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Medical lotice 1 WÏshtèn and tbc """'.v ■ v,"' Homcn .pathic would .y, th. altu Lt!.í r cl.n, ... the b of HoSSSffi Lv school of medicine : and havng cl pa.o.l the UCCW80I ihe iwo qwnulbe unföatingly Delicves t]uniaiptliy to.helh ÏÏÏtSfo. cemin nnd succeasful n.e.hod ol cure. Diñases, hilhorto are ■ now 111 cases, permaiwntly cradicaied l.y HunKBopaOiy, Affisctions of tlios;ne, l.end, uterai. moumtJi, ttc Ac. have nov iheir c'ortam renifldit'. t.p iiensy, manía, panljrfs. neuralgia, bruncbiw livor and !u u' scarlot fovcr. cholera; black mealba, imdUmni sorotliroiK cryapclae r black toneué, cnup, in8m.rí:ons ui the brni, BtóinacJi Iwwels. &c &c. arconly a few of the imny IK l't hnvè heen ol thetï tcimrs by the limely. applicaïion of homcropa'.tuc niedicunenis. . Without rurthor cssny, the ondereignjed woWd leiveh t. the alBictèd to sny, on trial ..I ihe-raiucdics, wheihcr Honiceopntby is whatit claims to bc or not. , , . He wotil 1 olso sinic -Int lic hasjwsi refurnod fro.n New Vork and lM.,l,lelpl,n wiih u ciu ptete Bsariniödrof 51EÜÍCAÁÍEN PS, jnsl iu porttfd fro.n Uirtoic; 10 this place, wheré ho wi nacii'l 10 ;!! ci'.U. nd íurnisíijiicdicaménia liooks. .te. at ihc pnces From il.e dos am! exclusive niK-ntina lio is giTing to tlie stod an'i practico of Hora(Bopat]ry 10 l.e al)!c to gj eatisfaciion to those who may favor hun wij flicir p.ur-iinc. Cinnniunicitions. ji .[ pnJ frditi paticnis at a diatancc, will receive promp attrntion. 'i'iiose win hiay wis!i to plhce heinolves nu fl,r liis tre.itmciit fiw nny chronic disease, ran obtatn lpdginga eitlicr at his house, or in othc nlaces, at law pricos. P T11ÜS. BLACKWOOO. M: Z): Houin?ii)Tthist. Ypsihni!, 8nth Nov. tSir 3'-9- 1y ITardivcll & Bbxoib, IMPORTKRS AND WHOLESALE 1ÍEALEHS IN HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. lETSü 4, Cedir strooi. 2 dóorsj nbove l'earl st. New York. j. M. W.IRDWEU COUKTI.AND P. DtXON. W. !& D. are recetving a full und genera! as sortmeni of Eaglfsh aiid American Hardware, consistin? n part of Table mul Pockoi Cuiloiy, ííu-cliers' Iièroré, Files, ChtseU, Plane Irnnswid Siws. American Butt3and Scrcw?. Ames Sh veis and Spades. Win. Rowlnnd's Mtll nnd XCwtSaWs, Harris', Bloodd'. Dcnnis' and 1 nylor's Scythes- which are offer.ed n the most favorable terins lor cish or eix month s credit. New York, Ecb. IÓ46. 852- fm To AVool Gpowers. WE beg leave to niform onr Wool Growinp frifintisj ihut we shall bc prepared for the purchase of 100,000 ïbs. of a good clean nierchantablc anide, es soon as thcieason for sellin conuuences, as we are connected with Eastern wool dealers, we sliaü be oble to pav the jiighcet piicn the Eastern mar ket will aíTord. Grcat coaipliint was made last seajon amongst the Eastern Dealers and Maniifncturers. ín rcferetice to the conduion o! ñlichigati Vbol- mach of it being in bn.l ordui and a considerable portion boing uuicrt-hcd. We would here take occisión o requesl thnt the utmost pains should be taken to havo the ehecp we!l washed Uefore shearin?, tliat 'l:t; Tpg Loclis bc cut olV. and that each Flcecc bc carofully lied up with proper woul twinc. (cost lt1;) to"25 ets per lb. ) homp twinc is the best: t will be found grcatly to th.-advantapeof Wool Gmw ersto put up iheir wool in tliis maniier. Un waahed wool is not merchantable, nnd will bc rejected hy most if not all ofihe Wool buyers, it being diÜicult to olean. J. HOLMES & Co. WoOUWAKD AVK.MUE, Larends Biock. Detroii, MarchgG. 1846. 2,7-tf "WÖW WOO1!! CLOTH! CLOTHÜ THE undersigned woald inform the public that thcy continue to manufactnre FULLED CLOTH ANO FLANNELS, at thcir manuf.ictory, two and a half miles west of Anii Arbor, ou the Huron Rtver, near t'u Raüroad. TERMS. The priccofmaniifacturing White Flannel will be 20 cents, Fulled Cloth 37J cents and Cassimere 14 cents pee yard. or half the cloth llu Wool will make. Wc will alto exchange Cloth for Wool on reasonablc terms. The colorí will be gray, black or brown. Thr Wool belonging to cach individual will be workcd by hsclf when there is eoongh of onc quality to make 80 yards of cloth; wheri lUU ie riot the caae, scveral parcela of the same qnaluv vill bc workcd togethcr, and the cloih dmdèd amnng the scveral owners. Wool scr.t by Rml road, markedS. W. Fostcr & Co., Ann Albor. with directions, will bc atiende I to in the same jnanneras if the owner were to come with it. - The Wool will be mnnufaetured in turn ns i comes in, as neir ns m ïy bc consistent with the difi'erent qüaliües of Wool. We hnvc been engnged in this business scyeryears, and from the very general satisfaction we have given to our nutnerous customers fot the last two years, we are inuccd to ask n larcc share of potronoge with confuicncc that we shall meet the just espectatioiM ot customors. Letters should be addressed 10 S. W. Foster &Co.,Scio. g w F0STER & COm Scio, April 6: 1846. 26i)-Iy 6 'S team Fo 11 mlr y ' ' THE undereitrneii havmg bouglit the cntire interest of II. & R. Partridge and Geo. F. Kent in the '-Stenm Foundry," Ann Arbor, will manufacture all kinds of Castings to order, pnd will be happy to finish any kind of Castings to the old customers ol Harris, Partridge & Co.. H. &, R. Partridge, & Co., and Partridge. Kent & Co., nnd to all other3 who may favor theiu witii a cali. II. B. HARRIS. E. T. W1LLIMS. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 2G, 1846. 2-11-tf COUATY ORDERS. THE highestpricepaid in cafhby G. F. Lewis, Exchange Broker, opposito the Insursnco Bank, Detroit, for orders on any of the counties in the State of Michigan; also for State ;curitie8 of all kinds and uncurrentlunds Culi andsca. Dec 1, 1845. 