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- Sheriff Case was m town on Monday. - Wedne8day mormng : ashaip white f rost. - See new ad. of Mack & Sohmid. They mean business. - Extra white wheat touched Ï2.23 in Detroit on Wednesdav. - Kev. D. F. Lumsden, of Detroit, formerly of this city, has enlisted in the Bed Eibbon brigade. - Mr. Jaycox, on Hurón streat, ia building an addition to hia house - already one oí the íineat in the city. - Winea & Worden have a new advertiaement in this Abous, and a new and attractive stook of gooda in atore. - Sojourner Truth told her hearers at the M. E. Church lecture room, on Friday evening last, that she was H a hundred years oíd." - Iaaac C. Handy haa sold his house on División street to W. W. Wines, aud will build another on the adjoining lot the present season. - The Dexter school board ha8 leaaed a room in the basement of the M. E. Church and established a primary grade school therein. - Jeff Davis haa removed the county woodpile from the weat aide of the Court Houae to the east side, - to make room for brick and stone. - The annual work of covering up stieet crossings haï begun, and the annual work oí elevatiug the same crossings out of thg mud willïoon begin. - Dr. Cocker is now giving, at 3 o'clock each Wednesday and Friday aftemoon, lectures to the seniors on " The Truth of Eevealed Religión." - The Prosecuting Attorney didn't put in au appearance yesterday, and so the suit for embezzlement bronght agaiust ex-Recorder Lovejoy weut down. - In the match game of foot ball played on Saturday last between the High School seniors aud juniors- forty picked men on a side - the seuiors wers victors by a score of i to 1. - On the 18th iust. Gov. Croswell gave his official approval to "An act for the relief of William Fohey, of the city of Ann Arbor, and for the discharge of a mortgage held by the State upon his property." - Mrs. Eebecca Atnbrose, formerly of Sharon in this county, mother of George W. Ambrose, formerly of this city, died in Omaha, Nebraska, on the 14th inst., aged 67 years tho 12th day of January last. - The horse and buggy of B. D. Willits, who lives about three miles northeast of this city, were stolen last Sunday evening while the owner was attending services at St. Andrew's Ghurch, in this city: - A Detroit Tribune " personal " (another name for hotel advertising) of Tuesday last, reported " Rev." George E. Frothingham, of Aim Arbor, at the Russell House. When and where did the Dr. get his new title ? - Thos. Hayley, of thi? city, now janitor of the central school building, and George Van Kiper, of Ypsilanti, have rented the McColl wooleu milis, at Delhi, and are now engaged in putting the machinery in running order. -The Red Ribbon meeting on Sunday afternoou last was as enthusiastic as ever and productive of good results. A large number joined the Club. Another public meeting will be held at the Opera House next Sunday afteruoon. - Prof. D'Ooge will give a parlor reading for the Ladies' Library Association, at the resideuce of President Angelí, on Tuesday eveniug next, at oight o'clock. All are most cordially invited to be present. Admission ten cents. - Dr. A. W. Chnse has removed to Toledo, where it is understood he will engage in the manuiacture of " family medicines." Prof. Morris has purchased his late residence on División street, and is engaged in repairiug and iinproving. - Burglars entered the Catholic school house ou North street during Saturday night last, aud carried off several clocks. Nothmg else was disturbed The same night ths resideuce oí Col. Strong, on Paokard street, was eutered aud a clock stolen. - The announcement made in the Detroit papers that the Old Court House will be vacateil, the building torn dowu, and the material nsed in the new building, is at least premature. No such order has been made by the Supervisors, and we presume will not be. - The Building Committee having in charge the new Court House was in session on Saturday last, and after f uil consideration, unaniraously voted to advertise for proposals for plans and specifieations, to be presented on or before May 15. See notice in another column. - P. Slyman was shot and killed at Parsons, Kansas, on the eveniug of the 16th inst., by Constable Waller, in a iracas growing out of au attempt to arrest a man named Caín, charged with defrauding his creditors. Mr. Slymao was a brother of Mrs. Patrick McKernan, oí this city. - On the 17th inst. Governor Croswell approved, signed, and deposited in the office of tha Secretary of State, "An act to amend title II. section 7, and title V. section 14 of 'An act to incorpórate the city of Ann Arbor,' approved April 4, 1851, as amended by the sereral acts amendatory thereof." - The annual " Freshman Spread," a festival peculiar to the freshmau class, took place at the residence of the Mayor on Friday evening last. The company, consisting of uiteen ladies, are said to have a good time, - the Mayor's salary footing the bill. How mauy "spreads" can be made on that one dollar salary. - The dramatic entertainment given on Friday eveuing last by the Barrett Club drew a large audience, and was a suecess both linancia ly and artistically - the amateur performers playing their parts well. The Boat Club- for whose benefit it was given - rf'zed about $75. Two more entcrtainmeuts are to follow. - In their last Saturday night raid burglars entered the late residence of W. W. Wiues, corner of Main and Packard streets, but findig notliiug but vacaucy got nothiug as a rewaid for their enterprise. Mr. Wines had just moved out, and the new owuer, William Wagner, had uot moved in : which the burglars iidu't know. - Undersheriff Fleming, who runs the county boarding house at the foot of Main Street, says that the red ribbon movement is spoiling his business. The boys don't take up compulsory lodgings with him in such large numbers as heretofore; and City Attorney Prazer says that he hasn't had a case under the city ordinances since his term commenced. - Justice McMahon is credited with saying: " Unless this red ribbon movement is checked, justices of the peace, local lawyers, and saloon keepers will be out of business. Thero won't te auything for them to do." And Justice Gtatk says that his brother justice is about right Do j ustioes and lawy era get no business except that made by liquor drinking ? - The Abous was mistaken in stating last week that the taculty had ruled out dancing trom the senior reception. The faculty have oever acted on the matter. President Angelí took the responsibility upon himaelf. There të al8o a raisunderstauding as to the actiou of the Begents at .the meeting in March. The subject was informally discuSBed, but no vote was taken. Th equal división was guessed at. - It is rumored that E. B. Abel, of New ork, is to be a partner in the well-known dry goods house of P. Bach, formerly Bach fe" ■■bel. It the rumor pro vos true the firm name Will be aíter May lst, as for many years heretofore, Bach & Abel. Mr. Bach is now in New York making extensivo purohases for the nummer trade, and the public may expect bargains in üy good in a faw days. - A Red Ribbon Club with 40 membcrs was organizad at the Lelaud Cuurch, Northfiield, on Friday evening last. E. E. Leiand is president. - Buyers were paying yesterday : For whoat, íl.90 a $2.00; for corn, 30c ; for oats, 40c; for oats, 40o ; for potatoes, tl. 15 a f l.25c; for apples, 35c;ior beans, $1.7óc; butter, 20o; for lard, lic; for eggs, 10c. Flour at retail yesterday, $11 per bbl. - Tuesday morniug's Detroit Tribune had this item under the heading " The Way of the Trangressors :" "A man, nanied Frank Horton, was arrested yesterday by patrolmau Robertson, of the Trumbull Avenue Precinct, on two warrants, one chargiug him with stealiug a horse in Ann Arbor, and the other a watch and chain in Ypsilauti. He was taken to the latter place last evening." The horse proves to be the horse of Mr. Willits, which was taken from the sheds of the Episcopal Church of this city on Sunday evening, and the watch was stolen from O. F, Stark of Ypsilauti.


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