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The bnll for the Old South, in Boston, netted $2,000. Col. W. W. HöiiLIOTEK owws 75,000 acres of land in California. In Arkansas tases aro paid on 91,796 dogs, and on 270,056 shecp. Every f amily in Boston is to be visited by (ligions workers, under the dircction of Moody. Chattanooga is to Lave a snpply of pure wal er froin a cave iu Lookout niountain. Thiïee-foubths of the applications for postmastíirships come from unsettled clorgymcn. Boston has snpplicd 245,908 persons with soup dnring the winter, at an expenso of $4,830. Arkansas has more ue-wspapors in portion to population than any other State in the Union. Tiieke will bc threo international exhibitious tliis yeai - those of South África; Australia and Japan. Quite a number of farmers aro naoving from Bartholomew county, Ind., to Kansas and Arkansas. The menibers of the Boston pólice forcé have been rcquested not to smoke in the streete when off duty, even when in citizens' dress. Robeist Bishop flred a pistol at James Baxter, in Baltimore, the other evening, the ball striking Baxter in the forehead and completely flattening itself. The decline in the value of twelve leading stocks in the New York market from the highest price of last year to the lowest of this year is $185,000,000. Negotiations are in progress for a tract of laad in Decatnr county, Ga., on which to settle a colony of French immigrants from Germanizod Alsace. One boy was killed and auother badly stunned by lightning at a game of baseball at Dallas, Tex., the other day, and yet neither of thein were of the players. An estímate dï the damage to PféöCll property and to Franco tlu-ough the late Germán invasión places tl ie figure at 886,957,755 francs, or about $221,739,439. A Pennsvlvania exchange notes: "The first break ing out of base-ball in this State this vete oectirred in Delaware county, at Media, wherethere isa school for f eeble-minded peoplo. " A Bill which has passed the lower house of the Provincial Parliament at Ottawa, Ont. , provides that insolvents shall not be entiÜed to thcir discharges unlessthe amount of their assets realizes uot less than 50 cents on the dollar. The practico of the doctrine of civil rights does notextend to Sherman, Tex., where all the whitcs who had bought tickets to a negro-minstrel show demanded that their money be refundcd because reserved seats had been sold to colored men. A Cosnecticüt man, to excuse the non-appearanc of his daughter, wrote: " She has run Down & hur Strength exosted She was Six las Somer f ore meney weaks & She has Aperents of a Similar Atact agane you will pleas excuse hur fore the present." Accordixg to the Transcript, a moa ground sparrow was reoently seen to vanqnish six English sparrows in a contest in the Boston Public Gardeu, and to ond the tight by taking one of the invuders by the wing and shaking him, as a terrier would a rat. The ne-w Jury law of Florida providoR that when in any case, civil or criminal, a knowledge of reading, writing uul arithmetic is necpssary to enable a juror to understand the evidence to be offered, he ruay be challenged if he does not possess such qualiücations. Prominext Europe an capitalists have been negotiating for some time, and at last suecessfully, with the Land Coinmissioners of Florida for $8,000,000 worth of orange lands. They intend to bring hito the State 2,000 or 3,000 hardy farmers froni England, Germany, France and Italy. The School Commissioner of Hardin county, Ky. , is reported to have lately gaid that the few school-houses in his county are not as good as "the average horse stable, and that, as a whole, the peoplo thereabouts are making greater efforts to raise stock than to edúcate their children." TirBRE are in Colorado over fiftypeako wiiich rise more than 14,000 feet above the sea level. Bianca penk, in that State, the elevation of which was determined last year by Hayden's survey, is probably the highest point within the limite of the United States, being 14,46á feet above the level of the sea. A poiítion of the gi-pat meteor which passed over Northern Vermont a few weeks ago is reported found near the town of Jay, imbedded ftbout four feet in the earth. It is said to have the appearance of iron-ore lava and soapstone, and to weigh about two tons. Keport says this is the largest aerolite ever discovered in this coimtry. All the recent theatrical casualties have oceurred while thc "Two Orphans " Waa upon the stage. The latest was at Baflalo, N. Y., where the box of paper used to í-eprcsent suow took fire, and the ilames became visible to the audience. Prompt acti(.n cxtinguislied the fire, while the eflbrts of the ushers prevented a panic in the auditorium. The members of the Chinese embassy were charmed with Madame Tussaud's wax-works show in London. It is probable they would have ilinplayed Iobs enflmsiasin liiul not ignorance of the language prevented tlieir appreciation of a passing cabman's remark : ' ' Look 'ere, Bill; here's all the images broke loose and a-coming out for a walk !" A few of the Centennial relies and debris are to bc displayed under the label of a "Permanent Exhibition " in the Main building at Fairmount park, l'hiladelphia, the opening being booked for May 3 0, n-ganlless of the weather. The maHagett of the new concern are so buoyant as to give out an advance opinión of its eolipsing in many features the late affair of '76, especially in the item of roominess for walking around and seeing what is to be Been. This will be the main draw for 25 cents. Tiih followms bit of poutry is charming in itself, and just now is pVeasantly slive of coming blossonis. Tbc ; i:i ioi i unltnown to 118 : In the nnowintf uxl tlic blowing, ii'. tin eruel sleet, Utüe flmvii begin tlieir Rrowing Far l)?ii'Jitti (rta feet. s.iftly tapa tlic Spring, and oheerly, "Darllpgs, :u' yon boro?" Till they ' ' tro nrarly, NVuriy ready, doar. ■ WiHtM. wlth liix snowlng? Teil n. 8pl4agTn Uiey h;i. ']i'-ii ïin uAwen, ■■ Mr is v."i"gt Goisg on liis iray. lm)r pld wíiiter dooa not love yon, But Ii"' Ib iasl. ; Sorn m.ï Imils fIiüH tina bve yon- si i yon t'icc il t lust.'1 Tmi;. Anoki;, who wus recently biiried i Paris, dieil posssssea oí the modest of lO,O!io,ooo Éranos. Whea lier ImsbuuJ cíepaiíed ÚÜK valo of Amu'8 liis fortune uin.init-'.-il to 2,000,000, half of Mliicli snni li'll tu liis wit'c, the otlior liulf goiiig to bis Bon, BÍ, Kiloiüird Amlrr, wno built Ihc sjilfiiilid bote] in BönteVin-.l Hrti'wiiiiinn at ft of 1,000,000 francs. He woa looked open as the i-crl;iin luir oí liiü motln-r, but she lias ouly I il hiiá búa fawete, ralned at tlm trifling Bum of l,ooo,(K) francs.


Old News
Michigan Argus