiusland, from Antwerj) (or New York. went ashore on the New Jersey coast, at Long Bianch. one night lat week. By the heroic exertions of tlie lifc-saviiif; erew stationed there, all the passengere and erew were rescued. . . . A fjre at Pittsburgb, last week, destroyed the boiler works of D. W. C. Carroll & to.' Loss, $175,000. THE WKST. A iNiitiiiDi.K tragedy was recent}; enactcd Beu Huntington, Ind. Michacl Meriiman, who has been in nu iiisanc asylum and was sent lioine bout a year ago thought to liavc been cured, shot onc of his sous, aged 18, through the head, fatally WOOndiog liini. and another, aged 16, through tlio shouldcr, probably fatajly wounding hún. He then shot aud killed himself instautly The snow in the mountaiuH of Utah is imusually deep, and eeveral people have latoly been killed by eoowslidee. The work of the Wisconsin State-Iiegislature, during its reeeut eight weeks' seHHion, is found in 716 billH introduced iu both houses, of which 301 f ailed to bocome laws. The number of bilis passod is 113 less than those that matuied last yoar. About one-third of those that pasaed at t'iis Kession were amendments to existing statates. For the various State institutions, and for othor purposes, appropriations were made amounting to $371,500. A compclsohy edneational law passed the Ohio Leginlature and received the Bignature of the Governor The Colorado Legislatura lia abolished the grand-jnry system in that State. providing in lieu thereof that the Judge of the County Court and two Justices of the Peace of the county shaü" uit as a court of indictme-nt to hear testimony on both sides oí anv case brought before them. In indictments imder the grand-jury system, tho teatimony of the progeonüon only is reeeived' 8ix Chinamen, employed'in clearing land near Chico, Butte county, Cal., werc attacked in their cabin by a band of whitca. Three were shot dead, and a fourth diod soon after, the fifth beiog bej'ond hope of recoverv. The 8ixtli, who wan slightly wonnded, esoaped by feigning death Stephen S. Jones, editor of the fimrio-I'hüosophical Journal, the organ of the BpiritualistB in Chicago, was recenüy Hliot and killed by Prof. William C. l'ike, a plu-enologist of that city. A woman (Pike's wife) was at the bottora of the tronble. CoNiHus.sMN Charles II. Mokgan. of the Kixth District of Slissouri, wa marricd a few days ago, at Oahkosh, Wis., to Miss Clara Washburne, a daughter of Judge Washburn, of that city . . . . Harrison B. Nicholn, of Denver, Ooi. ii railroad man well-known in connectlOn witli Western minmg interests, was i-un over and killed by a runaway team, in the strsets of Council Bluffs, Iowa, a few days ago. Deceaed leaves property valued at 200,000 The boiler in Bonter Brothers, Kaw-mill, at Washington, Ind., expiodod the otther day, instantly kilüng two of the. Hnnter brothor's. two brothers uamed Bonder, and one. name imknown. Several others were dangeronslv wounded. Tuk nriiit massacro of a party óf inoffen8ive Chinese at ('hieo, Cal., brief nir'iiti.m of which waa made in these columns, bas been prodnetive of a vast deal of exoitemenl thereaIv'iitK. The c-itizens (.1' the tovrw havo received throfttening letters from anonyuioua sourcos oideiitigthemt) discharge tlieir "Cliim ■■ help ar uffer the conseieii.-es, and ofticers hftvebeen warned that death will bc their portioD if they attempt t disoevm who killed the Chinamen" KewardH aggregnting $3,500 have been oliered for the arrest of the assassins. Altogether it is a very ugly affair, and bas created a general uensation all over the Pacific coast country. Dailv mails will soon be sent to the Black Hills. Postulaste have been regularly coniinissioued at Deadwood and ('nster, and as soon U) th' ruads are ])assable the service will begin. . . William BtayOfl, a prominent lawyer of San Francinco. enk-red the room of the managiug editor of tho Alu OtlUfomUX. Gen. John MoConjb, and dernanded a retractiou of an artielo pul lilnd in the Alta, tbreatening in cane of a refusal to slioot hini. McComb kuocked him down, ehastiscd bim serely,tok away his pistol, and tooi; him t the statiou-houwe, where a charge of assaidt with a deailly weapon wns entered against bim AiTangements have been made for the bamedíate snn-ey of n railroad route connecting the Lmon Pacific witli tlio heart of the Black Hills gold región. %VASHINGTON. AiToiMMK.NTs by the President: Freddie, W. Beward, t be Assistant Secrotary of 8tat ; I-ot M. Mori-ill. Collector of Custom for the j District of Portland and Falmouth, Jle. ; Wm. Stonc. tTnitel Stáíeí AttorHey for South Carolina; Ana o. Aldi.