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Tho commission appointeá by President Hiyos to visit touiüiiia for the purpoM oí bringíug about a oompromise betweon tho Hval State Governinents is rimstituted as fol1 nvs : Gen. .Tolm M. fiadau, of Kentncky, ('hairmrm ; Gen, Jowph I!. Ilawhty, nf ConoeoUcut ; .Tiidc Char&a l(. [;iniirc. oí IIH1 1' i -i ; Wayne M'V ;i ;!i. of rennsylvania ; and c '-thv. -1. ('. Brown, of TonnesBee. The first four are Rèjrmblieans, while ex-Gov. Brown. of TcnncsKce, is a Conservativo Deniocrat. The commiaaipn will at onco et ábout ite work. It la saiil thcy wili; ande&voi to induce both partios to agree to reorganizo the [ Utureby perndttmg membcn at both branches whoeo Hoats nro uncontoirteA, and TThoKe clection is ooncodod by tioth pairtiëSj to pass upou the contertod casoá, and Ihat Iho Deglalatwe thiKi constitutecl shaïl, u&dor the coimtitntlon and liiws of jjouisi.'ina, canvass the 70Í68 for Gorernor. lf tlic t o partios doalise to so reorganizo tho Itogirfltnre tho IVcsidont ia fully letci'initK'il to thereupon immödiately rithdraw the tni]is l"nnn Oio Mi]ir( of the Packard Government, and to notiiv both factioua that, havinc failed to accpt the adjuütment propOBedby the administrafuin, the Federal tzoopa rannot D6 used to sllstain any State govcrnmcnt, and thut tho two pretended Grovernorí must Böttle their own affain In their own way. THK FOSTKR-MATTIIKWS 1'I.EIMiES. We print below the fnll text of the letter of Jitdge Statthews and Congrcssman Foster, of Ohio, to Senator Gordon, of Georgia, and CougrcsKnian Brown. of Kentucky, touching which agooddeal lias been latoly .-aid. 'J'hi' letter was givi-ii to the pnl.iJic by Mr. Brown at the reiuet of Moshis. lffttthews and PcwUft' WASBIKaTOH City. Fob. 27, 1877, Oenti.emkn: íloforrmR lo the conversMion had wilh ypu yostrrday. in which (inv. Haycs' policy u I tlio Ftüiu-i "f oiTtam KiHilhr-rn Sttn Tas discusird, wc drsire to pay we eau aHnure you in tin1 8tronost poauiblb uiauncr of our gruat !csire to hiin adbpt sucli a policy as willgiTeto the people of thr; StaUs of South Carolina and LoiiímRDa the ri'bt to control tlioir OTO aftairs in their own wiiy, Kiibjoct only to the coostitution of the United Statos and tho lawBf made in pursuanco thereof, and to say further, that, from an aciuaintauco with aud tmowledge of Gov. Hayes ;uii nis view-8, wo have tbo. uioh complete conndence that euch wiü bc )nii(- óf Vlic. aihninistralion. Eciiectfully, Stanley Tatthews, Chables Fostek, To Hon. John B. Gordon and John Yuung Brown. THi: vi; debt. Foixowma i.s the pubu'c debt statement for the moiith of Mnrch : Si per ceut. boude $934,877,050 Fivr per cent. bonds 7o:. l'our and half per cent. bQnds 6O,U0o',O0U i Total coiu bonds $1,888,143,700 Iawf ui money debt $ 14,000,000 Matured debt i:j(i(; :y Legal tenders 362,73 1 ,3 : (Vrtilicatcs of deposit 86,166,008 Fracüonal cúrrele; 2.'J,44o!öl2 Coin ccrtificatcs a83ï9,400 Total without interest $ 469,59, 208 Total debt $2,177,802,298 total mferéét 27,029,977 Cash in trta-uiry - cofn 80,818,25 t Cash in treagury- urrency " 8,18é!fl68 Special deposttf beid rcdeuiption Of certjncatert of rteposit Hö, 155,000 Tota) in treasury $. 130158,148 Debt less cash in treasury $ 2.088 78TT43 Decrease of debt durinpr March 14 (O7'oi6 Decreasc of debt Juno ;)il, 1876.. 24 7ra'218 Bonds iwuod to Pacitie. Railroad Companlès, intorept pagable in lawful money: principal oufetandlng r,i 628 519 Interest accrued and nnt vet paúl 969363 Interest fepsid by trannportation of mail?, etc $ UJ4 q Bilance of iuterest paid by Bic önitód State ". 