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A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! o NEW GOODS! And prices LOWER THAN EVER. I have purchased in New York, for cash, and I uní now receiving one of the largetit and most select stocks of Oroceries in Waebtenaw County, consistíng of a f ull and weU selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new orop- including GnBfowden, Imperial I oungr Hy ■ons, II on, Japans, oloiiga, i'ormuiiii, onifoiiN, Soucbonfi, and Ticankayi, Together wlth a full line of COFFEES, eonsiatïne of the branda: mocha., o 1.1) GOV'T JAVA, MAKACAIBO, LAöUA YRE.8ANTOB and RIO, both roaated and ground ; a full and well selected look of SUGARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line cf Pure Spices, Cannedfruita. and Vegetablea. We hare a full and complete line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. AIbo, a choic aasortment of Ladiea' and öentlemen's Underwear. Cali and examine Goods and l'rieri and we will insure aatisfaction. EDWARD DUFFT. " Maynurd'B Block.' cor. Main and Ann fltreets Ann Arbor. Mich. ■V#"HiirheBt cash price paid for all farm produce. "%tt THE HEALTH LIFT. A THOROUGH GYMNASTIC SYSTEM FOR LADIliS AND GKNTLICMEN, IN TEN MINUTKS ONCE A ÜAY. The Health Lilt ia a Scientific System OF EXERCISE. For the attainment and preservation of Helth. It is the best means oi PHYSICAL CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT. IT 18 THE 8IMPLF.8T, SAFE8T AND MOST KFFICIENT MODE OF TAKING ALL NEEDED EXECI8E. In the brief pace of ten minute all the muiclea are gradualfy. thoroughly, and ayrametrically brouifht into action. Coneentrated exerciae for the busy and Bedentary. ANN ARBOB OFFICE AND PARL0R8, II Et Huroa S Souüi f Court Houw Sewing Machines THE SINCER, 1TEW DOMESTIC, And th.e HOWE, And svveral good Second-Hand Machines at the SEWING MACHINE OFFICE, Ann Arbr. Alw Needies for all Machines The Tery best tbat are made, and attachmenU and parta fu'r nearly all machines. S1NGER MACHINES Rspalred better therc than anywhere elw In America. If your machine don't work well, trade it for one that does, or it repaired. All machines sold on easy paymenta at the office. Second door eatt of Post Of f Ice, Ann Arbor, Mich. (1556) I. 1.. ;ltII.I.I„ AK.1U. SAMBO XI. THIS FAMOUS SIRK- thmiKh stiU cxtcnnlTrlT advertised by partiea haring his last year's pigs - is owned by us, and has been at the head of our Berkshfres the past six months. We owd his eutire progeny sired ai nee September last. The equallv famoua "CHARLES DICKEN8" and "CANADA NEGRO," lustrous for thcir many prizes won Ín England, ('anadd, and at the ( Vnti-nniiil, have been at the hcad of our Essex and Suffolks the paat six roonths. All who see our Poland Chinas say they are unequalcd. Making a spocialty of swine breed ing, and haring large herds of eaoh rariety, we can generally nll orders on short notice - say 30 or 40 flays. All chaiges prepaid to Jackson or IMroit, but nothing shipped C. O. D. II A 1,1, BROK,, 1 mile from R. R.t March, 1877. Awn Arbor, Mich. rvs]ll()N.i;i,i; DRESS MAKING. Mrs. Wood invites the ladien of Ann Arbor and ricinity to oMl at her Dress-Making Room, orer the store of Rinsey 3c Seabolt, Washington strect. A full line of new and latett stylea of patterns constantly on hand. Quality of work wArrnnted, and prices made to uit the times. A sh&re of public patronage is respectfully solicitad. Iyl678 BSTRACT8 OF TITLEsT" ri The undersigned, Regisler of Deeds, will promptly and carefully muke Abstrticts of tit les, From the Original Records, For Attnrney. Agenta, Ownern, or Purchasers. No paina will be spnred to give a complete chain of title, and shuw all eocumbrances. Charge reusonable. CHAS.H. MANLY. Ann Arbor, January 10, 1877. 