-i. oí Vexmout, James B. Howcll, of Iowa, OftLÚgé Ferris, oí New York, HoutherB Claims (Vininiissiouers. Postulasteis Win. H. Holloway, ut IndianapoMB Nioholae Filbeck, at Terre Haute; George Pfleger, at South B:nd. Hon. John J. Krtox has been re-appointed ComptroUer of the Currency. . ..KxGov. Osborne, of Kansas, is an I nlieant for the mission to Chili.. Humor has Gen. Logan lxoked for the Bruzil Mission Miss Ada Sweet will be retttined as Pension Agent at Chicago Hou. J. M. Tynoi-, lato Postmaster (eniral. has been app3intd First Astdatant Poutniaster (eucral under Mr. Kcy. . . .Fred DongláM has been aiiwintod United States UarahaJ for the District : of Colunibia Reuben H. Stephenson, Survcver I of CustouiH at (■ndnuati; and Archibald'M. Hughes bmtedBtatesAttornev for the Middle District of TonneBsee. Mu. IiNt:HiucK. in an interview with the President, is quoted oy a Washington con-espondent as having said that justice to whites and merey to hlacks nlike protested againsl the reeognition of the Paokard QoTermnent. The l'risidint is said to havo replied that he would BQon open a clear way tú peaoe in Louisiaiui and i-ontentment to the poopleof thatStato Tlio Hecretarv oí tho Treanry has jnst issiind tho forty-thfrd oall for $10,000.000 rf fi per oorit. ; D0OCU (0 bo i-wIeonuKj or fmidfd in ÚU tíi i W, 'll „i fíill-i liiii! I ho rapidity with which the fimdmi procesa joea forward is i glatlfytng ovMetiGa ot ili" lopularity uf United States Government si-curi;ies as a channel tor the investment erf ïïuropean capital. . . . Sccrctary of the Interior ■Schurz bas notitied all heads of bureaus of the [ntcrior Department that during bis admiuin.ration of its affairs there will bo no remováis of clerks or other employés, exeept " for cause," and no promotion, excopt " ror niciit." It will, Qierefore, bp usojobb for persons to filo papers soliciting clerical ippointments or proinotion on merely personal or politioa) grounds Secretar? of state Kvarts, in an Informal on veraation the othcr day with Lorenz Brentano, of Chicago, made a declaratioii whicli will be received with gueat Batisfaction by the eutire i( rii].iii-Aiiirii:.:i populfttion. IlrMatod that it would not bc tJiepolicy oftlio State Departn nt iui--;iftr to radtase to appofat naturahzed Gernrnn oitizons, or foreign-born oitizens of any kind as diplomatic and consular oflieor to the country of thcir hirth. Such a policy at adopted by Secrctary Fish in 1873, .and lias givon iinmeasurable dissatisfaction U natiinilizod i'iti.ciis. Mr. Kvarts siiys he will not follow Mr. lrish's policy, lmt will trent all Amerioan eitizons alibe, Irrespeotrve of the place of their bhth . . . . Secretary of the Navy Thompson h:is notii'ncl all the burean ol'tiorrs tJiat no contracta aro to bc signed hcriaftor without bis approval ; and that meoting of bureau officials will be held rogulaiiv two or threc times a week, at which all matter pettaining to the service are to be presented for deciHion. Washinoton dispatchos inform lis that hcrious charges of f muds apon the treasm'y have been brought against certain officials in that department. Their plan of proceeding seems to nave been tliis : The Ti-easury Department would purchase a quantity of registerod bondö on the market and place them in the Treasury Department. They then belonged tn the Government. Assistant Treasnreï Charles F. Conant, Daniel Haker, and Mr. Bigelow, clerks, were cogui.ant of thee transactionB, and fonned a ring to profit by them. They took the number of the bonds and the names in which they were registered. and furinslu'd these t ; New York speculator named Willi&OQ Howe, who prepared bogus powers of attoruev and colleofed tin accrued Intereat from the department, after haring it with Conant, lïigclow and }ïaker....An old man najned Springer, the sixth insano person who bas gone to Washington to be inaugurated President, has juflt been comniitted to the lunatic asylum. It is given out in Washington that an extra sossion of Congres will be conveued abont the middle of May Chief Justice Cai+ter bas kicked the nmle oase against Gen. Bristow out. of liis coiu't . . . . ( 'lerk Adams says that, conceding Kepublicans all they really claim, tliere will be a Democratie majority on the roll of the next House of three. A Washington dis]ath says : "The liepub. licans claim with great contidence that they will bc able to organizc