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The Supreme Court Commenced A

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■ular term on Tuesday, with 104 caies on the oalendar. 45 : that i " the plurality of Hon. Frank Jones, Deinocratio member of Congresselectfrom the First New Hatopshire distriot. A close shave. Boys' Play : that gession of the House held on Friday last at 4:30 o'olock a. M " The early bird catohes the worm" is not a maxim especially applicable to legislatures. FlijïT gave a Republican majority on State tioket on Monday last of between 400 and 500, but Hon. E. H. Thompson, Demoorat, was eleoted mayor by a majority of 427. lx 18 telegraphed over the country that Zaoh. Chandler, Sherman, and Hayes " took a drive together." Zach. is after something, and will probably get it. PROVIDED FOB : McLiin, one of that Florida " Returning Board," has been appointed associate justice for New Mexico. And that is how the offices are to be used. President Hayes gives it to be understood that he shall remain in Washington most of the suramer, and shall not transfer the capital to Long Branch for the benefit of the hostelries and sporting gentry of that fashionable watering place. Bo far so good. The Raisin has been on the rampage during the week. Several bridges were carried off at Adrián, and considerable damage done by overflowmg the fair ground (on the island) and the low lands adjoining. Damage was also done at Monroo and other points. Ypsilanti gave a small Republican majority on the State ticket on Monday, re-elected Mayor Barnes, Republican; and Frank Joslin, Democrat, Clerk ; and also gave about 700 inajority against Court House loan. Ourneighborsdown the Huron had a bad apoll, a very bad spell that day. - ■ - - i uw At THE Presidential election in November last Detroit polled over 19,000 votes, but on Monday last the vote oi the city was but small fraction over 3,000, a falling off of nearly 16,000 in five months. Was ever such a slaughter of the innocente known before, and no fuss made about about it P Whbx the United States troops - now degradad by doing pólice duty in the State House at Columbia, S. C. - shall be removed, Gov. Hampton proposes to replace them with "a guard of two unarmed men," and thinks that such force will be suffioient to protect it from "improper intrusión." What a commeni upon the use of military force in violation of the law and the Constitution. Geobob F. Lewis, the jovial editor o: the Saginawian, was elected Mayor oí Saginaw City on Monday last, - a Demoorat of course. Another editor, James ü'Donnell, Rep., was re-elected Mayor o Jaokson on Monday by a handsome majority, - running largely ahead of his ticket. Bro. Woodruff, of thn Ypsilan ti Sentinel, being more fortúnate, waB beaten. We are inclinad to take very little stock in the Baker bill which the House has passed, regulating caucuaes or primary olections. There is too much machinery íor the average politician to work ; but aa it may be adopted or not in thia, that, or the other locality, it may be well enough to let the experiment be tried. The next Legialature will be asked to repeal it if it shall become a law. ■ Court House, Yes ! - We aro without full returns from the vote on the Court House loan, but enough towna heard from to enable us to say that a majority of about 2,500 was given for the loan on Monday. But three towns, so far as reported, joined Tpsilanti City in giving majorities against the loan : Bridgewater, Manchester, andLyndon Ypsilanti town voted yes. We shall probably be able to give a correct statement next week. The Republicana have another spasui. And this is the cause : Tilden is iinmediately to commence a quo warranto suit against Hayes, to test his title to the offiue of President, and Louisiana Republicana are to furnish conelusive evidenoe that the Tilden electora were regiilarly and legally elected. Is this to punish Hayes for turning the cold shoulder to Packard, Kellogg & Co., or is it only an iüustration of the Sorip ture. " The wioked flae when no man puraueth ? " We AIWAY8 like to see others happy, and so it pleases us to see whát a strain has been taken from the Post, Tribune and other Rapubüoan journals by the unexpected result of the electiou of Monday. For a week they had been urging on the masaes aa though defeat stared them in the face, and this from the Post of Tuesday shows what they expected and how they are relieved : " Look at the election returns this morning, if you wiah to see who waa April fooled." It oertainly was n't the Demoorat8 for they expected no victory in the State - aave on local tickets. The. Sexatb haa passed a bill forbiddiug the aelling or giving away liquor or the keeping open of saloons on election day, and we have no hesitation in saying that the House should give it its sanotion. Whatever may be Raid in favor of the individual right of the citizen to drink what he pleases, the business of making men drunk on election day, or of buying votes votes with beer, whisky, or or other intoxicating beveragea, must be itopped, or popular elections will be worse than a farce. And we are not sure that the law should not go so far as to diaqualify a man from holding office who treats a voter while a candidato, or depoaiting money with saloon keepers or other parties for that purpose.


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