25,974,829 THE EAST. Another New Englaud mili dam has given vay, destroying a vaut amount of ]iriperty and Bvceping away evqrytiling oí human constrnc tion for miles down a éopüitms ralle; The break oeenrred at the StaffordsVille reservoir nenr the northem borderof Conuectiout where the headwaters of the Willimantic were gathcred forti; use of the mili below. Fortunately, tho people along the irator courso below discovered their in time to escape and oniy one life was lost. About $750,000 worth of property was destroyed. The corapletecountof the vote cast at the recent election in New HaHfpshfiro shows that the amendment to the State constitution abollsliing (he religious test for offiee-liolders bas been ftdtípted by a small majority, and hereafter Catliolicri will bé eligible to oliice in thal State. THE WEST. A special dispatch frota Tuoson, Arizona, to the Now York JIcrald says the foüoning is a correct copy of the original order given concerniug the Muuntain Jleadows massacre The order, with the throe allidavits autluüiticatiiiR it, was fotmd among tho papers of the late ('hief Jusfici' John Titus, of Aiizona and fonnerly Ghief Justico t.r utah : Sl-Kf-IAL onnKIÏ. L ,. . Su-T T'AKK Citv, April 11!, 1858. fïH! ofk-er in comiBMid of the eneort i herebí "'.l. rr,l t;, that OTery man i., wo!l prepared 1tL ammunition an.l ti Iiave it rr-ad.v at th.' me yon k;i ti...„,„lls„ ïooinneg trom ü,e (ettlement 1-rej.idfat Yoong advteee ffiat Uioy should all bê kiUed to prevent theni retiirning to Bridger to loin ourenemie. Kv,.,-y JreamHon Bhonld bc taíeu and sre th;it nr,t „,„.. escapes. Secrccy is requircd By order of Gen. Daniel S. Wells. ' J.OtKS FEIICUSON, Assiütant Adjutaut General. A BK narrow-gnuge raih-oad is proponed, running across Michigan froni South Haven toward Toledo, Ohio The rush of emicration to tho Black HilU is ou the increase . Norman McQuaig recently shot and killed .iams n. Jackson, agexJ 60, and bis non aged 1, at a nmche on Hora rrwl, thirtv mi!,. uorth of Oheyenue. Tlic cause of the hootinjr was a quarrel ibout a woman. a cousin of McQ'iaig- Two unu danghters of Max Limpsey, a farmer, living ncar Milwaukee, were left by the parenis in tho kitchni. and, wood catching fire, the children ere Bmotbsred and dead when found a sJiort time afterward, More tuan one-half of the bnsiness portion of Momoevillc, Ohio, has been destroyed by lire. The losses aggregate $75,000. WASHINGTON. The Secietary of the Treasm-y has sabed, toother rail for ilic redemption of 5-20 bond of 186K May and Novonber. The cali is for wm.m „f ,,,,], i'KMumJZ and m,m cegiaeered bondw. The piüicipal and rort uiii bé paid al tha t,-,;risluv on and after the 27th day of June next, and' inti-ivsi will cease on that day. The following i.s a deBcrrpbonóf the bonds : Cpwpon bands- 500 from No. .iV.m t, No. 46,000, both ujchisive■rl.inKi. frun, No. 121.001 to No. 132.000, both 7níoT(' 'L'-'"'1'1'-'1 bpade $500, from No. 7,494 to No. 7,G0ü, both inclusi ■. ,-. 'J'hj: rognlntionx nllowing the United States Treagiirer to urni#h silver coin on oertifioatos of deposit of the AMstáht Ticusnror and naHonalbank depositónos has been modifiod to l'.innt Uu ■ hiiJinoutfl of uilver direotlv to the partjes nwblug tho deposit. The expense of the trans,)ortation is paid by the department to points m tho United str.tcs reached thronirh estoMwhed expresa linos by conti. .nous raüwayor BteambóaJ communication. Thedeporits are to beinsumsof notlossthanil.owior its „mllipl..