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Thursday, The 19th Inst., Is To Be

Thursday, The 19th Inst., Is To Be image
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served in Minnesota as " a special day of prayer for the annihilalion of grasshoppers." Secuetary Schubz failed to rise to the full stature of a oivil service reforiner in appomting ox-Secrotary Chandler's chief clerk and henchman to be assistant Seoretary of the Interior. Ilis name it is Buil. The annual tax levy of tho oity of Detroit (for local purposes only), as just fixed and determined by the Board of Estimates, aggregates : $869,685.60 ; a reduotion of $42,395 from the estimates of the Common Counoil. In November Wayne County gave 18,726 votes for Presiden tial electors ; but the total voto of the county at the rocent election was only 9,277. No charter eleotion in Detroit and a meager vote in the city. The Rev. Wm. A. Muhlenberg, author of that oíd and popular hymn (written 54 years ago), " I would not live alway," diod on Sunday night last, at bis rooms in St. Luke's Hospital, New York, of which he was superintendent, in the 81st yoar of his age. New that Chamberlain has switcfeed himself off the track tho public eye is fixed on Packard. The anti-Hayes Ropublicans are oalling upon him to "stick," but the indications favor the early dissolution of his Logislature, and that accomplished ha will have to take himself out of the way. This came over the wires from Columbia, South Carolina, on Tuosday afternoon : " The United States troops were formed in line and moved out of the State House at noon to-day." One more viotory in behalf of State rights as guaranteod by the Constitution. Senator Btjrleigh's bill prohibiting the issue of free railroad passes to judgos of the Supronie and Circuit Courts and members of the Legislature came to griof on Tuesday, all after the cnacting clause being struck out. It deserved a better fate. The Southern hotel, St. Louis, was burned at an early hour Wodnesday morning, or but little after midnight. Eleven persons, guests and servants, lost their lives, and the nuntber is supposed to be greater. The loss is nearly $1,000,000, with an insurance a little less than $500,000. That was a good message Gov. Croswell sent into the Sonate on Friday last, giving his reasons for permitting the bill creating the Twenty-third Judicial Circuit to beconio a law without his signature. His reasoning against a ïurther división and increase of circuits is forcible and convincing, and in view of it we think that ho made a mistake in not vetoing the bill. At last the Senate has adopted a joint resolution increasing the salaries of cirouit judges to $2,500. The vote stood : yeas, 22 (just enough) ; nays, 6. A proviso was attached requiring a roarrangement of the cirouits after the census of 1880, no circuit to have a population less than 100,000. This figure will throw too inany counties into some of tho northern circuits, and make the judge a circuit rider in earnest. Senator Patterson, of South Carolina, is credited with saying; "I teil you what we carpet-baggers ought to do. Why, d - n it, we ought all to resign and let the Democrats get the Senate." Sensible at the last, - even if spite is at tho bottom of his logic, instcad of an honest acknowledgment that the carpetbaggers should resign because misrepresentatives of their States. The seat of Belfoid, Eepublican, admi tted to the recent Congress as memlier from the new State of Colorado, and claiming a seat in the next Congress, will be contested by Patterson, Democrat. Belford claims to have been elected to the Forty-fonrth and Fortyfifth Congresses at tho sametime. Patterson claims that Belford's pretended election to the Forty-fifth Congress was irregular and illegal, and that he was regularly and legally elected in November last. The Supreme Court, in its recent decisión donying a mandamus inbohalf of the Auditor-General and against tho Board of Supervisors of Monroe county, threw a bomb-Bholl into the State offices and the halls of tho Legislature. The decisión cuts off an anticipated sourco of revenue to tho State and promises a depletion of the treasury. Gov. Croswell sent in a special messago on Monday, and the Legislature is now wrestling with the question. The decisión is undoubtedly correct, and exposes the ignorance of legislators in dealing with questions of taxation. Washtenaw county ia shown by tho schedule to be a small debtor to the State. " SteI'PED down and out ": that is what Gov. Chamberlain, of South Carolina, did at tho hour of high noon on Wodnesday, turning the executivo office and its effects over to Gov. ïïampton. Roason, as assigned by his official associatos and advisers : " We are unanimous in tho belief that to prolong tho contest in tho absence of that moral aid to whieh we feel ourselves and our party justly entitlod at the hands of tho National Administration, installed in a large measure through the same agencies which are now held to be insuffioiunt for our maintonanco, will be to incur the responsibility of keeping alive partisan prejudices which are in the last degroo Nutrimental to the best intorests of tho people of tho State, and perhaps of procipitatiug a physioal conflict that could have but one result to a dofonseless constituency." Andwon't that be a grand text for Wendell Phillips and cali out öne of his most eloquent and domon-like phillipics. He will lacérate the political hide of Hayes and his " slave-hound Cabinet " without mercy.


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