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-A good job of work has been done on IIujon street botween State and Fourth streets. - Ypsilauti is to have an amended or reyiaed charter. The Governor has approved the Wil. - A bil! ainending the charter of the villsge of Saline has passed both branches of the Legislature. _ That day potatoes retailed at 12 a bushei Kearney & Cropsey didn't have any. Draw vour owu conclusious. - Gov. Croswell lias approved the actprovidingfor, or autuorizing the formatiou of a milirry company at Dexter. - L. D. James, of Williaaisburg, Mass., son of the late Enoch James, of this city, is in urn looking after his property. -Sidney Derby, of Ypsilauti, brother of j[ra. Lorenzo Davis, died very suddeuly of teurt desease Wednesday last. -W. H. Hawkins, of Ypsilanti, has bought of Xathau Mills, of Orange Co., K". Y., a fouryear oíd stallion by Imperial, for ' f 1,000. - A striug of red ribbons occupied the place of a removed saloou sign on Detroit street a few days ago, " Strawa show," &c. -Jas. J. Parshall, of this city, has set out tbis spring, on his farm east of the city, 3,200 peacli trees and a large number of apple trees. -Ypsilanti and Manchester lawyers are adjertising reduced rates for drawing deeds, mortgages, etc, whish looks like a basted "fee bil!." - - That iion mine bas agftin beeu discovered : His timo on the farm oi ïimothy Fohey in jiorthfield. Hope it will prove satisfactory ïhen he explores it. - Giles B. Stebbms, of Detroit, will address the Reform Club on Sunday afteruoon at the Opera House. Mr. S. is a speaker of known bility. - Jortin Forbes, Esq., oí Saline, undersheriff ml jailor uuder Sheriff Webb, now sports a pair of new golden bowed spectacles : a present frooi his ISible class. - But one arrest was made by tlie pólice in April,- a straggliug d. d. Are the red ribbon boys to slaughter legitímate busiuess in this ffay much longer ? We hope so. - On the ürst page of this AE0U3 the reader will fiud a well executed "War Map," on which to trace the movements of the belligoreut arraies on and near the Danube. -We are iudebted to James Vick, Roehester's popular florist, for a piükage of bulbs. Vick meaus that all editors' wive's shall have abountiful supply of beautiful flowers. -The last published statement of the First N'ational Bank of Ypsilanti nhowed deposits, (166,166.16 ; loans and discounts, $166,343.86 ; notes outstanding (circulation), $63,600. - Edward Donovan of '76, and U-eorge O.' Comstock and Wiüiam H. Lightuer of '77, have been oriered to report for service in the Lake Survey party for the current year. - Tuesday uext : that is the day the architects will come down upou the Court House Building Committee like an army with baniieis, - the banuers beiug " picturs " and plans. - Remember Frot. Langley will exhibit the Telephone and a new and powerf ui electrical machine before the Aun Arbor Scieutific Association in the medical lecture room this evemng. -In the match game of foot-balf played on Saturday last between the sophomores and ireshmeu the sophs were the victors by a score of i to 2. Tuis was uuderstood to be the last game between the two classes. - tMiss Mary D. Sheldon, whp graduated froin the University, in the class of 1874, with honor to herself aud the class. has been appointed Professor of Liturature in Wollesley College, Massichusetts. - Judge B. J. Biilings, one of the most ammeiit business men and citizons of Jackflu, died ou ïhuvsJay of last w-eek, iu the "(ith year of his age. The deceased was the father oi B. J. Billiugs, ot the Laünaid House in this city. -The Ypsikiuti Commercial pitches iuto Kegent Cutcheon meat-ax fashion : Lucause he voted at the reuent meeting " iu deference to the reouimüiidations of the committtee of the Legislature," but not in accordauce with hisown udgment. - The repoited resignation ot Rjgmit Eitabrook is authoritatively soutradicted. A desperate altompt was made to bull-doze him, but he said "get you buhiud me Satan." Resu't: the appropriatiou for a mw Normal School building hangs fire. -Edward Walter, iather of ttrs. B. P. Crane, ot this city, and who for several years íesided here with his son, Prof. E. L. Walter, died at tlio rosidence of a sou in üaklaud, Cal., on Monday last, aged about 80 years. He was just about to return to this State. - This afteruoon, at 4 o'clock, Prof. Adams will give a second lecture on " The Easteru Queation and the Immediate Causea of the Russo-Turkiah war." The first lecture, given lastFriday, was largely atteuded and wellipoken of. The lecture will be giveu in the Uw lecture room. - An eight pound girl : that is wbat is scorecl to ths credit of Prof. and Mrs. Ben Burt, of Terre Haute, Ind., both University graduates of the class of '7-3. This is annouuced as the first child whose parents are both enrolled in the ranks of the alumni. It is verily a f ullblooded University grand-daughter. - Thos. M. Morris and wife, nee Loomis, are visitmg iu this city, and are welcomed by rany fneuds. Tom now resides in Virginia, on the Potomao below Washington, and manHes the landeJ, lumber, and rdilroad interests of Jesse Hoyt, a capitalist well-knowu in this State, especially in the Saginaw Valley. - Judge Beakes has replaced the watcli that ffm. Burke had spoiled while arresting that nioiway horse last week, with a fine new one, of the American Watch Company's manufac''re. Burke declined the watcb at first. but the Judge assured