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Brookia'n's horse disease is subsidiug. ; The popuktion of Texas is 1,750,000. A 298-potiND sturgeon was rnnght at Onkland, CaL, reeently. Delaware peach-grower nre buoyunt over the prospecte of an unusually large erop. A live bat was fouud imbedded iu the center of a solid tree at Hartwell, Ga., recently. The pluins grown iu Martin eounty, Miuu., will le converted into brandy this yenr. BoijIjrd steel axles for railroad cars are being exporimentally tried on the Lehigh Valley railroad. Thk woolen milis at Minueapolis, elosed on account of hanl times, are to begin operations shortly. Tm? Aueient Order of Caucnsians (mitiChinese) is spreading in California. Hibernian ñames predomínate iu the lists of officers. A MOVEirENT is on foot in Sacramento to establish limndries to be run by American women. San José has several iu a flonrishing condition. A niiji; is pending in the Nevada Legislature declnring ït unlawfulfor the Chinese to transport the boneírof their dead trom the burying grounds. In some portions of Loiiisiana the ] planters are still waiting for the j ment of the gubematorial question Ijefore putting in their crops. DrElN(the pnt winter, it ia estimated, 1,000,000 bison liave been killed in Western Texas for their hides alone, the carcasses being left to rot on the prairies. Nor one American vessel of any description cleared for ports in Kngland, ! Ireland or Scotland, from the harbor of ! New York during the month of Febru Amono the latest departures for the Black Hills have been 165 barrels of whisky f rom Frankfort, Ky. The particular point of their destination was Custcr City. Lorenzo' Cox, who liad diiring his life killed six men in private quarrels, died in Marión county, Miss., laat week, of a pistol-wound received several months before. Mr. Ndjo-Choï, fornierly interpreter in Hong Kong, has l)een called to the bar of Lincolii's Inn, London. He is the first Chinaman who ever attained that distinction. Portland, Me., proposes to suppress Hunday papers. Such, at any rate, is the inferenoe, from the fact that all the little nowsboys tliere were arrested on Sunday week. The PeuiiBylvania oil country seems i to be overstoeked with laborers. Tho Edenburg Herald says about one person in fifteen seeking employment at that point gets it. A company has been organized to 1 struot railway and telegraph lines from '■ Trinidad to El Moro," Col., and work will be commenced as soon as the front j leaves the ground. Twenty rounds were fought between two men einployed in Roach's ship-yard at Chester, Pa. , the other day, when the wives of the combátante put in an appearance and led their brutish husbands home. A recent event in Nevada was the niarriage of the Pinte Princesa, Sarah Winnemnooa, to a buek known as Bob. i She hal previously leen the bride of an offieer of the United States army, Lient. Bartlett. The fish of Wallows lake, in California, are blood red in color and very fat. . There are only foor lakes known in which this fisii is found - Payette, in i Idaho, a lake in Maine, one in Scotland, and Wallows lake. A party of Chinese fisherme caught sight of a sea serpent near the Coronada islands, in the Paoific, on Feb. 21. Length of body, 50 feet ; length of ' head, 10 feet ; length of teil, 100 feet ; diameter, 3 feet ; color, brown. WHERE LS GOD? "Oh, where in the sea?" the ntiheB eried, As they swam the crystal cloarntw througb, ' WVve neard from of old of the ocean't tide.t And wc Ioiik to look on the waters blue. The wise ones swak of the infinito sea ; Oh, who can telï uu if such there bc?" The lark flew up in the morning bright, And ung and balanced on sunny inga ; And thiH was its song : l I see the hght. I look o'er a world of leantif ui thingH ; ïïut flying and Hinaring everywhere, In vain I have searrhed to find the air." -nt?'m ■'"■ Aprü. Tiiky have had a aingular electoral fcri bunnl in n villnge of Awa, Japan. The neighborhootl was haraBsed by ft midnight robber, wliom nobody eould detect. ' The head of the liamlot eummoned the entire mide population under his diarge, and directcd ever y man towrite the name of the persou wtiom he suapected and depoflit the ticket in a box. Fifteen bal lots bore the name of Abe Tanihei, the rest beiBg blanks. The man whom everybody distrosted was so overeóme ! with astonishment that he made full j fession and went to prison. SPIUNG SONG. Krom the cold tttiHnettë of the night, Wliere icy cavrrus, fieldn oí' nnowf Aad shadowy visious, wan and white, Uake lií'e a dull and ghowtly gl(JW ; A song that hameit thi song of mine, More light thivn auy bird that flies, Flows gentiy pat the leaflesK pinet Tlieu faintly fluttern, wenps and diet. But HKn to flowering ltfe ncw-born, It thrilLi the ïow-bouml dreaumof denth ; And all the golden light of moru Throlw with a mild, exultant breth. Swer-t, magie murió of the epring, Awakeuing of divinar day - Tlie Btmlit Hotils of angelt wing To blooming earth their poy way.


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