1017. THE HILL FARM FOR SALE. Adjuinlng the West line of theCityof Ann Arbor, in townnhip two south oí range six eaut, comprising the ciiHt Imlf of the northenst quartr of seo tuin nineteen ; and thut part of the west half of the west hnlf of the northwest quartcr of section twenty, lying north of t.he turnpike; in all 100 42100 acres, witb House, Barn, an CTnfailing Spring of Water, And about tlfty aerea well improved ; fint olats land and situation beautiful. Two-thlrds of the purchrwe money inay remain on the land three to flve years. Kor term apply to GEO. E. HAND, DrlI.J. BEAKES, Detroit. Ann Arbor. 1574tf íT) f f CXcwn't b' milf by every agent erery V I Minonth in the business we furnish, but illMH Tthoiif! willing to work can earn a doxen Vl lV ldollars a day in there own localities. Have no room to explaln here. Business pleaant and honorable. Women, and boys and iris do as well fis men. Wc will furnish you a completa outfit free. The business pays better than anything else. We will bear expense of starting you. Particular! free. Write and see. Farmers and mechantes, their sons and daughters, and all classeB in need of payiug work at home, should write to us and learn all about the work at once. Now ii the time. Don't delay. AddrtMS. Tkle 1 Co.. Auxusta, Mala. ION DINSEY & ÖEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - AND - FLOUR & FKRI STORE. We keep oonstantly on nand, BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOB WHOLESALE ahd RBTAIL TKADE. We ahall allo keep upply of DELHI FLOUR,, J. M. 8WIFT OO-8 BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, BYK FLOUK, BUCKW WHEAT FLOUtt, OORN HKAL, FEED, fec, &o. At wholeisle nd retaiL A general atock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS conitantly on hftnd, whieh will be sold on as reaonitble termn as at ny other house in thifi city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country ProInce generalij. - Ooods dellTered vo any part of the city with out extra eharKe. fiinm:y a k ka koi i . Ann Arbor. Jan. 1, 187A. IS64 piALL AND SKX THE JACKSON TKI'SS KOI) WAliON Alio, the New Rlarbt-IIiiml Burra 11 Iran faru Sbeller, at M. ROUERS'. THEDUGEE&CONARDCO.'S m:irini. i i u-m (loTux. ROSES Strong Pot Plant, suitable for immediate flowerin?, sont Hafelf by mail, postpaid. 5 splendid rarietien, your choioe, all labeled, for ]; 12 for ï; l!Mor3; !i(l for ; 36 for i&. For 10 cents each, additional, one Maniücent Premium Rose to every dollur's worth oxdered. Send for our New buide to Kan Culture, and ehoose irom over 3O0 flnent Borta. We make Holen a Great Specinlty, and are the lnrget RotegrowerB in Amenoa. Refer to 100,000 customerv in the United Btates and Canada. TUK DINOKK CONARD CO., Hose Obowebs, Weet QroTe, Chester Co , Pa. 1626w4 !f Qj 1f ..J Ta tbe UurkiiiK Cla.- We are now preparcd to furnish all classes with constant eml'].)v uu-ui at home the whole of their time, or for thcir pare inoiueula. Business ncw, Hghtand profItable. Persons of elther sex easlly earn from 50 cents to 5 per evenlng and a proportional aum by devotlng thcir whole time to the business. Boys and girls earu nearly as much as uien. Tliat all who see this notice mav send their addresa, aud tst the business we malte thls unparalleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of w riting. Full particular, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fireslde, one of the best illustrated publicatlomi, all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address, Gko. Stinson 4 Co., Portland, Me. Cjl')A day at home. Agenta wan ted. Outfit ï't and term ir. TRUB CO., AugutU, M . RAILROADS. NO ■ 0. 1876 " orno wet. =======s. . á l s r.TAT.OM... S lí félid ■ - - -"- - - ,_. j 1A. M . A. H ! w ' . Detroit, leare, 7 00 9 10 ion '. G.T.Junction, 7 15 „J5 Jl J ? ID WayneJunction 7 48 SO sil c CKU Vp.