241-tf CL0VER MACHINES. TFIRASHING MACHINES and Sepératora made and sold by ihesubscribers,at their Machine Shop, ncar the Paper Mili, Lower Town. Ann Arbor, KNAPP & HAV1LAND, Jan. 19, 1346. 247 if To Sportsmcn. A GENERA L assortment of Gasteel and Iron Barrel, doublé and single barrel Shot Guns, Pistola. Gun Locks, Gime Bags, Bhot Pouches, P. wder Flasks. for sale by WM.R. NOYES, 218-1 y 7C, Woodward Avenue. Detroit. TEMPERANCE HOUSE. PB. RIPLEY would sny to his friends and the Iricnda of Tempertnce, that he line lnl;en the Tcnpernncc Houne, lately kept by Wm. G. Wheaton. whcre he would be gtnd to wiit upon them. Hay and Oats and Stabbling to nccommodnte teams. Detroit, Janunry 1, 1S4G. 2-55.f Chattcl morlgagcs, JUST printedandfar alc at this oflic in any Tiantity. March94, 1S4G.1 TANNERY;. , '_ LEATHER! LEATHER! LEATHER! ELDPvED & CO., No. 123, Jefterson Avenue, "Eldreti's Block," Detroit, take lilis u)portunty to inform t hei r customers, and the public generally, that they still continue to keep on hand a íull assortment of Spanislj SjIc Lcailier, Abo. Lns's nnd Pess. Curriers' Tools, &.c. SlauiiliitTcd êo Hursc jmd Collar l.c.ii.hcr, Ilcmltick mnncd Upper Leolher, Cardeváli do O;ik li " " Morocco Skins, Frrncli innncil Calf Skins, do Oak nnd llérrtlock lannpd do Goal Bináing, Héñnlock taiincd Harneas and Bridlo Lcaiher, Ueer and Lnnih do Oak 4: " " i; White nnd Cobrcd Linings, Bng nnd Top Lonilior, Prinlcd do Skiriiu. Philadelpiu'n and Oliio; Shoe Russct do uring", and Kit pi all kinds. As the Subscribers are nnw ïnanufacturing their own Lcaiher, they are prepared lo soll ps Idw nscan be purchased in this market. Morchanta and manufacturers wijl find it to their advantage to cali and examine our stock liefore purchasing elsewhcre. (Tr'Cush and Lcaiher exchanged ibr Ilides and Skins. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1846. 243-1 yThirty Thousand Persons AiNNUALLY fnll victima to Cousuinpiiop " the United States. Tiic cause of .he cvil s generally pverlpóked. A short dry co-Jgfi, or neglecicd cold, is the precursor. These are cerned u nim portan'.. Piiiñ in the sitie. liectiC ever. nntl niuht swems follow, and dcuüi ends he secne. Would you tind a uim:;dï for the i:vii. 1 lerc it is. The experience of moro thnn 20 ycars n private practico has proved its eflieacy, and incc its introduction to public notice, al:liough t his now been oflered luit a few months. its -lie has heen unprecedented, and its suceess be ond question, great- 60 much so, that it is delared to be the greatest remcdy in the world. ASTHMAj oo, ttat fcarful and diötressing mnlady, wluch endere life bttrihenmtne during ts ovitinunncc. ssubdued without difiieuhy by tliis great remcdy, nd ihe BuiTerer is enobled by its use to obioin uiet repose; the shortness of bienih is ovcrome, the couah is allayed, and hcaith and vigor ahe ilie place of despondency and suikring. Dr. Folger'a OÍ.O3AONÍAN, r, At.i. o B.w.sam, ia thr. remcdy whicli ïa's been so eminemly snccefcsful in oJUviating nd enrin" tlic above cumpbims ; ar.d n hr.s been sed by the first physicians in the city, who delarc it to be unrivallcd, inasmuch as t duesnot Ijslurb the boweia in the leasi by imdiicing cosivencts, while all otlier resiifdies reconunended or ihe above disensos invariably shut up the bowelsr thus rondorins it nccessary to resort to purgative medicine. II. ad ihe follovvinc cr.?cs. which hnvebcen rclicved nml cureJ wiihin i. few weeka : ÜAV1Ü HENOEiftSOiVi BQLnght sireet took n severo cold un the 4h day of July? nnd wasbrought very low by a disiies-Miis : cougli, wHicb ros.ilted in frequent aHack of from the lunga. AUl.ougb he iried evcry tlnng in the Bhape of remedies wbicU eontd be ionnd._ vet bc was not bcnciiitcd. nnd by the rr.on:n .;: Ödobsr W8 so n.ucli redneed by iiighi swesits ihat he dci=paired of lüc. One botllo of Fúlgér s Olosiouinn restored Inm to hcalth. GEOHGKW. DURM:tT, of ISewnrk. iN. J.. has sullered under tbc cfTccts of a severc co!d for more than a ycar. He was rerh.ccd to the brink of the grave alnmst. by hiscoüghandiiignl sweats. He cojnnienced raising blood in the monih of October Ust. He commenred using the Olosaonian. anci by tl e middle oi Novcmbar he was so far restored that he Icfl for Pillebnrgh witii every prospect ot rcoovering bis heahh. Mrs. HELL. the wife ot Robert P. Jiell, of Ètforriatown, N. J.. was dreadfully afllicicd wtth Asthrna for nmny ycars. Her physicüins had .lespaind of relieving lier. One bottle of Olusaouion so far resiored her that ahe was nble to et out of her bed and dresa herself, whicli ahechad not donn before in months, and she is now in a lair way to bc relieved. lIr F. LABAN, 5Í Pikc streef, was so bad Wltb asthma thal he had not slep in his bed for ter. weeks, when he commenccd the use of this freat rernedy. One botilc cured bun, and he has not luid a return of his cotnplaiH now more iban live ni.inths. Mrs. McGANN. 20 Walker fl'reet. was olso cured of scvete asthma by the Oranoiiian, and sta-es that slie never knew medicine gtve such inmediato nnd permanent relief. GF.ORGE W. HAYS, of this city, wasgivcn up by his physician as incurable, llis disease was? consupmlion and when bc c-immenced Usina the Oioinoni.m. wis so wen!: ihat bc could not wulk without being assistcd by a fnend. J5y 3trict attention bc was so far restoren in a few weeks as to be nb'e io pnraue hw Imsincss. JAMES A. CROMB1E. lv'O Nassau streel ; J. J. Partells. 