the next House and make Poster, of Ohio, Speaker. This, they say, is part of the agreement made with the Southern members, who are willing to sacrifice everything U secure their State Governments. .. .J. W. Mai'shall, First Assistant Postmastcr General, bas been appointed Superintendent of the Kaihvay Mail Service, with headquarters in Washington. THE SOUTH. The question of the conflicting claims of Hampton and Chamberlain to tho Governorhip of South Carolina carne up in the Circuit Conrt at Charleston, on the 13th inst.. as involving the invalidity of a commitment bv a Tria] Justice appointed bv Ilimipton. Jucige Beed decided that tho anthority of the Trial ■Jutii'f inusl respeeted as that of a de facto and de jure officer of State. This decisión establishes the legality of the Ilampton Government as to the Charleston Circuit. The other Circuit Jndges throughout the State have already male similar decisions. H. J. Bell, Democratie nominee, bas been elected to Cougress from the inth Georgia Disüict, to succeed Benj. H. Hill Madame Octavia Walton Le Veri, so well known to jeoplo of tho two hemispheres, died last week, near Augusta, Ga., her native State. Gov. Chamberlain, of South Carolina, graphs to President Hayos: " In view of tho telegraphip reporto, I consider it proper to state that th propnsition for a new electiou here is whollv m-w to me. Ko fnr as I know, 110 one here has ever proposed or considered such a plan.". .. .Tli u Bteamer Gov. Garla nd was rccently bornea on tlie Ark.ansas river. One cabin and three dook passengors and al! the bookw and cargo lust. Tuk Repnblican State Central Comnüttee of New Orleans has expelled P. B. !■. Pincliback f rom tho organiza tion .... Ex-Gov. Warmoth, of Louisiana, bas submitted to the President a plan for sottling the internal tronbles of that unhappy State. He suggesta tl i:it the mem bers of the Legislatura wnoae Beats are notconj tested meet and pass upon the contested ones, respective of all Iïeturning Board figures. Then, after the result shall have heen made known, let the completcd Legislature in joint convention canvas the returns for State officern. Whocver sball bc counted in by this procedure let him be proclaimed the lawf ui oceupant of the office for which he was a candidato. Adam Johnson', Nelson Brown, Luoius Thomas and John Henry Dennis, all colored, were reeently exeeuted for morder at Aiken, S 8. Sfeve Anderson was to have been hans it the same timo, bilt was respitod for thirty days. GKNERAL. The amount of grain in sight in the United States and Cañadas is as follows : Wheat, 10,779,145 bushels ; oom, 12,208.880 bushelfl ; oata, 2,902.142 bushels; barley, 3,478,162 bushels. James Kingan, the crooked New York prodnco speculator, who rccently fled froui the city after nwindling everybody with whom he liivd dealing, was found" dcad tho other day, on the track of the Iuter-Colonial railway. in New Brunswick. One theory is that he was rnurdercd for the money which he carricd ; another, that he was laboring nnáer mentad aberrnüon and committcd .suicide. Eight thonsand dollars was fonnd in the pistol-poeket of the dead man.... A plan for the adjustinent of the Sonthern State debts lias been matured by the committeo appointcd for that pnrpose Home time ago I by thé eapitalists of New York. The plan i reoonirnended has itiferenoe to the Teu debt - the New York committee having had a conference with the committee a])pointed by the 'IVnncHsei.' Li'irislature - and óontemplates the issue of ncw bonds at the rato of 60 bet cent. of the aggregate amoant ui' the principal and onpaid interes! ii)i to Jnly, 1877, fhe new boadu 1" be payable in thirtv year. mul baai inierout :d tho rata "f (i per cent., payable semi-aiiiiually in Ncw York- the mteret-onpoiw to lc reeelva !(; tor all tftxes due to tho Static of Tennessce. An express robbery was COnunitted at Pittsbnrgh, Pa., the othor preuing, wbich for iiigeimity and audacity h;is rarely heen surpassed i the annals of criminal exploits. In this case the telegraph tMik the place of the revolver, and C'locti'icity - BerVed instead of bloodslied. The telegraph wire was tapped outside the city, and, by the aid of a pocket instrument, fcwo hogus luessages were' sent, by whjch the express messenger tiu-ned over hls car to the tlrief under what he hriil eei-v roason to snpposo ii'e genuino instrui-tiinix to that effect f rom t lio General Superiiitendent at 'J'lie i'lever rascáis win inannged the } realized abont '4.