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RAILROADS. MICHIUAJf CESTRAiTbaILKOAÍ). APKIL '.r,, 1S77. omo wkst. M a T75 „TAT.ONK. ■ r 15 11 ÍS Li_lEiitir i. M. a. M 1'. M . p. M. r.H. ji.j, Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 10 4 45. 3 18 t 6 i i, O. T. Junction, 7 15 9 Í5 5 00! 3 .10 6 10 lo j' Wiijue Junullon 7 4ü 9 50 1 i SOI 3 65, 6 57 n m ïpsilanti, 8 17 10 17 5 591 4 IV 7 25 n ; Ann Arbor, 8 40 10 34 i 6 30 433 800 11 I Delhi, 8 45' 6 43 4 46 ' " I Dexter, W03i 6 53' 8 S2: . ! Chelsea, 9 23 7 :i7 8 57' . f QruB Lake, , 9 52: 8 0 1 9 02 . P. M ! ' ■ As Jackson, :1O 21 12 00 8 00 6 05 9 30 jV' Albion, 11 04 12 45! 6 57 10 18 1 Z Maruhal!, ;1160;i3U 727 1040 j Jj BnttleCreek, 12 20 1 57 ? 8 00 11 16 j j (lalesburg, 12 55 8 38 11 5S ü. A.M. A.M. Knlanmzoo, : 1 15, 2 38 4 00 9 00 12 16 J jr. LnwtOD, i 1 te! 4 41; l 00 Decatur, , 2 15 4 Oo! 1 27 Dowagiac, i J 411 5 26! 2 00 „ Nile, 8 11 4 07 6 I0; 2 35' 5 in Buchansn, 3 25 ' 6 25 2 Ml " Three Oaks ! i 56 4 43 7 04, S 25 6 01 NewBuffalo, : 4 13 }4 55 7 21 3 44 . Michigan City, ' 4 40' 5 20 7 5(i 4 16! 6 4S Lake, 5 23 5 59 6 3ó 5 15 7 V, KenHington, 6 20! 6 40 9 40; 6 10: I is Ohicano, arrire, I 7 06 1 7 25 10 26 ; G 55, Í ft) oomo kast. i 6Á Si. 1 1 Mji. A. C i.v. 'a. m. 'p. m. ■ r. u. t Chicago, leave, ■ 5 00 8 30 3 50' 9 00 i u Keoaington, 5 45 9 1 4 35 9 43 . j. Lake, 6 40 j 9 54 5 H lo 25 6 Michigan Citj, 7 32 10 40 6 jj n 15 NewBuffalo, 7 55 11 00 6 61 11 40 -__ Three Ouk, 8 09 11 13 7 U'J 11 63 Ju A M. Buchaniin, 8 41 ! 7 50 Miles, 1 9 0.' 11 65 8 20 12 J5 j Duwagiao, 9 27 8 48 ; 1 03, Decatur, 9 52 1 9 15 1 27 Lawton, 10 10 p. m.i 9 35 a. m. i Kalamazoo, 10 50: 1 lt 10 10 6 30 2 17 10 Si j (laloüburg, 111 12 . ! 6 5 2 37 -Z Battle Creck, 11 47 1 57' 7 35, 3 15 U ], Marshall, 12 45 2 40 p 8 12 3 49 II ) Albion, i 1 1O 3 02 a.h. ! 8 43: 4 07 ít} Jacksun, Lt., 2 la 3 45 5 20 9 50 4 55 12 i Graas Lake, 2 ii j 5 48 10 08 Chelsea, S 10 1 1 6 15 10 37 Dexter, 3 25 6 30 10 55 , Delhi, 3 37 6 43 Ann Arbor, 3 52 4 55! 7 00 11 15 6 38 J 1 Ypoilanti. ' 4 151 5 10' 7 15 11 30 6 85 i L WayneJunc, 4 43 ' 5 29 7 40 11 50 7 18 : G. T. June, ' 6 SOI 6 00! 8 25 12 15 7 55 J jo Detroit, Ar., I 5 45: 6 16 1 8 40 12 30 8 10 ! J5 Sundays excepted. ISaturday and ijundav n. cepted. tUaily. H. B. LEDYARD, Gen'l Supt., Detruit. H. C. Wentworth, Oen. Paas. Agt., Chicago. Sewing Machines THE S1NCER, 1TE W DOMESTZC, And th.e H OWE, And several fcood Second-Hand Machine at tin SüWINti MACHINE OFFICE, Ann Arbor. AUo Needies for all Machines The ro.Tj beat that are marie, and attaclinu-nts 8tnl part? lor neatly all luachin-. S1NGER MACHINES Rspaired botter therc than anywhere e)e is America. If your machine don't work well, tnJe it for one that does, or have it reuairetl. All machines aolil on eafty payments at the