hiui that he should consider i's personal affront unlcss he accepted it. -Ex-Recorder Kiutuer left on Tuesday for tigden, Utah, whcre he will oiu the topographical and geological surveying party of Lieut. Wheeler, U. S. A. Mr. Kintner gradMted from the Universiqy fn 1870, and for considerable time since has assisted Prof. Watn in his astronomical calcuiations aud tables. - A bad example : that set by the Mayor o haring the rubbish wheoled irom his door and wood yard into the street and there burn"i. Carting away would have been the better and neater method ot disposiug of it, and the olfactories of the neighbors and passers by would have been saved a multiphcity of odors. -Last Friday the horse of J. F. Schuh be"ne fnghtened by the wind blowing a blanket over his head, and dashed down street at a?:40 speed. Jake says the body of his delivery wagon was considerably demolished, - converted iuto kindling wood, -and that the hivrnass was torn luto a thousand pieces. (iuess he did n't count thera. - Hurón Firo Company now has the follow'og officers, elected at the meeting on WednesUiy evening of last week : Foreman, M. M. Seaboit; lst Assistant, A. (Jretton ; 2d, Thos. Bailey; 3d, (ieorge Kellettj Secretary, Daniel Donovan ; Treasurer, Eli S. Manly ; Steward, James Godden ; Wardens, Hiram Stormi, Gec. Davis, D. S. Millen, Stephen Moore. -Our serious-minded friend of the Dexter leader gets off the following " good one " on one ot our well-known local attorneys, who is lust now trying to dispose of a brewery which a cliënt has been compelled to take on a mortgage, and which has not been in opera'ion irora a date long before the rod ribbon movement : " We notice that Mr. Outt, an Ann Arbor brewer, wishes to sell out. His baüdings cost 815,000, but he will sell for ♦6,500. Bod ribbons too plenty, prohably." - J. F. Schaeberle, ons of the bost raus ciana and most popular instrumental mus teachers in thia city, has been appoiuted Pro fessor of Music in Linden Hall Youug Ladie Seminary at Lititz, Lancaster County, Pa., an will euter upon duty Sept. 1, Bucceeding Pro Speigler, decea9ed. The institution was found ed iu 1798 by the Momviana, aud is still nader their charge. -Was Harry M. Leighton, " Manager," who put in his appearance here a fortnight ago, engaged the Opera House, and advertised Daly's Comedy Company (from 6th avenue, N. Y.), for Monday and ïuesday eveniugs of this week, a f raud ? No Comedy Compauy came, aud no excuse, so far aa we know, for the swiudle perpetrated upon our newspapors and their readers, has been made. - The new Red Kibbon Reform Club, at Manchester, isoflicered as follows : President, J.H. Kingsley; Secretary, Will. G-. Stowell; Tieasurer, C. W. Case. The cuililren have an orgauization of Cadets, with officers : dent, Mrs. G. E. Palmer ; Vice-President, Chas. Lyon; Secrectary, Lina Campbell ; Treasurer George Smith ; First Marshal, James Builoy , Second Marshal, Luther Merriman' - We are in receipt of " Pettengill'a Newspaper Directory and Advertiser's HandBook tor 1877,'' a oonveuiently arranged and handsomelyprinted volume of 37(3 pages, contaimng lista of 8,574 publicatioua, locations, names of publishers, ciioulation. charaoter, etc. Advertisers will fiud it a valuable woric. Pnoe il. Address S. M. Petteugill & Co., New York. - A new time card will be put in oporatiou on the Michigan Central Bailroad next Sunday. Aent Sharpleas advises us of the followiug changes, which please make a nutu of or misa your traiu : Grand Rápida Express will go east at 10:50 A. M., aud the Day Express at 5:07 p. JL. Tho Day Express will go west at 10:50 a. m., and tlie i'acifio Express ut 11:21 p. m. - A few days ago an assigiiinent of a mortgage was raceived for reouid at the Eegister's office in this city, the paity executing the same and the Notary taking the acknowledgment being one and the same peraon, and that per8on a gradúate of the Law Department of thls Uuiversity and a membpr of the B,r of this County. That certifícate of acknowledgment was evidently true - if not legal. - Dr. Thoodore A. Folch, son of ex-Gov Felch of this city, a gvaduate of the Literary department of the Uuiversity, class of 1871, aud of the Detroit Medical College, has gone to the Black Hills, to practica lus profession, doal in drugs, and speculate. So the Ühroniicle says. Theodore has been somothiug ol a "rolling stoue," bat he will find his placo one oí thesa days and settle down to business - The house of Patrick Corr, on Fourth streot, near the A. M. E. Chuich, was burned at about the hour of midnight on Monday. Bat a small part ot the iurmture was saved, Mr. Corr waking barely in time to save lus children. The house was valued at $1,500 and there was ?900 iusurance on it, and $100 insurauce on furniture. The loss falls heavily upou an iudustnous aud hard-working citizen - The annual meeting oï the Students' Lecture Association was held on Satuiday iust and the foilowing otHcers elected for tha ensumg year: President, H. B. Wamsley, Huntertown, Ind.: Vice-President, Henry W. Ashley, Toledo, Ohio ; Corresponding Secretary, William H. Butts, Aun Arbor; Kecordiug Secretary, Frank D. Mead, Aun Arbor ; Treasurer, J. J. fiead, Blackborry, 111.; Asst. Trcasnrer, Chauncey F. Cook, Hillsdale; Conimitteemen - junior class, J. H. Edwards, Dixon, 111.; sophomore class, EJwin W. Jenney, Chicago, 111.; freshman class, Frank H. Osborn, Niles.


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