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Probable Effects Of The War

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Tliougli our commercial relations with the two belligerents are coinparatively insignificant, the clash of arma in the Bast cannot btit have an immediate and coiikidetablp bealing upon American commerce. Of late yeaB Russia, and Turkey and her appanages, have fimtished England and the Continent- principally England- -w'itll na yeMe yearly supply of grain, amounting in tliü ngsregate to about 45,000,000 bushels. This stipply will not only be cut off, but the two belligeientB, witli probably together not less thah 1,500,000 men in the field to feed, will be constantly la th market as buyers of grain and provisions. Anygïaiü Aeñtí itmey in Europe, arising froiti war or other dattSè, inst be stmitinlly supplied frota the umtea Stiltes. Owiug to a peííccted system ot ohoap rail and water transportaron from tiic graill-gfowing district )f tlie West to the Atlantic seftböard, American gram has of late years steadily croivded llussian coreáis from Britisn markets. In the present instanco no otlier graingrowing country can successfully compete with us in" supplying an exteaordinary demand for breadstuffs for military consnmptiou. This enlarged export of grain and proYisions pvomises more money to our agricultnral classes, mcreased activity to railroad busines, and a probable revival to some other branches of industry. The sending abroad of dressed mea and live stock, which has grown so rapidlv during the last titeen months, wffl be increased by the Turkish-Kussinn war As yet there is uo demand lor fresh beef pon the Continent, but it is understood that seyeral gpeoulatora are now abroad with the intcution of inteoducing it;' and wo have heard that tne Germán steamers wijl soon be ñtted up with refrigerators for the export oi' fresh beef the same :ik the English Bteamera now are. The expprtation "'' 1'1''ti'1 me " froM thia country Ig jikoly soon to become a gieaj 'ature oí Qiy igtemftttonw trade -A Sun. 1 Í'


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