(i(M) for their puins, and the ExpMu ( 'ompany are wmdering wha$ ugw and unsuspectod plan of ' béry mll iiext Be attemptod. Commebciai, failiucs : Garfil W: Janus. bridge-buikler, MihvauUoo, liabilities, Y75,000 ; j Haskell A Brown, produce, Montreal, Í175,000; j J. H. Hoffmeier, groceries. Cornwnll. Ont.. ïKi.odO ; Oliver Bonrke, liquors, Detroit; 31. J. Timu, genera] dealer in staple articles, Jlontreal, 4160,000; the Mrst National Bank, ; lentown, Pajj ('apt. Ebor Ward, a largo! vesscl owner, Ieti"oit. liabilitien heavy.... { l'ires: At Atheiirt. Ohio : loss f30,000; Parkersburg, Iowa, $10,000 ; Boston, Mass., $30,000 ; Lelanon. Tenn.. 630,000 The American Montana was rcoently detained by a customs officer at the Mi'xioain "l dl .M;;all;ui. and the Sieiitaiy of tlie United Stales Navv now sends a ship-of-war to the olTending ■ t i t ascertain the f acts. POLITICA 1.. Kx-S -iiktaiiy ói Wak J. Donai.u Cameiion . ivas, on the 13lh inst.. uminiinousjy nominated by the liepublican oaucus of the Pennsylvania Legislature to (he t'llited otates Senatolship, vaealed by his fathor. Kinion Cmneron. It apjiears that Hen. Stanley Matthews addressed a letter to Gov. Packard, of Louisiana. similar to tho one sent to Gov. ('hamberlain, of South Carolina, urging hlm to abdícate liis I claims to the Governorsliip in favor of ' olla. Packard has Jast replied to Matthews. In the courwi of his letter he says : "Irecerred n nmjority of tlie legal votes cast at the last election. have boen declared Govenxor by ;i:4atme in joint session with an undisputed quorum in both houaea, and having been lawfully vestod witii nutltority as Governor l cannot with due regard to my oath of ollice and dutv to the 70,000 voters who havo elected meto the ('hief Magistracy, thougli I should receive consideración and posltipn ín BOme i propriate wáy, abandon those laitliful monto the meiciless vengeanoe of tbo WhiteLaAgfue 1'enM.eiaey.' . . . . A árge delegation of colored raen, representing a nnmber of States, oalled on tho President tho BthfT day, and nrg'd him to appoint l'rot. John JI. LangHton, of. Washington, (lornmiKsiouer of Agrioullurü. Tlie President inionned tll'lH tutti It V.;::. !K illtülltiOll tO ftp)l()lnt l'Tüf. ! Ungnton and glaiw to Important nd t.iit In im.l r.t i( vi t deddod a to tho place that would be elven the forniBr. . . .Postmaster tieneral Koy( i'lnding liiniHolf ovorwheltnod noarly with appllcaaons íor office, ha oaiised the following circular to bc propnred for transmission to every applicant as the only aimwer that eau possibly be gires at present to any of the constantly acotuuulating ratten POBTOFFICE DePAHTMENT,) . WahHINOTO, . ƒ Snt : Your letter of the han been reeoivod and placed upon tho tilos of tho departmont for coutiideration uudcr Uie ruien of the civil Kervieo wheii vacaucicfl ocour. At present uoue exist. D. M, EBT, PoBtmastcr Genoral. A dolegation of IUinois ïlepublieans enllodon the President tlm other day, to reqyieRt the renioval of the PostniasteratSpringfield, in order to givc place to Mr. PhillipH, the defeatod Itepublican candidato for Congress, nnd editor of the üiinois State Journal. Tho President nkcd I' the; had any charge to profer against the present Postmaster. The reply waa " No, bnt he R a fiort of a half-way Bemocrat, nnd Mr. Phillips, havins been defeated fot' (Jongress, is cntitlrd to i'uiisldet'atloii at the hands of the party." The President declined to take the aetion reqUested, snying that he wonld not runiove, execpi for cause, whereupon the dulegflltiOD rotiri'd very much disgusted. Tiik Kepublican members of the Ohio Legislatun: met in caucus on the 15th inst., for the purpose of nominating a candidato for United States Senator. The first ballot resulttxl : Htanley Matthew, 29; W. P. Howland, 30; Alplioiiso Taft, 7 ; Samuel Shellabarger, 7 ; William Ijavrencc, 8. On tho third ballot Ir. Ilatthews received 43 votes, three more tb.'m neeissary, and was declared the nominee. A Washinhton dispatch says : "Senator Morton, aftcr mature consideration, haR reconsidered bis first determination. and now decides not to accept the Chairmansbtp of the ('onmiittec on Forelgn lielations, bnt to retain the Chairmimship of tho Elcctions Committec. This is the second tune that Morton has declined the Chairmanship of the Foreign Affairs Cominittee, which has generally been conuidered the niont distingnished potation in the Sonate. The previous time was when Sumner vas removed.1 The entire Eepublican State ticket ia