-, and pofr o):?eecliiiKW0,000.. ..Wade Hamptona.idD. 1Í. arrivcd at Wast mgton asi mok. i„ response tp the iuvitation ■ of the PifsidMit. for tho. pufpojMJ of hatinea conference -tl. the administAüioa in regard to the politica] eoMplicaÜDns in South Carolina. RlQHABD O. McCokmiok. late delégate in Congres? from Arizona, lias boen appoiutod AwiotftBl Beoretair; of the Troasury, in place of Connnt who bas feeën ,,.nt to Énrope to aesnme charge of tho Syndioate liuroau' . The f.ohming ludían Agcnts have boon appointod Jumes „f Dak,-.!,,, tor thVSpotted laii Agency, Nebraska : .!:„,-.,. , j ratten of Wyojning, torthehOahone Agtnoy, Wyc&g! Joaoxin Millek, the " Pool of the Sterrts " : is r.n applicant for the Ixmdon Oonralsbip. Gpv. Beveridge waniï to be appointod CoUeotor at Chicago. . . . üear Admiral AVurden ha retired from the navy at his own roque t. AWjUIHtlTOTOi .;i.1;itoh of the 2dinst. says: "Ths most im)ortant. actioa of Uu Cabinet on Katm-day was taken upqn thè'Spnth Carolinj case. This as a virtual ogreemeat (hal the tropos baD bewiöhdrawn from theStato Honse, ''M lelt in thtdr barréete in OoiomMa for the1 parpomof nuiBtaioiiw order in case of disturbance. lije administration is doing nothing but what . is abaotateh forced tipon . NV-ntiations are eanatantjry goine on; Mr. Chamrlain has snbmittod :i neff fSroposition, whieh , ne tbuiks wiU snit eVery oöé. It is ll,:,t n '■'imi)M;.,oi. .l-ali be selected by the tvo rides, to bo compoBed of five memberg, each side to belect two, and they to seTect a fiftli." W(shin(iton dispatch of the Sd inst. says : ■Tho V.l,i,,.t, hy a formal vote yosterday decided to instaiet the Sécretary of ' War t-i preparo n order for th,.. dthdrawal of the Onite 1 Btatei froop now on dutyin the State House at Columl ia 8. C '11,,. aotaal voto in the Cabinel has nol bei n disclosed, but it ia onderéto d ' to havo boon hibütaiitíálly unaniooouj Snot ehtirelj io. Tho troopa will nOf bo actuallv Iranfcrred to their barracks anti) after the r.:Inrn of Gov; C'htnüiorlain and Hampton to Sottth ('ai' I na, delay béing allowed in aocordance wilh the wishes of both these i gentlemen. Chamberlain has addressed a long letter to the President, piotesting against tüerecall of tho trwps, H srvb; "II wil load to the rui ik consumntation of a. political outrage igüiust which 1 have Eelt aml na fee] it to bc ray Botenm duty to struggle and protest ao long ns the Mntest hope oí raocess can be Been." The President, in converroition the öthei dny, in speoking of the many invitadon bé had received to go to Long Brancli, said thut he ahonld remaio in Washington the greater part of the summer. TUE SOUTH. Ini-i!m.tiox froxn Xcw Orleans is to the effect that " l'ai'kard continúes to arm lus inilitia. principal]; colored, hut the adherents of Nicholls sar that they have no apprehejMion of danger, as their armed friends aro far more nuiiii'iiius and effcetivc tliau Paokard's, nthile au additional forco from the adjolning I I can be proouted if aeOesgai'" A Ni ■■ (lisputi'li tmys 1'. ]i. s. Tinchback, tlio well-known colored politician. has been appoint-nd by Gov. Nicholl, and coulirnii'il liy tlie Senate,.a niombor of the Stulc Board of Educiilion. A. II. Oorbin (ooloed), formcrly Secrotary oí the City School Board, was appointed by Qov. Ntoholla Tax Collector of the Sixth Distriot of INow Orloans. Several othor colored men have boon appointed to lucrative offices by Qov. Nichollö. Revende Aotmt WaoKeS teltgispha to Washington from Greenaboro, N. C, that Colj lector Patterson, of that State, and Dejiuty Klarshal Bay, with six mtu, raided illicit distilU'i's in Watauga county, weré lired upon, and two men of the posse killed, and Pattereoii wonnded. A New Oiu.eans telegram statcs that two members-of the Paokard House of Kcp rewi.'ntativt'H huve secodcd and joincil tiitif fortunes with tho Nicholls L( 'gislatuiv. Aimthcr has resigned bis eoat. ïhis lii).'codiiig, it i claimed, gives the Nicholls Gégielatare i (ui.mnn... . A Oharlesj ton (S.C!.) telegldta Sftys: "ThöDawSoit the dele rniiintion of the 'Oabinet to uitlidraw troops from the State House in Columbia causes uubouiidi'd Joyhere, Telegrama From various pointa in the interior uf tin Si: the. new is receiv;! with impromptu meetings, Balutea of cannon, and otlier dentionstrations of popular ri'joicing." POUTICAL. Wade Habdpton, Uie