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For The Ladies

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StyiiEs in OiiOVP.s. - Gloves long on tho wrist reina in fawhiouable ; for stoet umi visiting, from three to four buttons boing most in favor, whilo for cvening froin four to twclve buttons are woni. As to colorína we obnervo no romarkablc changes, Wood simde in nvueh vniiety are shown, and by ren son of their real beaitty alld delloatfF of lint reirmin in togüe. Èrowns in eïerjf concelv: able difference of shade are again Shown; ligliè grays, tlio palent running into a clear lavenoef ; slatos and drabs. Ivory sliades, moroover, are ag'ain introduced, nor is tliis surpriRing whon we remembcr how renlly handsome and refined they are. Noveities in Mtt.t.tttkrt. - For early spring, rough-and-ready tra ws aro presontcd in considerable vnriety as to color, and in shapes which for tlie most part fit closely to the head. Few are of one color throitghout, tho majority showing combiiuitioilö Of colofed With hite o black straw, tiie colorings sométales fllnnilig in diagonal Unes across the bonnet, or sometimes in regular alternations of colored straw. For drpss bonnets, chip is in much favor, white being generally t preferred, and here the simpes are quite elegailtj Irith cloBe-nttnig brin's, vuili.- liigh erowhs, and the fronte risirig oniy high enough to ndmit of a ruching bolow. Flowers in general are lavishly used, and for the moet part are placed on bonnets in the same heavy monture style as during the winter. The " Mother Goose" chapean has quite a pjquant appearance. ïhis style haa a lace scarf fastened at the back, and the ends are brought fonvard, eroSMd beneuth the ! chin ; the effect is blooming) alld hélice attraetive for eVening weai. Fashionable Dress Materials. - Witli the opening of spring, the dark shades boconie somewhat lightened in tone, bilt only to a slight degree ; while to the pale hues, which have prevailed, others have been added which are decidedly brighter, Light woolen goods in very small check., black and white, dark blue, ol' brown, etc., aïe shown, alld po a cortaiu extent will bo patrouized. Prices, medium width, 50 cents per yard. Percales are in dark colora, chiefly brown or blue, aiid afe eithef solid, with lace borders, or covoml with figures. These aïe sometimes small, broken designs, flowers, or often rather conspiouous stripes appcar in white, gold, light blue, or crimson on a dark grouud. Prices are abont 35 cents per yard. Linens for summer wear are much dnrker than they have been for some time past, quite a noticeable change having taken place in this class of goods, which, whatever the novelties ahown, seem always in demand. Prices vary from 28 to 50 cents per yard. Beautifully fine all-wool plaided goils for children are presented in entirely new combinations, which are hard to describe, and, which reallyto be appreciated slionld be seen. Soft interminglings of blue appear in plaids, something in Scotch style, while in broken bars Ttpon them are showings of mode colors, fawn, pink, apricot, del, and fauêt - tho dow red. This class of fabrica is called cashmere en fantin. Thinlawns and organdies nre covered with briarht flowors. and somo are provided in addition with bright borders in similar or contraating styles, the latter bcing sbunped in imitation of lace or fiinge. Then again we find orgamlies showing stripes of gay color on dnrk grounds, something in the style of the percales of which mention has been made, while a third vuriety displays twills of handsoniely-contrasting colors. Gauzes for evening wear show stylish intennixtures of plush or velvet combined with figures in the new designs, and here in an especial marnier, of course, the pale evening colors are represented. Rich gauze fabrica also show the bright Oriental combination of color in Persian pattems, and are, as may be supposed, extremely eiTective in appearance. Shoes. - The long winter, with its Biiow, ice and slusli, has been the means of inducing many ladies to wlopt widesoled, broad-heeled shoes as a permanent article of foot clothing. At the first sight of wide toes, broad soles, and low heels on a lady's foot, one is very much inclined to exclaim, " How ngly I lint, when tho gracef ui carriage and finn trend of the wearer are observed, a second I glance at the feet is the result, and if the shoe is seen to fit well and lollow the natural outline of the foot, it is easy to reconcile the mind to so desirablc a change. It is useless to argue that such shoes "are all very well for winter use;" they are equally üésirable for tramps Üirough shady dells, rambles over rocky hillsides, or long walks beside the sounding sea; and tho foot that has once enjoyed the liberty of such a boot is certain to rebel, in the most emph.itic maniKT, ngiunst beiug again incased in a narrow-toed, high-lioeled prison. Indian goat of the best quality is the favorito material with botli makers and wearers. If used with ordinary care i boots and shoes made from this can be worn for three months without being i polished ; simply brushing the dirt off with a dry brusu will keep them in good order for that l&cmtQ of time. This enlogium apj)lics only to the 1ck quality of tliis gooils, as Ulereare several iuf nor grades, and some very pooi; huitations. Frcucli kid has been held in bucIi high favor that the production of it is unequal to tlie demand. Aniericnn kiil has boen substitutod, but tho secret of dressing and ouring it liko the Fronch irtiele has not yot boon dtvnlged ; as a eonsequence it does not retain its polish so long, but aaide from this objection it ia a fair article only.


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