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Township Boards Of Health

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For the information ot township omcors and the public generally we give place to the followiug act which lias been passed at tho prcstfut session ot the Legislatura and ordered to take immediate effect : Au Act to amend scctions lö!)2 and 1C93, chapter 46, of the compiled laws of 1871, relative to bo.uds of health and health oflicera in hips. The Veople of the State of Michigan eiiact, That seebona 1892 aud 1(503, ohapter -tü, ot the coinpiled laws of 187 1, be and the sume are hereby so amundod as to read as follows : (16U2.) Skctiox 1. I every tovvnship tl 10 towuship board shall be the board of health. The supervisor shall be the president, and the towuship clerk shall De the cierk ot said board. The clerk shall keep a record of tho proeccUings of the board iu a book to be provided lor that purpose at the expenso of the towuship. (1693.) Skc. 2. Every township board of health Bhall appoint and oonstantly havo a health officer of the township who shall where practicable, be a physiuian and sanitary advisur, and an' executive oflicer of tho board ; Providedf That in towuships where it is not practicable to secure the services of a well educated and suitable physician, tho board may appoint the supervisor or some othor xerson as such health offlcer, Thu board of health shall establish lus salary or other compensation, and shall regúlate and audit all fees and charges of peraons employed by thom iu the execution of the health laws and of thoir own regttlations. Within thirty daya after the annual township meeting in each yoar tho board of heallh shall meet lor the trauaaotioó of business and shall appoint or reappoint a health oñicar, and shall immediately cmiso to be transmitted to th" tary of tho Stato Uoard of Health, at Lansing, tho full name and postoffioa address oí such ofílcer, and a statement whether he is a physician, the supervisor, or some othor persou not a physician. A special meebuig of tho b'jard may be called by the order of the president or of ány two members of said boai I. Sec. 3. This act shall tako immediate affect. Approved April 20, 1877. Tho Secretary of Stato has sent blanks to the proper tovvnship ofueers on which to inake the return or report provided for. The Deiaocrats have a cloar inajority of more tban 2,500,000 in the popular vote of the country, ftnd would be great fools to throw it away and dissolvo thuir organization niorely bocause a Itepublioan Vresident is found who has sorae regard for hU outh and the Constitution. - Mcmphix Ledger, Dein. The veterans of tho old Fourth Michgan liii'antiy are working to secure funda to erect a monument lo the iiieuaory of Col. Woodbury.


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Michigan Argus