dispatoheo from Washington report, has had a lengtiiy interview with the President in regard toSonthCarolinaaffairs. The eonversation, we are told, was of a frer and general character, and related primarily to the Question as to tlic probable condition of tha State in case the troops should be wstlulrawn, there being no disonsstoB of Chamberlain's right or titlc to the Oovernorship. Hampton clnimed that there was an imperatrre necessity for Rpocdy action, as the planting iotercsts of SoutU Carolina are in absolute danger of dostruction by reaaorj of the present onseftlod state of aiïairs, tho labor system being now in process of disintegvalion. Business, he wiid. was paralyzed and credit ahnost entiroly destroyed tlmmghout the State in consequencc of its present nnsettled condition. Hanipton plcdged the President that in case the troops were called off tliere should be no mob violence, and that only legad processes would be reeortcd to t cstahiish che aaprema(v of bis Government. He said he possessed both the purpose and the power to protfeot all persona and classes alike in their legal and conatitutional righta. The President, in reply. sta(od substnntially that it was bjs purpose to carry out in good faith the promises of his inaugural address, :is he waa doeply anxiouá to bring peace and quiet to the distra'cted portions of the country, and he was satisfice! this resiüt would be attained in a very short time. A committee appointed by the Charleston Chamber of Oümmeree, which liad accompanied Hampton to Washington, also called apon the Preident, and read au address setting forth the condition of aiTairs in South Carolina, and pleading for the reeognition of Hampton. lx regard to appointments. the President atated to a friend, the other day, that af (ir the Southern question was disposed of he would be in a poKÍtion to pay the required attention to them. lt was inferred froin liis conversation that no important annoiinccmcuts would be made unül the special session of Congress, luit before that time he should oonsider and decide apon whatever changes it is necessary to malie.... The Louisiaaa Oommission lelt Washington for the South on Wednesday, the 3d irart. It is lid they carry with tliem no formal mstruetiins, but will be governed in their action bv the views of tho President, with which they have beeome thoroughly conversant by frequent interviews at the White House. GENERA!.. The Currency Bureau in Washington reports that many national banks are loaded with worthlese or depreciated paper, discounted in the fluah timen and held ever since beoanse QOthing could be reah'zed on it. Actual uspensiona are not expected to bo numerouw, but the examinen have never before been kept so biisy, and there is no immediato appewranoe of tho rehef that was expecttd from tho Presidential settlement ïlie amount of grain stored in CMcago elevators id as follow : 3.284,039 bushels of wheat; 3,558,724 busheía of corn ; 777,780 bushels of oats 187,818 buthels of rye, and 807,306 bushels of barley - making a grand total of 8,H16,:57 bushete, against 6,662,846 IjusIk-Is at this date last year. üecest fu-os : At WheeUng, W. Va., the Grent House was bumcd, loss Í100.000 ; at Lincoln, Neb., several toros, Í23.C00 ; at Muusonville, N. H., a cofíin factory, 550,000 Ii. II. Maoy, the heavy New York i'ancy dry-goods dealer, died recently in Paris. Advices frem Liverpool, received at New York March 81, state that ei-Mayor A. Oakey Hall, of New York, has arrived there in the steamcr Victoria, from Boston The race at San José, Cal., beti-eon Rarus and Goldsmith 5Iaid, March 31, was won by the Maid in three straight heat. Time 2:22f 2:1%. and 2:18. in none of which did the Maid lead more than half a length. New Yokk dispatches state that nine vessek of the Long Island fishing