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jgSOTÏSS DIRECTORY. íuTÑALD MACJLEAN, M. I., Physician and I) gurgeon. Office and residence, 71 Huron street, in Arbor. Üliice houra from 8 to 9 a. ni. and froni ioSpm. -,t' J. TIEKDMAN, M. D., Physician and Sur , geon. Office, ?outh.west corner Main and fluroa streets. lleeidence, 4fl South State Btreet. Qj&co kours from 10 to 12 a. ni. and 2 to 4= p. nu LK. McFARLiND, Surgïeal and Mechan, ical Deutist, corner of Main and Huron ,treet3 (fa-cksou's old stand.) Great pains takeu in il (ftieratious entnisted to my care PriceB to suit kptimes. All work warranted. Teetli extracted itUout pain. Office hours: 8 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6 n.F..; 7 to8:36 p: m. íiH. JACKSON, Dentist. Office corner of y , Maiu aud Washington etreete, over Bach & bel's store, Anu Arbor, Mieh. Anesthetics adminrtered if required. EOGENB K. FRÜEAUFF, Attorney at Law, Xotary Public, and Commissiouer of Deeds [or Peunsylvania. Consultation in the Germán or ■nziisb lauguage. Oflice in Kinsey and Seabolt's Bloeit, Washington St., Ann Arbor. FRANK E. YOÜ1SG, Attorney and Counselor at Iaw Siilicitor in Chancery, General Conveyancer, m NoUry Public. Office with John N. Gott. Abstracts of titlr carefully oomplied. 1620 ECliARK, Justioe of tho Peace, Notary Pnbt lic and Conveyancer. Wïll loan xuoney for othtTË on real estáte security. Office over No, 8 Hurón Btreet, Anu Arbor, Mlch. ïtTINES & WORDEN, 20 South Main ötreet, '}fj Anu Arbor, Mich., wholeaale and retail dealers m Dry Goods, Carpeta and Groceriee. MACK & SCHMID, dealers in Dry Goode, Groceiies, Crockery, etc., No. 54 South Main BA CM & ABEL, dealers in Dry Goods, Groceripf, etc., No. 20 South Main street, Aun Arbor, Miriu YI7"M WA6NER, dealer in Ready-Made ClothfY ing, Clobhs, Cassimeres, Vestinge, Trunke, Carpet Bags, tc.,21 South Main street. JFKEDEKICK SCHAKBEBI.E;, teacher of , tbe PIANO, VIOLÏN AND GÜ1TAR. iieaiAeace southeast corner Main and Liberty píreets. Aun Arbor, Mich. NOAH W. OHEEVEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OJlico eaíít side of Court House Sqilare, Ann ■Arbor, Midi. JOHN L. BURLE IGH, Aftornev and Counselor at Law, Jfo. 2i BanL Block, second floor, AS f ABBOlt, - - MICHIGAN. HENRY R. HILL, ATVORNEY AT LAW, And Dealer in Real Estáte. Office, No 3 Onera Houte Ii'ock, ANN ABBOR. JEyjSRYBODY SAYS TEAT REVENAUCH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 Sast Huron Street, up-stairs. A. 33. WINSLOW, 32 East Huron Street, DEALER IN PiCÏURE FRAMES, BRACKETS AND YIOLIN SI RIK OS. J. H. NICKEL8, FKESH & SALT MEATS, Hains, Sausttgps, Larri, etc., STATE STREET, OPPOStTE NORTHWEST CORNER OF ÜNIVEESIIY CAMPUS. Orders promptly ñlled. Farmers baving meats lo Bell ahould give Mm a cali. 1568-j'I SIIANAHAN & BIIOKAW Have oponed a Mcat Markct 011 orl h Main SI., ïtrec doors north of Hall k 'Marble's, whcrc will b licpt a f nll lineof ïrcsli and Salt Ment. i, Smoked Ham, .Vrttfswjc, Istirdj etc. A'l crdcra proraptly filled. 6ml618 THE ANN AEBOR SAVÏNGS BANK Aun .Vrbor, Michigan. Ilpceives deposita of One Dollar and upwards and allows Five per cent, interest on all deposita refliaiuing three nionths or longer. NTEKEST COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNDALLY. Also, buys and sella U. K. BondB, Gold, Silverand 'oterest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chigo Exeliangc. Also solls SiRht Drafts on Great Britain, Ireland, Cermany, or any other part of the European Coninent. This Bank is organized under the General Bank 'B Law of tlm St de. The stockbolders are indlilually Hablo to the amount of their stock, and tile whole capital is pecurity for depoBitors, while t;i Banks of issue the capital is iuvested íor the ccurity of bill-holders. This fuct makes this Iosütution a very safe deposit of moneys. Murried 'Wonien can deposit subject to their own drafts only, Money to toan on Approved SecurMea. I Dirkctors- R. A. Beal, C. Mack, W. D. Harrin, w. Deubel, W. W. Wines, D. Hiecock, W. B. SlDithi -o i n. f ., I OFFICEKS : t;. Mack, Prest. W. W. Wines, Vice-Pres't. C. E. Hiscock, Cashier. EBERBACII & SON, Druiste ut Planos, (2 South Main St., ■ pí on hand a largo au tl well selectetl etock of drugs, medicines, chemicals, dye stuffs, few & WAÏ FLOWER MATERIALS ToMol Articie, Trusses, Bte. rüRE mniS AND LIQUORS, t plaid ín Uic f uruiKhing of Phy' ■'■uu, Cbeuiiati, S Jipo 8, etc., Mith JPíiilosopUical OUemlo! Ap:iratu8, üihemlou Chemipsl f)Uiwre, Porcelttia Ware Pure Reagent, etc, 'yiciaiin' prsorlpiiaiiM i'iroíiulv M8Pi'8'i l ■


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Michigan Argus