1 1 Tenh strect : C. S Brnson, ■) Bleecker street ; James Dnvis. '8 Groene Street : and Mrs. Mallen. !l Morton strf-et ; have uil expeneucd ibe góod eifecis of thé Oiosaoman n conghs of long standing a'id offjetions of the ungs, nnd pronouncc it. v.itb otic ticcord. to bc he"greaies: rernedy. and ihe mst ipeedy and efledual, that tbey have ever krto'wn. Robder, are yon stiffering from the' above discase? Try this remedy. You wil! not. pcrïaps. regret it. It may arrept all thóse disnirrecble symptoms which strike snch terror to the uind. and prolonr? yonr days. For saient 100 Nassau st, onc dor above Ann, nd at Mrs ttijÉ, 139 Fullon st., Bmoklyn. Aent for Ánn Arbor. W. S. & J. W. Mnynard: E. Snmr-son. Ypsi'anti: I). C U'hitwood, Dexter; Pickibrd iX: P.raiff. Saline: Smith AtTyrol. Clinton: H. Hower, Manchester; P. Farlick &'. Co.. Plymouih; Ü. Grcgory and A. Gran', Vortbvílle. 2 N-Gmo FEATHERS and TAITít HANÖIN6S may lo found at all times at tlif M vmt rrr.s Stork, Dtr)il. W. A. RAY.V1OND. Dcc. 25. I8-J-1. 211- Km DJSSECTËp MAP8-- An inetructivc and amusing anide fbf tho younp. for salo ai PEUK VS BOOKSTOKE. Dec. 23. 2lbtfJ. HOLMES & CO., WUOLESALK AND RETA TL DEALERS IN STA PLU AND FAKCT DRY GOODS, Dry Groceries, Carpetivg, and paper lïanghigs, No. G3 Woodtcard Avenue, Lamed' 's Block, Detroit. 3 H ii.mks. Neto York. } 5 m. iioi.MKS, Detroit. ) WE takc tliismctliod of informingour friends nnd custonicrs ihrotighout the State, ilini we are still pursuing tlic even tenor ofour Wt.y8, endenvoring to do our but-incss tipon Lir nnd honorable principies. We wóuld aleo tender our acknowludyments for tiic patronage exicndcd to us by our cuslomers. nnd would b(g Icavc to cal! the ntlciition of the public to n very well telectcd nssortment of stasotiablc Guvds, whicli are ofl'ered at wbolesale or rntail nt very low priecs. Our íacilities for perchasing Goods are unsurpassed by any concern ín tho tale - One of the Imn. Mr. J. Ilo'.mcs resides n thc DUy of New York, and from bis long experience in the Jobbing trade in I lint cuy. and from bis ihorough knowlede f tbe market, he is enablcd lo nvail himeclf of tlie auciions anJ any decline in prices. We also purchase froin the Imporlers. Manufacturéis Agems. nnd ftoni thc aiictions, by ilie package, tho sniro as N. Y. Jobbers purebose, thus snvtng tlicir profite. - Wiih these facilitics we can sníely say that our Goods are poid cheat for tlte evidence of vvhích we invite tbc atlention of the public to our stock. Wc hold to the great cardinal principie of "the greutest good lo tiit irhale numlcr," so if yon wantto buy Goods cheup, and buy a larga qvantlty for a litllc movey give us a trial. Our stock is as extensive as any in the city, nnd we are cónstnntly recciving new and fresh Goods Irom New York. 50,000 Hjs. Wool. Wanted. thcalove qnanüty ofgoöd inerclinntable Wool for which tbc liighcsi market price will be paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit, 1S41.. 2I4-tf 192niili(Iaii Store. Comer of Jcffcr son Acame aud Bales slrcc', Detroit. BE surc and visii liiu Miüilmimn Store when are moking purcliaSBS. Tbe goode whicu you will (ind ihere are excellent in qualiiy and reasónable in pricc. Yfq bnve ! Good Ilcavy Slieciings, Alopncas,, Merino, Tickingo, Muslin Dciaincs, Linscys, C':ishmeres, Red ond waitc Flonnels, Cálices, Sniinetts, LaceVélls, Full Cloths, Green Earregc, Cassimercs, Cloves, Vesiinys, Hosíery, Br'öadclöihs, G.n!iam3, Shawls. Ribbons, Linen Cambric Hdkfs. Laces, &C. &C. &C. Batí ing, Cotton Yarn, WicUing, Wh.te Carpet Wnrp. Colort do. do., Siráw Ticking. Bleacbed Cottors of nll qunliiips. Fine unblcachcd Cottons. Bnrrcd Muslins. iVc. Src. Also. FEATL1ERS and PAPER HAÑG" INGS, Bordering, VVindow paper, Fire board papers, Travcling Baskets. First rale TEA and COFFEE, &c. &c. And o:her anieles to numerous to mention. Farmers cannot fnil of linding the Manhattan St re adcsirablc plnce to do their trading. No pajns will be spared in waiiingon cuftomcrs nnd nll are uvited to rail and examine our goods before making tlicir purchases. Whilc wc are cónfident tliat nll who examine our stock will buy, yet we wiH take no pflbnce, if n'ter showin" our eoods. pcople choose to trade clspwhcre. V. A. ItAYMOND. Detroit. Dec. 25, 1345. 244- Gm WHOLESALE & RE TAI L. A. MFAFREN, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. BMART'S BLOCK, 137 JRFKKRSON AVENUE, DETROIT, KEEFS constantly for salen complete apsortment of Miscelhineous, Schooi nnd Classical H.)oks, Letter nml Cup Paper, plain and rul ed, Quilla, Ink, Sealing Wax, Cutlcry. Wrapping Paper, l'rinting Paper, of nll si'zes; and Bo.Tk. Ncwsand Cannisier Ink, ofvarions kinds. BLANK BOOKS. full nnd hall bound, olevcry vnriety of Ruling, Memorandum Books. &c. To Merchani8, Teacbere, nnd others. buying in (i'ianiitics. alarge discount made. Sabbaili School and Bible Society Depositor. 247-tf WfJOFIVER wishes to btiy their goods to good ndvnntnge. must not tbink of making iheir purchítses til! they bnve looknd over the "oods nnd prices nt the Manhattan Stohe, Detroit. W. A. R VYMOND. Dfc. 25, 19-ífi. 244- 6m DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware and Cutlcry, Nnils. Gl.iss. Carpenters. Cooper's and Blncksmith's Toóla. Also, Mnnufaciurer of Copper, Tin Ware. No. 7(5, Wuodward Avenue, Deroi t. 248-1 y Fff Kees of Extern Nails, jüst rcccivcd i3 and for salo by WIÍ.LIAM B. NOYRS, Jr. 76, Woodward Avcnuo, Detroit. ÜCC. 12, 1344. 242ON HAND AGAIN! JaEj ri ïflE Subscrihcr has just '"""v ,-v -L recèived, (and is con 'xHfslimt'y receiving) (rom v sL N-w York nn elegant ar d I 'J'IgS WC" SL'cclud assorinicni Jewelry, i'locLs, Watchcs, te vVrc. which iiu imends losell as lowns ,u ;iny othei establishment iliis 6i"de oi BuiTalq lor rcady pty o-.ilij nmórig wbich mny be found thefollow 'i n L'"i(l ufsorimcnt nf Gold Fingcr llings, (luid pins. (ïiinrd Clinins and Keys. Siiver Spuone, Gorman Sihcr Tuo iind Tnble fcoons (fim iu;iliiy.) Silvcr and Gcrmnn do Tongs. Silvnr Snlt.Mustard nul Créarn Bmous, Huner Knivis. Silvcr l'incil Chre8, Silver nnd CotiWion Thiliibles. Siiver Spcetnclen. Gcrninii nnd Steel do. Guilles, Clothcs. Hair oud To..ih Rnishcs, I-.