üant, ; 8 16 10 17 1 5 11 AnnArbor, 18 35,10 45 6 12! i S K Delhi, 8 50 6Sr VU 8SLL. '!fc! " 8ukí' ;9- ?S{gP laoknon, I.T., lOÍOlí'oO' g M „ „ M Albiun, 1104 12 451 IÍ? ' S UÍ Marshall, USO 13O.J JIJ'JiU BattleCreek, 12 20 1 57 ?! L i Galesburg. ÍS 55! j j ! í Kalamazoo, 115 2S8;A4m f5Í;i Decatur, J 15 5 ool ,? "- Dowagiac, S 41 526 J n' - Nile, 3 11! 4 07 8 10 , ? -- Buchanan, 3 25 6 '5 '"H ThreeOak. 5 46,4 43 7 041 J 5" New Buffalo, 4 13J4 66! 7 21 Michigan ültj, 4 40! 5 20 7 sn ] f J4 ■- Lake. S 231 5 59 5 H Kennington, 6 JO 6 40 1 9 40 ? ; Chicago, arrirer 7 06 7 251 10 n OOI1IO A8T. H fo7T I__L QJ A. M. A. M. y. M. " Chicago, leave, 5 00 1 8 30 '■ i 50 1 ,1 ■ . Kenington, S 44 9 12: 4 35 Lake, 6 40 9 54 6 23 I ,! " Michigan City, 7 32 10 40 6 ■&. S 'S New Buffalo, 7 64:11 00 G 61 ' T" Three Oaki, 09lllí 7 0 Tüü Buchanan, 8 41 ! i 7 80' i4' Nües, 1 9 o: 11 55 8 20: "trDowagiac, a 27 8 48i "BU Dceatur, 52' 9 15 La-wton, 110 10 P. M.1 9 S6 ' r Kalamazoo, 110 50 1 1E 10 lOi ]nT" Oalesburer, 11 11 . _J Battl.Cre.k, i ; N 1 1, Manhall, 12 45 t 40 ? 1, JTT" Albion, 110 3 02 l Jackaon, Lt., 2 14 J 45 j(íJi, OrawLake, 2 44 : 7 5! ÏÏ ; Chel, 3 10 8üí! S DexUtr, S 24 1 8 !7 Delhi, S 37 1 8 50 '" Aun Arbor, 3 42 4 ib 9 06 i 7" Yp.ilanti, 4 15 S 10 9 27 í ST 2 WayneJune., 4 4S 5 29; 1( 00 i í O. T. June., 6 S0 6 00 10 45 S io ■ ü Detroit, Ar., 6 4616 15; 11 00 lij ;j 8unJayg ezcepted. :Saturdy snd HnnJi oeptd. t Daily. ' H.B. LBDYAED,Gen'18npt.,D8tii H. C. Wentwokth, Oen. Paw. Agt., Chicago. Córner Main and Hurón Stmii DETEOIT, HILLSDALEHÑra ANA BAILBOAD. To take effect December Slat, 18"í. oonro wui. man un, TATIOH. Fr'ght. Mui., i MATiosB. Mili Ft'r A. M. P. H. Ypilanti.... 7:00 6:00 ., Saline 7:47 6:86 ! Banken 6: u, Bridgewater.. S:80 6:65 Hilludule 1 'y Manchester. 9:10 7:18 Manchester.. IM [-, r. x. Bridgewater S. u Hilludale 12:35 9:17 Saline 8-50 S Bunker...... 12:45 9:30 Ypnilanti.... S: (: Traína ron by Chicago time. To take efieot , Dec. 31, 1876. W. F. PAKKER, 8np't, Tpulaü GREAT WESTERN RAIL VVAY. THE SHORT LINT BETWEEN DETEOÜ, BUFFALO, NEW mi NIÁGARA FALLS, BOSTON Pliilatlelíliii. AND ALL EASTERN CITIFA ! O WtI'KSllicShortctI,inefrn ÜW -I ' Detroit to Buffalo an 1 I'oint Eut. : ♦- .4 r Miles the phorteat line from Detroi'.K i ♦J--4 J Niágara Falla and points.East. Surp ConnoctioiiK at Snspemln Hridiff and Hu f fulo 11 iii (lie New York Central audKrie Railways. The Track and Equipmenl of the OREAI WEtíTERN are perlect, and it imsDseii rtii a vie to the SAFKTY and COMFORT ol ia Patroni. TOURI8T8 AND PLEA8URE SEEKER8 Should bear in mind that the OREAT WESTEES Railway is the Shortetit and most ComfOTlv Route between Detroit, Huspenaion Bridge u! ' Buffalo, aLd ia the only line which crosses Sut:sion Bridge in full vier of the fallí. For information and tickets via thispopsitf route apply to O. W. SHARP1.E;, Agent M. C. R. R., Aan Árbol HA I IF YOU WANT A GOOD OVERCOAT AND WANT TO BUY IT CHEAP, ao to WM. VAGMEK? For He is Selling Overcoats at Cosí. IF YOÜR BOY WANTS A BOX OF OOLLARS SEND HIM TO WM. WAGNEB'S FOU THERE HE CAN GET THE BESIP! THE LEAST MONEY. IF YOU WANT AGOODSUlT MADE TO OEDEE, go to WM. WACNER'S 21 South Main Sr. Ank Abbob. THE ENEMY OF DISEASE! THE FOE OF PAIN TO MAN AND BEAST. la IheOrand Oíd MUSTANG LINIMENT Whioh hui tood the tst of fortr T1"1 Thew ti no Sore lt will not be!, no Ll% will not cure, no Ache, no Pam that "U" V,, d Human Body, or the Body ol a Horee or ."'p; meatic animal, that doe Dot yield ". y ol touch. A bottle coating 25c, 50c, or " toríJ en aved thu Ufe of a human lx;nr, n"? to Ufe and usefulneai man a Taluaöle bn ficlsiopr Sl OFFER FOR SAI-E my Brlck Stort, C' Hurón aad Fourth streets, opi?.' kojliX otl. Thia in one of the most destraW" " m ocations in th city, and will be oíd "4ü"Ll,. 'K t (OAPerdayat home. jLmTl?'ottiil


Old News
Michigan Argus