office. Second door east of I'ost Officet Xv.n .1 1 liur, 11 ii 1. (lili, I. L. UHINHELL, Affeot. lEORGE W. CROPSEY, Late of the firm of Clark Sí Cropsky, and A. Kkak.nky, lam of uurler the firm nauieuf KEARNEY & CROPSEY, Have estabHshed themselves at No. 33 Soulb Hnfn. Si,, Aun Arbor, and propuse lo do general Grocery Business They wlll also ketp CBOCKERY, GLASS and WOODEN WARE, and a full line of DOM ! aud FOREIUN FKUITS. They huve fillcj aiid furnished A First-class JJating Department, Where Mflals cnn be had at all hours, or board ty the week. Cash pald (or Huiler, Eg-g, and all Country produce. Gumía proiiiilly drli" ered in any part of the city. Kemeniber tí 33 SoiitU .TI 11 in Street. KEARXRÏ & OltOl'SEV Ann Arbor, April 26, 1S76. 15W I Two ïaiiiHies FOR SALE. ïhe property belonuing to the WKLLES ESÏATK, situated oq DIVISIÓN .TREKT m the headof ANN STREET, and the property latcly owned J now rx'cupicd by A. WIDEXM.VXX 'will be H at. VERT LOW PRICK, AND OS I.ONU TIME IF DKSIBED. Apply to s. h. nouoLis. How Lost, How Eestored ! ._ Juat published, a new edition of Vt jySfeCulverwell'ii Celcbrated E)bT ftSïön the radicnl cure (without inedicmej of oSwSpermatorrbusa or Seminal Weakness,lnvoluutory Seminal Loases, Impotöncy, Mental"1 Fhysical lucapacity, IinpedimenU to Mariis'1' etc, ; also, Couuumption, Epïlepsy and Fits, icduced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagant, 4c. BiTI'ricp, ia a scalcd envtlope, only pix ceuti. 'l'he celebrated authur, in this admirable Es?' ïlearly demonutrates, from a thirty yearu' auocful practice, that the alarming conöequcnces of aelf abuse may beradically cured without thedaO' LítTouh use of ïniernal medicine or thu applicatiün f the knife ; pointing out a mude of cure At od limpie, certuin, and effect ual, by mpanv of whio1 svery sxiffprf r, no matter "whnt hia condition niT öe. may oure himself cheaply, ptivately andnMÍ j ■clly. This lecture ahould be in the hands of ever? routh and every man in tbe land. bent under seal, in a platn envelope, to any Iress, pust-pHÏd, on receipt of six cents or t' wstaee stamps. Address the Publishers, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL (U, 41 Ann Street. N.Y. Post Offlie Box, 458G. 16:M3yl THE ENEMYOFDISEASE! THE FOE OF PAiN TO MAN AND BEAST. I (Uc Grand Old MUSTANG LINIMENT Which haB stood tue test of forty yean. There is no Sore lt will not lienl, no LameneM I UI not cure, no Ache, no Pain tliat athsctt tM muña Uody. or th Body 01 a or otherw t-rttic animal, thut doea not yitld to its ma?'uch. A bottle costina 25c, óllo, or Jl.OU. hw " n saved the life of a human being, and rtitol-1 o Ufe and usef ulnesfc inanï a valuablb hortte. t1k.Vduy at home. Agent wantd. OutJ 1 1 L and term fre&TaUE 00., AuguU, ■


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Michigan Argus