fleet, which left for the banks last November, aro now so long overdoe that it is believed they wcre lost in the recent gales with all on board, numbering niuetyfive men, most of whom leave wiveiaiid cliildren. ■ The vcssels were valued at about ïfiO,()OO, and are nearly covered by insnrance. FOKKIQN. Sosie of the Pope's adyisere are urging him to excommunicatc the King of Italy if tlio act of Parlianu ni agaiast clerical abusen lspromulKated with the King'a rignature. . . .The viait of IgnatJeff to London dld not quite unravtl the tangled skein of diplomacy In which the l'.astern question is involred Itwas stated in the English Ili.use of Commons, yesterday, that the aegotíatíons ftbont the protocol were still pending, but the Ministers hoped to make a more sausfaotory statement after the Baster recesa A telegram from from Alexaodria reports that CoL JCtchell, an American officer of the EKyptian stair, is a prisonerin Abysainia, chained to nativo soldiers, and gnffering everoly. The military situation in Austria is deemed every way ati.sfactory. The statement is made that at a fortnight's noüce slio can place 220,000 soldier on tne ironnèr, and foliow them with a like mmiber in another two weeks. ■J'his streng array adda greatly to her influence in the settlement of the pending qnestioris. The rinderpest is raging in the intmedlate - pinity of London. In pursuanco of orders froin Constantinople, the Turks will evacúate the ialands inthe Drina, and thu remove the last cause of ïmsunderstandiag with Servia. The trouble with j tenegrö is non ao easily disposed of. The rurkiBh commandcr in the adjacent tcnitory of Herzegovina is preparing forftreaewal of i tilitiés, and thellonti ñegrinFrincepromises'hig áid and leadership in the insurrectionary moveinent:; pjaunod for the coming sommi r. It would appear now that the only serious dülicultyto be overeóme in estátUshníg pedee betwecn Rueaia and Tnrkey i tliat of the demobilizationof the respective forces of the two ! nations. lius.iia deerns it a matter oí national I hönor that the Porte ahonld be the rat, to dia arm, while the Ottomüii (oveniment confiders it a ratlierriskybiisinesstoplace itself unarmed before snoh an implacable i'oe as its northern noighbor lias alwayd proven to be. Btill, tho matter may be settled, and it is certaiu that the i of peí ce are d oidedry favorable. 'l'm Princess Charlotte, eldest daughterof the Crown Prince Erederiok Wilham, has been betrothed to the hereditory Prince of SaxcWemiugen.. ..Oonnt Henry Von Artrjm ha I come blind through ( ripelas, and is not likely to sm-vive long - Germany has conclndea commercial txeauea with Peru, Nioaraguaand Quatemalfl - Official announcemont u made of the signing of the protocol by the powsrt. Bkitisii revenne i-odirns fpr the ilnancial year, which onded March 31, show the total reVènoe to be L78,685,036. whieh is X53, 036 n oí the budget estímate, au 1 61, i' in excess of the revenue the preyious year. Xhe civil sUifo in Colombia, South ■ ica, is asHuming the character of a religions war. The Congress has adopted a resoluüon to the effect that aB hooii a a prelate throws himself openly into the road of BeoSUoD, !.i. effi c-ts shall Le appropriated, the arohapis palace used as au office for the Seoretaryof Wal and of Marine, and the siditiniis ],n'la!e baninhed from the repnblio. A battn lasting senren homs wèrqoantlyfpughtnearManigakv, resnltingln a viotory for the Government troopi. Qennaaj has couclndodcommerciaJ treatiea with Perú, Nicaragua and Guatemala Oount "i Aniim lms beeome blind from erysipelaK. - Dispatohee troja Berlín and l'aiN to (he London papen represent th public fpeling in ti"-i iilaces as not increased In hQnpluhMBfi by (f sipciiiuK of (li.) protocol.


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Michigan Argus