-iriier Brushrs, Rnzors' nnn Pocket Knivcs, Fine Shears nnd Soissors, Knivrs nnd Forkt?. Brittannia Têo Pols nnd Cnstors, Fine fhteddo Diittania nnd Bnifs Candlcsticks, Shnving hoxes and Sonps, Clnpinnii'a Best Ra.ot Strop, Calfnnd Mnroreo Walleis. Slik and Cotton p tíreos, Vrolïri's and Bow8, Violin nnd Ba8 Vuil Stringu, Pliitèfj Fif'es. Clarionele, Accordeons Motto Sea!.. Stfcl Pens and, Pen enjes. SnufFhnd Toliacco f vin y Dressing Conibs. Side and Bek nu I Pocket Conilis. Necdle cases, Stclc'.toci, VVnter Pointe, Toy Waiclies, a grcat varicty ot Doils. n sliort the ereatest varieiy of toys evrr bronglit to tliis mnrkei, Fancy wórk boxea, cliüdicn's tea sciis. Cologne flair Oils, Rmellins Snlts. Court l'lasier. Tea lielís. Thermometers. Gemían Pipes. Cluldren's Work Baskets. Slatirs nnd Poncils. Wood Pencils. DRASS ANH WOOD Cl.OCKS. &C. in fact almost every tliirig t( piense the fancy. Ladies nhd Gentlenien, cali nnd examine fbr yourseK'CS. Ciocks. Watchcs nnd jcwelry repaired and wnrrnntcd on short notice'. SIiop nt his oíd stand, opposite H. I5ecker'sbrrk Store. CALVIN RLISS. N. ]?.- Cnsh paid for oíd Gold & Silver. Aun Arbor, Nov. Otli, 1845. 2,7-1 y Select School. MISS J. B. SaiiTH. assistcd by Miss S. FiKi.r, annnunces to t lic public ihat she is prepiírcd to reccive young lndies into bor school in thel)a8tnient room oí tbe Episcopal Church. Ti'.kms. - For quarter ofl2 weeks, for English bnnches from ' S5: Frcnch and Latin each $3 extra if ru sued together wiih she Enclisl siudieí:, or Bcporatcly, $5 each. The scliool vi!l be furniíhéd with a Philosophicnl npparatus; ofid ocrasional leelures given on thc Natural Sciei C?s. Mrs. lluphs w i II zive nstruction to ni I wjio desire t, in Music. Drawing, Paintingand Needlcwork. Miss Smith refers to thc followinggenlternen: Professors Williams. Ten E rook, and Whccrion ÓF the Univcrsity; Rev. V. S. Cmtif, Rev. Mr. Simons, Rev. C. C. Tnylor, Ilon. E. Mundy, Wnj. S. Maynnril E?(, Ann Arbor, April 59. l-v!G. 2C2-if_ "CAN 'T"BÍÍ BElï' ! Til E subscribers would inform thc Public, ihat tbcy coniinuc to supply the State oí Michigan wiih L. B, WALKER'S PATENT SJfIVT fl.lCMMlyVJES. T)ie largu numbers ot these Mnchincs that have bcon sold, nnd thestcadily increasingdemand lor them, is the beet evidence of their real vahie, and of thcir estimation wtth tliosc who have become familiar with thcir merits. Wai.kkii's Smut Machine is superior to others in tliefollowing particulurs: 1. As it combines the Jicadng. Scouting, and Woning Principies, it clcans thc smiitticst l grain in the bnst marnier, rctaining'nll tbc fric lion of the wl'.cat, and discborjjing the smut and dustaK fnst as scpnrnted from thc wheet. 2. It is simple in construetion, nnd is thereibre less üable to become derangcd,ancl costs Icss ior repairs. 3. It runs vcry Ught, and is pcrfectly Bccurt from fire. 4. It is as durable as any other Machine ir use. 5. It costs considerab'y thnn other kinds. These tmpoitant points of diilerencc have giv en iliis Machine the prefcrence with those who have iairly (ried it. Amone a large numberol Gentlemen m the Milling Business who migbi bc namcd, the lollowing have uscd the Machines, an'Icertificd to thcir exccllcncy andsuperioüty: 11. N. IJoward, Pontiac, Mich. E. F. Cook. Rochester, do E. J5. DANKortTii. Mason, do M. F. FitiNic, Branch, do II. II. Comstiick. Comstock, do Ileferences tuay alsu be had to John Baco.v, Aubnrn, Mich. W. Rvon. do do I). C Vkki.and. llock, do Joun Phu's, Monroc, do II. Dousmín, do do A. Ukacii, Watciloo. do G-EO. Kktchum, Marshall, do N. y. Oakland, do All orders for Machines will bc promptly attended to. Addrcss E. O. &, A. CRITTF.NTON. Ann Arbor. 01-ower Town) Wash. Co. Mich. Au?. 24. 2-y-lv "Crockery at Wholesale." FREDERICK WETMORH. has cunstantly on hand, ihc largest stock in thc West of Crockery, China, Glassvwrc, Looking Gïasscs and Piales, ir i taan ia Vare Trais, Lamps and Wiclcing, Plaled Ware, China Toys, S,r. 8{C. Ilis stock includes all thc varioties of Uroekory nnd China, from the finest China Din nor and Tea Setts to t!ie most cornmpn and low priced ware - froin the richest cut glnss to the plainc6t glas8ware. Rritaunia Castors of every kind. Britannia Tea Sctts, Cofiee Pots, Tea Pots, Lamps. Candlesticks, &c. Lar Lasii's of cvery description from the most costly cut Parlor Lamp to thc cheapest Store lamp. All the above nrticlcs are imponed byhimsell dircctly from thc nianufacturcrs und will be so!d at Wholesale, n low os at any Wholesale House, expenses l'rom scabonrd added only. A liberal discount given for cash. Merchnnts htkI others nrc inviteil to cali and examine the nbovc articlts nt the oíd stnnd, No. 125, JefTerson Avenue (Eldted's Block.) Detroit. 1 y In Chaiiccvy- First Circiiii. IJctwcen Daniel Onkley Complainant. nnd Edw.ird Everest, Masv Everest, Maria Everest, Helen Everest, Edwnrd R. Everest, Jacob Kemp Mnry Ann Everest nnd Munnis Kcnny Adniinistralor, and Elizabeth Everest Administratrx of Edward Everest dcccnscd. IN and bv virtne of a deerre of this Court mnde in thij cause I sha]] sell nf public anction at the Court IIoukc, in tho villagc of Ann Arbor in the county of' Woslitennw, on the sixteenth day of June next at one o'clock in thc afternoon of snid day the following describcd premises, all that certain piece or pared of land sitúate in ihc Vülage of Ann Arnor in tho County of Washtenaw and Staic of Michigan, bounded and described as follows. to wit: bcing part ol lol number three in Block number onc south ol Huron etreet, in rnnge number four; b?ginninc at a poin'on Huron street seventy-nino fcet fivc and a half inches from the corner of Mainstreet and Huron streef, nnd running thence southerly parallel with Main street eight rods, thence ensterly parallel with Huron street fifty-two feet six inda hnlf inches, thence northerljr parallel with Mnin street eight rods fo Hnron street nnd thence we8terly on Huron street fifty-two fect six and n half inches to thc place of bcginning - also lot? fiftoen and sixteen in block number four south of Huron street in range four according to the recordcd pint of the sald Villagc. GEO. DANFORTH, Master ia Chanccry. JvÍ6 Portkr, sol. forconipl't. Ann Arbor, April 33. 