elected in New lïanipshire by an average majority of 3,000. The Congrensional delegation stands íno Republicana and one Democrat. Judoe M. W. Gibbs, of Arkaiwas, a prominent oolorod politician. In a conversation with the President, the other day, romarkcd that the noniination of Mr. Koy as Postmaster General had excited Rome alarm among the colored people, but it waa offset by the nomination of Mr. Douglass, and he assiired the President that the colored people intended to support him in bis measures of reconciliation. Jnage Gibbs saye the President remarkcd in reply that he was sincere in bis policy, and would adhore to it unless it Hhould prove iniHacticable. For eight years tho policy of foree and mnsket had been tried in the South, but had failed, and public sentiment now demandcd a change. In a letter to Senator Merriinon, of North Carolina, Postmaster General Key says that, in niiiking his appointments to officts witliiu bis gift in the Postónico Department, he ghall always give Republicana tbc preference, if snitable uien ure recommeuded w-liose selection will be satisfactüry to the poople niOHt concerned, but otherwise he shall appoint Ueinocrats Wade Hampton has given a guarantee tothe President thatif the United Htatcs troops are withdr.awn from South Carolina be will proceed against Chamberlain by procesa of law, and tliat no violence whatever will take place. FORKIGN. The ('oloiado potato-beetle bas been discovered alive at Breuken, on good brought from New York Peace bas been ppnoludeS between the Transvaal lïopublic and Socococni. Pbepakatioks are makiug in Edinburgh, Scotland, for the approaching meeting in July of the Pan-Presbyterian Council. Delegatca will be in attondanee from America and from tho Iiritish colonies, and it i expected l that the sesaion will prove an ! important one iii its resulte The conun ssion appoiuted by the Freueh : Academy of Science to investígate in regard to the phyllopera (insect) report that tweutytive departmeutö have been ravaged, and m many districts poverty, privation and misery havo replaced atlluence. In consequence of the destruction of the vinc-cnltnre the traftic on raüwavH and canals ha diminished, and tho public taxes do not yield euough to pay for collection. The news from the Mexican capital is to the effect that "the Senate bas been ignored by the Provisional Government, who have declared that the law creating the Senate was forced by Lerdo appointing hi friends. Diaz, however, promises to observe tho constitntion wlien not too inconveiiieut. United States Minister Fqstei rccognizes Diaz as President de facto, bilt wil] not fomially recognize him as President de jure until after the meetiug of Congress and his inauguration.". . . . A Constantinople dispatch of the 16th inst. s:ivs : " Great agit&tion prev&ils. The recall of Midhat Pasha and war vritli Eusia secm doóinaot among the confused demandK of the populaco. Grave coniphcation are apprehended.". . . .A Berlin dispatch announces tluvt the Sultan has proclaimed a general ainnesty in Bulgaria The English answer to Busa&g proposals ia expected to occaHion further negotiationi of a friendly and pacificatory charactor. The French Government has flnally obtained penuission from the House of Doputies to prosecate Paul Caesagnac, the editorial bully and professional dnelist. Cassaguac, hiniself a mcmber, took part in the debate on the subject. A London dinpatcli says Iiusüiau negotiations wl{h Kngland have been virtually settled. Ixsrd Derby's alterations of üie protocol have been approved by Count Schonvalolf, the liussian Ambassador, and the liussian Govenuncnt has asseuted to the revised protocol . . . A formidable insurrection has broten out in' Japan. It is headed by Haigo, a Marshal of the impejtial aniiy. . . .The Dominion House of Comnions bas voted down a propoBition to afford more jirotcction to Canadian products by mèans of taiiff duties. A cable dispatch announces a six liours1 batf tle between Turks and Bosnians noar lionaventure, in which both sidcs suffered severely. . . . .A.d vicos from India report a large decrease in the number of uatives employed on tlic public works in Bombay and Madras- au iudication that the pressure of famine is abating . . . . The speech of the Sultan at the opening of the Turkish Parliament is largely devoted t a weak anology fot the ]resent deplorable oondition of the Ottoinan empiro. coupled with tlie customary promises to do better in the future.


Old News
Michigan Argus