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Doings Of The Common Council

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The Counoil mat in regular session on Mon day evening, with a íull attendance of tho members. FETITI0N3. ÜÍ Goorge Grenville aud olliers, lor eraotiou of a pump ia well on south side of the Cour House square. Referred to Street Oominitiee Of J. A. Polheinus aud othors, ior protection agaimt farmers and others trom running wagons, Sc , for couveyin: passengere on all public occasions. To l'oliee Oommittee. Of Henry Krnuso and others, for building of stnne bridge over Allen's civek on Firat streat,. To Slreet Uoramittee. Of N. W. Chuuver and othera, for construction of sidewalk on eat side ot Fourth atteet, betweeu Huijn and Anu streets. To Sidewalk Gomnuttee. Of John Wj Gott and others, for building of stone bridge over west brauch of Allen's creek, on West Huron street, and also for graveling and improving of West Hurou street. To Street Committee. Ot W. E. Walker and others, for building f stone oulvei't. aaioinmg stone bridge over Alleu's crt'ek on Miilor Avenue. To Stroet Committee. Of A. R. Hammond and otliera, remonstraing against the extensión of Monroe street to Washtenaw avenue, and asking a reconsideraion of foriner actiou of Couucil orderiug such extensión. To Street Committee. Ol Itachol Smith and others, for coiistrucion of sidewalk on west sido oí Tliayer street, north from Lawrence street. To Sidewalk Committee. Oí W, Tremaiu, for completion of sidewalk n uorth sida of Lawreuce street. To Sidewalk Committee. Of E. Olney, for permission to obtain sods rom a ütreot in Sixtli ward. To Aldermen of vxth Ward. OOMMUNIOATIONS. Froui Fire Department, roportiug uanies of officers elected for ensumg year, und aaking their confina ation. Confirmad. From Chiet Eagineer, askiug for suutlry ímproveinents for beneüt of fire department, iucludmg the purchaBe of a 200 pound bell for Fifth ward engine house, tlie raising to a higher positiou th bell in the tower at Firemens' Hall, and the parchase of some equipmeut for the hook aud ladder coropany. To General Fund Cuinmittee. From Boaid of Health, subrmttiug their animal report, for the year 1S76. Placed ou file. FKO THK MAYOR. ïhe Mayor urged the necessity of promptly Uisposing of all rhatters coming before the Counoil, auil to prevent an indefinita drag of any business. Called attention to the unsettled matter against S. M. Webster, and asked that sume steps be tukun to bnug the case to a speedy settlement. Conaidered the gutter aloug the south side of Hurón street, between Maiu aud Fourth streets, during a purtiou 01 the year, a nuisauee, aud wished soma action ' takeu for the repaving of the same. The footbridge between the raüroad depot and Huronriver he eonsidered not only dangerous for pedestnans but a disgrace to that part of the city,, and advised that iinmediate steps ba takeu for the rebuilding of the saine - by the owneis oí the property if hable, if uot then by the cityHe had directed the Treasurer and Recorder to present uiouthly statements of the condiliou of the funds aud the uuiount of warrauts ilrtwn on the same. The Mayor designated the followiug persons to constitute the Board of Health for the ensuinf year : Dr. John Kapp, Dr. Wülard B. Smith, and Dr. D. M. Tyler. He aiso dosignated Aldermen Bower and Cate to act with himself as the Liceuse Cominitteo. EEPOETS OP COMMITTEES. Financè- Keported Bettlement with Treasurer for past year, find his accouuts correct and following ainouut iu his hands, April 26 : Genei al fuud, Y735.86; street fuud, $160.S0; outingent, $688.53; cemetery, f13.38; fireen, 5.00; lst ward, $16.98; 2d ward, f 86.97; d ward, $59.50 ; 4th ward. $7-75 ; óth ward, 141.06; Oth ward, 251.37. Total, 12,165.70. Also by same, list of bilis audited againet ie severat fuuds for the followiug amou ais : Geueial iund, 222 2ó ; street, $147.89 ; 2d unJ, f6 7ÖS 3d ward, $243.74; 4th vrard, óy UI ; Bi li ward, $12.88; City cemetery Eund th w.trdj, $2 00 ; contingent fund, $33'.39; iremeu's fund, (97 a $5.00 each), 1485,00; t ota], 1,515.41. Also by saine, coinmunication and bilL for rvices from ex-Marshal Herrón, without, recmmeudaüou. Laid