1840. 2C2-7w BROAD CLOTIIS, Cassimcres, Vesüngs, Satinctts, Genis. Crnvats. Src. &c. chcap at the Manhattan Stokk. Detroit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dcc. 25, 1845. 24-1-ÜmT I "UIK prceeding fnuiro is given t represent .L the Insensible Perppiration. It is iho grei cvncuntioii for the iinpurities of the buiJy. Ji will he noiicvtl that a thick cluudy mist issues from all pui nts oi' tlio surface, which indícales thnt bis peraptrotion fluws unïnterruptcdly when wè are in hcalth, bui cenées when wè nre sick. Li'e ennnót bosustained without il. It tc tlirovvn ff ftoui the blood nnd othcr juices of the body. and disposes ly thia inenns. of nonrly nll the impuriius within us. The blood. by ihis ipeáns only. woiks itsell pure. Tlio hinguiige of Scripi me is, "in the Hlood is :he Life." If it ever becomes impuie. it inity be irncpd directly to the sloppage of the Insensible Perspiration. li never requires any intefnal medicines to clcniise f, is it always purifies itself by its ow.ri hent and nelion, nnd throws ofl' n!l ihe oflendtng Immors. ihrQtigh tlic Insensible Perapiration. 'I'lius we see all' that is necessitry when the blood is stngnarït, or iniected. is to open the pores, and il relieves itself from uil inipnrity instnutly. Iteown hem and viiolitv are surlicient, without oneparlicle of medicino," sxeept to open the pores upop the surface. Tlms wc sec tlie Iblly oí taking so ninch iniernal remedies. All praciilioncre, howovef, diiecl their f fforis to restore the Insensible perspiration, but il seerns to be not alsvays the proper onc. 'J'he Thompsoninn, for instance, stcatns, the Hydropaihisl shrouds 'S in wet blanketp, the TIiniopHlh st deals out infinitissiinals, ihe Allopnthisl blecds nnd doges us with mcrcury,nnd the biustcring Quack gorges us with piüa, pills. pills. To give soine idea of thcamnunt of the Tnscn stble Perëpi'ralion, we wil! state that tho loarned Dr. l.cwcnhock. and tiie gieat Boerhnave, ascertaincd thnt five-cighili8of all we receive into the stpmoch, passcd off by this imans. In other words. if we cal and drink eiclii pounds perd;iy. wc evacúate (ivc pounds of it by the Insensible Perffpirnttoni This is none oihcr ihnn the iiíed up particlcs of ihe blood. and other juicos gi ving placó to the ncw and Iresh ones. To check this. thercfore. is to retain in the System (iv èighths of nll the viriilciii inntierihat nature dctnaiids bhould leave the body. Andeven when this is thecnee, the Itljod ie of so active a principio, that it determines i' ose pnrticlés to the èkii, where they form scabs, pimples, uleors, and othsr spots. lïy a radden tr.insition (rom heat to cold, the poies are ptopped. tbc pcrspiraiion eeases, and diseaèe bcgins at once to developeitself. Meneo. a stoppagc of this flosv of the jTiices, originatcs so niany eoniplaints. It is by stopping the pores, 'int overwlielms mankind with coughs, cólds, and oonsumptions. Nine-teñthe of the world die frotn disenses induced by a stoppagc of the Insensible Perspiration. It is easily secn, tlieicforc, how neecssary is the ilow of ihis subtlc humor to the surface. to prost-rvo health. It ennnot bc stopped; it cmnot t)c even check ed, without inducingdi'soasc. Let me ask now, evcry canclid mind, what course seoms the moet rensonuble to pursue, 10 unstop tbc pores, ader tlioy are closcd? VVonld you give physic to unstop the pores? Or would yon apply Btjrneth'iDg that would do ibis upon the fiirface. wherc the clogging aciu;illy is? Would nol this be common sense? And yetlknowof no pbysician who makes any externe.] application to efle jt it. The reason I assign i, that no medicine within their knowledgo. is capable of doing it. Under thsc circumstances, I pres-ïiit to physicians. and to all others, a preparation that ha this power in iipfullfsi extont. It inMcALJSTEH'S ALL tiEALIÑG OINTMENT. orthe WORLD' S SALVE! It haa power to restore perspfrolion on llie leet, on tlic head, around oíd sores, upon tlio chest, in short, upon any part ol the body. whelher diseased tlightly or sevcrely. Il has power to cause all sores, scrofulons buniors. ■ski ri dlseaeCA, poisonous wounds, to discharge líicir pumd matter, and then heals them. It is a remedy that swecps off tlic whole catalogie of rutnncous disorders, and restores the entire cutiele to í:b liculthy functions. Ii is n cemedy that forbids the nocessity of so many and deleierious dmgs taken into the stoniüch. It 6 a renicdy that neithcr sickens, givcs inconvenience. or is dangerotis to the inres'ines. It preserves 'and dcfends the surfnee from all derangoment o!' (s lunctlons. while it keeps open the channels for the Mood to void all irs'impnrjties and dispose óf all its useless partióles The snriace is the ouilet of five-eij.hths of th'é büc and used up matter within. It is picreed wi:li milüons ol openings to relieve the intcstincs. Stop up these pores. and denth knocks at yonr door. It is riglitly termed All-IIcaling, lor there is scnrccly a disease, external or ínterrmlpthat it-will not beúefit. I