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BUSINESS DIRECTOBY. DONAU MA CLEAN, MC. D., Physician and Surgcon. Oflice and reeidence, 71 Huron street, nu Arbor. Office houre from 8 to 9 and froin to 3 p. in, Wj, HERDMAN, M. D.f Physician and Sur, geon. Office, soutnwest corner Main aud Huron stro ets. Keeideuce, 4!ï South State struet. Office honre from 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to i. p. ni. LK. McFARLlfiD, Öurgical and Mechan, ical Dentist, corner of Main aud Huron itreets (Tackson'a oíd stand.) OVreat pains taken in 3 U opera tions entrnsted to ia y care Prices to Buit tetimop All work warranted. Teth cxtracted Tfitbout pain. Office liours : 8 to 12 a. in.; 1 to 6 p.m.; 7 to 8:30 p. m. U. JACKSON, Dentist. Office corner oí W , Main and Washington streets, over Bach k Abel's store, Aun Arbor, Mich. Anesthetics administered if required. E' UGENE K. FRCKAUFF, Attorney at Lair, fïotary Public, and Goinmissiuuer of Deeds for Peunpylvaoia, Consnltntion in the Gorman or BagHsb lauífuase. Office in Kinscy and Seabolt's Block, Waphinfïtcm St., Ann Arbor, F"BANK E. TOÜMG, Attorney and Counselor at Iiw, Solieitor in Chanccry, General Oonveyancer, jnd Notary Public. Office with John N. Gott. Abatracts of title carefully emnpiled. K29 ECLAIÏK, Justioe of the Peacr, Notary Pubt lic and Convyancer. Will !oan raoney for oUktr on real ?tate geenrity. Offico over No. 8 Hnrou slreet-, Ann Arbor, Mich. rrïyK$t ■ WORDliN, 20 South Main street, Tfy A-fe Kbor, Micb., wholeeale and retail I ■n JQ lrq"' Uoods, Carpeta and Groceriee. MACK & SCHMII), dealers in Dry Good?, Groceries, Crockery, ec., No. 54 South Main et reet. BACH & ABEL, dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., No. 2G South Main street, Aun Arbor, Slicli. Wt-TM, WAGNKK, dealer in Beady-Made Gloth-. W ing, Cloths, CaReimeri-s, Vestiugs, Trunks, Carpet Bagw, etc, '21 South Main street. JFIÍKDKIIKK SC1I AKISKKIÏ;, teacher of # the PIANO, ArIOL.IN ANU GUITAB. liegiilence souïheast corner Main and Liberty trosts, Aun Arbor, Mich. NOAH W. CHEEVEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office cast si-Ie of Court Houso Srjuare, Anu Arbor, Mich. JOHN L. BURLE 1GH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, íío. 24 Baak Block, second floor, ANN AEBOB, - - MICHIGAN. HENBÏ E. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Dealer in Keal Estáte. Office, No. 3 Ooera House Block, ANN ARBOE. EYERYBODÏ SAYS THAT REVENAUCH IS TEE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. Ü8 East Huron Slreet, up-stairs. A. H. WIN8LOW, 32 East Huron Street. DEALEn IN PiCrURE FRAMES, BRACKETS AND TIOLIN SI RIK GS. 1565 J. H. NIOK'ELS, FRESH & SALT MEATS, Haras, Saasages, I-arcl, etc, STATE STREET, OPPOSITE NOBTHWEST CORNER OF UNIVEBSITY CAMPOS. ÜMors promptly filled. Farmers having meats ia mB ihoaid give kim a cali. 1568-yl SHANAHAN & BROKAW Have opened a Meat Jlarkcl on North Main St., Thfee doors north of Hall & Marble's, where will b kept a f uil line of Fri'sh niid Salt JVCcntx, Sinoked Ham, Sausage, Jard, etc. All orders promptly filled. 6ml618 THE ANN AEBOB SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor, Michigan. 'í ceiven deposita of One Dollar and upwards and allows Five per cont. interest on all deposits reBiaiüinj three naojilhs or longer. NTEKEST COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNÜALLY. AIbo, bujs and Bells U. ti. Bonds, Gold, Silvcrand Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chicago Exchauge. AIïo ells Sight Drafts on Great Britaiu, Ireland, Germany, or aoy other part of the European Coniuont. This Bank is organized under the General Bank inc Law of this St ite. ïhe stockholders are indiTi'tually liable to the amount of their stock, and the whold capital is eecurity for depositors, wbile with BankB of issue the capital is invested for the "ecurity of bill-hoUers. This fact makes thie IuBtitution a vory safe deposifc of moneys. Married Women cjiu deposit subject to their own drafte only. Monoy to Loan on Approvetl Securitle. I DiBECTOES- B. A. Beal, O. Mack, W. D. Harriman, W. Deubel, W. W. Wines, D. Hiscock, W. B. Smilh. OFFICERS : 0. Mack, Pres't. W. W. TVikes, Vice-Pres't, c:. K. HisoocK, Cashier. EBERBACH & SON, Droste anfl Piraos, 12 South Main St., Kf-p; on haud a largo and vrell uelected stock of BRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, ARTISTS' & WAX FLOWER MATERIALS Toilet Artlcle, Trusscn, Klc. PURE WlfiES AND LIQUORS, Special a'touti'Mi n d io ílc furutclüng of I'hyfiie:anfif Cheraisti, S Iv o é, etc., with Piíiloeophical llfJ Ciiemical ApuarAtns, Bobemian Chemical ÖliPHware, Poroelaiu Ware Pure Efeagfiñlis, ele. '■"'- y 1C1411S' prencriptlons ü&refnJlv nreparod aí tí 0%; 154tí


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Michigan Argus