on the tabie. Bill oi Aid. Cate, for special services, "was eieired baoü to comuiittee fur f urthtjr iniTcsgation. ISidt'ivallis - Recomnienduig the buildimg of sidewalk on west side of Second street, beween Liberty and William streets. Adoptad. Special - By Aid. Cate, in relation to bill of upervisor Krupi for inaking assesament rol!, ported recominending the ullowance of the 11 at 298. The Mayor ruled that the report was not in rder, that the committee having been coustiuted bv the late Couucil ita duties ceased with ie expiration of that body and cannot be onsidered any part of the work of the present Couucil. On mot ion, the claim was referred to a. comittee composed of the same iuembers as beore - Aldermeu Cate and Besimtr. FEOM CITY OFFI0EE8. The Marshal submitted report for Apiil : umber of arrests, 1- for druuk aud disorder' couduct. Aniount of saloou licenses colected during nionth, $281.19. Amouut due n saloon liceuses, f 126 - from G. F. Bisehoff, 50; G. Schaible, 50 ; Wm. H. Lewisr r2&. ischoff has discontinued business, and a. suit ïas been commenced against Schaible. Amuut of relief disbursed among the poor o! the overal wards, is as follows : lst ward, $12 .63 ; econd, $24X8 ; Third, $17.19 ; Fourth, 45.l3 ; ifth, Í15.22 ; Six tn, 6.42. Total, $120.30. The City Attoruey asked for instractiona relativo to the prosecution of cnsea tbr collectiou of ealoon licenses wherü the parties discontinue the business, stating that he shoiüd consider it his duty to briug suit iu alf cases uuless othorwise directed by the Council. By Aid. Page, tbat the City Attorney lie directed not to prosecute Gottlieb F. Biscbüfi to collect saloon license, he having discontíjiued the business, so long as ho sliall remain oiutof the business. Carried. MI9CELLANE0US. By Aid, Cate, that the sidewalk waiTasts heretofore ordered against the property of P. Wall and Z. Pulcipher, if deemed advi Babie, upon examination by the Mayor and Kiecorder, shall be renewed. Carried. By Aid. Cate, that the matter of ope aing High Btreet be reterred to City Attorney with. power to act. Carried. By Aid. Gott, that a committee, consistingof the Mayor, Recorder, aud Aid, Rogers, be appoiuted to act with the City Attorney to take mto consideration the matter of issaingthe bonds voted to aid iu the building ot the nevv Court House. Carried. By Aid. McDonald, that the committeo appointed by late Council to take iutoconsiideration the matter of exteuding Kast Huron. street to the Observatory grounds, be reappointed by this Couucil. Carried. By Aid. Gott, that the matter of a sidswulk: betweeu the railroad depot and the river bt referred to the City Attoruey, to report what steps are necessary to cause tho rebuilding of said walk. Carrisi. By Aid. Page, that the obligators. of tho bond of indemnity heretoíore oxecutoá be authorized to pronecute, in the name of he city, the slaughter house cuse to a lina! decisión in the Suprema Court. Lost- ayes, Aldermen Gott, Spragüe, Page, and Woodruft'; uays, Aldermeu Cate, Besluier, áchinid, Bower, Kyer, Rogers, McDonald, ürtman, tbe Mayor, and Recorder. By Aid. Cate, that tha Ooancil njake no pointmenta of Street CommissiouerB for the present year. Carried. By AM. Cate, that the matter of temovina street garbage ba left to discretion of htriet Oommittee. Carried. The bond of A. A. Terry, City Treaurer, in the aam of $80,000, with Aretus Duim, W. MoCreery, Geo. W. Moore, W. D. Harriman, C. Mack, O. H. Worden, W. W. Wiues, David Rinsey, anrt Jas. B. Gott as sureties, was presented, accepted, and ordered placed on file. The bond of Recorder Seyler, in the sum of $500, with E. Lawreuce and C. Mack as suretiess, was presentid, accepted, and ordered deposited with the Treasurer. Bond of Marshal Johnson, in the sum of f500, with D. Hiscock and Chas. Spoor as sureties, was received, acoepted, and ordered placed on file. Tb bond of Thomas Clarkeu, Constable, in the Bum of töOO, with Geo. Clarken and Chas. Kitson as sureties, was alao accepted and ordered placed on file. By Aid. Cata, the appointmeut of John W. Maroney as policeman be confirmed. Carried. Adjonrnod to Monday evemiig, May 21.


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