liavo nscJ it for the last fnurteen yenrs, for all disenses of the chest. consumption. liver, in vol ving the utmost (langer and rosponibility, and 1 declare before Iliaven and man. that not in one single case ha? ii foiled to benefit, when the patiënt was wirhin the rcach of mortal moans. I hnv} had physicians, learnetl in the profession: 1 have hád ministers OÏ the Gospel, Judgcson the Bencb. Aldormen and Lowyara. gen tlemen of the highest erudition and multitudes of the poor, uso it in evcry variety of way. and there bas been but one voice. onc nnited, unii'ersal voicc, saying, "McAIisicr. your Ointment is good!" coxsbvPTion. It can hardly be credited that a salve can have p.ny effect upon the lungs, reated ae they ore within ihe systcm. Bat wesay once for all, hal ihis Ointment will reacl) the lungs quicker thnn any medicine thnt can bc givcn internaüy. Thn.s. if' placed upon the chest, it penetrales dircctly to the lungs. srparatrs the poisonous particlcs hol are eonsuming (hem, and expeló them from the system. I need not ay that it is curing persons of Coneumption con'inually, altbough we are told it is loolishness. I care not what is said. so long as I can cure sevcral thuupand persons ycarly. HKAD ACHK. This Salve hascurcd persons of the Ilca'I Acho of 12 yenrs standing, and who had it regularly èvery week, so that voniiiing of.en took place. Denfness and Rar Ache are holped willi tbc like sucecss. as also Agiie in the P'acc. COt.l) Tr'.V.T. Consumption. Livcr comploint, pains in thr chest or tde, fdíling oflhehair. oneor tho olher iilways accomnanies cold ('eet. It is a suro sign of disease in the system to have cold fect. The Salve will restore tbc Insensible I'crspira'ion nnd thus cnre cvery etifc. In Scrofula, Krysipelas and Salt Rheiim, nnd othcr disensos of this nature, no inlernnl remedy has yct been diecovcred that is O good. The same may lo smd of Bronchitis, Quincy, Sorr Throat, Piles, Spinal Diseases, Broken or Sore Bronst, &c. And as for the Chest Discase?, such na Asthmn, Pain. Ojipression and the like, it is the most wonderful antidote in the World. For Livcr Ccmplaint t is cqually efflcacious: for Burns it has not hasitacqual in the World: olso, Excre8encc8 of every kind, surlins Warts, Tumors. Pimples, &c, it makes clean work of theni all. SORK EYE9. The inflnmtnation and disenso alwaya licsback of the ball of the evc in the socket. Ilencc ilic viittio of any medicine must reach the sent ol the inflnimtion or it will do Ii t tic good. Tho Salvo, if rubbcd on the temples, will penétrate dircctly into the socket. The pores will hoopen cd, a proper perspiration will bccrcatcd and the disenee will soon pass ofl'tothe surfacc. PIMPLES ON TUK FÁCJC, KKECKI.KS, TAN, MASCUtlNK SKIN, 0RO83 SURKACK. lts first nction UtO oxocl all humor. It willnot cease drnwir.g till ilie face s frec from nny matter that muy bc lodged umler the skin and frcqucmly break ing out lo the surfucc. It Uien licala. When tlicrc is nothitig but grossness, or dull repulsivo surfucc, t beginé to sollen and sufton uotil the skin becómes aasmootn and delicate as n child's. Il throws n freshness nnd blushing color upon the now white, transparant skin. that ís perfectly enchahtïng. Sonic timca in case tff Freek les it wiil first stnrt out thosc ihat have lain bidden and seen butseldom. Pursuu the Salvo and all wilt soon disnppear. WOl" MS. It'parcnta knew how ihtal most medicines wcre to childrcn taken inwardly, llicy would be slow lo resort to ihcm. Espccinlly "mércujrial lozen g s." called "medicated lozenges," pills, &c. The trnih is. no onc cm teil, invariably, whcn wornis are present. New let nu: si;y loparcnis. ihis Salve wíll alvviys teil f. a child has womis. It will drive every vestige of thcm away. This ia n simple and sale cure. 'í'here is probnbly no medicino on tbo face of ihcearth al once so sureand eo safe in thc expulsión of worms. li wöuld be cruel, nay wicked. to cive intorñnl. doubtfWl medicines, 50 long as aharnilesa, exicrnnl one could be liad. T01I.KT. Althongh I have said linie nbout it ns a hnir rsstorntive, yol 1 will slake tngninsi ihc World! They niay uring thcir Oils (ar nnd nenr, and mine will restore the hair iwo cases to thcir onc. Ol. T S0R?3, .MOKTIKICA1 IO.VS. l't.CKKS. KTC. Thnt some Sores aro an ouilet to the impiíritie? of the systein, is becanse they cahnot pnss off ihrouch the nniu al chnnnols of the Insensible Perspiratíon. If Buch sores are healed úp, the impuriiio.P rhÚBthove sorne oiher oüllet. or it will endangVr lile. This is tlie rcason why it is mpölttic 10 use thc common Salve oí the day in such cuses. FVr thèy h.-ivc n power to open other avenues, lo let off tlru morbid nmlter, and ihe consequences nre alway's fatal. This Salve will always próvido for such emergencics. iusfasks 02 ciin.PUK.v ÍIow mnny thousnnds are swept ort" by eivinp ntetual medicines, whon thrir young bodies and tender frnmes are unable to benr up ogainsl tlieni? Whole nvmics nro ihus seni 10 thnir gracs meiely (ron) pouring into their wenk stomachs powarftil drugs oud physics! it is to such that thc All-fleáhng Ointincnt inulcrs ec safe, piensa nt, and hannless a cure Such cuses 03 Group, Clmlic. Cholera Jnfontum, Wornis, and nll Slimmer 'omplainis. by which so mnny childrcn die, tho Oiniíncnt will rcmove so spetdily nnd surojy. ihaí n phyeician will never be Úeedcd. Mollicrs! throughont all this land. we now polemnly and sncrcdly declare to you that t lio AJI-1 lea linp Omiinant will save your cliildren from an farly ii yon will use it. Wc are not now actúated by thc leasi dcsire to gninj but kríow'íng ns ve do ihat vast bodies of inlnms and children die enrly; which is suppoBed to be inevitable and impossiblc to prevent, we hold up our wnrniiiír voico, and declare in the face of thc whole world, CI1ILDUEN ÑEEP jNOT DIE MORE TÍIAN OTJIF-RSÜ ]ut it is from the want ef proper nourisl-menl and the constant druffgirig they imdergö wlnch mows vhcm down as tlic rank rass fallsbeforc the scyihe. IMoihers! we repcat ngnir, nnd if they wcre thelasl words wc were over 10 ulier, nnd of COUrse past the rcncli of all inlcitsi, we would say, "use thc All-lleuling Oininicnt foi sickness among children." RHF.L'MATISM. it removes olniust immcdiaicly the inflaniation nnd swelling, when thc pain of coursc ccabcs. FKVFKS. Tn cases of fever, tho difHcnlty ücs in thc pores beins: lócked up, so that thc heat and perspiraiion cannot paes oK It the least moisture could be starled, thc criaih ia poseed mul ihc danser over. The All-IJenling Oinimcni will in all cnse8of fevers nlmost instaniiy unlock thc skin and bring forih the perepfratiori. nul i.k aiwi'i.AiNis. Infla ma (ion of the kïdrieyi, of the wornb, nnd ilsfnlling down', wenkneps. and inegnlniity; in short, all those difficuhics vvhioh nre frequent yi'ith fcmnles, fine ready and permanent relief. Wo have had aged ladies teil us they could not live six months without h. J5ui to fonales ahout lo bccomc mothers, if uscd forsomc weeks antecedent to their confinenmnt. vcry few ofihosc paina and convulsions which atirnd llcm nt that period will be feit. Thisfaet ought to be known thc world over. sc.w.n iirvn. Wc have curcd cases ihat nclunlly defiod evcrything known, as well as the ábiUty of fifi een or twenty doctors. Onc man lold us hc had spenl !:")()() on his childrcn without any benefit, when a few boxes of ïhe Ointment curcd th.em. COERS. Fcoplc nced ,nevcr bc troublcd with jhem if they will uso it. Ás n FAMILY MEDICINE, no man can mensure iis valué; So long as thc stnre roll along overihe IJenvcns - so long ns ninn trends the carth. fubject to nll ihc infirniities of the flesh - so long as disenso nnd sickness is known - just so Ion? will ihifi Oiutinent be used and estt-emcd. When mnn censes from ofTthccarih. tlieh the (Iemand willcease, nnd not lili ilion. To nllny nll r.pprehcnsions on account of iis ingicdients, in ppssësstngsuch powerful properties. we willstnie that it is componed of eomo ol ihc most eommon and harmless herbé in cxisicnce There is no mercury init, asean le seen from ihe fact thnt it docs not injurc the skin onc particle. whilc it will pass throwph and physic the bowele. JAM ES McALISTER & CO. 1C8 South sticet. N. York. Solc proprielor of the above Medicine, to whom nll Communications must be nddtcsscd (post paid). Price '5 cents and 50 cents. As thc Áll-HeaUng Ointment hns bren ?rcatly counterleiied, we have given this cnution to thepublie, that "no Ointment will be genuinc unless the ñames of James McAlister, or James McAlisicr& Co., are wriiten with a pen upon every label." The label is n steel engraving, with ihe figuro of ''Insensible Pcrsi)iratiou" on the fncc. Now wc hereby ofTer a rewnrd of $000, to be paid on conviction, in nny of thc consiiiutcd courts of the United Stntes. of nny individual counterfeitinír ovr name nnd Oiniinent. MAYNAR'D'S. Ann Arhor, Wholesale Agonts; Bmith &. Tyrcll, Clinton: Kftclnnn & Smith, Teciimneh: D. C. Whitwood, Dc.xtcr; lf Bo.wer, Manchesier; John O wen ■'L■ Co., Detroit: ílnrmnn fc Cook, Brooklyn. Dec. 18, 1Ö45. 2-J1- ly IEWCÖÖkïWG"sTOVE, And Stoves of all kinds. Thc eubflcriber would cali thc attcnüon of thc public to Woolson's Hot Air Cooking STOVE Which he con coníidcnily recommrnd ns beiny decidcdly superior to nny Cooking SCbve in nse. For stmplicity in operntion - economy in fucl, nnd for unequallcd Baking and Roastino qunliity, it is unrivalled, The ncw and imporiant improvemenj introdneed in iis conetruction bcing bucIi ns to insurc great ndvnntagea over all other kinds o( Cooking StovcB. WILMAM R. NOYES, Jr. 70 Woodward Avcnuu, De:roit. Dcc. 12, 1815. M 12 SAÜBATH 8.CUOOÏ1 BOOKS for sale at l'EKRY'S BOOKSTORE. Dcc. 23. 21-1 - tfBOOKS! BOOKSÜ At Ferry's Book Store Ycxldoor Easl ofthcjST. Yorlc Chcap Store. THE subscribir has just opcneil nnd is now rcady to scll ilie most extensivo assortment o BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS and STATION KR Y, everoflered in Ann Arbor. Uis stock consiste o SCHOOL BOOKS of ncarly cvory variety in uso in this Stnle- Histories, Biogrnphics, Trnvels, Mcmoirs Mis cellaneous, Iteligious and Classical Booka. BIBLES nnd TESTAMENTS ovary varicly of sizc, style and binding. Som splendidly iinished. PRAYER BOOKS, POEMS t ANNUAI S lieüiitiiully honnd for JJolyilny giftF. Porems nnd otfiers wiahing to nióke splendid holydav presenis nt small coot, will do wel 1 to cali 'at Pcrry's nnd mnko their selcctions from a fúli steek. Don't dclay. Also, on hnnd ilie Inrgest psortnionl of TA PER everoflered west r( Deiroit; sueh os Cap' Flut Cap, Letter. French Letter. Bnnkeis Post Copving, Tissue, Card Back, Envelope, nnd 1( kinds J' note paper, wiih n fulj osaortment of Steel Pens. Quills, Wafers: Bliick. Biuc, Red nnd Copyjng luk; Smul, Jnkstnndg, Folder)' Pen Hölderi, Slumps, Motto Senls, Gold nnd Silver Wafers, Indin Rubber, Pcncilsnnd Points Envelop s. nnd mnny varicties of Visiting Carda Also, GOLD PENS, nu arti?lc combinfnc elrgHiicc with economy. Ho hos on hand good seleclion of Books suiinblc for Fninily School District nnd Townehip LIBRAHISS. It will nol In' potsible to name all the articlcs n hisÜne: Sufficeilto sny, t!iat his nssuritncnt is general and pheaper titan was ever beforc offered in tliis village. He has made n-rnngciru-nts in New York which will cnablc him at all timos to obinin any. thing in his line direct from New York at show :ioiice. hy Exprees. It will be eccn thnt his fa ciliiies for no.comodating his customers with articli's not on band is heyoiid precedent, nnd hc is ready nnd willing to doevery thing rensonnble to mske his csinblishmcni sueh an one as an enligbiened and discerning community require. and lic hopos to nierit n shore of patronado. Persona wishinp ony nrticle in his line will do wcll to cnll beiore puu-hasing etacwherc. If you forget the placo, cnquiio for J'erry's Iioohstorr, Ann Arbor, Upper Villnge- 2d door Last of Main street, on lluron Êticct. WM. R. PERRY. December, 1845. SICKNESS IN CHILDREN. AM) the suflering whith thej undergo from "worwí'! oftcn tend to a Ininl termihaiiojn, while the causk is ncvur siifprcted. Oflbnme brcuih. picking at the nosc. grinding the tceih during sleep, starting in sleep wiih fright and screaming, troubicsouiccough, nnd fcTensbncfs, are aniong somc of the Prominent Symj.túm$ of the presence of worms. A timely nsc of SHERMAN'S WORM LOZENGES Will immcdinlely remove nll these ünplèorahl syinpio!, and restoro to perfect hcalth. Siste.r lenatins, Supenorof úw Catholic Huif Orphon Asylom h.s ndded lier tcsiimony in their iavor, to ihe ïhousiinds wliich bovti gone beloie. Sh states thai iherc are over 100 chiidren in the Asylum, nnd tlml thoy havo been in ihe hobilpf usinp Sheriijiin's Lozengis. nnd she bus nlways fotmd tlicrn to be attëndcd with the most beneficinl efiêcti. They hnve been pruved to bo tulallible in over 400.000 cases. CONSUMPTION, Influonza, Cougliö, Colds, Whooping Cong, Tiglur:e?3 of theLungsor Chest mny bo cnrt-d. Rcv. Darius Anthony was ycry low Irom Consumption. Jonathan Hownrd, tlie eolcbrntcd tPrripernnce lectuier, waa'réduced io the vorgeof the grave by raising blood. Bev. Mr. Diuibar, of New York, the Rcv. Mr. De Forctt, Evangelis'. in the Western part of this stafo. Rnv. Sobas'tnn Streetcr, of Boston, ihe wifcof Orasmus Dibble, Eeq. in Monravin, nnd hundreds ofotheis, hnve been rolievcd and cnred by a propon SHERMAN'S COUGII LOZENGES. And po medicine luis ever been more eflcctunü n ihe relief of those discosos, or which enn be recpmmcndcd with more coníIJence. They nl layall itching or irritntion, rendcr thecough eey, promoe expectoración, remove tho rnuec, nnd produce the most happy and l.-isling cöects. BEADAGHE. l'alpiiaiion of thu Henrt, Lowness of Ppfril, Sea sicknoss, DespOh'denc?, ï'uintness Cholic Spnsins, Crèrnps of tlie Stoniach. Sumrfier or Bowcl Cumplninis, also all the distrcising ) mp toms nrising Irom Irec living, or n nifrhr of dis8iration are quickly and cntirely rpJiPvcd by using SHERMAN'S CAMPHOR LO5TNGFP. Tliey cl speedily and relieve in a -ry short spaccof time, giving tone and vigor lo lïie system. andenüblcnperson usig lhm to undergo great nienial or bodily (aligué. RIIEUMATSM, Wenk Back, pain and weakness in the Breas. Biick. Linibs nnd oiher pnrts of the body are spcedily and eflecturrlly rrlievrd hy SHERMAN'S POOR MANS PLASTER, whirii cosisonly 12 cents, nnd is within ihe renen of all. So grent bas become ihe rcput.ition of this articlc. (hat one niülion will not begin to supply the nnnunl deninnd. It is ncknowledged to bs lbo bcststrengthening Plnsier in thcworld. BK WA RE OF IMPOSITION. Dr. Sherman's Poor Mnn's Pluster Ims Jiis nnmc with directiwtis prinied on the hack of the Piasier, and n VLjfnc simi'ejrQ ol the DodcVs wriiten nnnicunder the direcnona. None others are genuino, or to be relied on. Dr Sherman's Wnrcnousn is No. 106 N rssn u st. New York. W. S. & J. W. MAYflAhD, Agents for Ann Arbor. 246 Chcap Hardware Store. THE Subácriber tskes this meibod io inform his old cusioiners and tho public generally that hc still coniinuoH io keep a largeand gcncrul i89onment of Föreign and Domestic IIARDWARK, CUTLERY, &c. Also. Spike, VV'rought, Cm and Horce Slio Nails, Glaes, Sheet Iron, Hoop Iron, Sheet and Bar Leid. Zync, Bright nnd Ancoltíá Wire, Molasscs Gatfö and FnBeetls, Mili Snws. Cross Cnt S:iws, Hand nnd Wood Saws, Back nnd Key Hole Sawa, Anvil, Vicos, BolloMs.Adzrs.Coop. er'n 'looi., ])ruwing Knivcs, Spoke Shavcs, 'l'ap Botérs, Cast Sicel Angnrs, Cotnmon Augure, Augur Bilis, Hollow Angiirs. Steel nnd Iron Squares, Ground Piaster, Water Lime, Grind Siones, Potneh,Caldron and Sugnr Kettles, Cable, Log. Trace and Halter Chain?, Brood, Hond and Narrow Aacs. Spirit and Plumb Lerels, logether wiih a general assorlmcnt of Hollew Ware. which will be sold low for Cash or npprovcd credit at J23, Jcflcrson Avenue. Eldred's Biock. R. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. IGih. 184C. 248-ly BOOTS AI SÏÏOI2S, AT WHOLESALE. A. C. M'GRAW & CO., ■VIIOLF.SAT.H AM) RKTAIL WíAT.KRS (N BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Corner of Je jf er son and Woodtcatd Jlvaiues, Detroit. AC. M'GRAW & CO. would respcctfully inform the Merchants of Michigan, ihnt thcy have opened a WHOLESALE BOOT AND SI1OE STORE, in tbc rooms over their Rctnil Store, Sniart's Corner. Their Jong ncqunintnnco with the Shoe business, nnd tbo kinds of shoes that ure needcd in this Smip, will cnal)le them to furnisb morchanta wilh such shocs as they neod. on heller terms iban bey can buy in ihe'New York market. as all their goods arö bought from first hands, nnd particular nttcntion is pnid to tbc seleclion of sizes. Detroit, 1Ö46. 2fl-'y Dissolution. nniIE Partnership under the nnmc and firm o! J G. D. Hill & Co. having diesolrcd by hmitniion, all persons indchicd to tho concorn by note or account, are noiified thnt unless thry cali nnd pay or settlc lbo mimo wilh G. D. Hill ' Pre" vious io ihe 15tb day of June next, tliry will find the snifi nntcs nnd accounts in the bands ol a Jnetico of tho Pcaco for colleriion. G. D. HILL & Co. Ann Arbor, May II 18-lü. ïCMf